I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 277 Chapter 278

Fifty nautical miles away, driving the purple Tenseigan, after a map cannon evaporated the landing ship and the dungeon boss Sea Demon, several crystal light spots appeared in front of Naruto Uchiha.

[Dungeon strategy complete! 】

[Comprehensive evaluation: C+, get treasure chest*4]

Naruto Uchiha had no expectations for this treasure chest of a copy of the Zhongnin-level secret realm, which was a fusion of Onikai Island, Nanakusa Island and Psychic Beast Island in the original plot of Hokage TV. The mind randomly clicked on a spot of light.


[One of the seven kinds of herbal medicines produced in Nanakusa Island, squeeze out the juice and apply it on the skin, which has the effect of nourishing and beautifying the skin. 】

Naruto Uchiha looked at the unknown herbal medicine in his hand, and twitched the corner of his mouth, this thing was useless to him.

Then a few other messy herbs were opened, until the last one was an ordinary treasure chest with no special effects.

【Murloc Transformation Surgery】

[The product of Orochimaru's human experimentation, after transformation, it will have extraordinary abilities such as underwater breathing, infinite strength, and resistance to fish scales cut by knives and axes. NOTE: Deformation after remodeling surgery is irreversible. 】

This thing is even more rubbish, Naruto Uchiha twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes showing disdain.

Yuhuo, who was summoned by Uchiha Naruto with the kaleidoscope pupil technique Tianyu in "Horai Island", is the victim of Orochimaru's human experiment, and has been transformed into a strange appearance of half human and half fish.

Murloc transformation surgery is not even a tasteless thing for Uchiha Naruto, he has no interest in turning himself into a monster.

After putting away these odds and ends with his backhand, Naruto Uchiha looked at Miko Hinata who stood beside her with empty eyes like a marionette.

He stretched out his hand and brushed away the beautiful hair beside Miko Hinata's ear, her crow-feather-like hair style fluttered slightly in the sea breeze, revealing a pretty and clean face without makeup.

"The witch clothes and bows and arrows really match well."

Naruto Uchiha nodded to Miko Hinata as if admiring the costume change.

Hyuga Miko was pinched out by Uchiha Minaru according to Hinata Hinata's figure and face, but his personality was overwritten and rewritten by him.

After all, Hinata Hinata's personality is a bit shy and introverted, and there is no suitable role for her in Naruto Uchiha's script.

As for why Hinata Hinata was chosen...

Naruto Uchiha raised his head and looked at the basketball-sized purple light jade three feet above Hinata Hinata's head that exuded a terrifying aura.

Purple Tenseigan!

To be more precise, it is the white eyes who are about to be promoted to Tenseikan.

[White Eye LV3 (900/1000)]

Reincarnation Eye is the end point of the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan evolution to the extreme, and Tensei Eye is the ultimate pupil technique in which the Hyuga Clan's White Eyes has evolved to the limit.

Tenseikan, from low to high, is divided into purple, golden and the highest level of sky blue.

There are two evolutionary paths of Tenseiyan. For example, the branch family on the Moon in the Ninja World tried their best to fuse a large number of white eyes to form a huge purple Tenseiyan.

Then rebelled against the Zong family, and Purple Tenseiyan fired a terrifying Chakra Cannon, annihilating the Zong family in one fell swoop.

Hyuga Miko's Demon-Breaking Arrow uses the power of the purple tenseikan to attach to the arrow, so that it is infinitely powerful.

The strongest sky-blue tenseiyan can only be opened by the combination of the Chakra of the Otsutsuki clan and the white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

The sky-blue Tenseigan is the highest pupil technique that can be compared with the reincarnation eye. Sheren with the reincarnation eye and the prince in nine lama fairy mode fight back and forth, and the golden wheel reincarnation explosion can even split the moon in half.

Uchiha Naruto's Kaleidoscope Sharingan is LV4, and the Sky Blue Tenseikan level must be above it.

After getting the white eyes from Tsukimi Inaba, Uchiha Naruto tried to add points to the white eyes, but the system showed that they were not compatible.

It is estimated that Naruto Uchiha has both Sharingan eyes, and there is no extra eye socket to place the white eyes.

But after Baiyan rose to LV3, Naruto Uchiha unexpectedly discovered that with the addition of points, the size of Baiyan became bigger and bigger, and the purple light circulating on it became more and more intense.

