I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 267 Chapter 268

A crow with shiny feathers flew across the night sky, departing from the port area and heading towards Tokyo Bay.

After flying over the sea for an unknown amount of time, a huge shadow emerged from the sea fog.


It is a magnificent island!

The crow flew over the mountains covered by clouds and mist, flew over the sparkling lake, and finally landed towards the large deserted houses on the edge of the island. It landed on the shoulder of a young man in white, and kissed him with his beak. finger.

"Yuda, I know."

Naruto Uchiha took out a piece of beef jerky, stuffed it into Yada's mouth, stroked its smooth feathers, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The Uchiha Immortal Gate has opened its eyes, and it is still a Shuanggouyu Sharingan!

To be honest, Naruto Uchiha's face was very exciting when he got the news from the bird clone.

This is beyond his plan!

Naruto Uchiha's feelings for his biological father in this life are very complicated. It is difficult for him to see Uchiha Xianmen as his real father because he has integrated the memories of his previous life and present life, but it is even more impossible for him to act like a passerby and ignore him.

After knowing that Uchiha Xianmen was searching for the work of the fourth class, for safety reasons, Uchiha Naruto sent the psychic beast Yadai to protect in secret.

This is a long-term job, and the psychic crow is more suitable for this job than the shadow clone.

Naruto Uchiha also considered whether to give Uchiha Xianmen some ninjutsu, but Sharingan was not within the scope of consideration.

Because Uchiha Naruto used various vests to boast about Sharingan, and he boasted amazingly, Uchiha Itachi even opened a kaleidoscope Sharingan to beat the world upside down in Sapporo. If Uchiha Xianmen reveals that he holds Sharingan, it will be too eye-catching, and it may cause a fatal disaster.

Naruto Uchiha did not intend to give Sharingan to Uchiha Xianmen.

But why does Uchiha Xianmen open his eyes?

Naruto Uchiha couldn't figure it out.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, and that is because Sharingan is inherited by blood, and it is inherited by blood.

Uchiha Naruto's descendants will inevitably inherit the genetic factors of Sharingan.

It's just that he never expected that the only direct blood relative, Uchiha Xianmen, could also open Sharingan.

I don't know whether it is the chicken and then the egg, or the circular causality of the egg and then the chicken, or the world line was transformed when the system was awakened, and the origin of Naruto Uchiha's lineage is traced.

Fortunately, the Uchiha clan in this world is thin, and it is a single pass of three generations.

In addition to their branch in the rural hometown of Shizuoka County, the other family is a child adopted by Uchiha Xianmen uncle. Although they are also surnamed Uchiha, they have no blood relationship with them.

Naruto Uchiha's grandparents have also passed away.

In other words, the opening of Uchiha's eyes is a special situation that cannot be copied.

In this world, apart from their father and son, it is absolutely impossible for anyone else to have Sharingan.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it is impossible for Naruto Uchiha to pick out the Sharingan of Uchiha Xianmen.

Although he doesn't have deep feelings for his father in this world, he is not 'filial' to the level of Itachi Uchiha.

Anyway, Naruto Uchiha also hid his backhand through the crow swallowed by Uchiha Xianmen. Even if Uchiha Xianmen is accidentally exposed, he can turn around and make sure that the power of Sharingan will not be lost.

"Yuda, you go to secretly protect the Uchiha Xianmen. Now he already has Shuanggouyu Sharingan, you have to be more careful."

"Quack quack!"

The crow spread its wings and nodded repeatedly.

Uchiha smiled, threw Yada into the air, and a black meteor flew towards Tokyo.


Naruto Uchiha looked around the island that was materialized with a copy, and a kaleidoscope Sharingan appeared in his eyes.

Tianyu was betrayed!

One after another, ancient villagers in rough linen clothes and straw sandals appeared in the deserted village with empty eyes.

"The stage has been set up, the group performances are in place, and the curtain has been raised. Let me see who will be so lucky to land on the legendary Penglai Island."


In the morning, the sea was filled with mist, and a medium-sized international cruise ship cut through the waves and headed towards Tokyo Bay.

