I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 263 Chapter 264 Prelude, the birth of the second Uchiha!

"Master Kubota, welcome! Thank you for cooperating with the work of our Metropolitan Police Department. You have come all the way from Fujinomiya City. You have worked hard. Please sit down."

In a tent at the foot of Mount Fuji in Shizuoka Prefecture, a special guest was welcomed.

"I'm Okita from the Fourth Investigation Section, and this is Police Officer Uchiha."

The old man dressed as a priest frowned and looked at the two people in the tent. The one who was speaking was a fat man with a pleasant smile, and the other was a middle-aged handsome man with a refined and handsome appearance and clear eyes.

As the religious legal person of Mount Fuji Hongu Sengen Taisha, the old priest who knew countless people couldn't help secretly praising him. The latter's skin is really outstanding, almost comparable to him when he was young.

"Hey, two police officers, why are you looking for this old man?"

The old priest coughed lightly, came back to his senses, and said with doubts on his face.

"Master Kubota, in fact, our Metropolitan Police Department has a complicated situation, and I want to check with you." The Okita Police Department began to insinuate.

Ask the old priest who runs Asama Taisha, no, what is the result of decades of practice at Asama Taisha; whether he has experienced any unimaginable events while serving the Fuji Mountain Shenmu Hanasaki Yahime at the shrine; whether there are ancient books and artifacts of Asama Shrine What a miracle.

The old priest became more and more confused the more he listened, and vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Asama Shrine is the name of the shrine that worships Muhua Sakiyahime. There are worships to Mount Fuji in the Mount Fuji area. There are 1,300 Asama Shrines in the country, and Asama Taisha is the head office of Asama Shrine and the center of Mount Fuji belief. center.

The old priest can also be regarded as the number one figure in the Japanese religious circles.

Although his hair is silver and white in his old age, the old priest is hale and hearty and has a good memory.

The interrogation by the police reminded him that more than ten years ago, probably in the 19th or 20th year of Heisei, the Metropolitan Police Department also summoned him to ask similar topics with the hosts of some temples and shrines.

Breaking away from the memories of the past, and coping with a few casual words, the old priest had a strange expression:

"Officer, what are you asking about?"

The Okita Police Department was slightly taken aback, and glanced at Uchiha Senmen, seeing that he had no intention of objecting, he was certain in his heart, and said slowly:

"Lord Kubota, I hope you can be honest and tell us everything you know. There is no point in hiding it now. The Metropolitan Police Department has more information than you expected. Don't worry, the Metropolitan Police Department will never treat you badly. .”

"Wait, officer, what are you talking about, I don't understand at all."

The old priest had a confused and strange look on his old face, but secretly his mind was spinning fast.

What the Metropolitan Police Department said to understand and master, could it be that Asama Taisha's tax evasion and fraudulent accounts were exposed?

Even if this is the case, it is not your turn to take care of the Metropolitan Police Department.

And judging by the appearance of your Police Department, it is obvious that you have not grasped the conclusive evidence. Just relying on the bluff in the clouds, you want him to confess honestly, how is it possible?

The old man has never seen such a big storm before, so how could he be cheated by this stunned young man with just a few words.

The old priest immediately put on an innocent face, and called Qu:

"Officer, even if you are a member of the Metropolitan Police Department, you can't smear the old man's innocence out of thin air. The old man has absolutely nothing to hide from the Metropolitan Police Department."

"Master Kubota, since we invited you to come up, we have made all the preparations."

The Okita Police Department put their hands on the table pretendingly, stared at the old priest with sharp eyes, and his face was full of confidence.

"It's not too late to confess now, and there is nothing wrong with the country! Please rest assured, we will never settle accounts after the fall."

Seeing that the Okita Police Department was so determined, the face of the old priest who had insisted that he had nothing to hide changed slightly.

"Here, the old man still doesn't understand, what are you talking about..."

The old priest's tone was not as tough as before. The Okita police department was overjoyed when they saw this, and their eyes were fixed on the old priest's eyes. The tone gradually increased, exerting invisible pressure:

"Master Kubota, the country has reached a critical juncture and has no patience. If you continue to hide those secrets, the consequences may be disastrous."

There was a flash of panic on the old priest's expression, and a drop of cold sweat emerged from his forehead.

What, has Japan's finances collapsed to such an extent again, this time even the shrine's money has to be wiped out again?