Until now it has turned into a basketball-sized purple ball of light.

However, the purple tenseiyan fused by the branch family on the moon is also a giant version, even bigger than the one in Uchiha Naruto's hand, and is used by the branch family as a ninja tool.

In the judgment of the system, this purple tenseigan is equivalent to Uchiha Naruto's external equipment, which can drive the power of purple tenseigan and the ability of the original white eyes at will.

This also makes up for one of Uchiha Naruto's shortcomings, which is the ultra-long-range attack.

The strike range of medium-range ballistic missiles with modern technology and military technology exceeds 1,000 kilometers, let alone intercontinental missiles with a range of more than 8,000 kilometers that can span half of the earth.

Uchiha Naruto's attack with the widest range is Susano's Yasaka no Gokudama, but it can accurately hit targets about 30 kilometers away, and it depends on luck if it is farther away.

The purple Tenseigan can lock hundreds of kilometers away without any effort, and carry out a covering and saturated chakra bombardment.

If Baiyan really rises to LV4 level, the purple Tenseikan evolves again, and shoots the enemy's machine gunner with an arrow from 800 miles away, no, the enemy's dog's head is no problem.

For a long time, Naruto Uchiha suspected that the Hyuga clan added points by mistake.

The white eyes of the Hyuga clan have a 360-degree field of vision without dead ends, a distance of several kilometers, and can clearly count how many eyelashes a person has from a thousand meters away. They can even see through. In terms of insight, there is no doubt that it surpasses writing. Above the round eyes.

With such strong insight as Baiyan, he is simply a natural sniper, and he must develop into the FPS mode.

If this is in a shooting game, it is equivalent to a plug-in that always knows the position of the enemy from a global perspective. If the number of enemies is inferior or weak, you can directly go up and eat the single enemy; Operate within the enemy's blind zone.

But the unique skills of the Hyuga clan turned out to be soft fists and acupoints for close combat? !

Naruto Uchiha wondered if the ancestors of the Hyuga clan lost their heads,

As a result, the Hyuga clan, which has the same root and origin as the Uchiha clan, paled in comparison in the later period.

The strongest clan in the ninja world is recognized as the Uchiha clan. Even after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, the Hyuga clan claimed to be the strongest clan in Konoha, which attracted a lot of doubts.

"Forget it, what are you thinking about so much?"

Naruto Uchiha shook his head, and no longer thought about what was there or what was missing.

He raised his head, and on the Pacific Ocean far away from the city lights, the sky was full of stars, but even this could not cover up the full gibbous moon in the night sky.

"The full moon is coming soon... and it's time to close the net."

Naruto Uchiha has been thinking about the great monster king general lurking inside Mount Fuji, and according to the wooden clone he placed in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara, he has passed a lot of information.

The moon is about to move to the correct position.

The time is approaching, and the monsters in Mount Fuji are already ready to move.

Naruto Uchiha is also impatient to harvest.

This time he arranged the stage of Penglai Island through the realization of the copy, just as a prelude.

For a long time, the script arranged by Uchiha Naruto imitated "The Tale of Bamboo Tori", leaving a grassy snake line for the Metropolitan Police Department, connecting the actions of the extraordinary one by one.

"Fire Rat Fur, Penglai Jade Branches, Dragon Head Jade...the stone bowl in front of the Buddha is still in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Although the stone bowl in front of the Buddha was made by Naruto Uchiha with his clay, and it was kept in the secret base of Yokosuka Port by the Metropolitan Police Department as a treasure, but he still has to do enough to act, so that he can be called a professional.

Naruto Uchiha smiled lightly, his figure flashed, and he soared into the sky like a shooting star and galloped out.

And the Penglai Island under his feet was also swallowed by the misty sea mist, obliterating its form, like a dream disappearing in the Pacific Ocean——

The next day, Naruto Uchiha wore casual clothes and flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, and took the tram to Ginza in the central area.

After getting off the tram, Naruto Uchiha wandered casually on the street.

"The situation is not good."

It was obviously in the bustling urban area during the holidays, and pedestrians were bustling with each other, but Naruto Uchiha was keen enough to smell something unusual.

After all, less than a week had passed since the extraordinary battle that took place in Sapporo.

"Hurry up!"

Naruto Uchiha passed by a commercial street in Ginza, and in a high-end watch shop across the street, suddenly several masked gangsters wearing V for Vendetta masks rushed in.

