I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 268 Chapter 269

The firewood in the bonfire made a soft beeping sound, and the tongue of fire licked the hanging pot under the beam of the house. The miso soup in the pot rolled and gave off a tempting aroma.

Hirota Turio, whose clothes are half dry and not wet, sat on tatami mats with black people, warming up around the campfire.

On the other side, a pretty brunette girl with a bandage wrapped around her face was stirring the miso soup in the pot with a spoon.

"Arigado, Miss Yuhuo."

Hirota Turio was flattered and took the bowls and chopsticks handed over by the girl, and couldn't help stealing glances at the Miss Yuhuo who rescued them from the sea.

Yuhuo is about fifteen or sixteen years old, with purple hair in black, and he is wearing coarse linen clothes. The most noticeable thing is that there are layers of bandages wrapped around Yuhuo's left face, forehead, arms and ankles .

What is the injury? It doesn't look like a serious injury.

While thinking, Hirota Tulio put miso soup into his mouth.

"Oh vaguely!"

Although it's just wild vegetables, radishes and sea fish, plus a little miso soup cooked with miso, Hirota Tulio still tastes delicious. Even though there were no side dishes, he still devoured the soup, and even ate two large bowls of brown rice mixed with more than half of unknown beans and potatoes.

Although he is a Brazilian, Hirota Turio has a Japanese stomach, and he has a soft spot for miso soup.

On the other hand, the black Antonio on the side smelled the smell of miso soup, and after taking a sip, he showed embarrassment. He barely drank half of it, and Hirota Turio bluntly took the rest and drank it all in one gulp.

After sweeping away the food prepared by Yuhuo, he still had some unfinished mouth.

After eating the hot food, Hirota Turio's limbs and bones became active, which is considered a complete resurrection.

"Miss Yuhuo, thank you very much for your hospitality."

Hirota Turio put his palms together and expressed his sincere thanks to Yuhuo.


Yuhuo responded indifferently, seeming to cherish words like gold and be taciturn.

"Miss Yuhuo, thank you for saving us from the sea."

Hirota Turio racked his brains to recall.

After the lifeboat capsized, he fell into the sea and drowned. Before he passed out, he vaguely saw a slender figure with scales like a mermaid pulling himself up.

He sneaked another glance at Yuhuo.

Did I read it wrong?

"Miss Yuhuo, where are my other companions on the boat?"

At this moment, the door of the thatched hut where Hirota Turio was staying was opened, and a young man and woman and a blond woman walked in.

"Hirota, Antonio, you are finally awake!"

"It's fine, it's fine."

Hirota Turio, who showed excitement, hugged a few of his friends who survived the catastrophe. After calming down, he realized that the number of people was wrong.

"Isn't Doctor Pharmacist here?"

Hirota Tulio hurriedly looked around in the thatched hut, and seeing his companions all looked blank, he turned his head to the fishing fire and asked impatiently:

"Miss Yuhuo, there are six people on our lifeboat, and there is a man, didn't you see?"

"Six people? I only saw five of you in the sea."

Yuhuo shook his head.

Could it be that……

"Antonio, did you see how the lifeboat capsized?"

The incident happened suddenly, and at that time, Hirota Turio was staring at the passing boat on the passenger ship, and had no time to pay attention to him.

"I was paddling and didn't notice."

"It seems that a big wave came over and overturned the lifeboat. No, it doesn't look like a wave..."

The young man in the couple said hesitantly.

Doctor Yao Shidou is probably in danger now, Hirota Turio looks remorseful, wishing to slap himself a few times, if he had known this, he should not have proposed to go to the island for fun.

Wait, things may not be as bad as imagined, and it may not be that Doctor Yaoshidou was rescued by the sailors on the passenger ship.

Their lifeboat sank not far from the passenger ship, and it was impossible for the crew to do nothing.

However, it must have been a long time since Hirota Turio and his group capsized. Why hasn’t rescue arrived yet? Also let them stay in thatched huts on the island.

"It doesn't matter, call the police first, no, it's the Coast Guard."

Hirota Turio took out a mobile phone from his pocket, but unfortunately it had been soaked in sea water for a long time and could not be turned on.

I asked other companions, and their mobile phones either fell into the sea with the salute, or they broke down like him.

