I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 265 Chapter 266 If you want to get these eyes, you have to kill your best friend


A crow stopped at the edge of the window balcony at some point, through the glass window, with its head sideways, red eyes spying on the two men inside.

"Chi, Chicheng! What are you talking about?!"

The Uchiha Immortal Gate felt like being struck by lightning, and couldn't believe his ears. After a moment of stupor, he immediately asked.

"You heard me right, Xianmen. I know the whereabouts of the double-faced demon that killed your lover Mikoto that you haven't been able to find in the past ten years." Chief Akagi smiled triumphantly, with a confident look on his face. self-confidence.

"Let's have a good talk. First, can you put the gun down, sen..."

Before the words fell, only a gunshot was heard:


Section Chief Akagi felt a gust of wind fly past his face, and the glass window behind him shattered.

"You should be well aware that this is no joke."

Gunpowder smoke drifted out from the muzzle of the gun, Uchiha Xianmen's eyes were cold, almost no trace of emotion could be seen, but a flame burned faintly in the depths of his eyes, which belonged exclusively to the Avengers.

"Tell me everything you know, if you dare to lie to me, the next bullet will blow your head off."

Uchiha Senmon is no joke!

Chief Akagi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a drop of cold sweat rolled down his fat face, his originally calm expression also showed a bit of panic.

"Xianmen, calm down first."

"I'm very calm now, please continue."

The voice of Uchiha Xianmen has no ups and downs, and the previous wavering can no longer be seen.

Section Chief Akagi secretly thought that something was wrong, and felt that he seemed to have made a bad move.

Originally, because of the extraordinary twenty-year friendship between himself and Uchiha Senmen, under his glib tongue and poor performance, Uchiha Senmen, who has always been praised as a "woman's benevolence", was shaken mentally Very powerful.

In this way, maybe I can take advantage of the void and escape.

But as soon as Mikoto was mentioned, Uchiha Senmen switched personalities in an instant, and immediately calmed down.

"Where did you get the clue of the double-faced demon? Could it be that besides the snake demon, you also colluded with the double-faced demon?" Uchiha Xianmen looked at Section Chief Akagi with deep eyes and said coldly.

The temperature of the air seemed to drop several degrees all of a sudden, and Section Chief Akagi, who was pointed at by the gun, was terrified.

Although it has been known for a long time that Mikoto is the Nilin of the Uchiha Senmen, but it is really terrifying to face the anger of the Uchiha Senmen. This kind of feeling can already be called obsession.

The fire of vengeance that has been lurking in his body for ten years can burn himself into a torch as long as he splashes out a little spark, and even burn the whole world together.

"Xianmen, I swear to God, I have never done anything wrong to you."

Section Chief Akagi explained.

"Then how did you know that?"

"This is about the deal with Higuchi Orochi. When I was communicating with it the year before last, I overheard it mentioning it. I was also worried about Mikoto's matter, so I asked a few more questions and got part of it. information."

Section Chief Akagi quietly put the pistol on his lap, and placed his hands empty on the table.

"I'm the head of the section, and my authority is much higher than yours. Using the information I got from Higuchi Orochi as a breakthrough point, plus some clues collected from confidential files, I finally pieced together a closed loop. Although the chain of evidence starts from criminal investigation The angle is not precise, but I am also seventy-eight percent sure."

"Where is the double-faced demon hiding now!?"

Uchiha Xianmen was as cold as the face of a frozen lake, finally a crack appeared, his emotions were a little out of control, and he asked in a voice.

"Don't worry, Xianmen."

Chief Akagi glanced at the black muzzle of the gun, trying to calm himself down.

"With this bargaining chip, can you raise your hand?"

Uchiha Senmon closed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but think of that evening ten years ago, when he was on vacation from the Metropolitan Police Department and returned to the house in Nakano District that he and Mikoto had chosen together.

The next day was their wedding anniversary, and Uchiha Senmon specially took annual leave to prepare to travel abroad with Mikoto, and the child was sent back to his hometown in advance.


Uchiha Senmon, who returned to the love nest with flowers and cakes in his arms, saw Mikoto's incomplete...

Uchiha Senmen closed his eyes in pain, but the scene ten years ago often woke him up from his dreams. It was precisely to avoid touching the scene, Uchiha Senmen seldom returned home in the past ten years.

