I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 276 Chapter 277 The correct way to use Tenseikan

"Found it, they are here!"

A dolphin helicopter with orange eye-catching paint hovering at low altitude over the sea is a light helicopter used by the Coast Guard for routine rescue.

The beam of the illuminating light hangs down from the helicopter and hits Hirota Turio and the others, making them unable to open their eyes.

After his eyes barely adjusted to the dazzling light beam, Hirota Turio saw two steel warships majesticly pushing away the waves and heading towards the wooden ship, with the Stars and Stripes on the deck fluttering in the wind.

"Help!" When the foreign woman saw the two warships, she danced excitedly and called for help.

A smaller warship stopped in front of the wooden boat, and there were sailors sticking out their heads on the deck, muttering loudly in English.

The other landing ship did not hesitate to ride the wind and waves away from the wooden ship with astonishing speed and momentum.

The waves created by the majestic warship made the wooden boat shake for a while.

Where is this landing ship going?

Hirota Turio supported the side of the boat to stabilize his body, and looked back in surprise.

At this moment, a ladder was lowered from the warship, and an Asian-looking officer got off the boat and boarded the wooden boat.

"It really is you! We have been searching the nearby waters for 24 hours. During this time, where have you been?"

"We've been on that island all the time. Haven't you discovered such a big island?" The foreign woman asked doubtfully with her eyes wide open.

"It must have been the 'ghost island' that mysteriously appeared and then disappeared as witnessed by the captain and passengers of the passenger ship."

The Asian officer frowned and thought for a moment before he suddenly realized.

"After you capsized in the lifeboat, the ghost island disappeared mysteriously in the mist. The rescue boats searched repeatedly near the sea area where you fell into the water, but found nothing."

Several people all looked at the back at the same time, and suddenly showed puzzled expressions.

In the vast mist, the silhouette of a huge island loomed.

"Isn't Penglai Island right there? Could it be..."

Hirota Turio asked anxiously.

"Just now, the rescue helicopter discovered the strange appearance of sea fog in the air, and it spread out all of a sudden, and then found your small boat appearing from the sea fog. Ghost Island also disappeared for nearly 24 hours, and then It surfaced again from the mist!" said the Asian officer.

Everyone on board looked at each other in blank dismay, surprised, but also showed expected expressions.

After all, what they arrived at was the legendary overseas fairy mountain that even the first emperor could not find. If there was a fixed location, they would have been discovered long ago, and this level of miraculousness is not worth making a fuss about.

"Is there one person missing?"

The Asian officer counted the heads and wondered.

"The situation is a bit complicated. That person is not an ordinary passenger, but someone who had planned to invade Penglai Island. We were also coerced by him." Hirota Turio replied.

"Is that so? In short, you go on board with me first."

The Asian officer held his chin and thought for a while, then announced to several people:

"We, Mi Fang, will protect you! There are also medical staff on board, so I will give you a simple checkup first, and a specialist will come to ask you about the details of your stay on Ghost Island."


Among the group of people, especially the foreign women suddenly showed a look of relief.

Then you have to follow the Asian officers on the ship.

"Wait, landing ship!"

Hirota Turio immediately understood that because Penglai Island has the characteristic of erratic, the landing ship wanted to seize this opportunity and forcibly break into Penglai Island.

Needless to say, the landing ship must be full of soldiers.

Once this group of wolf-like soldiers landed on Penglai Island, they would definitely have fierce conflicts with the villagers and the witch.

As a Brazilian, Hirota Turio knows very well how domineering a superpower is. After going to the island, he will definitely scour up any trace of valuable things like locusts.

Hirota Turio's heart suddenly twitched. Although there are monsters in the forest of Penglai Island, and the priestess's archery skills are unparalleled in the world, they may not be able to defeat the modern heavy weapons and naval guns of the soldiers.

As a modern person, Hirota Turio still subconsciously believes that strong ships and guns are invincible.

He raised his head worriedly, looked at the landing ship that was sailing towards Penglai Island, and then looked at Penglai Island, which was still holding a pipa half-hidden in the thick fog, and suddenly a strange color flashed across his face.

