"Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department, please stay safe. The stone bowl in front of the Buddha left in your place should be returned to its original owner. On the eve of the full moon this month, I will come and get it myself."

In the meeting room of the Special Search Headquarters temporarily set up by the Metropolitan Police Department, on the big screen is the original notice letter sent by Akatsuki Akatsuki.

The notice letter was handwritten, and at the signing place, three black hook jades, the same as Sharingan, were drawn with a black marker.

"What's the result of the identification class?"

"It's... the handwriting of the deceased former Prime Minister Abe..."

The reporter unsealed the document bag, took out the identification results, and paused for a while before muttering.

"Too much deceit!"

"Provocation, this is a serious provocation!"

The faces of the police officers attending the meeting were not very good-looking, and the crowd was excited.

No one thought that the former prime minister who had been shot dead would suddenly come back to life, put on a mask and become a member of the Akatsuki organization, the only possibility is that A Fei intentionally copied the former prime minister's handwriting and wrote this notice letter.

Like the phantom thief in the animation, A Fei sent out a crime notice letter in advance, which already gave the Metropolitan Police Department a bad look.

Moreover, the notice letter also deliberately used the handwriting of the former supreme leader of this country, which is completely ridiculed.

The chief of police, with a lot of silver hair on his temples, looked older, and he frowned with a haggard look.

Sending out a notice letter written in the handwriting of the former prime minister, this kind of bad taste is also in line with A Fei's style.

In the previous two appearances, A Fei's behavior and language sounded like a frivolous and unscrupulous behavior, and the worst was pretending to be funny.

The Metropolitan Police Department established a mental model for Ah Fei, who believes that he is a typical acting personality.

The performative personality is to attract attention with overly emotional and exaggerated behaviors, and loves to show off to attract people's attention. Usually, the more people there are, the more energetic they become "crazy".

In this way, it is not difficult for A Fei to send a notice letter to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Of course, it is also possible that the acting personality is just a mask of A Fei. Maybe A Fei has other ideas, such as leading a snake out of a hole...

The police chief's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice:

"go on."

"The loose-leaf paper and markers used in the notice letter are all owned by Kokuyo, and they are sold in all major convenience stores in Tokyo."

In other words, it is as difficult as heaven to find more clues through handwriting and paper.

What a pity.

The police chief pondered.

As the saying goes, writing is like a person, and handwriting identification can analyze a lot of information, such as the physical and mental state when writing, and so on.

The original owner of this notice letter, former Prime Minister Abe, must be a "broad-minded" person.

The notice letter is sent to the Metropolitan Police Department by post.

The Metropolitan Police Department also used the postmark to find the post office where the letter was sent, and it was in Nakagawa-samachime, Adachi-ku!

Sure enough, the Akatsuki organization has been lurking in Tokyo.

After the Extraordinary War in Sapporo City again, higher-level bureaucrats from all over the country gathered in Tokyo to hold a closed-door meeting in full swing.

The Metropolitan Police Department immediately sent people to the post office in Nakagawa, Adachi District to investigate, but the notice letter was delivered from the mailbox on the local street. On the streets that lack monitoring equipment, there are dozens of mailboxes, and it is impossible to find out which mailbox delivered the notice letter.

Even if you find it, so what?

A Fei, who has the ability to teleport, can obviously send the notice letter to the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department without anyone noticing, but he uses the mail method to expose his whereabouts.

Was it on purpose, or by accident?

The whole of Tokyo was suddenly suspicious, and there was panic.

Even the ongoing closed-door meeting almost came to an emergency stop.

"What a headache."

The police chief rubbed his brows tiredly and sighed.

The closed-door meeting, the betrayal of Section Chief Akagi, Penglai Island, the nameless god and Buddha, plus A Fei's notice letter, there are too many emergencies in the past few days, and they are suppressed layer by layer, making the elderly I feel overwhelmed.

"Do you have any suggestions?"

The police officers in the conference room began to speak in a hurry, and the police chief listened patiently for a while, but he was not very satisfied.

It's all the same cliché, and it didn't refresh his eyes.

"The time announced in the notice is the eve of the night of the full moon, that is, today. There is no time to waste now!"

