I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 266 Chapter 267 Nanhe Shrine, the Secret of the Uchiha Clan

Uchiha Xianmen raised his hands with dull eyes, his palms were bright red, sticky and slightly hot, it was the blood of senior Akagi.

I killed it with my own hands!

If he hadn't pressed forward step by step, perhaps such a tragedy would not have happened.

Uchiha Xianmen looked sad and dazed.

"Thank you, Akagi-senpai...hehe...haha!"

After a long silence, Uchiha Xianmen raised his head, his original mournful expression gradually distorted, one hand tightly grasped the lapel of his chest, and the other blood-stained right hand pressed against his face, making a weeping and insane laugh .

"Ha, ah ha ha ha ha! Miqin, finally, finally found the whereabouts of the double-faced monster!"

In the past ten years, every day and every night, the fire of revenge burned in his chest all the time.

Thinking of the wife whose head was taken away by the double-faced demon, and who could not even see her for the last time, not only the body, but also the soul of Uchiha Xianmen was burned to the point of pain.

Now, it is finally time to avenge Miqin!

The blood-stained right hand was scratching randomly on the face, and Uchiha Senmen Junya's face was smeared with a totem like a berserker, making it look a little hideous and terrifying.

The black and white eyeballs were shrouded in blood, and the first black jade appeared.

"Is it parasitic in the cabinet... Which one is it?"

But after the Blood of Vengeance had cooled down a bit, Uchiha Xianmen also realized the difficulties and obstacles ahead.

Although he got the clues, he never expected the double-faced demon to lurk in the power center of this country.

"The Metropolitan Police Department must never be trusted!"

The warning of Section Chief Akagi before his death echoed in Uchiha Xianmen's mind.

Uchiha Xianmen has worked hard for ten years in the search of the fourth class, because this is the place where the whereabouts of the double-faced monster are most likely to be investigated, and if necessary, the power of the state agency can be used to take revenge.

However, the Metropolitan Police Department can no longer be trusted.

That's right, Uchiha Xianmen is just a small warning.

Without any evidence and no knowledge of which cabinet member was parasitized by the double-faced demon, if he rashly used the power of the Metropolitan Police Department to hunt him down, he would only startle the snake, and even be killed by the authority of the other party.

In addition, Section Chief Akagi revealed the tip of the iceberg of the dark side of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the human experiment also made Uchiha's teeth chill.

Perhaps, as Senior Akagi said, this country has been rotten to the bone.

But even so, Uchiha Xianmen must roll in the rotten quagmire, and even climb up, so as to obtain higher authority, pull out the double-faced monster from the center of power, and smash it to pieces part!

Even if it is to be swallowed by the dark side of this country, it will not hesitate.

"Mikoto, I will definitely avenge you. Even if it is only with the strength of my Uchiha Senmen!"

After making up his mind, Uchiha Senmon stood up, took off the black-rimmed glasses that had broken one lens and threw them aside, and wiped back the bangs that were messed up in the explosive gun battle before.

In the eyes that were cold and boiling with murderous intent, another black hook jade appeared, and the two black hook jade slowly rotated.

Double Gouyu Sharingan!

The gentle and masculine temperament that was originally refined, easy-going and personable has disappeared, replaced by a bottomless dark aura, and the breathtaking attraction is hidden in the eyes.

"Senior Chicheng, even at the end, I am grateful for your care. I also regard you as my best friend."

Seeing Section Chief Akagi who died with a peaceful expression and closed his eyes with relief, Uchiha Xianmen bowed deeply.

The Metropolitan Police Department still has value to be used. It cannot be separated from the Metropolitan Police Department yet. The scene must be dealt with and a reasonable explanation should be given to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Uchiha Xianmen's eyes swept across the crow feathers all over the floor, and frowned.

Where did the crow that appeared inexplicably in the gunfight and blocked the bullet for him come from?

Suddenly, Uchiha Xianmen sensed something was wrong.

He doesn't wear glasses to look good. He has slight myopia, but he has taken off his glasses, and his eyesight is better than ever.

The feathers of crows on the ground must show.

Not only that, when Uchiha Xianmen opened his eyes, there seemed to be something like airflow flowing in the crow feathers.

In the next second, all the crow feathers disappeared.


Uchiha Xianmen was startled, and immediately felt dizzy, staggered, and half-kneeled on the ground.

Half a palm-sized shard of glass on the ground reflected the scarlet eyes of Uchiha Senmen, and two black jade jade slowly rotated around the pupils.

"Sharingan? Although it looks very similar, but I am not a three-pattern pattern but a double-pattern pattern. Besides, why do I have such eyes?"

