I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 260 Chapter 261 Ah Fei: Please give me face

It was as if the wrath of the gods burned the city of Sodom, and the showers of sparks rushed to the sky one after another, boiling the gray clouds, and the fire illuminated the entire city of Sapporo.

Ignite the large amount of toad oil spewed out by the large toad psychic beast with amazing lung capacity, adding fuel to the fire, the powerful combination of fire escape ninjutsu, the fire escape toad oil flame bomb, the attack range is beyond imagination.

The sea of ​​flames covering the city of Sapporo cannot be fully captured even by satellite images.

"Even if an entire bomber formation continuously bombs with gasoline bombs, it can't compare to this range and power." Some people saw cold sweat on their foreheads.

Fortunately, after the successive battles between Itachi Uchiha and Orochi Yamata, the Sapporo City Government organized the evacuation of the nearby residents in a hurry, and all the survivors had gone to seek refuge, otherwise it would be unimaginable how tragic the consequences would be.

These transcendents who came across the border were as strong as monsters.

No, they are simply monsters in human skin!

"It's no wonder that they dared to attack the two members of the Xiao organization together. This wave of massive flames is beyond the reach of human beings."

The chief police officer looked solemn: "He summoned this huge frog, it really is the Toad Immortal Ziraiya from Mt. Miaomu!"

"What, Immortal? Ziraiya?"

"I seem to have heard of it."

"When did the Metropolitan Police Department collect the information of this fairy toad? Director, tell us quickly."

Although someone has a higher position than the police chief, he is not as familiar with the situation as the police chief who directly deals with supernatural incidents, so he hurriedly urged.

The police chief also felt a bit of a headache.

"Everyone, I boldly deduce the real body of the Miaomu Mountain Immortal from my careful textual research in "Er Lei Ye Heroes Tan"..."

At this time, Professor Changshan, who was very expressive, stepped forward and peddled his set of assumptions that the toad fairy Ziraiya was the prototype of the protagonist Er Lei Ye in the novel "Er Lei Ye Heroes" two hundred years ago.

"Jokes are not nonsense, and adaptations are not random compilations. When Meitu Yuanxiaoyan created the novel, it may be based on his personal experience of going to Mount Miaomu."

Professor Chang Shan's words stunned all the dignitaries.

Those who are quick-witted are already planning to arrange for the secretary to buy a copy.

There is a further step, thinking about how to build a relationship with this toad fairy. I don't know if he has any shrines in Japan that need to be repaired, and he is not interested in sesame oil money.

The police chief was also happy that Professor Changshan came to dismiss this group of people, so that he could concentrate on the situation on the scene.

"Although Immortal Toad's fire spell is very powerful, can it really burn the two members of the Akatsuki organization to death? I remember that itachi is also a superhuman who is very good at using flames in the file records."

Suddenly, in the sea of ​​flames formed by raging red flames, a streak of black leaped up to the sky incomparably conspicuously.


Compared with the sea of ​​flames formed by the toad oil bombs covering the sky and covering the sun, the black Amaterasu fire only occupies a corner, but its majestic momentum is enough to compete with it, or even surpass it!

"Okay, that's amazing! The black flames swallowed the flames spit out by Immortal Toad!"

Amaterasu will not disappear until it burns the captured target, even if the target is a flame.

A beam of black flames tore apart the sea of ​​flames and flew towards Jiraiya who was standing on Ha Toad's head.

Toad Hiroshi raised a huge arm, and the webbed palm covered Jiraiya.


The black Amaterasu fire spread across the head and covered the face, covering half of Toad Guangxiao's body in the blink of an eye.

At the critical moment, Toad Guang raised his hind legs and pawed at his body, and the golden cicada shed its shell and shed half of the frog's skin.

Before the molted frog skin fell to the ground, it was turned into ashes by Amaterasu.

"I learned this trick from Orochimaru. If it weren't for the toads that would shed their skin, I'm afraid it would be dangerous."

Jiraiya's eyes flashed, and he murmured.

"Those kaleidoscopes, first look at the target you want to burn, and then adjust the focus, you can directly burn it to ashes at the point of view. It's really tricky! With such a big body, it will only become a living target if you stay here."

