I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 283 Chapter 284 Magnetic Field Rotation

The altitude of 8,000 meters is close to the top of the troposphere, the temperature is below minus twenty degrees Celsius, and there are gusts of wind when the plane is flying, it is extremely cold, and ordinary people are exposed to this extremely harsh environment of low temperature, low pressure and low oxygen. It won't be long before he freezes to death.

Although there are occasional survivors around the world who have heard of smuggling by climbing planes, they are all hidden in the undercarriage compartment, and there is no possibility of survival if they are outside the plane.

Who is it that can knock on the door of a plane that is traveling at an altitude of 8,000 meters?

Or, is it really human?

The tense and uneasy atmosphere suddenly spread in the cabin. Captain Hawke and several soldiers looked at the porthole with hesitant eyes, and their faces were not very good-looking.

"Hahaha, it should be that there are some parts outside the plane that are not fixed properly, which makes this sound."

After being stunned for a while, a soldier forced a smile.

Having said that, looking at his slightly pale face and weak tone, it is obvious that he does not have much confidence.

"Think about it, this is an airplane. Everyone knows how fast and how high it flies. How can someone knock on the door outside, unless it is from the motherland."

Although the soldier wanted to make a joke and ease the atmosphere.

But as soon as he spoke, Captain Hawk's dark face became even darker, and his bald head looked like a marinated egg.

The Motherlander is the anti-superhero of the most popular American dramas in recent years. He is ruthless and must be punished. More importantly, the Motherlander appeared on the plane several times in the play, and it was not good. He shot down the plane with Retinazer more than once.

It's like a crow's mouth!

Captain Hawke gave the soldier who was speaking a hard look, and was about to say something.

"Tuk tuk!"

At this moment, the weird knock on the door rang again outside the cabin door like a reminder.

This time, everyone felt trembling, and cold sweat crawled up their cheeks unknowingly.


Captain Hawk, with veins bursting out on his forehead, immediately yelled angrily, grabbed the communicator with his left hand, and contacted the crew of the air command plane.

"Climb up quickly! Fly as high as you can, fly as fast as you can! Hurry up! This is an order!"

The engine of the air command plane was running at full power and accelerated to the highest flight speed of Mach 0.5.

Within a few minutes, the air command plane, like a blue whale jumping out of the sea, penetrated the thick clouds and climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.


In the cabin, Captain Hawke and the soldiers, who were holding long guns and short cannons, closed their mouths in unison. They were so silent that they could even hear the sound of a needle being dropped. They could only hear the roar of the aircraft engine in their ears. Voice.

For Captain Hawke in the cabin, every minute and every second was so tormenting, and he didn't know whether it was a few minutes or a few years.

Even when he was outside the Sasebo base two years ago, when he was drunk driving and killed someone and was imprisoned by the base for punishment, he was not as stressed as he is now, and his days were like years.

Time seems to stand still, and it seems like a white horse is passing by.

I don't know how long it's been—

The dreadful knocking sound never came again.

The suspicious soldiers could not help swallowing their hearts hanging in their throats, their faces turning pale.

The soldier who mentioned the people of the motherland before glanced at Captain Hawke, with such a complacent look on his face, but he didn't say anything.

However, Captain Hawk, who was still in shock, looked down at the secret suitcase tightly fastened to his right wrist, with an extremely serious expression on his face.

Was the knock on the door just now really just an accident, or was it thrown away by the air command plane?

In any case, Captain Hawk dared not be careless in the slightest. In order to meet the expectations of General William, he must guard this secret suitcase until he dies!

"Tuk tuk!"

The knock on the door was like a tarsal maggot, haunting, echoing in the cabin again.

Captain Hawke and several other soldiers stared pale with uncontrollable panic in their eyes, holding guns tightly in their hands, as if this could give them courage.

"Duk, duk, duk duk—!"

Of course, no one will step forward to open the hatch, and this is an air command plane flying in the stratosphere, so they can't open the gate.

But the unknown being was very polite and kept knocking on.

The precise knocking on the door, like a wind-up clock, became more and more urgent, and finally continued like a violent storm.

"Monster! Don't come in!"

This unfolded like a horror story or a nightmare. The suffocating pressure and panic almost caused a soldier to collapse. He shouted hysterically, aiming the black muzzle of his rifle at the hatch.