Uchiha Xianmen's complexion changed drastically.

The majestic and mysterious Sharingan left a deep impression on the Metropolitan Police Department. This kind of eyes obviously has a lot of background in the extraordinary world, and easily scared away the envoy of King Yan Mo.

There are two superhumans in the Akatsuki organization who have Sharingan, and other superhumans also keep secrets about Sharingan.

There must be a big secret hidden in Sharingan, but no matter how hard the experts of the Metropolitan Police Department searched through the books and piles of ancient books, they couldn't find any useful clues.

Not to mention finding out the real surname of this family hidden behind the myth.

"Quack quack -!"

At this moment, a bunch of crows flew in from the window. The crows flapped their wings and merged into a handsome young man in a pure black robe with two tear channels on his face.

He looked at Uchiha Senmen expressionlessly, and three black jades turned in his scarlet eyes.

Akatsuki's Itachi!

Uchiha Xianmen was startled.

The city of Sapporo was destroyed just before, why would he show up here! ?

Uchiha Xianmen subconsciously put his hand on the back of his waist, but then he realized that for this kind of extraordinary person who can't even deal with missiles, a pistol is not even a toy.

Besides, if Itachi had been malicious towards him, those crows would not have appeared.

"Why did you save me?"

Uchiha Xianmen stood up, staring at Uchiha Itachi coldly without changing his face.

At the same time, he looked at Uchiha Itachi calmly, this was the first time Uchiha Xianmen met him.

However, Uchiha Xianmen is familiar with Itachi's data files. He is very good at swordsmanship, very good at using fire spells, and mental manipulation...

After the battle in Sapporo, Itachi has surpassed the Red Sand Scorpion, becoming the most dangerous figure in the Akatsuki organization and the number one enemy of the Metropolitan Police Department.

No, Uchiha Xianmen winked.

Dress up?

What Itachi was wearing was not the typical black-bottomed red cloud robe of the Akatsuki Organization, but a black windbreaker uncharacteristically.

"Because we are people connected by blood." Uchiha Itachi said lightly.

Blood connection?

Uchiha Xianmen felt unprecedented absurdity, and almost thought that there was something wrong with his ears.

Uchiha Itachi lowered his head slightly, and looked at the corpse of Section Chief Akagi lying on the ground from the corner of his eye, and uttered a few meaningful words:

"If you want to get such eyes, you have to kill your best friend. This is the irreversible fate of our family."

"What are you talking about?" Uchiha Xianmen said shyly.

Although Akagi-senpai made a big mistake, he didn't feel sorry for himself. He took good care of himself from college to work. Uchiha Senmen has always regarded Akagi-senpai as his brother and best friend, but now Killed him personally.

Uchiha Itachi turned his head, his eyes were cold, and the scarlet eyes shone with thrilling coercion, making people dare not look directly at him.

This is Chaofan's absolute advantage in the field of life. Just one glance can make mortals sweat tremblingly and bow down to this majestic and sacred power.

Uchiha Xianmen's face was shocked, and he couldn't help taking half a step back. After biting his lower lip, a trace of blood rolled down from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, not to be outdone, he responded with a sharp gaze.

"Nice eyes. Now with Sharingan, you can see more things clearly." Uchiha Itachi was a little surprised.

Uchiha Xianmen heard the words, the double hook jade in the pupils of the eyes, accelerated the rotation, and the line of sight seemed to be able to penetrate Uchiha Itachi's body.

He saw that there were countless cyclones flowing in the body of the transcendent, and the terrifying energy like a volcano was compressed in the human body, and as long as it was released sporadically, it could blow the entire apartment.

The energy gushes out, condensing into a phantom of an orange-red giant, exuding a terrifying power comparable to that of a god!

"Woo, hoo, hoo..."

The chest heaved violently, and Uchiha Xianmen was sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and stretched out his right hand to cover his right eye.

The other eye, which was exposed outside, looked very tired, changed from red to black, and returned to its original appearance.

"You just opened your eyes, and you still can't control the power of Sharingan."

"Itachi, if you show up here, you must have something to tell me, so let's get straight to the point."

Uchiha Xianmen breathed out a few times, adjusted his breathing, and regained his composure.

"You said that the blood is connected, and what is going on with the pair of sharing eyes?"

"Uchiha, Xianmen."

Uchiha Itachi showed an intriguing and deep meaning on his face, and he read the name of Uchiha Xianmen word by word.

"After I took the file from the Metropolitan Police Department, I have been observing you secretly. I was also very shocked when I saw 'Uchiha'. I finally confirmed it when I saw you open your eyes today. I didn't expect that the Uchiha clan, in the human world There is still a vein left."