"Miss Yuhuo, please lend me your mobile phone. You should have a signal here, right?"

"Signal? Cell phone? What's that?"

Yuhuo frowned and asked suspiciously.

"How can this be?"

Hirota Turio was startled, and looked at each other with the returned Japanese couple, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

After asking again, seeing Yuhuo's expression that did not seem to be fake, Hirota Turio looked at the simple and simple furniture and furnishings in the thatched hut, and couldn't help but feel pity.

"Miss Yuhuo, is it possible that you lived alone on an uninhabited desert island?" Hirota Turio asked cautiously.

"Although I live alone, the village is on the other side."

Yuhuo raised his bandaged hand, but seemed to remember something, and immediately put it down, pointing to the east direction with his other hand.

Hirota Turio couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this is not an uninhabited island, and there are villages, so we can contact the outside world for help.

"You are outsiders who broke into the island from the outside world, right?"

"I'm very sorry to have landed on the island without permission, and we don't know that the island is inhabited. We will leave as soon as possible."

The long-haired woman among the lovers asked tentatively:

"Miss, what is the name of this island?"


"Penglai? Haha, is this island of yours trying to gain the fame of Emperor Shi Huang and Xu Fu? I know, it's going to be a tourist attraction." The young man clapped his hands and laughed.

"No, this is Penglai, the fairy island that the first emperor was looking for two thousand years ago."

Yuhuo replied solemnly.

"Hehe, you really know how to joke! Do you still have to tell me that there is an elixir of life on this so-called Penglai Island?"

The young man rolled his eyes and couldn't help but complain.

"Of course, there are indeed legends about the elixir of life on the island."

Yuhuo said as a matter of course.

"It's just that I'm not the only one and a half...women can know the specific inside story."

The young man twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that it was too nonsense, did this girl get into the drama too deeply.

"Hirota, this girl is probably..."

The young man stretched out his fingers and drew circles on his forehead, implying that there was something wrong with Yuhuo's brain, and whispered in Hirota Tulio's ear.

"Let's go to the village as soon as possible and find someone who can call the shots for help."

"What are you talking about? Penglai, is there anything special?"

Hirota Turio was confused.

What do they mean by their vague words.

Could it be that his Japanese is not good enough to understand what Miss Yuhuo and this couple are talking about?

Even the Japanese-Brazilian Hirota Turio is like this, and the black Antonio and the foreign white girl are naturally incomprehensible.

Unexpectedly, Yuhuo's eyes flashed, and he said calmly:

"If you want to leave, go to the Miko-sama on Lingfeng Peak, only she can send foreigners out."

"Ha, ahaha, we know. Hirota, let's go first."

The young man smiled awkwardly, got up and pulled Hirota Tulio as if he was about to leave. Several people had already walked out of the gate of the thatched cottage.

The blond woman who stayed at the end looked at the bandages on Yuhuo's body several times, and took out a box of ointment from the satchel on her shoulder.

"This! Heals wounds, infections, and is good for the skin!"

The foreign white girl made gestures, and the Japanese she uttered was also awkward and jerky that is unique to the crooked nut. She took out the ointment and insisted on stuffing it into Yuhuo's hand.

Accidentally touched Yuhuo's bandaged arm.

Yuhuo's face changed, and he pulled his arm back as if he was electrocuted, knocking the ointment to the ground.

"Yes, sorry."

"Let's go! Don't stay on the island for too long."

Yuhuo issued an order to evict the guests with a cold face, and then closed the door of the thatched cottage.

"Why did you suddenly turn around?"

Several people outside looked at each other.

"It's my fault, I accidentally touched Miss Yuhuo's wound."

The foreign white girl said in English hesitantly: "Under Miss Yuhuo's bandage, there seems to be a bump like a fish scale..."

"Is it a skin disease like ichthyosis?"

The bandages wrapped around Yuhuo's body were really eye-catching, the young man speculated.

"Too bad, she lives alone in isolation, so it must be an infectious disease!"

The long-haired woman suddenly screamed, as if she saw something dirty, she backed away in fright.

"Shut up! They just saved us, how can we think so nonsense."

Hirota Tulio put on a straight face, reprimanded unceremoniously.

The young couple suddenly smiled embarrassingly.

