I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 280 Chapter 281 Mo Dao stone Buddha has one eye, Ah Fei sent a notice letter

"The test results have come out. The stone material of the Buddha statue is exactly the same as the stone bowl in front of the Buddha!"

As the night grew darker and the moon was at the tip of the moon, several industrial lights near the main gate of Sensoji Temple cast dazzling beams of light, illuminating it as brightly as day, and a group of workers wearing hard hats were busy working in full swing.

Zhong Jianshi Commercial Street has been dug a huge hole by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Digging back from a Buddha's foot found under the Fengleishen Gate, it was finally discovered that there was a 20-meter-long bluestone Buddha lying flat on the ground.

"Do you have any advice from the eminent monks of Sensoji Temple about the origin of this underground Buddha statue?"

The Matsuura police inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department's search section 4 asked the bewildered abbot of Sensoji Temple and several monks.

Seeing the Nakamise Commercial Street, where every inch of land is precious, was dug up like this, the abbot of Sensoji Temple was bleeding from distress, but he also knew that his arms could not twist his thighs.

Fortunately, the Metropolitan Police Department also knew how to measure. It only excavated the ground of Nakamise Shopping Street Avenue, and did not affect the Fenglei Shenmen and other main buildings.

"This temple enshrines Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. This secret Buddha is not a statue of Avalokitesvara...This temple really doesn't know."

The huge stone Buddha unearthed from the ground has a simple style, with a broken upper body, the remaining right hand is held in front of the abdomen, and half of the Buddha's face is missing, so the face cannot be seen clearly.

For a while, I couldn't tell which Buddha it was, but it was obviously not Avalokitesvara.

Sensoji Temple, also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple, is the main sect of Japan's Sacred Kannon Sect, but the Asakusa Kannon statue, which is regarded as a Japanese national treasure, cannot be seen in the temple because it is an absolute secret Buddha.

The so-called secret Buddha refers to undisclosed Buddha statues.

When Buddhism was introduced into Japan, it was unavoidably influenced by Shintoism, which is a combination of gods and Buddhas. Shinto believes that all things have animism, and gods exist in nature. They are invisible sacred existences without fixed appearance, and have a strong mystical tendency;

On the other hand, among the Buddhist statues of Esoteric Buddhism, there are many statues of the Ming King with a terrifying face, and the Huanxi Buddha, who loves men and women. In order to prevent the general believers from fearing and misunderstood the Buddhist principles, the Buddha statues are not displayed publicly.

The secret Buddhas of many Japanese temples are only displayed a few times a year, or once every few years, which is called "opening accounts".

There are even absolute secret Buddhas that never open accounts, such as the 1,340-year-old Asakusa Kannon statue enshrined in Sensoji Temple.

That is, the golden Guanyin statue salvaged from Miyogawa.

Even the host of Sensoji Temple only knows where the Asakusa Kannon statue is stored, and has not seen it with his own eyes.

This huge stone Buddha, which was buried deep in the ground of Sensoji Temple for many years and has only been rediscovered today, is also regarded as an absolute secret Buddha to some extent.

According to the ancient legend passed down from mouth to mouth in Sensoji Temple, the Absolute Secret Buddha is an existence that ordinary people cannot directly look at, and ordinary people will be punished by heaven if they dare to offend.


The abbot of Sensoji Temple secretly opened his eyes and looked at the only half of the Buddha's face, and the only remaining left eye looked at the sky compassionately.

"Mo Daoshi's one-eyed man provoked rebellion in the Yellow River world!"

Thinking of this, the abbot of Sensoji Temple was startled, his scalp was numb, and large beads of sweat appeared on his bald head.

This unnamed stone Buddha was unearthed in Sensoji Temple. It is not a good omen, but a great omen!

Police officer Matsuura didn't think so much, he looked at the huge stone Buddha lying flat in the pothole and fell silent.

The stone Buddha is as big as a rockery just on the soles of its feet, and its length is more than 20 meters. It must be quite spectacular if it is erected.

More importantly, the color, hardness and texture of the stone of the Buddha statue are exactly the same as the stone bowl in front of the Buddha that fell into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department!

Thinking of the miracle of the golden lotus springing from the ground mentioned in the report, the miracle of healing the diseases of the onlookers is no different from the stone bowl in front of the Buddha.

Could it be that the huge stone Buddha and the stone bowl in front of the Buddha are one?

Police Officer Matsuura swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and couldn't help looking at the right palm held by Shi Buddha.

Indeed, it would be more natural if some magic tools were placed on it.

But the right palm of the stone Buddha is enough to hold a car, and it is not commensurate with the size of the stone bowl in front of the Buddha.

"Which god and Buddha is it that entrusted Shen Yuan with a dream? Forget it, let the scholars of the expert group consider these complicated matters."

Police Officer Matsuura frowned, looked at Yuji Kanbara who was standing silently at the side, and said with a smile:

"Kanhara Police Department, you have only been in Sensoji Temple for a few days, and you gave us such a big surprise for the Metropolitan Police Department. It can be said that you have a deep connection with Buddhism!"

Several other eminent monks from Sensoji Temple couldn't help but feel their Zen hearts shake, and began to doubt themselves.

The golden lotus springing up from the ground is a big scene in Buddhist allusions, which can be chanted sutras.

How can it be repaired!

I have been practicing Buddhism for decades, why is there no Buddha to give me a dream?

