I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 275 Chapter 276

"Miss Yuhuo, why did you do this?" Hirota Turio looked at Yuhuo and said shyly.

The shame, self-blame and guilt on Yuhuo's face were mixed together, and then he said coldly to the medicine master:

"Outsider, I have done as you said, the spell you promised to turn me into a human!"

"Of course, I won't renege on my word and get fat."

Pharmacist took out a simple scroll from his cuff, and threw it over from a distance, with a strange look in his eyes.

"The way of salvation lies within."

Yu Huo took the scroll at a loss, his hands trembling, his face showed hope and worry about gain and loss, and he couldn't wait to open the scroll.

After just one glance, Yuhuo's expression was full of shock, and his face became extremely ugly.

She looked down in disbelief, her eyes moved up and down several times, and the last trace of luck in her heart was wiped out.

"This, this is different from what you said!"

Yu Huo looked at the pharmacist and asked, with irrepressible anger in his voice.

Pharmacist Dou turned a blind eye and pushed the disc glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile:

"Miss Yuhuo, how can you beat me back. Isn't the technique of reincarnation from the corpse turning you into a human?"

"What I want is to shed the blood of the monster in my body and become a human being, not to use this kind of evil spirit to take the body of others!"

"Miss Yuhuo, you should have said this earlier. If you want to blame, I can only blame you for not making it clear. I have fulfilled the contract."

Pharmacist spread out his hands, his smile was still gentle, but a hint of mockery could be faintly heard in his voice.

"Damn it! How dare you lie to me!"

Yuhuo's eyes were about to burst into flames, and the fish scales on his body covered his whole body again, turning into a half-man, half-fish strange appearance, and rushed towards the pharmacist.

"And your half-demon!"

"Half demon? You are talking about Suzuki Junhui, right? Unfortunately, you misunderstood again, it is not the same kind as you."

The pharmacist did not rush around, and when he closed his palms together, the black pattern flashed past.


A woman with thick and long hair like seaweed, but with octopus arms on her lower body appeared in front of Medicine Master Dou.

The tentacles of the octopus ejected suddenly, tightly entangled the fishing fire, and hung it in mid-air.

"If you do such a thing to Miko-sama, I won't even have the last place to stay on Penglai Island..."

Tears welled up in Yuhuo's eyes.

"Miss Yuhuo, I never lied from the beginning to the end, it's your wishful thinking."

"Bastard! You lied to me!"

Yuhuo was so angry that his lips trembled, and he shouted at the pharmacist furiously.

The pharmacist smiled, and the octopus tentacles of the tied Yuhuo pulled back, bringing Yuhuo in front of him, and the pharmacist cut Yuhuo's neck with a palm knife.

"Miss Yuhuo, you are too noisy, go to sleep for a while."

The octopus let go of its arms and legs, and threw the unconscious Yuhuo on the ground. Medicine Master looked at it indifferently, and walked towards the Penglai witch.

"Pharmacist Dou, isn't this going too far!"

Hirota Turio looked at Yaoshidou with righteous indignation, and blurted out.

Yao Shidou actually took advantage of Miss Yuhuo's long-cherished wish to turn back into a human being, borrowed a knife to kill people, and assassinated the Penglai witch, it was simply despicable and shameless.

"Ah, Mr. Hirota, you think too badly of me. I have to do it too."

The pharmacist said with a smile.

But Hirota Tulio felt chills behind him, he could feel that the smirk was just a disguise of the pharmacist's pocket.

"Don't worry, I promised Miss Yuhuo that I won't hurt anyone. A few of you have also played a role in fishing in troubled waters. Now be quiet, you can't do anything anyway, can you?"

Hirota Turio's face was blue and white for a while, and finally he could only close his mouth in despondency. As Medicine Master said, he was really powerless to deal with the current situation.

A breeze came from the mountains, and the flags and flags fluttered in front of the photo studio.

The pharmacist stared at the banner, took a few glances at the pattern of the upward-pointing red spiral jade in the yellow circle, pondered for a moment, and tentatively said:

"Miko-sama, this is the family crest of the Hyuga clan."

"You sincerely see and hear."

The Priestess of Penglai closed her eyes and said calmly.