The foreign white girl looked at the dilapidated thatched cottage, her eyes turned red, and she choked up and said:

"She's still underage. It's really pitiful to live in this kind of place by herself and still have such a serious illness."

"Sure enough, the country of the United States is stupid and sweet. We are all in danger now, and we have a heart attack."

The young man slandered secretly, and said impatiently: "After we go out, we will find a way to donate a sum of money to that girl to treat her illness."

"Just like this first, let's go, go to the village on the island."

A group of people left from the thatched hut where Yuhuo lived and walked along the beach of the island.

The clear and transparent waves beat against the pure white and delicate silver sandy beach, and the sea breeze blows head-on, bringing in fresh and pleasant air, and the sea and sky are in the distance.

On the other side, there is a large piece of lush virgin forest, and several mountains that are emerald and beautiful, looming in the clouds and mist, left behind and independent, like a picture scroll of a fairyland on earth.

"It's really beautiful, so beautiful!"

"An island of this level should have been developed into a resort a long time ago. How come I have never heard of it?"

"It's a pity my digital camera fell into the ocean."

They were all amazed by the dream-like beauty. They were all people who had visited all over the world, but the scenery on the island also opened their eyes.

If it hadn't been for the shipwreck accident, and the whereabouts of the medicine doctor and doctor were unknown, maybe they had let themselves go and played on the beach.

"So, Penglai Island is a legend similar to the Mysterious Island and the Fountain of Youth?"

Hirota Turio was still brooding over what Yuhuo said before, and while he was on the beach, he asked the young couple about allusions and legends about Penglai Island.

Penglai Island is also very popular in Japan, and the young couple told the other three people everything they knew.

"That's about it. The girl said that this is Penglai Island. How is that possible?"

During the conversation, they were already close to their destination.

On the coastline, a rolling village of thatched cottages and wooden houses comes into view.

Immediately overjoyed, a group of people quickened their pace. On the tree-lined path that was about to enter the village, two children, a boy and a girl, were laughing and playing by the side of the road.

As soon as they saw a few people approaching, the two children stopped their movements, opened their eyes wide, and looked at them curiously.

"Hello, kids."

Hirota Turio showed a smile that he thought was amiable, and stepped forward to say hello.

"You are foreigners, right!"

The boy looked at Hirota Turio with innocent eyes, and said crisply.


Hirota Turio frowned, looking at the old-style civilian clothes on the two children, his heart skipped a beat, as if he had an ominous premonition.

"We are foreigners. Can you tell my brother what the name of this island is?"

"Spray...it's called Penglai!" The boy bit his finger and replied excitedly after a while.

Is it really Penglai?

Hirota Turio and several others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Children, you can't lie! That sister named Yuhuo didn't say that."

The young man had an idea and bluffed.

"Ah, you guys are from sister Yuhuo?"

Another little girl said in a childish voice.

"Yes, we have a good relationship with Sister Yuhuo."

"The village head and mother both said that you can't play with the half-demon!"

The little boy suddenly pulled the little girl and ran towards the village.

"Is Japan such a poor country? It's all wooden houses and thatched houses, and there are not many earthen houses."

After entering the village, Hirota Tulio felt that his beautiful fantasy of the spiritual motherland was completely shattered.

In the narrative of the elders, Japan is a developed country with a booming economy, Tokyo is the largest city in the world, and even the most remote countryside is more developed than the towns in Brazil.

But after entering the village, all you see is the pure nature and original ecology of the ancient countryside, without any traces of electrical appliances, cement or other modernization.

Even the primitive tribes in the Brazilian Amazon forest are nothing more than that.

They also met a few villagers on the way, all of them were coarse cloth short shirts and ancient buns, no matter how they looked at them, they did not look like people living in modern society.

As soon as they saw them, the villagers looked strange, fearing that they would avoid them, and they couldn't scream no matter what.

"I have been to Africa as a volunteer, but I have never seen such a village without any signs of modern civilization. It is a bit... scary."

The foreign white girl said with some anxiety.

"Hahaha, it must be the staff of the scenic spot in disguise. The atmosphere is really good, the acting is so cool."

The young man forced a smile, even a nervous person like him could faintly feel that something was wrong, even a little hairy.

There is something quirky about this village!

They couldn't have broken into a village with taboo customs in some horror novel, right?

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