The direction of the landing ship was exactly the same as the angle they had traveled in the lifeboat before.

In other words, the sea monster that overturned their lifeboat was lurking where the landing ship must pass? !

"What's wrong?"

The Asian officer looked at Hirota Turio, who was at the end and hadn't boarded the ship, and asked.

"No, nothing."

Hirota Turio opened his mouth, originally wanting to remind the Asian officer that there might be danger ahead of the landing ship.

But the faces of the old village chief who warmly welcomed him on Penglai Island and Miss Yuhuo flashed past, and finally closed their mouths without saying a word.

I can only pray that the sea demon can repel this group of uninvited guests with malicious intentions, and not destroy the peaceful life of Penglai Island like a paradise.


On the misty sea surface, the visibility is not necessarily bad, but there seems to be rain clouds brewing in the sky, and the salty sea breeze has a sign that a storm is coming.

"Speed ​​up, we must seize the opportunity to board this ghost island!"

On the deck, an officer with a high nose and three-dimensional facial features and a lieutenant colonel on his epaulettes is looking at Penglai Island with a telescope.

After the Battle of the Extraordinary in Sapporo, the Seventh Fleet stationed in Japan also entered a state of alert in secret. This is exactly the case. After the mysterious appearance of Penglai Island, the big shots above immediately dispatched warships to cruise nearby.

Hard work pays off, this time it can be regarded as catching a big fish.

The expert team of the Metropolitan Police Department deduced that this island that mysteriously appeared in Tokyo Bay may be the legendary Penglai!

Of course, as a foreigner, the lieutenant colonel is ignorant of the mysterious island in the east, but he might as well make a judgment. There is no doubt that the island has great secrets and value.

This might be a step up for him, the lieutenant colonel's eyes could not help flashing a gleam of fire.

Although there are hundreds of good guys armed to the teeth on the landing ship, it is still a bit stretched for these troops to bring such a large island under their control.

But it doesn't matter, their landing ship is just an advance team.

"When we get close to the ghost island, we will first send two air-cushion landing craft to the island to observe the situation. Then try to build a camp, send a survey team and wait for the follow-up support and scientific research personnel to arrive..."

The lieutenant colonel thought to himself.

In any case, since the island has been targeted by the Seventh Fleet, it must be eaten up and wiped out to squeeze out all the value!

Unknowingly, the speed of the landing ship slowed down, the lieutenant colonel couldn't help but gloomy, and said impatiently:

"Didn't I ask you to speed up the horsepower? Why is it getting slower and slower?"

A sailor ran over sweating profusely and reported:

"Sir, we are indeed at full throttle. But for some reason, the turbo just can't turn! It seems to be blocked by something."

"What? Where's the maintenance team?"

When the lieutenant colonel heard this, he immediately became impatient, he was right in front of his eyes, and he lost the chain at the critical moment!

This is unacceptable to him.

The landing ship was getting slower and slower, and it stopped completely at a place more than ten nautical miles away from Penglai Island.

The lieutenant colonel hurriedly led the people towards the rear deck in a hurry.

"In the end what happened!?"

Just at the tail side of the landing ship, suddenly the water surface swelled high like a crest, and then a huge monster crawled out of the sea.

The lieutenant colonel and other sailors turned their heads away one after another, and their eyes suddenly froze.

This is a sea giant formed by the condensation of an unknown number of tons of sea water. There are several depressions on the face to form eye openings that resemble human faces. Two giant hands made of sea water are clinging to the rear deck.

Just exposed to the sea is nearly ten meters high, giving people a huge sense of oppression.

"Damn! What kind of devil is this!"

A sea soldier was terrified, shouted hysterically, and shot instinctively.

This action of his directly triggered a chain reaction, and there was a sudden burst of gunfire on the deck, and everyone rushed to fire the bullets in the magazine towards the sea monster.

"Bang bang bang!"

But all the bullets hitting the Sea Demon's body were nothing more than circles of broken water splashes, which had no effect at all.

The sea monster stretched out a palm and scratched towards the deck.

A few unlucky sailors who couldn't dodge were caught in its hands like this, and in the next second, they were immersed in the arms made of sea water.