"Miko-sama is too famous. In order to find the elixir of immortality, I searched a lot of ancient books and learned some secrets. It seems that Miko-sama is from the Hyuga clan. No wonder..."

Pharmacist looked thoughtfully at Hinata Miko's eyes, which she never opened from beginning to end, and said.

An octopus stretched out its tentacles, and rolled up a Penglai jade branch from Hinata Miko's hand, and handed it to the pharmacist's hand.

"This is the creation of yin and yang."

Miko Hinata turned her head sideways towards Junhui Suzuki, the octopus girl, showing a hint of surprise.

"Sure enough, it is the Hyuga clan, with eyesight like candlelight."

The pharmacist nodded.

"When Miss Yuhuo saw Suzuki for the first time, she regarded him as a half-demon. That's why I had to let Miss Yuhuo's defenses go."

The pharmacist caressed the golden Penglai jade branch in his hand like a treasure, and a fiery color flashed in his calm eyes:

"For me as a doctor, the biggest long-cherished wish is to get the legendary medicine of immortality. Today I can finally get my wish. As long as the priestess hands over the medicine of immortality, I will turn around and leave. I will never come to Penglai Island again. Qingning."

"The elixir of immortality does not exist here."

Hinata Miko lowered her eyes, and said in a flat and unwavering voice.

"How can this be!?"

Medicine Master frowned, picked up the Penglai jade branch and said:

"Following the guidance of Penglai Yuzhi, I went to Penglai, the fairyland, with great effort. How could there be no medicine for immortality?"

"Penglai jade branches are not pointing to Penglai. Going to sea to seek the medicine of immortality is tantamount to going the opposite direction."

The bare snow-like skin was covered by the spell of the Golden Binding Technique, adding a strange charm, but even so, Hinata Priestess still had no expression on her face, and said in a cold voice.

"Earlier than a thousand years ago, the medicine of immortality was taken away by the ancestors of my clan."

"The ancestor of the Hyuga clan? Could it be..."

Hearing Hinata Priestess's tone that didn't seem to be fake, Yao Shidou's face changed, and then he frowned, and couldn't help but think.

"You should have read "The Tale of the Bamboo Tori" too." Hinata Priestess spit out a few words flatly.

"Miko, this is just your side story. Is there any evidence?"

"Believe it or not, that's all I can say."

Pharmacist's face fluctuated, and finally he gritted his teeth, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

"In that case, Miko-sama, please forgive my offense."

A thick octopus wrapped its arms around the immobile Hinata Miko, and at the same time, Hinata Miko finally opened her closed eyes.

These are a pair of gorgeous dreamy eyes.

In the pale pupils, as if containing stars, a noble and gorgeous purple halo bloomed.

"This kind of eyes! White eyes, no, are they more... Tenseikan?"

Pharmacist lost his voice in disbelief.

An unimaginable aura of majesty emanated from Miko Hinata, and the imprint of the Golden Binding Technique on her skin melted with ice and snow. Her Qianqiansu hand grabbed down, and the bow and arrow on the ground were taken into her hand.

Hinata Priestess holding the longbow, her expression remained the same as before, but her aura was completely different from before.

Between the opening and closing of the purple eyes, there was an indescribable divinity spreading across her pretty face.

With a bow and an arrow, the movements are smooth and flowing, so graceful that it is pleasing to the eye.

In the next moment, an arrow was thrown towards the pharmacist's pocket.

Although it looked like an ordinary feathered arrow, Yao Shidou keenly sensed the danger, and flew to the back of the octopus girl Suzuki Junhui like a flying dragon and snake.

"Quick, protect me!"

The body of the octopus girl Suzuki Junhui suddenly inflated dozens of times, and turned into a giant octopus sea monster waving thick arms and legs of wine barrels.

But the body of the octopus monster, the size of a hill, couldn't resist the arrow that was entwined with Yingying, and the aura was like a shooting star.

Several thick octopus tentacles were smashed off, and the white streamer sank into the head of the giant octopus.

An arrow pierced Suzuki Junhui's shoulder, dragged her body out of the giant octopus, and nailed her to a big tree.

Afterwards, the remnant body and arms and legs of the giant octopus began to turn into ashes and scattered with the wind.

"You actually cut off the psychic contract between me and it!"

