I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 262 Chapter 263 The Power of the Shadow

"You are so kindly invited, this immortal will reluctantly agree. After all, this immortal has not been in this world for more than a hundred years to collect materials."

"It's a pity that this immortal is so busy right now."

In the end, Jiraiya reluctantly refused the invitation of the police chief, waving his sleeves, not taking away a cloud.

Is the whole Kabukicho not enough?

The police chief's heart sank, trying to do something to make up.

Fortunately, before Immortal Toad teleported back to the heaven, he left a sentence:

"When this Immortal finishes dealing with the few trivial matters at hand, let's take a walk in Tokyo by the way."

"Waiting for you!"

Although it is a pity that I was not able to invite Hama Immortal Zilaiya to Tokyo as a guest on the spot, but Ziraiya left the official staff with a thought before leaving, and there will be opportunities to get online in the future.

It's over, it's finally over, those monsters are all gone.


As the clouds cleared and the rain came, thunderstorms and clouds scattered over Sapporo. Satellite images and circling drones overlooked it, and it was clearer how much trauma this terrible disaster has brought to this Hokkaido city. .

The buildings collapsed, the ground cracked, and the ruins after burning were a scene of the end of the world.

The police chief clenched his fists and closed his eyes, feeling a strong sense of humiliation in his heart.

The Transcendents ravaged a city on their land, creating tens of thousands of refugees, but they could only stare blankly, watching those monsters pat their butts away helplessly.

This sense of powerlessness and frustration is simply indescribable. It has been a long time since he climbed to the high position of police chief.

Be calm, you must be calm, and you can't be carried away by anger.

There is still a lot of work to be done by the Metropolitan Police Department.

The on-site drone camera and satellite images were affected by the storm, which greatly affected the clear picture and audio collection information, and had to be repaired by technicians to interpret more information.

It is also necessary to send a trace detection team to the scene to collect clues that may be left behind.

"Penglai! Those monsters keep mentioning Penglai, and the five treasures of "The Tale of Bamboo Crawl" have appeared in the world. Is it possible that they will appear in Penglai next time? We must plan early!"

The police chief frowned and thought.

"I remember that it was the Uchiha police recommended by Akagi, the chief of the fourth search section, who was in charge of the search of Mount Fuji."

In the Wakasa Bay incident, the Penglai jade branches that surfaced, the fairyland Penglai looming behind it and the legendary elixir of life made many dignitaries feel excited.

With their financial support, the Metropolitan Police Department has dispatched a large number of people to search the mountains and seas in Wakasa Bay and Mount Fuji.

Now there is another extraordinary war that destroyed half of Sapporo City, and the police force is even more stretched.

"It is necessary to expand the manpower! Section Chief Akagi recommended Uchiha Police to me as the next Section Chief of Search Division 4. I am very satisfied with this candidate."

The police chief's eyes flickered, and he thought a lot.

"But now it seems that the merger of the Fourth Search Section and the Fifth Public Security Section, and even the separation of a department dealing with supernatural incidents from the Metropolitan Police Department, is the general trend."

For a long time, with the secret support of his superiors, the police chief has struggled to resist the pressure from Mi Fang.

However, this unprecedented natural disaster-level event in Sapporo City has broken the fragile balance. It is imminent to disclose the extraordinary event to the public. In order to appease the public opinion and the hearts of the people, it is imperative to reform the department to deal with the extraordinary event.

Mi Fang will definitely not miss this opportunity.

It's just that I don't know how much interest these local factions can keep.

As the top bureaucrat of this country, the police chief is quite competent, but unfortunately he alone cannot drag the country forward, even if he becomes the prime minister.

The situation in Sapporo was unprecedentedly severe. Even the dull and corrupt bureaucrats in the conference room could smell the storm and the different dampness.

The old style of burying your head in the sand and burying your head in the sand as if nothing happened must change!

After connecting with the cabinet team at another secret base in Chiyoda District, after an urgent discussion, several orders were issued in an orderly manner.

Arranging the Self-Defense Forces to be stationed in Sapporo is not only for emergency rescue and disaster relief, but also to seal off the scene and deal with the next series of headaches.

In addition, the governors of forty-seven capitals, provinces, prefectures, and counties, the heads of local police headquarters, and other local government bureaucrats were ordered to come to Beijing to rush for the exam to discuss major plans and discuss how to deal with the next extraordinary wave.