"I promise you, as long as what you said is true, I can pretend that I don't know all this."

Uchiha Xianmen was not indecisive, and agreed to the conditions of Section Chief Akagi.

"Really?! Isn't that like your style?"

Seeing that Uchiha Senmen agreed so happily, Akagi Section Chief was overjoyed, but also a little surprised.

"In order to avenge Meiqin, get her head back, and let Meiqin rest in peace. My justice, my dignity, everything about me, I can give up!"

Uchiha Xianmen said resolutely.

"Xianmen, it's not that I don't believe you, but just to be on the safe side, can you swear with Mikoto's spirit in the sky?" Section Chief Akagi rolled his eyes and made a very excessive request.


The enraged Uchiha Sento took a few steps forward with a gun and directly pressed Section Chief Akagi on the forehead, his murderous aura erupted violently, but Section Chief Akagi looked at him without compromise.

After half a sound, Uchiha Xianmen took a few steps back, biting his lower lip, even bleeding out.

"I, Uchiha Senmen, swear in the name of my wife Mikoto! Now you can tell everything, Akagi!"

Uchiha Xianmen gritted his teeth, weeping blood every word.

"I believe in the bond between you and Mikoto, and you will never break your promise and get fat. In this way, I will have no worries."

The class leader Akagi let out a sigh of relief, and the sweat on his cheeks beaded out belatedly.

"But there is no evidence for what I say. The evidence I have is placed in the mobile phone in the bathrobe. I will open it for you to see."

Section Chief Akagi looked at the bathrobe on the floor, and made a gesture to bend down to take it.

"do not move!"

Uchiha Senmen remained vigilant and issued a warning.

He took a few steps forward, pointed a gun at Chief Akagi with one hand, and fumbled in the pocket of the bathrobe with the other hand, and found a black Samsung mobile phone.


Uchiha Xianmen looked down.


Uchiha Senmen quickly tapped the screen a few times with his left hand.

The screen did not respond, and Uchiha Senmen felt that something was wrong. The temperature of the Samsung phone in his hand rose to extremely hot in an instant, as if holding a red-hot soldering iron.


The Samsung mobile phone seemed to be a small bomb that exploded in the study!

Caught off guard, Uchiha Senmen threw the phone out immediately, but was knocked to the ground by the explosion.


The current state of Uchiha Xianmen is in a state of embarrassment, the glass of the frame is shattered, and the left hand was injured by the explosion of the mobile phone, dripping with blood.

To make matters worse, the pistol in the other hand also came out.

Uchiha Xianmen didn't care about many things, so he reached out to pick them up.

"do not move!"

The long-planned section chief Akagi overturned the desk, stood up, took out a pistol and pointed it at Uchiha Senmen.

For a while, Uchiha Xianmen did not dare to act rashly.

The trend of offense and defense has reversed, and now it is Section Chief Akagi who is in the dominant position.

"You are really skilled." Uchiha Xianmen said coldly.

"Ha, this is a little trick I learned at SIT back then. It's a custom phone."

Section Chief Akagi was full of ambition, showing a look of complacency that he was sure of winning.

"The so-called impatience leads to chaos, Xianmen, although you have been calm on the surface, in fact, you have lost your mind and lost your position, otherwise you would not fall into this trap."

"Sorry, Xianmen, I won this time."

Section Chief Akagi was holding a pistol, with an undisguised murderous intent on his face.

Uchiha Xianmen was silent for a moment, and then said word by word: "Then before you said that you knew the whereabouts of the double-faced monster, were you also deceiving me?"

"This is not fake."

Section Chief Akagi flashed his eyes, hesitated and said.

"Chicheng, tell me, where is that monster?!"

Uchiha Xianmen has no sense of crisis for human beings and me for fish and meat, and yelled at the muzzle of Section Chief Akagi.

"People who are about to die don't need to know so much."

Section Chief Akagi stared at Uchiha Senmen with a complicated expression, a bit of guilt flashed in his eyes, and finally turned into killing intent.

"Xianmen, I have always regarded you as my best friend. But you know too much. If I don't kill you, I will have trouble sleeping and eating! I'm sorry, I will redeem my sins to you in another world. .”

