I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 264 Chapter 265 No one can judge me, not even the Emperor!

The dark night can't cover up the dim lights. The night in Tokyo is not quiet, but rather noisy.

"Why did you go back to Tokyo?"

In a high-end apartment near Tokyo Bay in the Minato District, the chubby and potbellied Section Chief Akagi enthusiastically welcomed the silent Uchiha Senmon into the house.

Section Chief Akagi was wearing a white bathrobe and fur slippers on his feet. He was dressed very casually, and he didn't deliberately change into casual clothes. Obviously, he didn't treat Uchiha Senmen as an outsider.

"Ha, the living room is messy, but divorced older bachelors can't do anything about it."

Uchiha Senmon with a stern face glanced at the living room, and there was an open suitcase in the middle, with some clothes piled up in random, and a pair of oversized orange beach pants hung on the back of the sofa.

"Didn't you plan to go to Ryukyu to enjoy the sunshine and hot girls on the beach after retirement? I'm preparing in advance. It's not easy to buy swimming trunks of my weight."

Section Chief Akagi laughed a few times, but Uchiha Senmen was uncharacteristically, expressionless and said nothing, with a cold breath wrapped around his body.

"Xianmen, what's the matter with you? The last time I saw you looking so murderous was ten years ago, Miqin..."

Halfway through the speech, Section Chief Akagi realized that he had made a slip of the tongue: "Look at my mouth, what nonsense I'm talking about."


Uchiha Xianmen said coldly: "This is not suitable for talking, can you change the place?"

"Go to the study."

Chief Akagi frowned, and his expression became serious.

Whether it's the expression of Uchiha Xianmen after entering the gate, or the change of his name, Section Chief Akagi's heart beats, feeling that something is wrong.

Uchiha Senmon and Section Chief Akagi are alumni of the University of Tokyo. They even belonged to the same club when they were in college. They have known each other for more than ten years, and the relationship is naturally extraordinary. In order to avoid suspicion at work, Uchiha Senmen seldom uses the title of senior anymore.

Moreover, Xianmen, who has been working hard for ten years, left his post without authorization and returned to Tokyo from Shizuoka overnight. It must be of great importance to find him in private.

"Xianmen, what can I say now. The confidentiality of my study is absolutely guaranteed."

Section Chief Akagi sat behind the desk and said solemnly.

"Senior Akagi, do you have any explanation for this?"

Uchiha Sento took out a tablet and slid it from the desk to Section Chief Akagi.

"What is it, so mysterious..."

Section Chief Akagi smiled, picked up the tablet, glanced at it, and the smile disappeared immediately.

He continued to look down for a while, then raised his head to look at Uchiha Xianmen, his eyes were full of ruthless brilliance.

"Where did you get this information?"

Uchiha Xianmen looked at Section Chief Akagi without showing any weakness, his eyes were sharp.

"You don't need to worry about it. Senior Chicheng, don't you have anything to explain?"

"Heh, these things are already hard evidence. No matter how much I try to defend, it's a waste of effort, isn't it?" Chi Cheng, the section chief, said nonchalantly.

He calmly glanced at the lower drawer on the right side of the desk, and retracted his right hand slightly.

"Senior, please put your hands on the table, where I can see them."

At this moment, Uchiha Xianmen pulled out his gun with lightning speed, and the black muzzle of the gun was facing forward.

"Xianmen, you are really watertight."

Section Chief Akagi put down the tablet without changing his face, and spread his hands, indicating that he was not a threat.

"Don't worry, I won't do any small tricks. You are the number one sharpshooter in the fourth search class. Even if I have a gun, I, a fat man, can't be your opponent."

"Senior Akagi, we are not only members of the Toda Kendo Club, but also partners who can entrust our lives to us after being transferred to the fourth investigation section. You even saved my life."

The action standard of Uchiha Xianmen's two-handed gun aiming is like a textbook, the muzzle of the gun does not tremble at all, but his eyes flicker.

"I have always respected you as my elder brother. But why did you betray the Metropolitan Police Department and sell the information to monsters? Just for the money, can you be degenerated like this?!"

The head of the class, Akagi, was indifferent and didn't speak for a long time.