Could it be that this layman Shenyuan, who is not very enlightened in his practice, really has a unique root of wisdom, and he is not a Buddha in the world?

Kanhara Yuji touched his thick and fluffy long hair, embarrassment flashed across his face, and he smiled mischievously.

"That god and Buddha must have given me a little enlightenment because of the face of the holy monk on the ground."

Police Officer Matsuura glanced at the other monks and hinted at a few black suits. The abbot of Sensoji Temple and the monks were politely invited out, obviously not wanting them to hear the conversation behind them.

"That nameless god and Buddha is a warning to you... it should be said that it is a warning to us, is there only so much?"

"That's right."

Police Officer Matsuura nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face.

'In the year of the devil, the world changes drastically, and evil spirits are born'.

According to the judgment of the expert group, this is most likely a series of changes that occurred after the 19th year of Heisei.

This has formed a consensus in the Metropolitan Police Department. The extraordinary existence may have a long history and has been hidden behind myths and legends since ancient times, but it can be said to have disappeared before the 19th year of Heisei. Otherwise, modern civilization would not have developed to this point.

And in the 19th year of Heisei, for unknown reasons, Pandora's box was opened, and monsters and evil spirits began to be born in Japan.

Immediately afterwards, those extraordinary beings hidden behind the myths and legends began to recover and stepped into the mortal world.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department has established some hypotheses based on the dialogues of the supernatural beings in the heavens, they are just glimpses of the leopard.

Who told those transcendents to be like riddlers, who like to say half and hide half, and the expert group can only scratch their heads and scratch their heads to guess and deceive.

The information is completely unequal, but the Metropolitan Police Department has suffered enough.

But there is nothing they can do about it, the supernatural beings in the celestial world do not have the obligation and interest to have long talks and share information with the Metropolitan Police Department.

And this time, the nameless god and Buddha entrusting the dream may be a turning point.

"As long as you sacrifice the monster to the stone Buddha, you will be able to communicate with the nameless god and Buddha and get his blessing."

Police Matsuura looked at Yuuji Kanbara with a serious face, and said, "Police Kanbara, let me check one last time, it's right."


Yuuji Kanhara also realized the seriousness of this problem, gritted his teeth and replied.

"Ok, I see."

Not only did Matsuura police inspector not show any joy when he heard the words, but instead had a stern expression on his face.

Although the nameless deity and Buddha showed off the golden lotus, the Buddhist supernatural powers that healed the sick, and hinted that it was related to the holy monk on the earth, it was hard to say whether it was true or false, it was right and wrong.

Of course, it is impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department to simply believe in an unknown extraordinary existence.

Some demons pretend to be good gods, use mortals to achieve ulterior motives, and use mortals to achieve ulterior motives. This is not uncommon in the mythology of various countries in the world.

What can't bear the suffering of living beings, what does it mean to protect all living beings, the words are better than the singing, who knows whether there is an evil god hiding behind the sacred and magnificent Buddha light of the nameless god and Buddha.

If you sacrificed to him rashly, you might summon some indescribable monsters.

But at any rate, the one he asked to sacrifice was a monster that endangered the world. If it was a human being, it must be a monster dressed in Buddha's skin.

Well, you can't say that, some sects of Tantric Buddhism seem to have rituals of sacrificing living people.

The Metropolitan Police Department is still very vigilant about the unknown gods and Buddhas. After all, this is Tokyo. If a catastrophe similar to Sapporo happens again and the center blooms, the country will be destroyed.

If it weren't for such a huge stone Buddha, which was too big to handle, the Metropolitan Police Department would have moved it out of Tokyo as soon as possible.

Although it is said that Sensoji Temple is located in Taito District, but it is close to Chiyoda District and Chuo District, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

In any case, it is absolutely impossible for the Metropolitan Police Department to sacrifice to the unknown stone Buddha easily.

At least not now.

But if you are forced into a desperate situation, let alone sacrificing monsters, even sacrificing living people is not unreasonable.

Japan has a population of 120 million, and there are so many "volunteers" who are willing to give their lives generously.

"Kanhara Police Department, the internal orders of the Metropolitan Police Department have been issued, and your practice at Sensoji Temple has ended. Congratulations, you have been officially promoted to the police department."

Taking out his mobile phone and looking at it for a while, Police Officer Matsuura said to Yuji Kanbara with a pleasant face.

Kanhara Yuuji couldn't help but feel excited, he was promoted to two levels in a month, even the elites of the professional group couldn't be promoted so quickly.

"Shenyuan Police Department, if there is no accident, I will ask for your advice in the next period of time."

"Well, Police Uchiha, aren't you searching Section 4 now?"

Yuuji Kanbara hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Although it is not considered long to work only under Uchiha Xianmen, Kanhara Yuji has a good impression of this old boss.

"Uchiha Police, now suspended for review."

A somewhat gloomy look appeared on Matsuura's face, and he said in a complicated tone.

"How come?" Yuuji Kanbara couldn't help but burst out.

Police Officer Matsuura wanted to say something more, but at this moment, his cell phone vibrated suddenly.

A text message from the Metropolitan Police Department made his face change.

"Damn it! This is a provocation!"

"What happened again?"

Police Matsuura's face turned ashen and said:

"The Xiao organization actually sent a warning letter to the Metropolitan Police Department, and will take away the stone bowl in front of the Buddha tomorrow!"

3k, there is another chapter tonight

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