I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 274 Chapter 275

"Hungry ghosts are evil spirits that wander in the mountains and will possess people who are hungry."

Yuhuo took out half of the treasured chocolate from his body, unwrapped it and held it in his hand, then put it on the ground in front of him.

The long-haired woman's nose twitched, bloody saliva flowed from her mouth, her eyes wandered as the piece of chocolate moved. The belly made a rumbling sound.

In the end, like wild dogs snatching food, they rushed over and grabbed the chocolate and put it in their mouths.

After the chocolate was imported, the long-haired woman with a ferocious expression like a beast also calmed down.

But the long-haired woman lying on the ground had the door in the back of her head wide open, the scales on Yuhuo's arms were tense, and she cut the back of the long-haired woman's neck with a sharp hand.

The long-haired woman rolled her eyes and passed out with a distorted face.

"Is this enough to solve it?" Hirota Turio approached cautiously and asked.

"The rest is up to Miko-sama, evil spirits of the level of hungry ghosts, Miko-sama can purify them with only one little finger."

Yuhuo nodded, first took a look at the towering Lingfeng, then turned his head and looked far away, his gaze seemed to penetrate the sea of ​​trees to the beach, with sadness and melancholy flowing deep in his eyes.

"When I was young, my mother used hungry ghosts to scare me. When I ate with my face facing the mountains, the food would go into the hungry ghosts' stomachs. No matter how much I ate, I couldn't get enough. But this was the first time I saw hungry ghosts."

Hirota Turio remained silent.

Judging from the previous ballad, Miss Yuhuo's mother should be human. Even if the lifespan of the villagers on Penglai Island is nearly 200 years, they have already been turned into a piece of loess.

"Let's go, we'll be there soon."

The complex emotions in Yuhuo's eyes blended into a vague determination, and he picked up the long-haired woman on the ground and walked towards the torii gate.

Hirota Tulio hurriedly pulled the young man who was lying on the ground screaming, followed by the foreign woman.

Although a piece of flesh was bitten off his shoulder, it was only a superficial wound. The young man held his wound, cursing in anger, yelling that he would break up after returning home.

A group of people finally walked out of the forest and walked towards the red torii gate hundreds of meters away.

A gust of breeze blows slowly, and the grass formed by the wild grass and wild flowers on the flat ground ripples for a while.

If there is any stench, it also comes with the wind.

Yuhuo's expression changed, and he suddenly raised his head to look at another forest.


The woods were separated at once, and amidst the heavy rubbing sound, four yellow and cold vertical pupils rose into the air like this.

It was a gigantic double-headed blue-gray giant snake with purple ropes like shimenawa tied around its two necks. The exposed body of the snake was more than ten meters long.

"Yu, Miss Yuhuo..."

Hirota Turio was suffering from cramps in his feet and looked over with eyes that begged for help.

Compared with the two-headed giant snake in front of him, the five-color serpent before was simply a stunted dwarf.

"I've never seen this two-headed snake before." Yuhuo looked at the blue-gray snake scales of the two-headed giant snake, his eyes fixed, and he murmured: "The blue scales, could it be the unknown monster that killed the centipede? "

"Hiss hiss!"

The two heads of the giant double-headed snake roared, the forked snake letter hesitated in its mouth, and the huge and heavy body quickly crawled towards a group of people.

"You guys are going to enter the torii, as long as you go in, you will be safe!"

Yuhuo pushed the long-haired woman on her back towards them, and she moved towards the giant two-headed snake like a rabbit.

"Come give me a hand, help your girlfriend...Damn it! Coward and useless!"

Hirota Turio greeted the unconscious long-haired woman, but immediately found that the young man was frightened and fled in the direction of the torii gate.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

During the running of the galloping fishing fire, fish scales have covered the whole body, and the fins of the semi-permeable membrane have extended from the wrists, turning into a half-man, half-fish, like a bird, but not a bird. full strength.


With a series of scratching sounds that made teeth sour, Yuhuo tried to cut off the head of the two-headed giant snake as before.

However, the scales of the two-headed giant snake were much stronger than that of the five-color serpent, and only a few scales were cracked during the splash of sparks, but they were mostly intact.


A head popped up suddenly, knocking the fishing fire into the air.

The other snake head opened its mouth wide, swallowing Yuhuo's whole body in one bite!

"Miss Yuhuo!"

Hirota Turio, who saw this scene with his own eyes, couldn't help but his eyes were tearing apart. He didn't know how many favors he had received from Miss Yuhuo along the way, which made him unable to accept that there was a separation between heaven and man before it was too late to confess.

"Hiss hiss."

For a prehistoric monster like the two-headed giant snake, one person is not even an appetizer. After swallowing the fishing fire in one gulp, he stares at the few remaining people.