"If there is any unavoidable difficulty in it, I will listen to your explanation." Uchiha Xianmen's voice sounded very sincere.

"I'm scared."

Chief Akagi sighed and was silent for a long time before opening his mouth to spit out a few words.

"Although the work of the fourth search section is to secretly fight against demons and ghosts that threaten human beings. It looks like a righteous hero. But the casualty rate of this job is far higher than that of other departments of the Criminal Department. Colleagues died one by one. I am really afraid. gone."

"If that's the case, senior, you can resign! Why do you want to collude with monsters?" Uchiha Xianmen asked.

"Although this seems to be making excuses for myself, but now, I don't need to lie."

Section Chief Akagi hesitated for a moment, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes and said:

"Just a few days after I had written my resignation letter, Orochi Higuchi came to my door, threatened the lives of my wife and me, threatened me and forced me to submit, after that..."

Section Chief Chicheng's face was heavy, and he smiled wryly: "One wrong step, one wrong step, the deeper and deeper you sink, and there is no turning back."


Uchiha Xianmen's face was complicated, and the murderous aura on his body also weakened a little unconsciously.

"Okay, let's get down to business. What are you going to do with me?"

Section Chief Akagi had a normal expression, and picked up the tablet with his right hand.

"Xianmen, if I'm not wrong, you didn't report this matter to the Metropolitan Police Department, but came to confront me alone. That's right? You are so gentle."

Uchiha Xianmen held the gun without saying a word, which was regarded as acquiescing.

"In this case, there is still room for maneuver. You have read all these documents, Xianmen."

Section Chief Akagi looked relaxed, picked up the tablet and swiped it a few times: "In the past few years of cooperating with monsters, I have never done anything to apologize to you. people."

"So, should I let you go?" Uchiha Xianmen said without a smile on his face.

"Xianmen, this is not only for me, but also for yourself. In order to find the monster who killed Mikoto as soon as possible, you have to climb higher in the Metropolitan Police Department, don't you?"

Section Chief Akagi snapped his fingers and carefully analyzed the pros and cons.

"I told you that the Metropolitan Police Department is going to merge the 4th Search Section with the 5th Public Security Section. On the cusp of this turmoil, if it is exposed that I, the head of the 4th Search Section, betrayed confidential information to monsters, I will definitely be criticized, leading to the annexation of the 4th Search Section. Lost. I recommend you to be the head of the fourth investigation section, and this will be nothing."

"My sick retirement has been approved by the director. After the work handover is completed, I will retire in the second half of the year. I have already prepared a way out. After arriving in Ryukyu, I will fake my death and escape to other countries."

Section Chief Akagi speaks eloquently, and the words and sentences that he spits out seem to be the temptation from the devil in hell.

"I will definitely tidy up everything, and I will never leave you any trouble. So, Xianmen, it's better for you, me, and the search for the fourth class to pretend that everything didn't happen."

Section Chief Akagi stood up with a sincere face, but was pointed at by Uchiha Xianmen with a gun, and sat back obediently with his hands raised again.

Struggling and hesitation flashed in the eyes of Uchiha Xianmen, and then he became firm.

"Do you think I'll cover you up if you say that?"

"Xianmen, what do you want? You won't let me go and you won't kill me. Are you going to hand me over to the Metropolitan Police Department for trial?"

Section Chief Akagi got his butt off the office chair, creaking under the weight.

"We've been friends for nearly twenty years. I'm still the witness of your marriage with Miqin. I also held your child when it was one month old. Are you just going to watch me die?"

"For so many years, countless innocent people have died at the mouth of monsters, and even I am a victim. Senior, even if I regard you as my elder brother, I must pay for the wrong things you did."

Uchiha Xianmen battled with heaven and man in his mind for a long time, and finally made up his mind and said;

"Senior, you may not impose the death penalty. Even if it is the death penalty, the death penalty is almost abolished in Japan now. It is common for death row inmates not to be executed for decades."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Uchiha Senmon's words, Section Chief Akagi immediately laughed out of joy.

"Senior, what are you laughing at?"

"That's right, the death penalty will definitely not be imposed. After all, I know too much black material, so how can I send it to the court?" Section Chief Akagi wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said.

