I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 261 Chapter 262 Kabukicho for Jiraiya

"It's Ah Fei from the Akatsuki organization!"

The Police Chief was a little unbelievable, this was the fifth Transcendent who appeared today. In the past, Zhatui, who was so extraordinary that he never saw his head and tail, appeared in Sapporo. Could it be that there is something magical about Sapporo?

And this frequency is too abnormal!

The expert team of the Metropolitan Police Department deduced from the few words of the supernatural beings that there must be some constraints between these monsters, and it is not easy to come across the border.

Could it be that after Feiyue, the doors of the two worlds have gradually opened, so extraordinary people can frequently descend to the realm and interfere with reality?

"Are Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade really from the same school? There are some discrepancies with the description in "Er Lei Ye Heroes", but it is common for folklore to be inaccurate in the spread. It may be a second creation, or it may be Adapted by the author."

The police chief, who had been using lip reading to tell what the supernatural beings were saying, was thoughtful.

The Metropolitan Police Department obtained some testimonies from several ordinary people who were involved in the Mt. .

"However, what do you mean by 'Three Ninjas'?" The police chief frowned.

The Metropolitan Police Department is not surprised that the Toad Immortal is also a ninja, because the setting of "Er Lei is also a hero", the protagonist Er Lei is also the son of the fat queen, and he is a ninja.

"Sannin, it sounds like Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade Hime are called together. It seems that the relationship between the three of them is closer than what we inferred."

Over the ruins of Sapporo City, A Fei wearing a whirlpool mask, as if the feathers fell to the ground without a trace of lightness, greeted very familiarly:

"Jiraiya, Tsunade, you and Orochimaru are disciples of the 'God of Ninja' Sasuke Sarutobi. It should be a long time since we haven't seen each other. It's a rare opportunity. Why don't you hold a class reunion? Let's sit down and talk about it. Wouldn't it be beautiful to be friends and get back together again?"

"Are you kidding me!"

Tsunade Ji Qiao's face turned cold, and cracks appeared on the concrete floor under her feet.

"When we practiced under Sarutobi-sensei, we called Sannin together. The title of Sannin no longer exists after Orochimaru betrayed Sarutobi-sensei."

"That's right, I gave up the title of Sannin a long time ago, I have become an immortal, and now I am the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain."

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru with complicated eyes, and finally gave up the last trace of fetters resolutely, showing a resolute look.

"Oshemaru, you have done too much evil, we are no longer companions. It's time to make a break."

"Companion?" Orochimaru laughed coldly a few times: "Hehehe, it's really chilling..."

"Oh, it seems that there is no way to reunite the three ninjas."

A Fei looked at Orochimaru, then at Jiraiya and Tsunade Hime, the undisguised killing intent on the three of them was agitated to the point that the temperature dropped, he sighed helplessly while holding his forehead.

"It's such a headache. Orochimaru is now a partner of our Akatsuki organization. We can't just watch him get killed by you."

"Hehe, how could I be killed by these two idiots."

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue disapprovingly, licked his cheek and sneered.

"Jiraiya, Princess Tsunade, why don't you look at my face and let us go. For you, now is not the time to start the war."

Ah Fei said with a smile.

"Guy who hides his head and shows his tail, at least take off your mask first, and then say anything about face."

Zilai sneered with disdain.

"And my interest in your Xiao organization is much stronger than that of Orochimaru. I heard that you stole the stone bowl in front of the Buddha from the hands of King Yan Mo, and this time the jade of the dragon head, the legendary five You have almost gathered all the treasures. But there may not be what you want in Penglai's seal, right?"

Ah Fei made a haha, and said perfunctorily:

"As expected of the Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain, the news is very well-informed. But the medicine of immortality must be hidden in Penglai..."

"Don't pretend to be crazy. What you are looking for is not something boring like the elixir of life." Jiraiya said with an intriguing smile on his face.

A Feilu's right eye outside the whirlpool mask flashed a look of surprise, and he took a deep look at Zilaiye with a cold gaze.

"You know a lot more than I thought, Ziraiya. It's just that the more you know, the faster you may die."

"Jiraiya, what are these scumbags talking about so much? Just clean them up in one go!"