This is a tourist ship departing from abroad, and the next destination is Tokyo.

A group of young men and women on the deck are talking and laughing together, including Japanese, foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes, and even a dark-skinned black man.

And not far away, a young man with a hood and round glasses, facing the sea, looks thoughtful.

"Have you heard that there seems to be a major earthquake in a city in northern Japan?"

"No, the Internet said it wasn't an earthquake, but a monster like Hydera appeared."

"Wow, it's so dangerous, is Ultraman here yet?" Someone joked and laughed.

The Extraordinary War in Sapporo City has already caused an uproar in Japan. The Japanese government, uncharacteristically, did not suppress the heat and just kept silent.

Countries rushed to express their condolences to Japan and expressed their willingness to launch humanitarian aid. Even South Korea, which is the most unresponsive, is patted on its chest and can send the largest emergency team to Sapporo for rescue.

It was even more enthusiastic and positive than the 311 earthquake that year. The spirit of internationalism shown by various countries moved the uninformed masses greatly.

However, the Japanese government, ignorant of good and evil, rejected all the applications of the National Rescue Team to enter the site, and only allowed the Japanese Army and the Self-Defense Force to enter Sapporo for "disaster relief".

This matter is also a headline in the international arena, but there are many people who have not even heard of it on the sea liner with poor signal and relatively closed information.

Even if they have heard of those supernatural and inhuman things, many foreigners are still skeptical.

"Mr. Yaoshidou, oh ha, are you looking at the scenery?"

A yellow-skinned handsome guy with a moustache stepped out of the crowd, dressed in trendy clothes and looked in his early twenties, chatting enthusiastically with the young man in round-frame glasses.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Hirota Turio, you saved my brother's life yesterday, doctor, have you forgotten?"

A partner of Hirota Tulio had an emergency on the passenger ship yesterday, and the doctors on board were unable to treat him. Fortunately, the pharmacist helped the doctor back to life, and the crisis was saved.

It has been more than ten days since Hirota Turio set off from the sailing point of the passenger ship. The tourists on the ship are basically familiar with each other and have made many friends from all over the world. However, it was the first time I saw this highly skilled doctor yesterday.

But Hirota Turio didn't care. Maybe the doctor boarded the passenger ship at the previous stop, or maybe he stayed in the room all the time after boarding the passenger ship.

He noticed that Pharmacist was watching the sea on the deck whenever he was free, so he came up to talk to him out of curiosity.

"Mr. Yaoshidou, what are you planning to do in Japan this trip?"

The sea breeze blew the hood of Medicine Master's hood, his eyes were attracted by the sea again, and he said lightly:

"I'm here to find something."

"Oh, Mr. Yaoshidou, like me, came to Japan to find his roots and ask his ancestors?" Hirota Turio's eyes lit up.

Hirota Turio is a Japanese-Brazilian. Brazil is the country with the second largest number of Japanese in the world after the United States, with nearly two million Japanese living in it.

Although Hirota Turio has never been to Japan, he has longed for this spiritual motherland and learned fluent Japanese from his parents.


Pharmacist showed a meaningful smile.

At this moment, a sudden exclamation was heard from the crowd on the deck.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

"What island is this?"

In a thick mist, a huge shadow suddenly emerged.

When you look closely, it is an island like a fairyland on earth.

Although most of it is surrounded by mist, you can still see the white and delicate sandy beaches, lush forests, and towering handsome peaks while still holding the pipa half-hidden.

It is like a paradise that is independent from the world and not stained with dust.

"Captain, what do you think that is?!"

"Hey, this is almost to Tokyo Bay, why is there still an island?"

The captain and other sailors in the wheelhouse also looked at each other in disbelief.

For the sake of safety, international passenger ships have fixed routes, and their passenger ship has made this trip not once or twice, and they have never seen this beautiful and beautiful island like the one in the picture.

Even if there is an error in human memory, it has never been recorded on the sea chart.

The captain muttered while confirming the route, but he did not deviate from the route after checking it several times.

Is it a mirage?

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"Record the coordinates and leave like this."

The captain is mature and prudent, and has no intention of going to the island to find out.

