I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 273 Chapter 274 Chocolate Hungry Ghost and Miko

"Quack, quack—"

The startled crows hovered in the air, but they still stared at the minced meat below. The fishing fire picked up a leaf, the blood on it had dried up, and she crushed her fingers.

"The mountain dog should have been killed in the morning. Maybe I'm overthinking, but things may be changing."

"Miss Yuhuo, did something go wrong?" Hirota Tulio asked doubtfully.

"The fox demon and the mountain dog are both monsters on the outskirts of the sea of ​​trees. They have been entrenched for more than ten years, but they died one after another within a day." Yuhuo said bluntly: "There is also the five-color snake that I have never seen before. In addition to the previous intruder, other people have also landed on the island."

"Could it be that monsters are vying for territory to kill each other?" The long-haired woman said smartly.

"Maybe, but the outer territory is not of much value to youkai."

Yuhuo was noncommittal, and asked Hirota Turio:

"How many people were in that strange boat when you came?"

"The four on our side, Antonio who was left behind, and Doctor Yaoshidou who was shot dead, these are the only six people on the lifeboat. There are no other people." Hirota Tulio counted with his fingers head.

Stretching out his hand to touch the Penglai jade branch wrapped in animal skin thatch on his back, Yuhuo nodded slightly.

"That's right, if you don't bring a token that is related to Penglai, you will be turned away. There shouldn't be such a coincidence."

Yuhuo raised his head to look at the sky, the sun was very bright, then turned his head to look at the Lingfeng Peak in the middle of Penglai Island, and finally exhorted everyone:

"Next, we will enter the interior of the sea of ​​trees. The monsters there are very strong. Even if it is me, it may not be an opponent. You must be extremely careful."


Yuhuo led a group of people to move forward, and the interior of the sea of ​​trees was even more serene, with mottled sunlight projecting down from the canopy of the trees, and scattered fireflies dancing in the air.

Although the atmosphere was tense and depressing, Hirota Turio and the others were still involuntarily fascinated by the paradise-like scenery and were amazed.

When the passenger ship was on the sea, only the tip of the iceberg could be seen in the cloud-covered Penglai Island. Only when they really walked into it did they find that Penglai Island was much bigger than they imagined.

"In the cave ahead lives a horsefoot monster with unparalleled power. Its power can easily uproot big trees."

After traveling through the forest for more than ten miles, Yuhuo stretched out his hand to signal them to stop.

"I'll go ahead to explore the way. You stay here, don't make any noise, and don't move."

Before he finished speaking, a rabbit from Yuhuo climbed up a big tree and disappeared into the dense canopy.

Hirota Turio and the others showed apprehension, and crouched cautiously in the bushes, even the sound of breathing was suppressed to a minimum.

Not long after, Yuhuo reappeared in front of them with a strange expression.

"No problem, the horsefoot monster doesn't seem to be here, let's go on."

Yuhuo knew this hidden path in the forest like the back of his hand, he could predict the danger on the way, and led them to avoid it in advance, and passed through several monster territories along the way without any danger.

The journey was so smooth, everyone who had been on tenterhooks swallowed back their hearts, and even began to relax.

"I've been walking for two hours. My feet are sore and my stomach is so hungry."

The long-haired woman leaned half on her boyfriend's body and began to complain.

"Be patient. According to what the village chief said, we have already walked more than half of the way, and we are only short of the last mile."

Hirota Turio wiped the sweat off his head, threw it on the ground, and said with a wry smile.

Trekking long distances in the forest is really exhausting, and the salted fish meal that he ate in the morning is almost exhausted, and now even his stomach is rumbling.

If they had known this earlier, they should have asked the village head to serve a second pot of rice, and they would eat it on the road with a few rice balls.

Fortunately, there are still several pools of water in the forest, and they replenished water on the way, otherwise it would have been even more difficult.

"I know there are edible wild peaches fifteen minutes from here, or I'll pick some for you?"

Yuhuo's physique is obviously far superior to theirs, and he hasn't been tired until now.

Hirota Turio's throat moved with difficulty, but before anyone could answer, he said:

"No need, Miss Yuhuo, don't make troubles. Let's go to the shrine as soon as possible."

It may take half an hour for Miss Yuhuo to go back and forth, and now she is not in a garden for an outing, but in a scary forest haunted by monsters, and every second counts, so there is no room for a slow picnic.

"Wait, wait! Chocolate!"

The foreign woman seemed to have remembered something, rummaged through her shoulder bag, and took out a few pieces of chocolate wrapped in sugar wrappers.

