I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 284 Chapter 285 Gorgeous speeches, fakes can be faked, but jade branches are not vulgar

Between Kai and Suruga, Fuji stands between them. The mountains are high and the clouds are high, but it is difficult for birds to get over the top. The fire is extinguished by falling snow, and the snow is melted by fire.

Located in the southeast of Honshu Island, 80 kilometers away from Tokyo, Mount Fuji straddles Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. At the foot of the mountain is the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

Overlooking the Japanese archipelago, the area of ​​mountains and forests occupies more than 70% of the country's land, and the natural environment of mountains and rivers, mountain beliefs came into being.

In ancient times, the Japanese believed that the souls of their ancestors would float to the mountains after passing away, and become the patron saint of the clan - Ujigami.

When Buddhism traveled east to Japan, it brought the thought of the Six Realms of Reincarnation. Gods and Buddhas practiced together with the local Shinto. People began to believe that the soul of the deceased had to go through obstacles such as rock walls, bushes, and streams to reach the top of the mountain. The six realms encountered later are similar, and the soul will finally become a Buddha on the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is regarded as the "beyond world", a sacred place where gods and Buddhas live together.

As one of the three sacred mountains and the highest peak in Japan, Mount Fuji is naturally a symbol of Japan's "mountain belief".

There are Asama Shrines all over the Mt. Fuji area, and Mt. Fuji itself is worshiped as a god.

As the chain reaction triggered by the Great War in Sapporo City caused the whole of Japan to be in turmoil and panic, the number of people on Mount Fuji increased instead of decreasing, and tourists came to climb the mountain in search of psychological comfort.

Today, May 15th, is also a slightly special day.

Not only is it a full moon, but it's also a supermoon.

A supermoon is a term coined by American astrologer Richard Noelle in 1979.

A supermoon is a phenomenon in which the moon is near perigee during a full moon. The moon orbits the earth in an elliptical orbit, and the distance between the moon and the earth is constantly changing. Therefore, the closer the moon is to the earth when a full moon occurs, the larger the full moon can be seen .

Although it is called a super moon, it is somewhat exaggerated. Unlike lunar eclipses, a rare astronomical phenomenon that does not necessarily occur once a year, super moons appear 4 to 6 times a year.

For climbers who are going to climb Mount Fuji to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise and sea of ​​clouds, it is also a good addition to be able to see the super moon along the way.

Fujiyoshida City is the central city of the Fuji Five Lakes region, with convenient transportation and complete sightseeing facilities. It is one of the main starting points for tourists to visit Mount Fuji.

It was almost evening, Mount Fuji was gradually covered with a layer of black veil, and there was still a steady stream of tourists near Kawaguchiko Station.

But at this moment, the eyes of the tourists are intentionally or unintentionally focused on a corner of the street, and their eyes unconsciously reveal a look of amazement.

It was a young maiden dressed in a scarlet hakama white dress, with black hair like waterfalls, and a delicate and flawless face. Although it was not the kind of stunning beauty, the ethereal and holy temperament made people forget the world at first sight.

Not only men, but even women can't help but be attracted by the aura of a priestess.

In this country with over 100,000 shrines, large and small, shrine maidens are not rare. Modern maidens are no longer psychic mediums to communicate with the gods, and they can even be part-time jobs recruited from outside.

These tourists often visit the shrine during the holidays, and have seen many working maidens, but none of them can dress so well in the maiden costume like the lady in front of them.

Is it the shrine maiden from Asama Shrine?

After several people passed by seemingly nonchalantly, they still couldn't help but look back.

Behind Miss Miko, there is also a quiver with a bow and a few feathered arrows on her back, which makes people even more curious.

The mysterious Miko lady stood facing the direction of Mt. Fuji for a while, and then walked out of the city at a leisurely pace.

Not long after walking out of Fujiyoshida City, a black car driving on the asphalt road stopped immediately after passing by Miss Miko.

"Miss Witch, it's so late, where are you going? Do you need me to give you a ride?"

The car window was rolled down, revealing a fresh woman's face with short hair like a tomboy.

"Need not."

Miss Miko shook her head and said softly, her voice was as clear and melodious as a clear spring flowing from a mountain stream.

But the short-haired woman in the car persisted and said enthusiastically:

"Miss Miko, look at the direction you are going, are you going to Lake Kawaguchi?"

The Fuji Five Lakes are five barrier lakes formed by volcanic eruptions around Mount Fuji. From west to east, they are Lake Motosu, Lake Shoji, Lake West, Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Yamanaka.

