I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 279 Chapter 280 Buddha feet are real Buddha feet!

"Why did you choose me?"

"You have the imprint of the Temple of Fire on your body, and you have a destiny with me."

Yuji Kanbara woke up suddenly, dense cold sweat appeared on his forehead, he opened his eyes, and looked around the meditation room in surprise.

Buddha statues, wooden fish, and futons are all familiar furnishings.

Was that just a dream of my own, did I think about it every day and dream at night, or did my soul come out of my body?

However, the words of the last exhortation of the unknown god and Buddha to Yuuji Kanbara are still in my ears.

The Temple of Fire is the Dharma temple where the sage monks practiced. The existence of the gods and Buddhas pointed out this point, which made Kamihara Yuuji dare not be careless.

Moreover, he said that there is one thing left in Sensoji Temple that can protect all living beings.

is that true? !

Thinking of the direction pointed out by the existence of unknown gods and Buddhas, Yuuji Kanbara's heart was pounding, and he got up and walked out of the meditation room, ignoring the morning class.

"Sensei Kanbara, you haven't finished your morning homework yet."

The novice monk who was waiting at the door of the meditation room saw Yuji Kanbara rushing out of the door, and politely reminded him.

The Metropolitan Police Department thoughtfully asked Sensoji Temple to arrange a novice to take care of the diet and daily life of Yuji Kamihara during his practice in Sensoji Temple.

"Wait a minute, I have something to confirm."

"But, the abbot ordered..."

Before the novice could finish speaking, Kamihara Yuji interrupted impatiently: "I understand, I will not leave Sensoji Temple."

Sha Mi's face changed slightly, and he quickly followed closely behind.

It may be because Kanhara Yuuji is an old man who has worked in the Metropolitan Police Department for 20 years. The Metropolitan Police Department is quite reassuring about him and has not restricted the personal freedom of Kanhara Yuuji.

Yuji Kamihara came out from the Den Court on the west side of the Hozo Gate, which is the courtyard where the monks lived.

According to legend, in the thirty-sixth year of Emperor Tuigu, that is, in AD 628, two fishermen salvaged a golden Buddha statue in Miyado River, so the surrounding people raised funds to build a temple to worship it. This is the predecessor of Sensoji Temple.

Today, Sensoji Temple is one of the most famous ancient temples in Japan.

The gate of Sensoji Temple is called Fengleishin Gate, and there is a Nakamise shopping street on the approach road from the main gate leading to the Treasure Gate and the main hall.

Looking at it from this angle, Kanbara Yuji saw that Nakamise Commercial Street was crowded with people, and pilgrims were so crowded that there was no place to stay.

"Are there so many pilgrims in Sensoji Temple?" Yuuji Kanhara couldn't help but be speechless.

"The number of visitors to this temple has been the number one in Japan over the years!"

With a look of arrogance on Shami's face, he hesitated for a moment before saying:

"However, the number of pilgrims these days is indeed comparable to New Year's Day and Obon Festival. It may be because of the catastrophe in Sapporo that they came to pray for personal safety and peace in the world."


Kamihara Yuuji bowed his head and silently recited the Buddha's name.

During the days when he was arranged to practice in Sensoji Temple, he never stepped out of the gate of Sensoji Temple except one day when he was mysteriously taken on a helicopter.

That day, Yuji Kamihara didn't know where he was, and touched a simple stone bowl under layers of security.

Yuji Kanhara still remembered the expectant expressions of other researchers in the laboratory at that time, as if they wanted to see if there would be a miraculous reaction between him and the stone bowl, but nothing happened in the end.

Although Yuji Kanhara's level of secrecy in the Metropolitan Police Department is not enough to know the inside story, but how could he be ignorant of such a major event as the Great War in Sapporo that ignited global public opinion.

In such a time of social turmoil and panic, the number of people who pray to gods and Buddha for psychological comfort is naturally increasing.

Thinking of the existence of that unknown god and Buddha, Kanhara Yuuji couldn't help but cheer up.

If what he said was true, it would be a great thing to benefit the country and the people in the troubled times that followed.

"Sorry, give way!"

The number of pilgrims was really too many. Yuji Kamihara and the novice were struggling upstream in the shopping street of Nakamiya. If they were not wearing monk robes and being respected three-pointedly, it would be difficult for them to make a single step.

After finally arriving under the Fenglei Shenmen, Kanbara Yuuji raised his head and looked at the eye-catching 'Thunder Gate Lantern' directly below, his pupils trembled.

Unknown gods and Buddhas exist, and the direction pointed in the dream is here!

At this moment, under the Fenglei Shenmen, the huge Leimen lantern began to sway tremblingly from side to side like a ripe fruit.

"Be careful everyone! It's about to fall!"

"Scared, I'm going to die!"

Immediately, a pilgrim noticed the change of the Leimen lantern, and immediately shouted loudly, causing an uproar.

A heavy object weighing several thousand catties would definitely kill someone if it fell down!

The crowd under the Fenglei Shenmen suddenly dispersed, and some people accidentally fell to the ground, their heads were bloody, and they almost caused a stampede accident because of the crowding.

After the crowd dispersed, Wu Yangyang surrounded him outside the danger zone, staring at the Kaminarimon lanterns that were shaking more and more violently.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Leimen lantern fell from the door and landed lightly on the ground.

There was an almost inaudible sound of "poof".


Seeing the intact Fenglei lantern, Shami touched his bare head and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The Fenglei Lantern is a big lantern given to the temple as a reward after Konosuke Matsushita, the founder of Panasonic Electric, recovered from his illness after praying at Sensoji Temple. It weighs 670 kilograms. It is not made of paper.

Suddenly, from where the wind and thunder lantern fell, the golden Buddha's light spread like ripples.

A golden lotus blooms one after another from the floor.

The ground springs golden lotus!

There are still some dewdrops on the petals of the golden lotus, full of vitality, swaying in the breeze, and there seems to be a refreshing fragrance wafting.

The beauty of the Buddhist kingdom on the ground is also a flash in the pan, fleeting.

Yuji Kanbara took a closer look, there was no sea of ​​nasturtiums, only a large group of stunned pilgrims remained.

Is it hallucination?

No, absolutely impossible!

"How is my scratch?"

A man who accidentally fell to the ground before, with a bruise on his forehead and bleeding profusely, let go of the wound he was covering, and said in disbelief.

"Cough, my throat doesn't hurt anymore."

An urban beauty wearing a mask made a clear voice like an oriole, and the eyes on the mask were full of surprises.

Her throat, which was swollen and sore from a cold, healed without medicine.

The most unbelievable thing was that an old man who was sitting in a wheelchair with a plaster cast on his foot and was pushed by his family to Sensoji Temple to pray for his health stood up tremblingly!

He prostrated himself on the ground in tears, bowing his head in the direction of the main hall.

"The Buddha has manifested!"

"Greatly merciful, holy Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!"


As if a chain reaction had started, the pilgrims and believers who witnessed the golden lotus springing from the ground near the Fenglei Shenmen all fell to their knees piously, chanting various Buddhist names in their mouths.

A few hours later, Sensoji Temple, which was originally bustling with tourists, has been completely blocked by the Metropolitan Police Department.

The originally bustling Zhongmise Shopping Street also closed its doors, and the shopkeepers were also invited out.

At the main entrance of Sensoji Temple, the fallen Fenglei lantern has been removed, and the surrounding area has been dug with holes like a construction site.

"I got it!"

At a depth of five or six meters underground, a huge blue-gray rock was dug out.

No, digging through the surrounding soil, the rock gradually revealed its real body, which was the sole of a foot.

Stone Buddha's foot.

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