"Fuck! You idiot!"

Seeing this, Captain Hawke couldn't help yelling, using this kind of firearm inside the cabin at an altitude of 10,000 meters is simply asking for a dead end.

Now the situation has not been clarified, and the enemy has not appeared. If it is just some oolong, wouldn't the group of them die in vain?


A crisp sound of metal tearing came from the direction of the hatch!

Everyone looked at the reputation, and their pupils suddenly shrank to the limit, only to see a palm pierced through the extremely strong hatch made of alloy.

"It's coming in!"

In their stunned eyes, the palm easily tore open the hatch with a terrifying force, like a pull on a soda can.

A figure like a demon appeared in everyone's sight.

He was wearing a robe of red clouds with a black background, and a swirling one-eyed mask on his face. His black hair was dancing in the strong wind, and a dangerous and cold light was shining in his eyes.

"Beep beep!"

A shrill siren sounded in the cabin, and the red warning light flickered violently.

The violent and icy airflow raged in the cabin, and Captain Hawke and others were blown to this side, so they could only hold on to the seats in the cabin to fix their bodies.

The plane door was opened unexpectedly in the stratosphere above 10,000 meters, the airtightness was destroyed, and the air inside the cabin was drawn out due to the ultra-low pressure outside.

If this continues, it won't be long before the air command plane will disintegrate and crash.

With a loud bang, the plane door was slammed shut.

Captain Hawke and several other soldiers collapsed on the ground, their faces pale and out of breath.

The uninvited guest above the height of 10,000 meters walked towards Captain Hawk without any extra movement.

"found it……"

The indifferent words came into Captain Hawk's ears clearly, and he felt as if his heart was being pulled by something, and he didn't even have the strength to breathe for a while.

A cold gaze fell on the secure suitcase clutched in his hand.

There is a term in flight terminology called explosive decompression. The aircraft is damaged in the air due to some sudden situation, causing the cabin to lose pressure instantly when in contact with the outside of the cabin. Passengers will also have difficulty breathing due to the pressure difference, and may even develop alveoli. Danger to life due to rupture.

But after the cabin door was blocked, the air pressure in the cabin quickly returned to normal, and these soldiers with big waists, five bigs and three thicks were also in good physical fitness, and they soon recovered.

"Monster! Devil!"

"Don't come! Stop! I'm going to shoot!"

Surprised and angry, the soldiers picked up their guns, pointed at the masked man, and issued a warning.


The masked man turned a deaf ear and walked towards them unhurriedly.

"Don't come here!!"

"kill him!"

The soldiers, whose spirits were on the verge of collapse, didn't care about the fatal consequences of shooting in the cabin, and all roared and poured out all the bullets from their weapons in one go.

"Bang bang bang!"

Hundreds of bullets were intertwined into a barrage of death, and the masked man was about to be riddled with holes.

But in the next second, all the warheads stopped abruptly, densely floating a few inches in front of the uninvited guest, spinning continuously.


Captain Hawke and the other soldiers suddenly gasped, their faces full of disbelief.

Is this The Matrix?

"Damn it! Keep attacking!"

The faces of the soldiers who emptied their magazines changed drastically, their bodies trembling, and they frantically began to reload their weapons.


The masked man raised one of his cuffs, flicked his right index finger, and the bullets flew out one after another, shooting a soldier to the ground, life or death unknown.

Only Captain Hawk was left in the cabin, standing intact.

"Who the hell are you! How dare you do such a thing..."

Captain Hawk, who was sweating profusely, his eyes were full of fear, his knees trembled uncontrollably, and immediately he waved his arms at the masked man like crazy, and roared angrily, but the harshness in his voice could not be covered up. Can't live.

Before he finished speaking, the masked man in front of the bully grabbed his throat and pressed against the inner wall of the cabin.

"I'm just getting my stuff back."

The masked man lowered his head and looked at the secret suitcase on Captain Hawk's wrist.

Then he raised his head, and the one-eyed eye outside the whirlpool mask was shining with a cold light.

"I can spare your life and tell the password."

"You never want to know! Even if you snatch the safe, you never want to get what's inside.!"

Captain Hawk gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

After he was hit and killed by a drunk driving car and escaped, Lieutenant General William came forward to save him, and also transferred Captain Hawke from Sasebo base to Yokosuka port base to avoid the limelight.