"Get down, or I'll kill you!"

Several masked gangsters threatened the clerk with knives, then took out a hammer and smashed the glass case, grabbed famous watches and stuffed them into their bags.

In broad daylight, there were still many pedestrians on the street, but a few masked gangsters still plundered unscrupulously, fled into the white car in front of the watch shop and drove away.

Less than a minute before and after.

At this time, passers-by belatedly called the police.

"Purchase for zero yuan, does this count as inheriting the father's business?"

Uchiha Ming pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, but he didn't intend to make a move at all.

"Damn it! How did this country become such a mess? A few days ago, five young people broke into foreigners' homes and robbed them, but they killed two of them!"

There was a look of anger on someone's face.

"It's not because of the incident in Sapporo!"

Although Japan's law and order is suspected of boasting, it is undoubtedly a block higher than that of Europe and the United States, and Japanese people have always been proud of it.

Like this time, in such a prosperous area as Ginza, it is not uncommon to blatantly engage in zero-yuan purchases.

It seems that something has begun to change subtly.

Naruto Uchiha didn't care, and continued walking on the street, seeming to have his own destination.

After walking out of Ginza, the streets began to look a little chaotic, the ground was full of rubbish and sundries, and occasionally some scattered banners and slogans could be seen, passers-by were also in a hurry, with anxious expressions on their faces.

Some slogans could be vaguely heard, one after another, the sound boomed for miles.

"Step down—!"

"the truth--!"

Naruto Uchiha was also prepared, and he didn't get too close. A crow flew across the sky and flew in the direction of Nagata Town.

Through the vision shared with the crow, what appeared in front of Naruto Uchiha this time was a "beautiful landscape".

"Cabinet Kishida resigns! Heavenly Punishment!"

"The truth! We want the truth! What the hell happened in Sapporo!?"

The Prime Minister's Mansion in Nagatacho was surrounded by mobs of demonstrators. The angry crowd yelled and cursed, and even started shoving and shoving with the police who were maintaining order.

The scene was really spectacular. I don't know how many people gathered in front of the prime minister's residence in Nagatacho, thousands or tens of thousands, or even more!

There is also an NHK helicopter hovering in the sky, broadcasting live.

Among the demonstrators were men and women, old and young, but they were all excited, holding various demonstration signs and slogans, and shouting various slogans hoarsely.

"What are those monsters, citizens have the right to know all the truth!"

"This country is sick! Let people live in ignorance and die in ignorance!"

"Everything is a conspiracy by the Americans! They must apologize! Withdraw!"

There was a long queue of people surrounded by the Prime Minister's residence, and people joined in a steady stream.

The whole scene was crowded with people, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Even Naruto Uchiha couldn't help being dumbfounded by this situation.

After the battle between Yamata no Orochi and Susanoo, half of Sapporo city was razed to the ground, causing tens of thousands of refugees.

But the attitude of the Japanese government is very intriguing, and it has been silent for several days.

Neither deny nor admit.

I don't know if they are thinking about something, or if they haven't been able to discuss the results after several days of meetings.

However, as time passed, various pictures and videos circulated in Sapporo City, as well as survivors came out to testify. In this Internet age where all people are recorders, they have already caused a commotion around the world.

For several days in a row, it was the headline on the front pages of major newspapers and magazines around the world.

The sense of smell of capital is the most sensitive. On the day when the Extraordinary War broke out in Sapporo, the Nikkei index dived, and it also fell again and again in the next few days, and now it has been cut in half.

All walks of life are inevitably under severe impact, people are panicked, and they have no intention of working or studying.

All kinds of rumors that are not true or false are rampant. If it was at the end of the last century or in 2012, then the rumors of the end of the world would probably be ranked first.

The whole of Japan suddenly fell into a precarious situation.

Now it is becoming more and more violent. For several days in a row, a large number of people surrounded the Prime Minister's residence and the House of Assembly to demonstrate.

Looking at the situation, if the official does not give an answer, it is not impossible to attack the Imperial Palace.

Although Naruto Uchiha has been making his own layout, he is not deaf to what is going on outside the window, and he has always been aware of it.

But it wasn't until after the demonstration that the atmosphere was so tense, it was like a powder keg that exploded at once.

"Well, an order that is too turbulent is not in my interest." Naruto Uchiha stroked his chin and pondered.

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