After Akagi Section Chief sighed, he pressed the trigger towards Uchiha Senmen.


There was a flash of fire, and a bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

At this moment, a shiny black crow appeared in front of Uchiha Senmen as if by magic.


The crow that blocked the bullet screamed strangely, and immediately exploded into countless crow feathers.



Both Uchiha Xianmen and Section Chief Akagi were dumbfounded, how is this possible?

The crow that appeared inexplicably blocked the bullet so well and saved the life of Uchiha Senmen.

Uchiha Xianmen was the first to react, and grabbed the pistol on the ground.

"Damn it, flat-haired bastard!"

Section Chief Chicheng yelled and cursed, and shot at Uchiha Xianmen with a hideous face.

Uchiha Senmon, who grabbed the pistol, immediately fought back.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Bang bang bang!"

All of a sudden, there was loud gunshots in the study, and the muzzle flashes flashed across the two faces again and again.

After a few seconds, the winner was decided, and Section Chief Akagi's heavy body collapsed.

Uchiha Xianmen stood up in disbelief, touched his body, and there was no injury at all!

The two people shot each other with automatic pistols at close range in a not-so-spacious room, and knocked out a magazine. Uchiha Xianmen was miraculously not injured by stray bullets or ricochet bullets.

Uchiha Xianmen recalled that at the moment of lightning and flint in the gun battle, several crows appeared out of thin air to help Uchiha Xianmen block the bullets, otherwise he would not be standing here.

No, this is no longer a miracle but a miracle!


Uchiha Xianmen's face changed, he didn't care about where the crows came from, stepped on the scattered crow feathers, and rushed to the front of Section Chief Akagi.

Kicking off the pistol on the ground, Uchiha Xianmen struggled to turn Section Chief Akagi's body over.

Section Chief Akagi's abdomen was like a fountain, with blood flowing profusely.

"No, it's abdominal artery bleeding!"

Section Chief Akagi's excessive weight and accumulated fat also made the first aid several times more difficult. Uchiha Xianmen pressed a few times with his hands, but it was a waste of effort.

Moreover, the abdominal artery was bleeding profusely, such a terrible amount of bleeding, it was impossible for the ambulance to arrive.

"Cough, cough!"

Section Chief Akagi coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, barely opened his eyes, and saw that Uchiha Senmen was giving him first aid in vain.

"Is this... karma, retribution?"

"Senior Chicheng, stop talking, this will only waste your energy."

Section Chief Chicheng smiled, but his face was detached from the imminent death: "Xianmen, you also... know, it's useless..."

"Stop it, stop it!"

"I, time is running out...before I die...I must tell you, you...can't trust the Metropolitan Police Department!"

Section Chief Akagi already exhales more air than inhales, hesitatingly said:

"Double... double-faced demon, right, right in the center of power in this country! Parasitic on... the cabinet members... Who is it... I haven't found out yet..."

Section Chief Akagi spat out another big mouthful of blood, and his face, which was pale from blood loss, suddenly glowed red.

Uchiha Xianmen's heart sank. Having experienced the death of his colleagues several times in front of his eyes, he knew that this was the last reflection.

"Even if Transcendence recovers, King Yan Mo will have any gods born... I don't believe it, the so-called karma... Otherwise, this country shouldn't be like this. But now, I believe it a little bit."

When a man is about to die, his words are kind, and when a bird is about to die, his song is also sad.

"Although I did a lot of wrong things and killed many people, but when I was a criminal policeman... I did some good things, King Yan Mo should lift me up from the 18th hell... ..."

"I'm sorry, Xianmen... I'm obsessed with ghosts, and I want to kill you... But I really regard you as my best friend... Please forgive me..."

Section Chief Akagi raised a hand with difficulty, but was grasped by Uchiha Senmen.

"I know, I know! Senior, I don't blame you."

Section Chief Akagi smiled in relief, and let out his last breath.


Looking at the corpse of Section Chief Akagi, Uchiha Xianmen looked sad and let out a roar from his throat.

A flock of crows flew in from the window, flapping their wings with a puff, and gathered into a stern young man with two tear grooves on his face.

"If you want to get these eyes, you have to kill your best friend."

Uchiha Xianmen raised his head, and the two black hook jades in his eyes slowly formed, spinning and becoming clear.

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