Jiraiya clasped his hands together, dispelling the psychic spell, and the toad exploded into a cloud of smoke.

"Where is Orochimaru? Was it burned to death?"

The police chief inspected the big screen back and forth. Between Uchiha Itachi and Jiraiya, there were large areas of red flames and clusters of black Amaterasu fires, and Orochimaru had disappeared.

Although he really hoped that Orochimaru would leave the scene like this, but the police director had a vague premonition in his heart that it was not that simple.

The next moment, the ground under Jiraiya's feet cracked directly, and two palms grabbed Jiraiya's ankles and pulled them down, and his feet sank into the soil.

Orochimaru's head suddenly drilled out of the ground, and opened its mouth to spit out a poisonous snake as thick as an arm. It elongated its body and opened its mouth, biting towards Jiraiya's throat unexpectedly.

Jiraiya quickly raised his arms and placed them in front of him.


The poisonous snake bit Jiraiya's elbow, and it was immediately dripping with blood.

"Hehehe, it's only one step away. I wanted to bite your throat off."

The poisonous snake in his mouth bit Jiraiya's elbow, Orochimaru said vaguely.

"Oshemaru, you really are hiding underground, the dark and damp place really matches your personality." Jiraiya said without changing his expression.

"If you want to be stubborn, you can only take advantage of it now! Now you can't move, and I will stab you to death."

Another snake crawled out of Dashewan's mouth, the snake kissed it, and spit out a sharp blade.

"Go to hell!"

The poisonous snake that spat out its blade raised its head, as if it was about to pierce Jiraiya's body.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi's figure wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe flew into the air like a falcon, with ribs and a skeleton arm appearing on his body.

Susanoo's initial form.

"Wait, Itachi! I'm still..."

Uchiha Itachi turned a deaf ear to it, Susanoku's fist tore through the air, made a loud bang, and punched Jiraiya and Orochimaru who were entangled together.

Seeing that they were about to blow the two of them apart with one punch, a figure suddenly appeared beside Susano with incredible speed.


Like playing baseball, one punch sent Susanoo flying dozens of meters away.

"A woman?"

Everyone in the conference room opened their eyes wide.

On the screen, I saw a beautiful woman wearing a loose sleeveless top similar to a kimono, with pink lips, white skin, light yellow hair combed into a large ponytail, and a diamond-shaped purple mark on her forehead.

Although her face looks only in her twenties, she is young and juicy, but she has a bumpy figure and mature temperament that do not match her face, making her real age a mystery.

"A Transcendent who has never been registered is the first female Transcendent discovered!"

So far, among the Transcendents who came across the border, Xiao Organization, Master Di Lu, and Immortal Toad have all been gentlemen since then, and it is inevitable that the sun will rise and fall.

If it weren't for the fact that Mineko Yuki was among the new superhumans, the expert group of the Metropolitan Police Department might have set up a project to analyze whether women are superhuman insulators.

"Jiraiya, Orochimaru...Could it be, this woman is Tsunade Hime!" The police chief blurted out with a flash of inspiration.

The police chief listed "Er Lei Ye Hero Story" as a must-read for the fourth search lesson. Of course, he took the time to read it several times. Naturally, he knew that the heroine of the hero story was Er Lei Ye's wife, Princess Tsunade.

"It's too young, she looks as old as my granddaughter."

After thinking about it, if Jiraiya and Dashemaru are really the prototypes of the characters in "Er Lei Ye Heroes", then they are almost two hundred years old.

In two hundred years, mortals have long been turned into a pile of loess, but the two are still alive, and they are only forty or fifty years old.

It is not surprising that female superhumans are more skillful in appearance.

The police chief thought about it, staring closely at the woman on the screen.

What is going on today? Chaofan appeared in Sapporo City like a crowd. It is very worrying to see. The city is already on the verge of collapse, and it can no longer stand the toss of these monsters.

"Tsunade!? Why are you here?"

Orochimaru, whose head was exposed on the surface, looked dazed, with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

After knocking Susano into the air with one punch, Tsunade's face turned cold, and he landed in front of Jiraiya, stepping heavily on the ground.

It hurts!