Uchiha Xianmen's pupils shrank, could it be?

"That's right, that's what you think. I'm Uchiha Itachi."

Uchiha Itachi raised his arm, glanced at the pure black sleeve, pointed at Uchiha Immortal Gate and said.

"Today, I didn't appear as the 'Suzaku' organized by Akatsuki, but came to meet you as a member of your clan, that's why I changed into this outfit."

The frights Uchiha Xianmen has received in the past ten years are not as much as today.

I couldn't be more clear about my origin.

The Uchiha family is just a small household in the countryside of Shizuoka Prefecture, where you can overlook Mount Fuji from a distance. Now there are several Uchihas in the village that can be counted on one hand.

The surname Uchiha was also taken after the "Miao Characters Must Be Called Order" during the Meiji Restoration period. Before that, it was a mud leg that didn't even have a surname.

How could an extraordinary relative of the same race as him appear inexplicably?

"What a boring sneer..."

Uchiha Xianmen rejects this absurd statement from the bottom of his heart, but the facts speak louder than words, and the change in his eyes forced him to face up to this problem.

Besides, why would such a powerful Transcendent have a relationship with a rural farmer like Uchiha? He racked his brains and couldn't think of the need for this.

Could it be that my surname really has a long history and a mysterious origin?

In the old days, the front swallow of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people? Or is it so well disguised that future generations forget everything?

"Even the glory of the Uchiha clan can't withstand the scouring of the long river of time. The Uchihas in the heavenly world have been wiped out, and the Uchihas left in the human world have long forgotten their mission."

Uchiha Itachi had a mocking smile on his mouth, he turned sideways and looked out the window, his eyes were dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

From this angle, Uchiha Xianmen can see a pattern similar to a round fan on the back of Uchiha Itachi's black clothes.

"Uchiha Itachi, can you start from the beginning and clear up my doubts?"

Although Uchiha Xianmen was very upset, he still calmly analyzed the pros and cons.

"You don't have enough time to come here to recognize a distant relative, so just tell me if you have any purpose."

"Too weak, you who only have the double gouyu sharingan, are worthless to me." Uchiha Itachi said indifferently.

Suddenly, the siren blared in the street downstairs, and several police cars drove towards here from a distance.

Apparently it was the previous shootout that alerted other residents in the apartment to call the police.

Uchiha Xianmen looked at Uchiha Itachi, and couldn't help frowning. If his relationship with Uchiha Itachi is exposed, then it may be a disaster rather than a blessing.

Now he has great distrust of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he is not afraid to speculate with the worst malice.

Uchiha Xianmen opened his mouth to say something.

At this moment, Uchiha Itachi opened the corner of his clothes, and a crow flew in front of Uchiha Immortal Gate with lightning speed, and got in through its mouth.


Caught off guard, Uchiha Xianmen grabbed his throat and retched instinctively.

But nothing came out, Uchiha Xianmen stroked from his lips to his chest in disbelief, there was nothing foreign, but the crow's feathers in his mouth before, the feeling of living animals moving and struggling, was extremely real.

"what have you done?"

Uchiha Xianmen asked in a deep voice, double hook jade appeared in his eyes.

"This is a gift from me to you. In view of the friendship of our compatriots, we cannot let you die too quickly."

Uchiha Itachi's body began to change into a flock of crows from the lower body.

"Forget it, let me just say one more thing. Nanga Shrine, the clan's home of the Uchiha clan, records the reason why the Uchiha clan exists in the human world, and the real secret of our clan."

"Nanhe Shrine?"

Uchiha Xianmen was stunned, Uchiha in the countryside of Shizuoka County is just a small family, leaving only one ancestral house, so there is no clan land.

Although there is a small shrine in my hometown, it is not called by this name.

"Where is Nanhe Shrine?!"

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi was about to leave, Uchiha Xianmen hurriedly asked.

"Aren't you searching Mount Fuji?"

Uchiha Itachi's implication is that the Nanga Shrine is on Mount Fuji? !

"But with your current eyes, even if you find the Nanhe Shrine, you can't decipher the real secret of our family, even if you use the Sangouyu Sharingan."

The three black hook jades in Uchiha Itachi's eyes condensed into a black windmill, constantly turning.

"If you also open the kaleidoscope, there will be three people in this world... No, maybe four people have such eyes. In this way, I won't be in vain to save your life."

Uchiha Itachi's whole body disintegrated into a group of crows, flew out of the window, and disappeared into the night.

"One day when you have the same eyes, I will come to see you again. Maybe, you are what we are looking for..."

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