Under the glare of the four cold and terrifying vertical pupils, Hirota Tulio and the foreign woman were sweating profusely in an instant, their bodies almost limp on the ground.

The two-headed giant snake slid towards them slowly and quickly, and the huge shadow covered their faces like the cloak of death.

Hirota Turio saw from the corner of his eye that the young man had stumbled and ran for tens of meters, but it was useless. For such a huge monster, he could easily catch up with a small human with a few dozen steps with a single movement of his body.

Is that the end?

Hirota Turio thought unwillingly and desperately.

There is nothing more cruel than this, seeing the land of hope in front of you, but falling on the threshold.

At this moment, a long stream of pure and clear light arrived in an instant like a shooting star breaking through the sky.

In the dazzling white brilliance that bloomed, the two-headed giant snake was directly divided into two from the bifurcated abdominal cavity, and the snake necks on both sides hit the ground heavily.

Hirota Turio couldn't help but widen his eyes, but his pupils shrank to the limit.

Demon-breaking Arrow!

On the hundreds of steps above the red torii gate, a priestess with long black hair and a white top is standing with a bow.

Although it was impossible to see the face clearly from a distance, Hirota Turio couldn't help trembling with excitement and his eyes were hot.

Another narrow escape!

Looking at the foreign woman on the side, her eyes were already filled with tears, and she was praying with her palms folded.

"Cough, cough, cough."

From the broken neck of the giant snake, a figure covered in blood emerged, coughing repeatedly.

Great, Miss Yuhuo is fine.

As soon as the bloody Yuhuo saw the witch standing on the stone steps in the distance, he immediately fell to the ground devoutly.

"Master Miko!"

The witch nodded, and the figure disappeared.

"Miss Yuhuo, you are not injured, are you?"

Facing Yuhuo who was walking towards him, Hirota Turio immediately stepped forward to greet him.

I don't know what kind of magic Miss Yuhuo possesses, the dirty blood all over her body has been cleaned up, everything from the corners of her clothes to the tips of her hair is clean and refreshed.

"It's all right. Without further ado, let's go see the Miko-sama right now."

"That, Miss Yuhuo. Have you noticed the rope tied around the neck of the double-headed snake?"

Hirota Turio glanced at the body of the giant snake, hesitated for a moment, and reminded.

That kind of rope similar to Shimenawa is obviously not a natural creation, which means that behind the two-headed giant snake, there is a black hand that controls it.

"I see."

A trace of complicated hesitation appeared in Yuhuo's eyes, and he murmured.

Hirota Turio, carrying the still unconscious long-haired woman on his back, followed Yuhuo to the front of the torii step by step. The young man who left his girlfriend and ran away gave a smug smile.

Glancing at him, Hirota Turio was a little disdainful, but he didn't speak angrily.

But when Hirota Turio leaves Penglai Island, he will definitely be blacklisted.

A group of people followed Yuhuo and bowed in front of the red torii gate.

Cross the red torii gate and walk up the stone steps. A pair of stone lanterns are placed on both sides of every dozens of steps.

Not long after, we reached the stone steps where the witch appeared, followed by a small platform on the mountainside, the stairs leading to the top of the mountain from the middle, and a photoshop on the left.

A photoshrine is a small shrine or ancestral hall outside the shrine worship hall and main hall.

"Master Miko!"

As soon as he saw the Miko standing in front of the photoshop, Yuhuo immediately prostrated himself on the ground and paid homage.

Hirota Turio and the young man were Japanese after all, and they also bowed to the ground.

The foreign woman hesitated for a moment. She had seen too many inconceivable things on Penglai Island. Now it was not an occasion to insist on her beliefs, so she knelt down on the ground with interest.

"Get up."

A cool and pleasant voice came, like a clear spring flowing in the mountains.

Only then did Hirota Turio dare to raise his head. The Horai Priestess turned her back to them. Behind her black hair like waterfalls, the flags on both sides of the photo studio were unfurling in the wind.

Taking a closer look, the pattern on the flag is a red spiral hook jade with a pointed upward point in a yellow circle.

Based on Hirota Tulio's superficial experience, it is unclear which god this symbolizes.

"I already know what you are asking for. It's really troublesome. In this era, even Penglai can't be quiet."

Hirota Turio's heart skipped a beat, he quickly withdrew his gaze, and lowered his head respectfully, as if he was waiting for a trial.

"Since you have no intention of settling here and have not stayed for more than twelve hours, you can naturally leave."

Hirota Turio couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

But then began to worry about gains and losses again.

Although he doesn't know what is called Xianyuan, but leaving like this is tantamount to entering the treasure mountain and returning empty-handed, and there is always a bit of grudge.