With a bang, the landslides and the ground cracked, and a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Orochimaru, who was lurking in the ground, immediately revealed his real body, and was shaken by the aftermath of the strange force. The poisonous snake in his hands and mouth didn't care about restraining Ziraiya, and his body backed away.

Taking advantage of the victory, Tsunade pursued and punched Orochimaru in the face.

A small fist roared and made a violent sound of piercing the air, just listening to the sound of the wind is no small matter.

"Hiss, damn it!"

Orochimaru turned his soft boneless neck, swung his head to relieve the force, and was not hit head-on by this punch.

But Tsunade's strange power was really terrifying, Orochimaru's cheek was just rubbed by a fist, as if it was a garbage bag caught in a storm, spinning and flying out.

"Thanks, Tsunade! But can you be more careful next time, I'm almost finished."

Zilai also jumped out of the pit in disgrace, rubbed his elbow bitten by the poisonous snake, and complained.

But judging by his expression, Tsunade's appearance seemed to have been expected.

"You are not a person who will fall into such indiscriminate tricks. Could it be that you still take into account the friendship with Orochimaru, so you can't make a killer?" Tsunade said with a beautiful look.

"So you rushed out to save me, hahaha, I'm really sorry to make you care."

Zilai was also flattered, and scratched his hair a little embarrassedly.

"It was just a test just now. I originally wanted to take this opportunity to catch Orochimaru."

The gray-white long hair scattered behind Jiraiya's back changed from a hard knot ready to go back to its original state.


Orochimaru, who was punched flying, climbed up from the rubble. His long neck was twisted like a twist, and he didn't know how many times he was twisted by Tsunade's strength.

Orochimaru stood up straight, turned his head around slowly, looked straight at Jiraiya and Tsunade, stretched out his sticky, slender tongue and licked the wound on his cheek:

"It's still as strange as ever, Tsunade. It seems that you and Jilai have already prepared, and the two of you have joined forces."

During the conversation, Uchiha Itachi returned to the battlefield with a cold expression.

Although the body appears to be intact, Susanoo's ribs have been broken, and the surface is full of cracks.

"The skeleton giant's armor, which is helpless even with missiles, was almost shattered by bare hands. How strong is this woman?!"

Although it was just a few quick shots, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

There is also the landslide-like pit on the ground, which was also stamped out by Tsunade Hime, showing a terrifying and strange power that is not commensurate with her beauty.

How could this be such a beautiful woman, she is a female Tyrannosaurus rex in human form, a lady crane!

"Although she looks like a juicy girl, is she actually Obasan who is older than me?"

Prince Akishino-miya Fumihito behaves frivolously, but he is also an uncle over fifty years old.

Professor Changshan has finished "Er Lei Ye Heroes" in the conference room, introducing the outline of the story, the protagonist and the villain.

"According to the description in "Er Lei Ye Hero Hero Tan", Princess Tsunade's husband is Er Lei Ye. At first, I was a little envious, but now I start to sympathize with Toad Immortal. With such a wife, domestic violence is really going to happen. Human life." Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren made a joke with great interest.

The expressions of the people in the meeting room were different, and for a while, no one came to echo Prince Qiu Xiaogong's cold joke.

"My two punches were not merciful, even Orochimaru, and the Sharingan kid was unharmed."

Tsunade clenched his fists, the joints made a crisp sound, and his tone was somewhat surprised: "Is this Akatsuki? It is worthy of a notorious organization, and its strength is really extraordinary."

"Don't be careless, you also know the strength of Orochimaru. There is also Kaleidoscope Sharingan, which is the legendary eye."

Jilai also stretched out one hand and pressed it on the huge scroll behind his waist, raised one palm upright in front of him, as if he was facing an enemy.

For the Akatsuki organization, the situation is not good.

I thought it was two-on-one, but now it has become two-on-two.

No, it's not even two-on-two.

Uchiha Itachi still has no intention of joining forces with Orochimaru, and it will be a bit difficult to deal with Jiraiya and Tsunade in a mess.

"It's really a rare sight. The legendary three ninjas are gathered together. But the smell of gunpowder is so strong, what's going on? You should get along well with each other."

Seeing that the war was about to break out, the mysterious man wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe and a swirling mask with only his right eye exposed floated in mid-air, and said with a smile:

"Please give me a face, how about stopping it today?"

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