Even if he doesn't know whether this dreamlike island really exists, it has nothing to do with him. His job is to send passengers to Tokyo.

"Not good, captain! There seems to be something wrong with the ship's engine, and it can't move!"

"What, you bastards, how do you usually maintain the boat!"

After a flurry of inspections, the captain got good news and bad news.

The bad news is that the propulsion turbine of the passenger ship seems to be blocked by something, and the passenger ship cannot move forward. The good news is that the passenger ship has no risk of sinking.

"Damn it, it's almost time to go to Tokyo Bay, and something like this happened!"

The maintenance of the passenger ship has exceeded their capabilities. Fortunately, it is not far from Tokyo Bay. If they ask the Coast Guard for help, rescue will come soon.

"Go and inform the passengers on the ship that we have had an accident and need to stay here for a while. Please stay calm."

After arranging for the first mate to deal with it, the captain looked at the island not far away with a complicated expression on his pipe, and a bit of haze flashed across his face.

Is it really just a coincidence that the passenger ship stopped unexpectedly shortly after the discovery of this unnamed island?

An ominous premonition flashed through his mind.

After half an hour, a seaman came to the captain to report:

"Report to the captain, a few tourists say they are really bored, and they are idle. They want to rent the life raft on our ship and visit that island. What do you mean?"

"Fart, no!"

The captain immediately blew his beard and stared, and slapped the sailor on the forehead with a slap, then he took out a stack of colorful banknotes in his pocket.

"Did you come here to spread the word after taking their tip? Damn, I'm so full, I don't even know what the name of this island is, and I still want to go up there to play? Who is responsible for the accident?!"

The crew members walked out of the captain's cabin with a sad face.

After another ten minutes, the crew member rushed in sweating profusely, out of breath and said:

"Captain, it's bad! Those, tourists, secretly put down the lifeboat and got off the ship!"

"Damn! These little bastards! Follow me!"

The captain suddenly became furious and cursed.

At the same time, an orange six-person lifeboat was paddling towards the unnamed island.

"Is it wrong for us to go to the island like this?" A girl with long hair said a little uneasy.

"What's the big deal? It's only a few hundred meters from the boat to the island. The weather is calm, so there's no risk."

Someone disagreed.

"It's not the first time I've returned to China on this passenger ship. It's not far from Tokyo Bay. What age is it? There are no dangerous desert islands. Besides, if there is any danger, the people on the passenger ship will not ignore it." No matter how bad it is, there is also the Coast Guard.”

"It's so beautiful, I can't believe it! I have traveled all over the world, and I have never seen such a beautiful island. How could I miss this opportunity!"

A white girl with a camera behind her back said excitedly.

A black man beside him waved his arms wheezingly, paddled the oars, and braved the wind and waves.

"Mr. Yaoshidou, I didn't expect you to go to the island with us."

Hirota Turio looked at the young man wearing round glasses with some surprise on his face.

After all, Mr. Yaoshidou looked like an extremely calm and calm person.

"This Penglai Island is what I'm looking for."

Hirota Turio frowned, feeling a bit puzzled. At this moment, someone among the companions on the life raft shouted:

"It's not good, those crew members are catching up!"

Hirota Turio quickly looked back, and another rescue boat was lowered from the passenger ship. The crew on it were all in sailor suits, and they rowed towards them while yelling and cursing.

"Antonio! Hurry up!"

Hirota Turio quickly turned his head and shouted at the big black man sitting in the last row of the life raft.

"Master Kaifang!"


Suddenly, the crew members on the lifeboat behind shouted in horror.

Hirota Turio didn't even have time to turn his head. Suddenly, a huge palm made of condensed sea water protruded from the sea, which was as big as a house. It just slapped down and overturned the lifeboat.

"Gulu Gulu—"

Hirota Turio himself was very good at water, otherwise he would not have dared to organize people to go to the island, but in the whirlpool, his hands and feet were cold and unable to move, and he sank into the sea.

The trance consciousness drifted farther and farther, and when he was about to drown, he vaguely saw a slender figure with scales and pulled him back.


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