A meeting of the highest standard after the war was planned to be held in the Congress Hall with unprecedented efficiency.


At the same time, the sky in Sapporo was gray, and the citizens who had survived the catastrophe were evacuated from the dangerous area under the arrangement of the city government. Their faces were not only full of sorrow and joy, but also confused like in a dream. .

If it was an earthquake or other natural disaster that destroyed half of Sapporo, they could still accept it, but what happened to those inexplicable Yamata no Orochi, skeleton giants, and big frogs?

Naturally, no one would notice that a gray-skinned toad jumped from the puddle after the rain.

Naruto Uchiha changed the space in the abdomen of Toad to look like a health care room through the technique of Toad Seeing the World, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

"Although the servants summoned by Tianyu have independent personalities and consciousness, they weave false memories and can also manipulate them behind the scenes to guide them to perform the stage effect I want."

Uchiha Naruto's kaleidoscope Sharingan with unique patterns slowly rotates.

"Except for Uchiha Itachi's shadow avatar, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru Sannin, and A Fei are all Tianyu's servants who have worked hard. Summoning four elite ninja-level servants at a time is also a bit difficult."

Uchiha Naruto is not like the Prince Jinchuriki, with almost endless chakra, he can conjure unlimited shadow clones.

For Naruto Uchiha, using the technique of multiple shadow clones to conjure up a dozen shadow clones is already the limit.

But if you use Tianyu to work hard, you can squeeze out hundreds of people in one breath.

Tianyu is consumed by the chakra of the servants who summoned their lives, and does not need to be divided equally like the shadow clone, but is distributed by Naruto Uchiha as he pleases.

The stronger the strength, the more Chakra it consumes, and the shorter the time it will appear in the world.

If the only ones summoned are low-level ninja chunin-level dragon suits, they can even be allowed to carry out activities in this world for many years.

The ninjutsu and strength possessed by the servants depend on the system skills possessed by Naruto Uchiha, the master, and the assigned Chakra.

Of course, Tianyu can also summon super-shadow-level powerhouses such as Master Madara and Payne Liudao, but they are just fakes with no shape, and they cannot use big moves such as Earth Explosion Star.

Otherwise, Naruto Uchiha will take off directly.

Tianyu Shouming is essentially the kaleidoscope pupil technique of the illusion department, and another difference from the shadow clone is that the servant has an independent personality.

Words and deeds, every frown and smile, as long as the personality of the follower is woven in advance, they are all exactly the same as the original owner, and even the follower will not realize that he is just a fake.

"My kaleidoscope pupil technique doesn't add much to combat effectiveness, but it's quite suitable for a behind-the-scenes mastermind like me. The actresses and extras with perfect acting skills are gathered together at once."

Naruto Uchiha is quite satisfied with Tianyu's hard work: "Otherwise, if there is a big scene in the future, dozens or hundreds of extras and extras will be needed. I can't let me play every one of them. It would be too much of a waste of chakra."


At this moment, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's eyelids twitched as he was lying on the hospital bed, and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Naruto Uchiha looking at her with a smile. Tsukimi Ri Inaba climbed down from the hospital bed in a little panic, prostrated herself on the ground, bowed her head and said:

"Master Uchiha!"

"Student Yue Jianli, congratulations on finally fulfilling your long-cherished wish. How does it feel to get revenge?"

Uchiha Naruto has checked Tsukimi Ri Inaba's body with medical ninjutsu, and there is no serious problem, and the power of the curse seal has been completely removed.

"Thank you very much for the strength you gave me. I will dedicate my life to repay your life-saving grace and the gift of revenge power." Tsukimi Ri Inaba lowered his head.

Naruto Uchiha nodded, and opened Tsukimi Ri Inaba's skill panel with the help of his master and apprentice.

【Wind escape LV2 (19/100)】

It has to be said that Tsukimi Ri Inaba's aptitude in Fengdun is quite good, and he raised Fengdun from LV1 to LV2 in such a short period of time.

Regarding Tsukimi Ri Inaba's next arrangement, Uchiha Ming hasn't figured it out yet.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba doesn't know how to transform herself, and she has exposed her face when saving people in the ghost mall. The Metropolitan Police Department may have investigated her true identity by now.