"Gulu Gulu—"

A few unlucky ones were in the sea monster's body condensed from sea water, with distorted faces, choking their necks, kicking their feet, as if they were drowning.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were loud gunshots on the deck, but they couldn't stop the sea monster's atrocities at all.

Not long after, more than a dozen sea soldiers were swallowed into the body of the sea monster, and they could clearly be seen struggling to death in the sea monster's body through the translucent sea water.

"Damn it! This devil is made of sea water, bullets won't work on it!"

The lieutenant colonel slammed the empty pistol to the ground, wiped the seawater splashed on his face, and said sharply:

"Use Vulcan quickly!!!"

"But, the person in that monster's body! If it is accidentally injured..."

"Are you a bitch? Why are you worrying so much now? Fire me! This is an order!"

On the top of the bridge of the landing ship, there is a MK15 short-range defense system. After the lieutenant colonel ordered it, he no longer hesitated, and turned the muzzle to aim at the sea monster that was raging behind.

Six 20mm caliber automatic rotating cannons roared and fired 20mm depleted uranium bombs at a speed of 75 rounds per second!

The power of this wave of metal storm is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary pistols and rifles.


The sea monster's body was made of sea water, so its defensive power was naturally not that great. Its head exploded directly, and a large expanse of sea water splashed out like a violent storm, hitting the rest of the sea soldiers.

But their faces had the joy of escaping from death.

Although there were a few unlucky ones in the Sea Demon's body who were torn into pieces by the metal storm, their deaths would definitely not be wasted in vain, this was a necessary sacrifice!

But in the next second, the ecstasy on the sea soldier's face froze, and the sea water poured up, restoring the sea monster's head.

Sea monsters born of the sea are immortal, as long as they absorb seawater in the sea, they can be constantly repaired and reborn!


The sea monster, which looks like a water elemental creature, also seems to feel pain. Enraged by the wave of attack from the naval gun, it spewed out a swift and violent torrent from its mouth, directly smashing the Vulcan Phalanx defensive artillery on the bridge.

Afterwards, the sea monster turned its head, and the torrent, which was stronger than a high-pressure water gun, washed wantonly on the deck.

Its lower body absorbed the seawater of the Pacific Ocean, and the amount of water was endless. It washed away the naval guns and sailors on the ship, and it is unknown how many people were washed into the sea.

After defeating the organized resistance of the landing ship in one fell swoop, the sea monster's body swelled up more and more, wrapping around the tail of the landing ship like a slime, squirming forward bit by bit.

"This devil, does he want to swallow the warship?!"

The military uniform was soaked in seawater and sticking to his body. The lieutenant colonel, who appeared to be in a state of embarrassment, swallowed hard. At this time, he had no further thoughts, and all he wanted was to save his own life.

Without hesitation, the lieutenant colonel jumped into the sea from the deck, abandoned the ship and fled.

He rowed his hands and feet in the sea with all his strength, and jumped hundreds of meters in one go before he dared to look back.

The landing ship has been swallowed by the sea monster, and it looks like a ship model in a glass bottle from a distance. The lieutenant colonel's face can't help showing a complex look of happiness and pain.

"My ship...damn devil!"

The lieutenant colonel moved his ears, and vaguely heard thunder or storm-like roars in the sky.


He turned around involuntarily and saw a distance of tens of miles from Penglai Island, a white star fell down with its bright tail light.

The dark and boundless night sky seemed to have been torn off a corner.

Wherever it meets the eye, pure and dazzling white light, like a punishment from heaven, is constantly sweeping and spreading.

Like a tsunami storm on the sea, the waves pushed away to the sides and instantly parted the sea, exposing the exposed seabed, and the sea monster that swallowed the landing ship disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, on the top of the shrine on Penglai Island, the maiden Hyuga, who was wearing a white maiden costume and a red maiden costume, slowly lowered her bow and arrows. The purple light in her eyes flashed and gradually became hollow.

On the top of Miko Hinata's head, there is a basketball-sized purple light jade shaped like an eye pupil, exuding a terrifying aura.

At some point, a black-haired boy appeared beside Miko Hinata.

"This is the correct way to use Tenseikan."

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