"But my fate is definitely worse than death. In all likelihood, it will be sent to the secret base in Yokosuka Port for the consumables for human experiments."

"Human experiments?"

Uchiha Xianmen looked astonished, and the hands holding the gun wavered for the first time.

"Oh, that's right. At your level in Xianmen, you don't know yet."

Chief Akagi scratched his fat chin, with a weird smile on his face.

"After the first yokai individual was captured in 1999, Yokosuka Port began to conduct human experiments in full swing. The unlucky ones sent in for more than ten years may have four figures."

"This, how can such a thing be allowed!"

Uchiha Xianmen showed an unbelievable expression, his face turned blue and white, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Hahahaha! This country was originally like this, and its darkness and corruption are beyond your imagination!"

Section Chief Akagi laughed wantonly, the laughter was full of sarcasm and disdain.

Taking advantage of the gap between the laughter and Uchiha Senmen being shocked, he hooked his right foot and quietly opened the bottom drawer on the right side of the desk.

Lying quietly in the drawer was a shiny black pistol.

Section Chief Akagi looked as usual, he didn't even look at it, and continued to use words to shake the Uchiha Senmen's psychological defense:

"Xianmen, you said monsters cannibalize people, but isn't what the Police Department is doing cannibalism?"

"I'm not the only one who colludes with monsters. Isn't it the same with those chaebols? They even provide hiding places for monsters in Tokyo. Those big people can flirt with monsters. If they can sell them, I can't sell them?!"

"For the common people of this country, you now want to sanction me, an old senior who has been with me for twenty years and my savior. Can you sanction the Metropolitan Police Department, the chaebol, and even this country that eat more people?"

"This kind of thing, this kind of thing..."

Uchiha Xianmen couldn't help taking a few steps back, the firearm in his hand was as heavy as a thousand catties, and he couldn't maintain the previous standard shooting posture.

Chief Akagi nodded secretly, feeling that the heat was almost ready, he stood up straight away, took off his bathrobe and threw it on the ground.

"What are you doing, sit down!"

Section Chief Akagi ignored Uchiha Senmen's warning and stood up. He pointed to his chest and said to Uchiha Senmen:

"Before I was transferred to the Fourth Investigation Section, I was in the Second Special Criminal Investigation Section of SIT. In 1999, I was shot three times in a terrorist attack in Chiyoda Ward, and I almost died."

He peeled away the layers of fat on his belly that looked like swimming rings.

"There is also this 30-centimeter scar on my stomach, which required more than 200 stitches. In the 21st year of Pingcheng, when I was on mission in Gunma County, the monster pulled out all my intestines, and I lay in the ICU for a whole month." month, and survived by luck."

"And here! Here!"

Section Chief Akagi pointed out the wounds on his body one by one towards Uchiha Senmen like showing a medal.

"I went through life and death for this country and made great contributions, so can't I make up for the mistakes I made?!"

Although some of the wounds were submerged in fat and could hardly be seen clearly, the relationship between Uchiha Senmen and Section Chief Akagi was naturally known to be true.

The memory of Uchiha Xianmen is still fresh, and Akagi-senpai was once a handsome and strong man, but later because of serious injuries, he had to take medicine continuously, so he became fat like a bear.

"No one in this country is qualified to judge me, no one! Not even the emperor!"

"Xianmen, I would rather die by your hands than accept being judged by this country. Shoot me!"


There was a spark.

Uchiha Xianmen gritted his teeth, raised the muzzle of the gun, fired at the ceiling, and angrily said in his mouth:

"Chicheng, sit down for me! Otherwise, I will really shoot!"

Chief Akagi sneered before returning to his seat reluctantly.

However, there was a smoldering look in his eyes, the fierce words and actions before were just a show, his blindfold.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Section Chief Akagi has already taken the pistol in the drawer into his hand without anyone noticing.

"Xianmen, I still have a bargaining chip, you will definitely be interested."

The fat-faced Section Chief Akagi suddenly laughed, revealing his confidence.

"The double-faced monster you are looking for killed Uchiha Mikoto and can parasitize humans. I know its whereabouts!"

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