Although the sum of the tax evasion money of Asama Taisha in these years is an astronomical figure for individuals, it is impossible to plug the hole in the state's finances anyway.

Really short of money, won't you continue to increase consumption tax?

There is also the Unified Church, which has been the most popular in recent years, and is ten times more profitable than Asama Taisha. Why should they, the old local Shinto sects, bleed.

Isn't this bullying honest people? !

"You guys are blaspheming the gods by doing this! Aren't you afraid that Muhua Sakiyahime will be angry and send down the scourge to make Mount Fuji erupt?"

The old priest was anxious and angry, and he couldn't choose what to say in a hurry, and he took out his magic stick's specialty, which was to threaten and intimidate with gods.

"Ha, the fox's tail is finally exposed. Kubota God Lord, you really know the secrets about the gods hidden in Mount Fuji!!"

Not only did the Okita Police Department not be afraid when they heard the words, but became even more excited and started to complain about the case.

This battle made the old priest startled.

This time, he really didn't understand that the police officer would be so excited, and the word "God" seemed to hit his high point inexplicably.

"Wait, wait a minute..." The old priest opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

"Master Kubota, it's useless to pretend to be crazy. Our Metropolitan Police Department has discovered the secrets of the supernatural fifteen years ago. Since April this year, supernatural incidents have occurred frequently, and now we have even more clues! Now, It's useless even if you want to hide it."

The Okita Police Department's eyes suddenly sharpened.

"What? Extraordinary?!"

The old priest's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief. What kind of nonsense is this police officer talking about? Could it be that he is mentally ill? !

"This is Police Officer Uchiha, what's going on with your colleague? I really don't know what he's talking about!"

Seeing that the Okita Police Department was so emotional, the old priest began to feel hairy, and quickly turned his eyes to the Uchiha Senmen on the other side for help.

Uchiha Xianmen, who has been silent from the beginning and carefully captured the changes in the facial muscles and micro-expressions of the old priest, also felt something was wrong.

Although the old priest was a little guilty at one time, his confused and fearful expression does not seem to be fake.

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin, let me show you the truth that the Metropolitan Police Department has grasped!"

After seeing the old priest leaking his words, he still wanted to hold on. The Okita Police Department decided to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and took out the video data of the extraordinary event held by the Metropolitan Police Department to smash it in one fell swoop.

"Okita Police Department, please calm down..."

Uchiha Senmen didn't even have time to stop it, so the Okita Police Department took out the iPad, called up the internal files of the search section 4, and handed it to the old priest.

"These are the records of the supernatural within the Metropolitan Police Department. Whether it is the monsters and evil spirits that appeared after the 19th year of Heisei, or the superhuman war that destroyed Sapporo the day before yesterday, the video data are all in it!"

"This...these are all true...how is this possible?"

The old priest took the iPad handed over by the Okita Police Department in a daze, and clicked on the videos one by one. Seeing all kinds of inconceivable extraordinary spells, his pupils vibrated violently, and his body trembled.

Does it really exist? Extraordinary power!

This kind of god-like mighty power that turns hands into clouds and hands into rain, and the sky collapses and the earth shatters with every gesture, actually exists on the earth!

Could it be that Konohana Sakiyahime, enshrined in Asama Shrine, really exists in the world?

Then why, as an old priest who has been practicing for fifty or sixty years, has never listened to the oracle and obtained extraordinary power?

Could it be that he was abandoned by Muhua Sakiyahime because he was contaminated by the smell of copper and his beliefs were not pious?

"What the hell have I been doing all my life? I wasted years and wasted the most precious opportunity just for those stinky money!"

Why do I have to let myself realize the truth of the world when I am dying, when the gods are by my side and the extraordinary power is at my fingertips, but I only care about chasing the wealth and power of the world, and I can't describe myself even if I buy a box and return a pearl Stupid tenth.

Even if you want to repent to Muhua Saki Yahime, there is no time, and you may even be punished after death.

"Yuyou heaven, why are you inferior to me!"

The old priest was filled with grief, he was out of breath, his complexion turned black, he coughed up a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground unconscious.

The Okita Police Department was dumbfounded all of a sudden, and Uchiha Senmen was also stunned.

After finally sending the old priest to the hospital and cleaning up the mess, the Okita Police Department couldn't help but feel discouraged.

"It seems that he really doesn't know anything. This is the second time I have made an oolong. The last time I took the fat boy who recognized the origin of the Laiguang ghost warrior as his ancestor, and mistakenly turned it over to the police for a superhuman. hall."