The pharmacist who was hiding behind the giant octopus looked at Junhui Suzuki who was nailed to the tree motionless, and then looked at Miko Hinata with lingering fear, cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

It is the arrow of seal!

If it weren't for Suzuki Junhui acting as a substitute for the dead ghost, he would be the one who was sealed and sleeping.

"What a terrifying arrow! I'm afraid there is no one who can block this arrow now."

Hinata Priestess remained silent, her purple eyes were as majestic as a god, she drew her bow and arrow again, and the shining spiritual power condensed on the arrow.

"Maybe the elixir of immortality really isn't on Penglai Island, but I won't let it go. I already have an idea of ​​"The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter."

Pharmacist crouched on the ground, forced a smile and said.

"There will be a period later."

In the next second, Yao Shidou's body disappeared strangely in place, as if piercing through the air.

"Reverse psychic art."

Hinata Miko frowned beautifully, closed her purple tensei eyes, and then turned around gracefully.

"Master Miko!"

Hirota Tulio, the foreign woman and a few others quickly prostrated themselves on the ground, not even daring to breathe.

"The uninvited guest has already left, so let's leave together." Hinata Miko said lightly.

"I don't know how the Miko will send Miss Yuhuo down?"

Looking at Yuhuo who still had tears rolling down from the corner of his eyes even in a coma, Hirota Turio couldn't help feeling a little worried, and asked boldly.

"Please forgive me for being bold. Miss Yuhuo was just deceived. She definitely did not intend to betray Miko-sama. Please be merciful."

"You don't need to worry about it."

Hinata Miko's face turned to the octopus girl Suzuki Junhui who was nailed to the big tree. Although her eyes were closed tightly, there was a kind of magic that could penetrate people's hearts.

"I also lack a few cleaning maids at the shrine, small punishments and big warnings."

Hirota Turio couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, it's great that Miko-sama can be so magnanimous.

For Miss Yuhuo, this may be the best result.


Hirota Turio raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and suddenly three souls came out of his body.

It took them four hours to start from the beach and climb mountains to the shrine. They experienced several twists and turns and took a lot of time. Now it is less than three hours before they leave Penglai Island.

Regardless of the dangers that may be encountered on the way back, and the preparations for crossing the sea and leaving the island, it is impossible to return to the beach from here even if you rush.

"There is a lake behind the shrine mountain. As long as you take a small boat, you can leave Penglai safely all the way."

Just like the prophet before, Hinata Miko understood Hirota Turio's concerns, and pointed at the back mountain.


Hirota Turio and his team did not dare to say anything more, helped the long-haired woman who was half asleep and half awake, and hurried around to the back mountain.

Sure enough, behind the mountain, you can see a large lake that is as calm and clear as a mirror.

After going down the mountain, I found that there was a simple dock on the shore of the Great Lake with a wooden boat moored on it.

There is still some moss on the deck of the wooden boat. It seems to be quite old, but it looks quite strong.

After Hirota Tulio, the foreign woman and the young couple boarded the wooden boat, they were a little dumbfounded, because there was no wood pulp on board, and they didn't know how to drive it.

But I didn't expect that after the four people boarded the boat, the wooden boat would automatically drive towards the center of the great lake without wind.

Having seen too many unbelievable things on Penglai Island, Hirota Turio and his party did not think it was strange, but they were still apprehensive.

The white mist on the lake began to drift away, and soon reached the point where you couldn't see your fingers, but the wooden boat was not affected at all, neither slow nor fast.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Hirota Turio couldn't help looking at his watch, two hours had passed.

He didn't know where he was now, the white mist obscured his vision, as if it was a silent world, which made him feel a little uneasy.


Suddenly, a dark and wet unknown object climbed onto the deck.

Everyone was shocked immediately.


After a closer look, it turned out to be the black Antonio.

"Antonio, why are you here?"

"I was on the beach and saw a wooden boat going out to sea, so I jumped into the sea and swam over. I didn't expect it to be you." The black Antonio gave them a thumbs up, showing his white teeth, and said with a smirk.

Hirota Turio couldn't help crying and laughing. Is this a fool's blessing?

Not long after, the wooden boat seemed to pass through something, the fog disappeared instantly, and it suddenly became clear that there was an endless sea and a sky full of stars in front of you.

Two warships pierced the sea and drove towards the wooden boat aggressively.

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