"You actually brought chocolate?!" The others were surprised and delighted.

"I do a lot of outdoor photography and having these high-sugar, high-calorie chocolates is a lifesaver."

The foreign woman said in English: "It's a pity that some of them fell into the sea. Now there are only five yuan, which happens to be one piece for each of us."

With that said, the foreign women began to distribute the chocolates in their hands, and even the fishing boat got a piece.

The long-haired woman took the chocolate and swallowed it like a peony, and then looked at her boyfriend eagerly. The young man pretended not to see it, and was bored.

"What's this?"

Yuhuo turned his head sideways, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"This is chocolate, the best candy outside the island. There should be sugar on Penglai Island." Hirota Turio explained.

"Of course, Penglai Island also has caramel and honey." Yuhuo frowned, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Hirota Turio smiled, slowly unwrapped the wrapping paper, and put the chocolate into his mouth.

Yuhuo also learned from it, opened the candy wrapper, looked at the dark chocolate, hesitation flashed in his eyes, but seeing the other people tasting with satisfaction, he finally broke off a small piece and put it in his mouth.

In the next second, Yuhuo's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

But she immediately realized her gaffe, covered her mouth, and looked at Hirota Turio with embarrassment.

Hirota Turio asked a little funny:

"Miss Yuhuo, the taste of chocolate is still satisfactory."

"Indeed. Although it is a bit bitter in the mouth, it has a strong and unique fragrance, very sweet, and also has a milky fragrance. It is a wonderful taste that I have never tasted before." Yuhuo admitted generously.

Hirota Turio is also honored.

A small piece of chocolate is also made of various auxiliary materials such as cocoa, cocoa butter, milk, granulated sugar and vanillin, and then processed through exquisite modern technology. It is a dimensionality reduction blow.

Even a legendary paradise like Penglai Island cannot have a sweeter taste than chocolate.

"You people outside the island can taste such wonderful things, and I'm really envious."

Yuhuo carefully wrapped the remaining chocolates in sugar wrappers, put them in his arms, and smiled at the foreign woman.

The foreign woman was flattered immediately, and stepped forward to give her another big hug.

There was a blush on Yuhuo's face.

Witnessing this scene, Hirota Turio couldn't help feeling mixed feelings, a little sad and distressed, and blurted out without thinking:

"Miss Yuhuo, have you considered leaving this island?"


"Ah, that's not what I mean... I don't mean that Penglai Island is bad."

Hirota Turio explained at a loss: "This world is very wide. Outside of Penglai Island, there are many more wonderful and interesting things than chocolate... I think you can go and see."

"Thank you. But..."

Yuhuo looked sad and shook his head.

"No, I won't leave Penglai, and this is the only place I can stay."


Yuhuo immediately interrupted the topic of Hirota Turio:

"Now here, as long as you pass through the territory of the last monster, it will be unimpeded from now on."

Everyone was cheered up, and even the long-haired woman who was complaining so much before shut her mouth quickly, revealing a light of hope.

"The last monster is Da Baizu, and it is also one of the most powerful monsters on Penglai Island. Its carapace is invulnerable to swords and guns, and its limbs can penetrate gold and stone through cutting iron like mud. The poisonous gas it breathes out can kill even a monster. So we have to be careful and sneak past."

Hearing Yuhuo's solemn and repeated emphasis, everyone cheered up and nodded repeatedly to show that they had listened.

After eating the chocolate, the few of them could be considered to have replenished some of their physical strength, and moved forward at a faster pace.

After walking for a few miles, this time before Yuhuo took the first step to explore the road, the sharp-eyed Hirota Turio noticed something was wrong.

The trees in the forest not far away fell down in pieces, and the earth dragon turned over and left shocking ravines on the ground. It can be seen that an earth-shaking battle took place!

"I gonna go see."

Before Hirota Turio and others could react, Yuhuo rushed out.

After a while, a voice came from the front:

"You can come here now."

Hirota Tulio and the others walked over to take a look, and saw that Yuhuo was holding a black carapace as big as a tabletop with flesh and blood stuck to it in Yuhuo's hands.

"The centipede is dead."

A bit of haze appeared on Yuhuo's face.

"Isn't this a good thing? The last obstacle is gone." The long-haired woman asked stupidly.

This woman is too stupid.

Hirota Turio couldn't help looking at her boyfriend, and the young man shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

"Da Baizu is a very strong monster, even I am no match for it."

Yuhuo shook his head and dropped another thing on the ground.