The Okita police department was originally a member of the surveillance team of type B-02. After the evil spirit was pulled out by Onimusha, he was finally released from prison.

In less than a month, the Okita Police Department, who was originally described as haggard and terminally ill, gained 20 pounds.

But at this moment, the Okita police department is frowning.

"He also leaked the files of the Metropolitan Police Department to outsiders, and maybe he will be punished by Section Chief Akagi."

"Don't worry so much. Now there are rumors that the time to reveal the truth to the public has been put on the agenda. Your mistake this time is not a serious problem."

Uchiha Xianmen smiled gently, and patted the shoulder of Police Department Okita.

"And I was by your side, but I failed to stop you. Speaking of it, I am also responsible. At that time, I will intercede with Section Chief Akagi with you."

"Then I will trouble you, Police Uchiha! I am so grateful that I don't know how to repay you!"

The Okita Police Department clasped their hands together, weeping with gratitude.

"It's nothing, everyone is a colleague of the Fourth Search Section, and they should help each other."

Uchiha Xianmen smiled, but the depths of his eyes were full of exhaustion.

Section Chief Akagi had arranged for him to search Mount Fuji for more than a week, but apart from dozens of suicide corpses in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, nothing was found.

No clues about Penglai and the elixir were found.

Uchiha Xianmen was somewhat anxious in his heart. Not only was the search not progressing, but Section Chief Akagi also privately revealed to him that the Metropolitan Police Department is likely to merge the fourth search section with the fifth public security section.

I heard that the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau was responsible for searching the waters of Wakasa Bay, but there was no trace of the mermaid or Penglai.

Searching Section 4 and Public Security Section 5 are still on the same starting line.

If anyone can seize the opportunity and produce results in this matter, they will definitely occupy a favorable position in the subsequent merger.

"Even the god master of Asama Taisha is ignorant of supernatural things. Is it true that Japan's supernatural inheritance has been cut off as the expert group deduced?"

Uchiha Xianmen frowned and thought: "Or is my deduction wrong, Penglai is not pointing to Mount Fuji?"

"Also, Mr. Tosu, are you okay in Yokosuka Port?"

After the negotiation, Hero Tosu surrendered to the Metropolitan Police Department, and of course was transferred to Yokosuka Port for "medical examination" and "protection".

As for the follow-up arrangements, it is not something that a small vigilante from Uchiha Xianmen can comment on.

However, at the request of Hero Tosu, Uchiha Xianmen has also collected the remains of Mr. Moribe.

Moribe Mamiya was also transferred to the best large hospital in Tokyo for diagnosis and treatment, and his life is out of danger.

But now he is still in a state close to a vegetative state, unconscious. Although Uchiha Xianmen applied for doctor Satomi to treat him, the reply he got after reporting layer by layer is still under approval.

Uchiha Xianmen tried his best to achieve the three things requested by Hero Tosu.

"Where should the next investigation direction be?"

To be honest, Uchiha Xianmen's head is also a mess now, too many things have happened recently, and there are endless things that make him worry, even a workaholic like him feels a little overwhelmed.

At this moment, Uchiha Senmen's private phone rang.

Uchiha Xianmen picked up the phone and looked at it, frowning, it was an unknown number.

But only those close to him knew about this private call, so he hesitated for a moment and picked it up to answer it.

"Uncle Uchiha?"

"Tsukimi! Are you okay!"

Uchiha Xianmen had an expression of surprise and joy on his face. After the Great War in Sapporo, the Metropolitan Police Department has been looking for the whereabouts of Tsukimi Ri Inaba, but found nothing, and even suspected that she was involved in the Great War. no deposit.

He has always been brooding over the orphan of his former colleague, and now he hears Tsukimi Ri Inaba's call, and he immediately feels relieved.

But what Tsukimi Inaba said next made Uchiha Senmen's face uncertain for a while.

"Section Chief Akagi is a spy? It's impossible, I don't believe it!"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba didn't say much, after apologizing, he hung up the phone, and no matter how Uchiha Senmen called back, there was no response.

A few minutes later, an encrypted document was sent to Uchiha Senmen's personal mailbox.

Uchiha Immortal Gate opened and looked, the originally hesitant expression gradually became shocked, confused and painful, and finally merged into expressionless chaos.

"Okita Police Department, you will be in charge of Mount Fuji for the time being. I have to go back to Tokyo now!"

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