"Lake Kawaguchi, it's too late. There is still the last Lake Motosu."

Miss Miko said softly.

The short-haired woman was at a loss when she heard the words. To the west of Fujiyoshida City where they are now, Lake Kawaguchi is the closest and Lake Motosu is the farthest.

Why do you say that the nearest Lake Kawaguchi is too late?

"Miss Miko, are you going to Lake Motosu? Then get in my car, otherwise you can't get there by walking alone in the dark." The short-haired woman didn't take it too seriously, she was still concerned Said the look.

"Ms. Miko, I'm not a bad person. I'm a teacher, although it's just a physical education trainee teacher."

Not knowing whether she was moved by the short-haired woman's words, or impatient with being entangled, Miss Miko finally nodded slightly.

"Miss Miko, are you a full-time Miko or a part-time Miko? Judging by your age, you should not be in college yet."

After Miss Miko sat in the co-pilot seat, the short-haired woman kept chirping endlessly familiarly, and seemed to be full of interest in this mysterious Miko with excellent temperament.

But Miss Miko never said a word, she just nodded occasionally, her expression was calm and indifferent with a little alienation.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Namiyu Sakaki. I'm a physical education teacher in a high school in Tokyo. I don't know how to call Miss Miko?"

Miss Miko closed her eyes tightly, hooked a strand of blue silk that had inadvertently fallen from the tip of her hair behind her ear with her little finger carved like suet and jade, and her red lips parted lightly:

"You can call me Hinata."

"It's Miss Hinata."

Namiyu Sakaki turned her head and glanced at Hinata Miko's snow-white skin, feeling a little envious.

Although she is quite satisfied with her healthy wheat-colored complexion, it has to be said that Ms. Hinata's snow-like skin and jet-black waterfall-like hair style are the romance of Yamato Nadeko.

It's just that Ms. Hinata's oral habit is really strange, what you and I, it sounds a bit like an ancient title in a Taiga drama.

Also, I didn't notice when I drove by before, Miss Miko's eyes were always closed after getting in the car.

She wasn't sleeping either. Seeing how she walked freely before, it didn't seem like she had an eye disease.

Is it possible...

Is it secondary illness?

Not impossible given her age.

Anyway, it can't be a witch with real spiritual power.

Sakaki Nami thought in a strange way.

After experiencing the grotesque supernatural phenomenon of the Mermaid Festival in Obama City, Nami Ryu Sakaki woke up like a dream. The world is not as simple as it seems.

On the surface, the brother-in-law's job is just an ordinary policeman, but he is actually a hero who silently guards the country behind the scenes.

Sakaki Namiyu couldn't help but increase her admiration for her brother-in-law.

For ordinary people who are unintentionally involved in extraordinary incidents, the Metropolitan Police Department naturally has a set of processing procedures. In addition, Sakaki Nami-ryu's brother-in-law Uchiha Senmon is the go-getter who searched the fourth section, and the Metropolitan Police Department did not make it too difficult for Sakaki Nami-ryu in the end , signed a strict confidentiality agreement and passed the customs smoothly.

"But Wuxiang, she..."

Thinking of her best friend Maika Suzuki, Sakaki Namiru's expression was complicated and worried.

Since that day, the two have not been in contact with each other. Nami Liu also tried to inquire about her brother-in-law. Uchiha Xianmen said to reassure her that Maika Suzuki will not have any worries about her life.

Sakaki Nami believes in Uchiha Senmen.

Today, Sakaki Nami Liu drove to the Mount Fuji area, but she couldn't hold back her feelings for her brother-in-law.

I don't know why, but I haven't received a reply to my brother-in-law's calls for several days. Now that I know that my brother-in-law has a heavy responsibility, Nami-ryu Sakaki can't be petty anymore.

Maybe brother-in-law is performing some secret mission again.

For Sakaki Nami, who already knows the inside story, Uchiha Xianmen is no longer as secretive as before. The previous conversations revealed that he is now near Mount Fuji.

Sakaki Nami-ryu drove around Mount Fuji on weekends just in case. If there is a real fate, maybe she can meet her brother-in-law too.

It's just that at the end of the day, I didn't even see the shadow of my brother-in-law, but I met a beautiful witch full of mysteries.

Although Namiyu Sakaki is full of curiosity and interest in Ms. Hinata, but Ms. Hinata is like a bottomless cold pool, no matter how much she puts into words to strike up a conversation, she keeps silent.