"Princess Tsunade's temper is really hot, is it menopause?"

A Fei glanced at Tsunade, and said in a strange way: "But Princess Tsunade's age has already passed this stage. Is it because she can't get married that she is so angry?"

"What did you say?!"

For older single women, marriage and age are untouchable topics.

Anger appeared on Tsunade's beautiful face, and he stomped heavily on the ground, causing a storm on the ground, rubble and rubble flew across, his body flew like a cannonball, and he punched out.

Judging from the strange force that Princess Tsunade used to crush the ground before, the force is even more terrifying than that of a dump truck. As long as one is scratched by a fist, it is either death or injury.

"Through it?"

The police chief's eyes widened, Tsunade Hime's attack seemed to pass through A Fei's body.

In the next second, A Fei with a black background and a red cloud robe appeared more than ten meters away.

No, it didn't pass through, but the gap before being hit by the attack disappeared instantly.

It's just that the speed is too fast, and the image left on the retina makes people mistakenly think that the body has been penetrated.

"Baga! Baga! How could a female tyrannosaurus whose head is full of muscles hit me?"

A Fei raised his hands to the sides of his head and twirled his fingers mockingly, if he wasn't wearing a mask, maybe he could still see the funny expression of winking his eyebrows and sticking out his tongue.

"You bastard!"

The furious Tsunade made a gesture to rush forward, Ah Fei let out a strange cry, and teleported away again on the spot and disappeared.

"Where did this guy go?"

Tsunade retracted his fist resentfully.

"Hahaha, here I am."

Afterwards, A Fei appeared beside Orochimaru, laughing loudly.

"Is the teleportation of the extraordinary used like this?"

The Police Superintendent's face was also a little surprised.

Although Transcendents have always teleported along with the smoke, they only teleported when they appeared and left.

Combining various signs and remarks, there is a guess in the expert group that the transcendent who appears in reality is essentially a projection from the heavens, and the so-called teleportation is just to remove the projection.

In fact, I guessed half of it right. After unlocking the shadow clone, it disappeared. In the eyes of uninformed people, it is indeed the same as teleportation.

According to past experience, the use of teleportation by a supernatural person to disappear is to leave completely, and he will never use teleportation as a means of avoiding attacks with ease like A Fei.

"You two, let's call it a day. Regardless of the time and place, neither of us is ready for a real war, are we?"

A Fei put his hand on Dashewan's shoulder, Dashewan looked at his former companion and smiled coldly.

"I will definitely obtain the art of immortality. See you then, my companion. Hehehe, Tsunade, Ziraiya..."

In the next moment, Orochimaru disappeared in place.

"Okay, it's a standard villain's exit speech."

A Fei clapped his hands and applauded, and then teleported to Uchiha Itachi's side, putting one hand on the latter's shoulder.

"Itachi, do you have anything to say before you leave? Do you want to say something harsh?" A Fei eagerly offered advice.

Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes coldly.

"It's a pity. It seems that there is nothing to say, so I can only send you back like this."

A Fei raised his hand, and Uchiha Itachi's figure disappeared without a trace.

Even though there are satellites in the sky and there are so many drone cameras from different angles on the scene, it is still the same as before, and it is impossible to see what kind of trick the Transcendent's teleportation is.

"Damn it, you bastard!"

Tsunade once again launched a surprise attack on A Fei, and penetrated A Fei's body again without accident.

After Ah Fei teleported, his body floated in mid-air ignoring gravity, and sneered at Tsunade:

"You female orangutan, don't you understand after trying so many times? It is absolutely impossible for your attacks to hit me."

Ah Fei bent down, stretched out a wide sleeve robe, and flicked his body from the soles of his feet. With his movements, his body seemed to be wiped off inch by inch with an eraser.

The right eye of the whirlpool mask was hollow, revealing a scarlet eye, and three black hook jades were slowly turning.

"Sharingan again?"

Ji Lai also changed his face.

"If you want to stop Akatsuki's actions, just try it, I'll be waiting for you in Penglai. Jiraiya, Tsunade!"

After finishing speaking, the cuff brushed the mask, and Ah Fei disappeared out of thin air.