The police chief's eyes were fixed, and he rushed to the crime, and the police officers below were so frightened that they didn't even dare to breathe.

A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"If that Uchiha and Akagi Section Chief are still there, maybe..."

Thinking about this, the police chief's eyes sank, and complex and embarrassing emotions surged in his heart.

After the supernatural war in Sapporo that shocked the world, in order to deal with the severe pressure of public opinion and the intensifying supernatural crisis, the cabinet has decided to separate the fourth search section and the fifth public security section from the police system and form a new department to deal with supernatural phenomena. department.

But whether this supernatural department is a ministry-level unit, or whether it has risen to the department level in one go, a group of big shots are still arguing.

The local faction and the pro-mi faction are arguing over this matter. Everyone wants to eat more and occupy more, and allocate more seats and cakes for themselves.

At this critical juncture, such a huge scandal broke out, undoubtedly a knife stabbed into the heart of the local faction.

In the past few days, because of this incident, the chief police officer was also criticized at the meeting, making him feel ashamed and embarrassed.

Although the evidence is conclusive, and the Uchiha police can be regarded as legitimate self-defense, but it is inevitable to conduct an indefinite suspension review.

The two capable generals who searched the fourth section, now one dead and one jailed, suddenly gave the police chief the feeling that no one was available.

Sitting back in his seat, the police chief began to analyze the intelligence.

The five people including Hirota Turio who landed on Penglai Island are now in the hands of the Seventh Fleet, but the police director is by no means ignorant of what happened on Penglai Island.

The birth of Penglai Island, the legendary overseas fairy mountain, is undoubtedly a magnitude 10 earthquake for the ruling class of this country.

Although the elixir of immortality may no longer exist on the island, the villagers' lifespan of two hundred years still attracts many elderly dignitaries.

In the past few days, cruise ships with their own minds are wandering in the sea area where Penglai Island appeared.

Although he is not young, the Superintendent of Police is not very interested in elixirs and longevity.

The focus of his concern is Penglai Yuzhi.

"Now it is clear that the Fire Rat Fur and the Dragon Head Jade are in the hands of the Xiao Organization, but A Fei will only take away the stone bowl before the Buddha when he said he would use it."

The police chief keenly sensed that the rain was about to come and the building was full of wind.

"Does this mean that the Akatsuki organization has collected four of the five treasures of "The Tale of the Bamboo Tori" and only the stone bowl in front of the Buddha is left? There must be some big move next!"

Although we don't know what happened after Akatsuki organized the five treasures, but in any case, they can't let their conspiracy succeed.

Although it is said that the police chief belongs to the local faction, and the pro-mi faction is fighting for power and profit.

Hearing that the Seventh Fleet had lost a landing ship, the Police Chief, in the dark corner of his heart, was gloating.

But this is nothing more than an infighting among human beings. In the face of foreign enemies such as extraordinary people, the police chief believes that it is still necessary to unite as one.

"Go to General William, I have something important to discuss with him. No, the situation is urgent, I want to go to Yokosuka Port in person!"

Lieutenant General William had already rejected the previous application to send reinforcements, but the worried police chief still ordered so.

Immediately, the police reported back:

"The Yokosuka port base is under martial law. General William's secretary said that even a fly can't come in now."

"Damn! Arrogant American guy!"

With a hot face and a cold butt, the Police Chief's face suddenly changed, but there was nothing he could do.

Yokosuka Port, where the main force of the Seventh Fleet is stationed, is indeed the most heavily guarded place in this country, and it is probably impossible for even extraordinary people to invade so easily.

I can only hope that the gods and Buddhas will bless you.

Thinking of this, the police chief couldn't help but smile wryly and shook his head.

After all, their current enemy may be the 'God and Buddha', so there is no reason to pray to the enemy.


Thinking of the huge stone Buddha unearthed from Sensoji Temple, the police chief's eyes began to darken.

Maybe you can consider offering sacrifices to the unknown gods and Buddhas to obtain some information, such as what is the conspiracy of Akatsuki to collect the five treasures requested by Kaguya Hime in "The Tale of Bamboo Tori".