Not reconciled, but helpless.

"Master Miko, please save my girlfriend! She seemed to be possessed by some evil spirit in the forest. She didn't even recognize the person I love the most. She even bit me, and the blood flowed to this day It didn't stop!"

The young man knocked his head heavily on the ground, crying.

At this time, pretend to be affectionate and righteous to whom?

I must have said that because I wanted Miko-sama to heal your wounds.

Hirota Turio slandered a few times in his heart.


With just two plain words, the young man closed his mouth nervously, not daring to say a word.

"After stepping into the torii gate, the aura on the mountain has purified the evil spirits attached to her, and now she is all right."

Hirota Tulio hurriedly looked over. Even though the long-haired woman was in a coma, her complexion was distorted and ferocious as if she was having a nightmare, and her bowel movements made strange noises.

Although his face is pale now, he has regained his tranquility and stability.

Hirota Turio's reverence for the Miko-sama went up to a higher level, and he expelled the hungry ghost without even moving his little finger.

"Master Miko, Yuhuo has something to ask boldly!"

Yu Huo, who had been bowing to the ground all the time, gritted his teeth and said.

At the same time, he opened the package behind him and held it above his head with both hands. The jade branches on it were shining brightly, and the precious light flowed. It was extraordinary at first glance.

"It really is a Penglai jade branch."

The tone of the Horai Miko remained calm, but she finally turned around and showed her true face.

The maiden is dressed in white clothes and scarlet hakama, with white foot bags and straw sandals under her feet, long hair with crow feathers in the style of a princess, and long sideburns on both sides of her snow-white face hanging down to her chest, her appearance is elegant and refined.

But even while talking, the Horai Miko kept her eyes closed.

Hirota Turio glanced at it, but didn't dare to look any further.

Although Miko-sama looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, no one dares to treat her as an ordinary beautiful girl.

Not only is it a sacred and ethereal temperament, which makes people dare not profane, but I have seen those two amazing and incomparable demon-breaking arrows, which easily wiped out two demons as big as hills, and I know the miraculous power of the lady. Extraordinary people can reach the slightest.

"Master Miko, this is the Penglai jade branch carried by the intruder. I hope you can give me some pointers for the sake of the treasure..."

Yuhuo raised his head for the first time, his face was full of anticipation and hope, and he said impatiently.

But the next moment, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave, and her whole body was cold.

Because the Horai Miko shook her head expressionlessly.

"I know what you mean, but I am not a god, nor the lord of creation. I am just a witch on Penglai Island."

The Penglai witch said calmly, as if she was a prophet.

"It's beyond my power to remove half of your mermaid blood and turn you into a human being."

Yuhuo's face turned pale in an instant, his face drooped with empty eyes, and his shoulders shrugged.

"Is there anything else you can ask for?"

"No, it's gone...please...take it away."

The Penglai witch stretched out a bright wrist, and picked up the Penglai jade branch.


An insignificant voice spit out from the mouth of Yuhuo who was kneeling on the ground.

The body of the Penglai witch suddenly stood motionless as if condensed by frost, and mysterious talismans with golden light spread from the fingertips that picked up the Penglai jade branch to her arms and face.

"The art of gold binding."

The Penglai Miko spit out a few words.

"As expected of the Miko-sama on Penglai Island, she is indeed well-informed."

A hooded figure appeared in front of everyone like a ghost, with round glasses exposed under half of the hood, looking at the Penglai Miko with a smile.

"Forgive me for using such despicable means, but you are the owner of the legendary Penglai Island after all, and you should be more cautious."

"Pharmacist Dou, it's you! You escaped by feigning death?!"

Hirota Turio looked at Yaoshidou, then at Yuhuo, his face was full of disbelief.

"Also, Miss Yuhuo, you are actually a traitor! How is this possible?"

Medicine Master Dou didn't take it seriously, and stretched out his hand to the Penglai witch:

"Master Miko, I have no malice, and I will not harm anyone here, but I have what I want to get. You have the foresight, and you should know what I want. Please fulfill it."

"The hall of feather badges is newly constructed, and the mandala prays for the stars every night. Penglai is ethereal and impossible to find, and the bridge and mountain are closed for thousands of years."

The Penglai Miko, who was immobilized by the Golden Binding Technique, had no fear on her face, her eyes slightly opened, and the pale pupils were full of purple.

"The elixir of life does not exist here."

The source of inspiration for this episode is the Inuyasha theatrical version of Horai Island. Kikyo is also the representative of the witch, and I like it very much.

But after all, this book is set by Naruto, not a comprehensive manga, and it feels a bit subtle to mess with other anime characters, so the vest will try to use the characters of Naruto as much as possible.

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