It was a cyan snake scale the size of a fan!

"The monster that can kill and devour the centipede has such scales, but I don't have the slightest impression. This is an unexpected danger."

Hirota Turio's face was also a little ugly.

But he raised his head and looked towards the center of Penglai Island. The Lingfeng Peak was close in front of him. After traveling a hundred and a half miles, if he retreated here, all previous efforts would be wasted.

"We've been walking for so long, haven't we had any accidents? Surely we wouldn't be so unlucky to meet it in the last few steps, wouldn't we?"

"That's right! We must not give up here."

There wasn't too much discussion either, and everyone agreed that it should move on.

Wangshan ran a dead horse, although Lingfeng was close in front of him, even the Da Baizu Territory closest to the center was not close.

According to Yuhuo, the witch on the mountain is like a fairy, and the monsters on the island shy away from her.

They shuttled through the forest, and from time to time they startled a large group of fireflies flying all over the sky.

After crossing streams and small rivers and wading through mountains and rivers for nearly half an hour, the sight finally opened up.

I saw a red torii at the foot of the mountain hundreds of meters away. The snow-white stone steps are like stairs in the sky. The mountain peak is steaming from the middle of the mountain.

"It's so beautiful, it's like a dream!"

The foreign woman praised in an aria-like tone, and then showed frustration.

"It's a pity that my digital camera fell into the sea. Otherwise, taking a few random photos will definitely become my best work."

At this time, Hirota Turio, who put down his burden, also smiled.

Not only the scenery of Penglai Island, whether it is the monsters on the island, or a village like a paradise, where the villagers live up to two hundred years, no matter which one is a great discovery that can shock the world.

"Now we can become big celebrities too."

The young man rubbed his chin, pushed the long-haired woman leaning against him, and said triumphantly:

"Whether it's on a TV show or publishing a book, you can make a lot of money! Don't you think so?"

His gaze also fell on the package behind Yuhuo intentionally or unintentionally.

But the most valuable one is one of the five treasures in "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter", the Penglai Jade Branch, which is a priceless treasure.

"Woo... I... feel a little, uncomfortable..."

The long-haired woman's face was pale, her lips were cyanotic, and she spoke hesitantly.

"No, it's almost here, and you will have a problem." The young man said reluctantly: "The next step is to climb the stairs, don't expect me to carry you up, you will die."

"Uh...hungry, I'm so hungry!"

The long-haired woman bowed her head, her hair disheveled and she couldn't see any expression.

"You are really greedy, bear with it, there should be something to eat in the shrine."

The young man showed a disgusted expression, and touched his shriveled belly. After being made such a fuss by the woman, his five internal organs temple also began to rebel, and the acid water burst out.

"Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!"

"It's not over, is it? Can I conjure something for you to eat? You scream so loudly because you want to eat me... Ah! It hurts!"

The young man let out a scream, and the long-haired woman looked like she was crazy, and bit his shoulder fiercely.

The young man quickly stretched out his hands to push, but the long-haired woman became so powerful at this moment that he couldn't break free.


The long-haired woman tore off a large piece of flesh from the young man's shoulder.

The young man rolled on the ground in pain, making a miserable cry.

"What are you doing?!"

Both Hirota Turio and the foreign woman were taken aback, and were immediately overwhelmed by the scene in front of them.

The long-haired woman's eyes were white, and her face was distorted and ugly like a beast. At the same time, she was still chewing, bleeding from her mouth, exuding a terrifying aura.


Swallowing what was in her mouth, the long-haired woman opened her white teeth with shreds of meat, drooling in her mouth, and rushed towards Hirota Tulio like a hungry tiger.

At the critical moment, Yuhuo appeared in front of Hirota Tulio and raised his arm to block it.

The long-haired woman's teeth clicked on Yuhuo's scaly arm!

A look of pain flashed across Yuhuo's face, and then he swung his arms outward, throwing the long-haired woman flying and hitting the ground heavily.

"Miss Yuhuo, what happened here?"

Looking at the long-haired woman who climbed up from the ground without feeling any pain, landed on all fours, and stared at them greedily, Hirota Turio asked with lingering fear.

"It's a hungry ghost."

Yuhuo said seriously: "When she was in the sea of ​​trees, she was possessed by a wandering evil spirit."

"Is there anything you can do?"

"I can only kill her, I can't save her."

Yuhuo shook his head, then looked at the torii behind him.

"But Miko-sama will definitely be able to purify the evil spirits in her body!"

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