It's impossible, he really wants to propose to Kaguya Hime.


The police chief never expected that although he was worried about the guards at the Yokosuka Port military base, he was afraid that the stone bowl in front of the Buddha would be taken away by A Fei.

But the treacherous and cunning Lieutenant General William has long been suspicious.

The so-called martial law at the Yokosuka Port base is just a big smoke bomb. Even if A Fei, who can teleport, breaks into Yokosuka Port, he will return in vain.

Because Lieutenant General William has secretly transferred the stone bowl in front of the Buddha.

There were as many as ten officers who accepted Lieutenant General William's confidential military mission yesterday and left Yokosuka Port, and without exception, they all carried a confidential suitcase that looked exactly the same.

Under Lieutenant General William's arrangement, they didn't know each other, thinking that they were Lieutenant General William's most trusted confidant, and they were dispatched to various military bases stationed in Japan separately.

Even these officers don't know what's in the security suitcase.

Only Lieutenant General William in Japan knows where the real stone bowl in front of Buddha is hidden.

In the secret security suitcases of the others, there are only fakes that can be confused with the real ones.

At an altitude of 8,000 meters above Hokkaido, an air command plane transformed from a C-130 transport plane is flying around Japan on a fixed route.

In the belly compartment of the air command plane, under the protection of a group of armed soldiers, Captain Hawk looked at the secret security suitcase on his right wrist, with a puzzled expression still visible on his dark face.

To be honest, he had never seen such a weird mission in his twenty years in the military.

Under Lieutenant General William's arrangement, Captain Hawke rushed to the Yokota base without stopping, holding the secret suitcase.

Then I got on the air command plane and flew around Japan non-stop. Up to now, I have been stuck in the air for more than 18 hours.

And for the next 24 hours or even longer, it may continue to hover in the air.

During the Cold War, as an important part of the second nuclear strike force, the United States always kept some B52 bombers flying in the sky with nuclear warheads, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, non-stop.

The purpose is that once a nuclear war breaks out, the strategic bombers can turn around and go to Lucia for bombing.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the order for nuclear strikes can be issued even when the ground communication and command systems are completely destroyed, the United States reproduced the entire nuclear weapon command and communication system on some EC-135C air command aircraft.

For nearly 30 years before the victory of the Cold War, the Mi Army had such an EC-135C in the sky every day. If the ground command system was destroyed, this aircraft would become the air command center.

The characteristics of the air command aircraft are long range, long battery life, and even the ability to refuel in the air.

Although the air command plane that Captain Hawke took is not as good as a doomsday plane like the E-4, there is no problem in staying in space for more than 48 hours.

Captain Hawke was not without curiosity about the contents of the security suitcase and this mission of unknown significance.

But he was well aware that obeying orders is the bounden duty of a soldier, so he didn't delve into it.

General William said that he was the person he trusted the most in Yokosuka Port, and he entrusted this confidential mission to himself, so Captain Hawk must also repay his loyalty with loyalty.

Guard this secret suitcase until the end of the mission, or the last moment of your life!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the time was getting closer and closer to midnight. Captain Hawk and the several huge and heavily armed soldiers around him couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.

When he first boarded the air command plane, Captain Hawke was still quite vigilant, but after a long time, he gradually relaxed a bit.

That's right, there are still threats at an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters.

Except for enemy planes, it is impossible to suffer any attacks.

The current world structure is still considered peaceful, and it is impossible for any country to break into Japan's airspace and come to war with them.


Just as Captain Hawk's eyelids began to twitch, there was a rhythmic and crisp metal knocking sound from outside the porthole.

"Did you hear anything?"

Captain Hawk suddenly woke up from his drowsiness, his eyes were alert, and he held the gun at his waist with his left hand.

"Captain Hawke, there seems to be some noise. It sounds like... knocking on the door?"

The other soldiers in the cabin looked at each other, looking at each other, their faces full of disbelief.

"Tuk tuk!"

The knock on the door sounded again, not slowly, but this time everyone had a look on their faces.

At an altitude of 8,000 meters, outside the plane with a maximum flight speed of Mach 0.5, who is knocking on the door.


Or the people of the motherland?

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