"After the night of genocide, isn't there only two people left in that family? Who is this person who has Sharingan? And this kind of space movement technique, is it also the pupil technique of Sharingan..."

Jiraiya stroked his chin and muttered to himself.

"Jiraiya, what kind of fish were you fishing for just now? If you also shot together, you would definitely be able to get rid of that guy who burrowed around like a gopher."

Tsunade complained angrily, obviously he was so angry that he was provoked by A Fei.

"This time let Orochimaru run away again."

"It's okay, Tsunade, don't you already know the purpose of Akatsuki's organization?"

Jiraiya showed a confident look on his face, and said: "Now is really not the time to start a war with them, I also need time to recover my strength. When I arrive in Penglai, I will clean up the grievances with Orochimaru. "

"Hmph, say what you want. I'm going back."

Tsunade formed seals with both hands, and it turned into a wisp of cooking smoke, which disappeared with the wind.

Jilai also twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly, and looked at the devastated city of Sapporo. On the ruins, there were still large areas of black flames still burning tenaciously.

He sighed and put his hands behind his back.

"Master Jiraiya, please wait a moment!"

Hearing a shout, a dejected middle-aged man with an unshaven beard and a dejected face rushed over out of breath.

It was the fourth section of the search team who had been on standby all the time and went to the field to watch.

Under the urging of the police chief, Bai Wan rushed to the scene in a hurry.

It was not easy to have such a chance to get on the line with a transcendent who was as friendly to mortals as Master Lu Lu. The police chief was afraid that Zilai would also pat his ass like other transcendents and walked away.

"Wait a minute, I don't have time to deal with you right now."

Jiraiya took out a scroll from under his body, spread it out on the ground, then took out a pen, and wrote and drew on the blank page.

Although Shimono only policeman was burning with anxiety, he was still very sensible and didn't dare to urge him.

He peeked at the scroll, only to see that it was filled with complex and mysterious black runes that he didn't recognize by Immortal Toad.


Ji Lai also put down his pen, made a few seals with his hands flying, and shouted:

"Sealing technique, sealing fire seal!"

The black flames all over the mountains and plains around the ruins gathered from all directions and were absorbed into the scroll.

"Master Jiraiya, what are you doing?"

Shimono only pressed the earphones on the police, followed the order of the police chief, and tentatively said cautiously.

Jiraiya bit one end of the rope, tied the scroll, and said vaguely:

"This black flame, which can swallow even toad oil flame bombs, must be Amaterasu. We can't just leave it alone, or the whole city will be reduced to ashes."

There is a show!

Shimono only had a happy face on the policeman's face. Although he didn't know the specific origin of this toad fairy, he should be a good person based on his actions. If he negotiated like this, he might be able to reach the police chief's order.

"Master Jiraiya, I am Fenggong from Edo..."

The chief police inspector instructed Shimono in the headset to only introduce himself to police inspectors.

"Edo? Oh, you're a policeman in Tokyo."

Shimono only stared at the police for a moment, then quickly nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Master Jiraiya, I am a policeman from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, and Mineko Yuki is also a member of our Metropolitan Police Department."

The police officer Shimono said sincerely, "Our police chief would like to invite you to Tokyo for a meeting, and we are waiting for you at any time."

"It's the girl with the big breasts. But if I want to show my face, I should find a young and beautiful girl to invite me, so I won't go."

Ji Lai also rubbed his chin, glanced at Xia Ye and only looked at him with disgust on his face, he waved his hand, and was about to leave.

"Director, what should we do?"

After receiving the reply, Shimono only looked at the policeman, his face turned blue and white, and he couldn't believe that this was the trick of the always serious police chief.

At the urging of the police chief, he closed his eyes and shouted in despair:

"Master Jiraiya, please don't worry, there are plenty of young and beautiful flower girls in Tokyo! As long as you are willing to visit, the entire Kabukicho can be booked out to serve you alone!"

"Oh really?"

To reveal a little bit, the force of the Uchiha clan is guaranteed, because I am planning to trace back to the prototype of Madara, that is, the father of the three gods of Amaterasu Tsukiyomi Susana and the Japanese god of creation Izanagi.

But this is a secret that will be revealed to the Japanese government at a later stage.

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