Nami Ryu Sakaki couldn't help but lose interest.

Before he knew it, Nami Ryu Sakaki had already driven to Lake Motosu.

Lake Motosu is one of the Fuji Five Lakes that has not yet undergone large-scale tourism development. The natural scenery is better preserved and quiet and beautiful.

"Miss Hinata, do you really want to get off here? It's almost night, not the time to visit Lake Motosu."

Nami Ryu Sakaki looked up at the surrounding forest shrouded in darkness, and said worriedly.

I thought that there were Miss Hinata's family and friends near Lake Motosu, or the shrine where I was, but I didn't expect that Miss Hinata asked to stop in such a remote place.

"It's okay. Mount Fuji is definitely not a place to stay for a long time tonight, so you should leave quickly."

Hinata Miko exhorted Sakaki Namiru with a calm face, and then drifted away.

Namiru Sakaki watched Hinata Miko's figure disappear into the night, and couldn't help but be amazed.

What on earth is a girl doing at Lake Benqi alone at such a late hour?

Shouldn't it be suicide?

Thinking of this, Sakaki Namiyu panicked a little.

Quickly turn off the engine and stop the car, Nami Ryu Sakaki took out an emergency flashlight from the storage box on the car, and was hesitating whether to chase after him.

At this moment, a few sturdy men in camouflage uniforms emerged from the woods, following the light of the flashlight.

After seeing Nami Ryu Sakaki, they took out their pistols without saying a word, and shouted at Nami Ryu Sakaki fiercely:

"What are you doing here! Hands up!"

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Nami Ryu Sakaki's scalp felt numb.

It turned out to be a gun!

Could it be that she broke into some shady crime scene and was about to be murdered to silence her?

"What's going on, yelling."

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar female voice came into Sakaki Namiliu's ears, and she suddenly showed an expression of disbelief.

"Investigator Grace, we have captured a suspicious woman."

Taking a closer look, I saw a blond woman also wearing camouflage walking out behind those big guys in camouflage.

"Who am I? It turns out that I am a relative from the Uchiha police station in the country!"

After seeing Nami Sakaki's face clearly, Grace showed some surprise in her blue eyes, and then looked at Nami Sakaki with a malicious smirk.

"It's you!"

Namiyu Sakaki, who was still a little bit timid, widened her eyes, looked at Grace and gritted her teeth.

Sakaki Nami still remembers this foreigner who sneered at him in Obama City before.

Not only that, but this foreign woman with blonde hair and blue eyes dared to covet her brother-in-law, which is unbearable!

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I don't call you hello, and I don't call you relatives in the country!"

Nami Ryu Sakaki said unhappily: "Lake Motosu is not a private territory, why can't I appear here! But you, what are you doing here?"

Grace appeared here, of course she was on a mission, but of course she had absolutely no need to confess to Sakaki Nami.

"Think about it with your brain that hasn't been used since leaving the factory. Can you ask me this? Of course it's a state secret for me to appear here. What is your identity? You're just an ordinary citizen!" Grace sharp-tongued said sarcastically.

Grace waved her hand impatiently, as if chasing away flies, and wanted to send Sakaki Nami Liu away.

"For the sake of the Uchiha police, I will let you go again! Get lost!"

All of a sudden, Sakaki Nami was very angry.


At this moment, a dazzling white streamer was seen, whizzing obliquely shooting into the sky from the ground.

"It's Lake Motosu! Let's go!"

Grace's pupils shrank, and she no longer cared about bickering with Sakaki Nami, and immediately rushed into the forest with her hands.

Nami Ryu Sakaki followed without thinking.

On the shore of Lake Motosu, Hinata Miko, wearing a white top and bottom red priestess costume, is aiming at a flat boat in the center of the lake with a bow and arrow.

On the boat was Yakushito, who both Sakaki Namiryu and Grace knew.

In the hand of the pharmacist wearing a jumpsuit and hood, the Penglai jade branch shone with the crystal brilliance of five-light colored glaze.

As soon as he loosened his hand, the Penglai jade branch sank into the Benqi Lake.

"Gorgeous na ci にせのいくつは本物と见分けがつかないことができます玉の枝をどのようにするのかは习ぽぽありません."

Gorgeous rhetoric, the fake can be confused with the real, but the jade branch is not a vulgar thing.

"This is the last one. In this way, the seal of Mount Fuji will be released."

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