Now Naruto Uchiha's pawns in the Metropolitan Police Department also include Dr. Satomi, Mineko Yuki, and Hero Tosu. It doesn't make much sense to throw Tsukimi Riinaba to the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is better to consider forming an association of extraordinary people who is independent of official forces and directly obeys Uchiha Ming's activities in the shadows.

After all, Naruto Uchiha is also a behind-the-scenes master now. As a polished commander, it is not appropriate to do everything by himself.

No, there is also a ninja dog Tsunakichi under his command.

Maybe the organization could be called 'Shadow'?

Naruto Uchiha was thinking, when he heard Tsukimi Ri Inaba's cold voice:

"Master Uchiha, I have an unfeeling request, can you allow me to dig out this white demon eye?"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba raised her head, the white of her right eye shone with an unusual silver light, the beauty was somewhat terrifying.

"Why did you do this?" Naruto Uchiha asked with interest.

"Although the white-scaled snake demon is dead, when I think that these are the eyes of the monster it transplanted to me, I feel sick to my stomach."

Although she said creepy words, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's expression was still as cold as ever, without any emotional ups and downs.

"Now I don't need the power of this demon eye anymore. It's just that I am already an item of Master Uchiha, so taking off the eyes requires your approval."

Want to dig out the white eyes? !

Naruto Uchiha also felt a bit of a headache, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba herself had a weak relationship, and seemed to have a tendency to self-destruct all the time.

After killing Higuchi Orochi to complete his revenge and losing his target, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's indifferent character became more and more intense.

No way, Tsukimi Ri Inaba is Uchiha Minaru's first apprentice after all. She has the highest potential among all of them. She may become a useful subordinate. She cannot be depressed like this.

It's not enough to just use the dominant position of a savior to give orders. You have to find a reason to control her and stimulate her sense of mission and responsibility.

"Inaba, do you know what happened in this world? Why do ghosts and ghosts come to Japan in the 21st century?" Uchiha Naruto put on an inscrutable attitude.

"This, I don't know..." Tsukimi Ri Inaba's eyes were full of confusion.

Naruto Uchiha also had some reservations about the files of the Metropolitan Police Department and took out some to share with Tsukimi Ri Inaba.

"Because the gates of the two worlds have been opened, this is the year of the devil. The demons and monsters that disappeared in ancient times reappeared in the human world, and even more terrifying existences are spying on this world from outside the world."

Naruto Uchiha sighed heavily, and began to develop his actor-level acting skills.

"Extraordinary recovery is both an accident and a man-made conspiracy. Some monsters have already stretched their tentacles into this world, trying to widen the gap between the two worlds."

"Maliciousness is just around the corner. Now is just the beginning, and more people will definitely die in the future. The number of people who died in the 19th year of Pingcheng may be only a fraction of the next year."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's eyes flickered, she was actually a person who was cold on the outside and warm on the inside, full of empathy. Because she is also a person who has been hurt by monsters, and she can empathize with it.

"In Yuejian, my purpose is to fill the gap between the two worlds again, and drive out all the monsters!"

Naruto Uchiha spoke nonsense in a serious manner, and stretched out his palm to Tsukimi Ri Inaba:

"For this, I need like-minded partners! Tsukimiri, use your power as my sword."

"If this is your will, let me offer this modest effort."

"Very good, Yue Jianli, I have the first task for you."

Naruto Uchiha learned from Higuchi Orochi's soul search that his co-worker in the Metropolitan Police Department is the boss of Uchiha Xianmen, the chief of the search section 4, Akagi Section Chief.

Orochi Higuchi is cunning and cunning, and has stored a copy of transaction records and data files in a secret mailbox, probably as a backhand to blackmail Section Chief Akagi.

Now that he knows the inside story, Naruto Uchiha can't sit idly by.

And with the downfall of Section Chief Akagi, Uchiha Xianmen will definitely be able to take it to the next level and climb to a higher position in the Metropolitan Police Department.

However, it is inconvenient for Uchiha Naruto to come forward to expose Section Chief Akagi as a spy, so it is very appropriate for Tsukimi Ri Inaba, the victim's family, to report.

"Inaba, do you know my father's phone number?"


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