A soldier dies for his confidant, and repays the general's kindness with loyalty, which is the basic principle of being a man!

"Don't tell me, it's okay. I'll let you talk."

The masked man's tone was as cold as ever, and he couldn't hear the ups and downs of emotion, which made Captain Hawke shudder.

In fact, Lieutenant General William did not tell him the password.

But even if he said so, this monster probably wouldn't believe it, and he didn't know what kind of vicious methods he would use to torture him next.

"General William will never let you go!"

Thinking of this, Captain Hawke's eyes flashed fiercely, and with his other hand, he picked up the pistol and pressed it against his chin with lightning speed.

"Long live the General!"

With a gunshot, a bright bloodstain was painted on the cabin wall.

A minute later, the door of the cabin was roughly kicked open, and a figure in a red cloud robe with a black background jumped out of the door.

Afterwards, the air command plane at an altitude of 10,000 meters began to disintegrate, exploding into a huge fireball.

The robe fluttered behind him, and that figure was like a big bird with wings spread out, soaring in the sea of ​​clouds.

Flying for hundreds of miles in one go, the masked man plunged downside down, piercing through the boundless sea of ​​clouds. Under the sea of ​​clouds is the turbulent Pacific Ocean.

It continued to plummet downward like a meteor, and only hovered in the air more than a thousand meters above the ground.

And in that airspace, there was already a black-haired boy waiting early, and on his head was a huge purple light jade exuding a sacred and majestic aura.

The masked man who appeared in the air command plane before floated in front of Naruto Uchiha, and handed the security suitcase to Naruto Uchiha with both hands.

"Oh, it can be hidden."

Naruto Uchiha took the security suitcase and smiled.

"It's interesting to hide on a plane that is constantly moving above Japanese airspace. Lieutenant General William, it's also a bit clever."

Although it was said that Lieutenant General William was suspicious and released smoke bombs one after another, in addition to being scattered to various military bases across the country, some officers even entered the submarine with fake safe boxes.

But it was useless for Uchiha Naruto. The stone bowl in front of the Buddha was originally made by him out of earth, and he could perceive the location.

"Originally, I wanted to use A Fei's vest to go to Yokosuka Port to make a big fuss. Lieutenant General William's cleverness saved them from being hit by mistake."

The notice letter sent to the Metropolitan Police Department in the handwriting of former Prime Minister Abe is to maintain the style and personality of A Fei.

For those who have Sharingan, copying other people's handwriting is not a problem at all.

Naruto Uchiha raised his head to look at the rotating purple Tenseigan, and then at the masked man in front of him. With a thought, the masked man took off its whirlpool mask.

He was a handsome black-haired man with cracks from the corners of his eyes and lips to the ear and chin. He turned out to be the puppet of the third generation of Kazekage!

Uchiha Naruto's light and heavy rock technique is not impossible to fly above the stratosphere, but the speed is not so fast and flexible.

Tenseiken already has the ability to manipulate puppets, coupled with the magnetic escape of the third-generation Kazekage puppets, complementing each other, the Kazekage puppets can burst out with performance that exceeds that of the fourth-generation machines.

This time it was just a small experiment.

"Open the box."

Naruto Uchiha held a secret security suitcase in one hand, and the puppet of the Three Kazekages floated over, opened its mouth and spit out a ball of black sand with magnetic force to wrap the suitcase.

"Ka Ka Ka."

A few light sounds came from inside the secret security suitcase, and it was degaussed and unlocked.

Naruto Uchiha took out the stone bowl in front of the Buddha in the suitcase, and threw the secret security suitcase into the sea.

He casually played with the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, which was regarded as a treasure by the Metropolitan Police Department and Lieutenant General William, for a while, and Naruto Uchiha squeezed it hard.

The stone bowl in front of the Buddha turned into gravel, pouring down from between the fingers.

The so-called stone bowl in front of the Buddha and the so-called five treasures are just lies fabricated by him to hide the truth. Naruto Uchiha can make up a hundred or eighty things like this at will.

Naruto Uchiha took away the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, just to promote the plot so that this drama can continue.

"Tomorrow is the night of the full moon."

Naruto Uchiha looked at the moon that was almost full, the corners of his mouth curled up, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"It's ready and the stage layout is complete. "The Tale of Bamboo Tori" after a thousand years will open on Mount Fuji."

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