I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 278 Chapter 279

"Ah Choo!"

At Sensoji Temple in Taito District, Yuji Kamihara, wearing a white monk's uniform, was sitting on a futon in the meditation room, knocking on the wooden fish, muttering something, and suddenly sneezed.

"What's the matter, is someone talking about me? Is it my baby girl?"

Until now, Yuji Tobujinhara, the police department, still feels unreal as if in a dream.

How could I, a little policeman, a divorced man with a daughter, become a monk?

But the Metropolitan Police Department has already decided that Yuji Kamihara went to Sensoji Temple to become a monk.

"Holy Monk on Earth..."

Yuuji Kanbara raised his right hand and looked at the brilliance that Jilu painted on it, as if the Buddhist swastika drawn with gold lacquer, complex colors appeared on his face.

Because Yuji Kanbara was the first official member to contact Master Jilu, and later Master Jilu looked at him differently, and even thought of accepting disciples, which can be said to be a deep connection with Buddhism.

Although Yuji Kanbara refused, the high-level officials of the Metropolitan Police Department still had a whim, thinking that Yuji Kanbara had a promising future in Buddhism, so he forced Yuji Kanhara into the famous temple Sensoji Temple.

Helpless, Kanhara Yuuji could only regard this as a special task, and admitted it while pinching his nose.

However, the Metropolitan Police Department is also considered polite. During the period of practice in Sensoji Temple, a large amount of allowances will be issued on a daily basis.

If it wasn't for the fact that Yuji Kanhara's police rank was raised one level from the inspection minister, it would be no problem to be promoted to another level.

Although he doesn't know how long he will continue to practice in Sensoji Temple, his superiors have already stated that Yuji Kamihara will be promoted to the police department after the practice is over.

You must know that if you pass the national first-class civil servant examination, you will enter the quasi-professional group of the police department. It will take several years to become a police department.

Not to mention the non-professional group like Yuji Kanhara, who has worked hard in the Nakano Koban for 20 years, and is just a trivial inspection minister.

If the original trajectory is followed step by step, when Yuji Kanhara is about to retire, he may be awarded a supplementary police rank by the police department in a symbolic sense.

This is not bad. After all, for the non-professional group, the police department is already their ceiling, and this is still based on the premise of establishing meritorious service.

Kanhara Yuu never imagined that when he was already in his forties, he would have a second career.

A person's destiny, of course, depends on self-struggle, but also depends on the process of history.

During the first half of the month at Sensoji Temple, there were only three small things Kanhara Yuuji did, listening to scriptures, chanting scriptures, and knocking wooden fish.

The Metropolitan Police Department invited a number of eminent monks and great virtues to give lectures to Yuji Kanhara, but to be honest, Yuji Kanhara could hardly understand what they were talking about, and it was more drowsy than listening to the teacher's math class when he was a student .

Several eminent monks privately told the Metropolitan Police Department euphemistically that Yuuji Kanhara is like a rock without much understanding.

The Metropolitan Police Department didn't buy it very much, and the holy monk Jilu commented that Yuuji Kanbara had a relationship with my Buddha. Can you bald donkeys be more proficient in Buddhism than the holy monk Dilu?

If you are truly cultivating, if you have the ability, you should also release some Buddhist teachings.

The Metropolitan Police Department refused to let it go, and was still making various attempts. Yuji Kanhara could only stay in Sensoji Temple, and the day of leaving was far away.

"Hey. The holy monk must have misjudged his eyes. How can a rotten wood like me have a relationship with the Buddha?"

Yuuji Kanbara stretched out his left hand with a puzzled expression, scratching his thick and fluffy hair, denying himself in his heart.

Because Yuji Kanhara gave up practicing with the land monk because he refused to shave his hair, the Metropolitan Police Department also gave him a good look.

Yuuji Kanbara closed his eyes, and started beating the wooden fish again, chanting Buddhist scriptures.

For the sake of the generous subsidy given by the Metropolitan Police Department, Kamihara Yuji did not deal with it, but followed the Metropolitan Police Department's instructions to force himself to study Buddhism.

Familiar with 300 poems of the Tang Dynasty, he could also chant poems without knowing how to compose them. After many days of listening to the Buddhist music of the monks of Sensoji Temple, Yuji Kanbara also memorized a few passages by rote.




Amid the crisp and rhythmic sound of wooden fish percussion, Yuji Kanhara's upper and lower eyelids couldn't help but start to fight.


No, at least finish your homework in the morning.

However, I am still so sleepy.

Too sleepy……

Yuuji Kanbara's eyes were completely closed.

In the next second, Kanhara Yuuji felt that his body had escaped gravity and had risen into the clouds.

"Where is this place?"

It was as if his body was not his own, and he walked lightly as if stepping on cotton. Yuuji Kanhara's sleepiness disappeared all of a sudden. Dreamy and magnificent.

It turned out to be on the cloud!

Am I ascended to heaven? Could this be the afterlife?

Yuuji Kanbara couldn't help being taken aback.

Did I die suddenly?

How is this possible!

In the past, I was too busy to touch the ground in Nakano, and I was fine with coffee and cigarettes to refresh myself. Why did I suddenly die suddenly after arriving at Sensoji Temple? !

"No, it's impossible!"

Shocked and angry, Kanhara Yuuji shouted heart-piercingly on the clouds.

Yuuji Kanbara still has too many things he can't let go of, and he's not willing to just die like this.

"Kanhara Yuuji."

At this moment, only a majestic voice, neither sad nor happy, could not tell the difference between male and female, floated from the west.

"who is it!?"

Yuji Kanbara hurriedly turned his head, and saw that the clouds in the west formed colorful and strange lights, which were incomparably magnificent, and the seven-color halo of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple illuminated half of the sky.

In the Buddha's light, there is a phantom of a majestic majesty, it is impossible to tell how many tens of thousands of feet high, just looking at it makes people unable to resist the urge to worship.

Yuuji Kanbara gasped and almost fell to his knees.

"Is this the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss? Are you a Buddha?"

"Buddha? No, I'm just an enlightened being practicing, just like you."

The majestic phantom in the seven-color Buddha light continued to transmit the ethereal voice.

Although this unknown almost god-like existence is so self-effacing, Kanbara Yuuji dare not take such words seriously at all.

What a joke, I am just an ordinary little policeman, how can I compare with this extraordinary existence.

"I don't know, do you have any advice for me?"

"In the year of the devil, the world has undergone great changes, evil spirits have appeared, and the era of the end of the Dharma has arrived."

The voice of Wei'an Xuying is full of compassion and compassion, which is unbelievable.

"The doom is approaching, but I can't bear to lose my life. Although I am far away from the other side and cannot interfere with the human world, I have left something in the world that can protect all living beings."

"Yuji Kamihara, right here at Sensoji Temple."

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