I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 289 Chapter 290 Helix Pill (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

There are often white hat-like clouds on Mt. Fuji, which are called hat clouds. At most, there are five layers of hat clouds layered on top of each other, which is extremely magnificent.

But at this moment, the pitch-black clouds and the evil wind that shrouded Mount Fuji are extremely strange. It is no longer a harbinger of the arrival of cold air and a sudden drop in temperature, but a sign of disaster!

A flying centipede with six wings on its back.

A black dragon snake resembling a human face grows on its head.

Earth spider-like demon spiders, cyclops, griffin monsters...

Hundreds of demons and ghosts were released from the demon cave under the crater. As a symbol of Japanese mountain beliefs, the sacred mountain Fuji, which is extremely holy, changed its painting style in an instant, and became a place where hundreds of ghosts walk around at night and demons dance wildly. Demon Realm Demon Cave!

Some of these monsters soaring through the clouds flew extremely fast, and then bumped into the inner wall of the blood-colored barrier, and fell heavily from the air.

No matter how the furious monsters collide, bite, or even spit out flames and light bullets, the Great Barrier is indestructible and remains unmoved.

Leaving aside those climbers on the top of the mountain, people at the foot of the mountain rushed out immediately when they saw the monsters appearing in the monster cloud, but they were also trapped inside by the barrier, and suddenly cried for their father and mother .

"Whoa, let me out!"

"What's going on here?! Is the inside of Mt. Fuji leading to the demon world? Why are there so many monsters?"

"Hey, are you the police? There are monsters coming out of Mount Fuji to eat people, come help!"

Mount Fuji in the barrier has become a bloody battlefield for monsters.



"Hiss hiss—"

The monsters fought cruelly with each other, biting and devouring each other, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

For the thousands of tourists trapped in Mount Fuji's Great Barrier, it was a hellish scene.

These huge and ferocious monsters and ghosts are not just empty and useless empty shelves, both in terms of power and magic, they are extremely terrifying.

With a single claw, it can cut off a big tree that is thick enough to be hugged by several people; the huge body hits the ground, flying sand and rocks, and the landslides are cracked; powerful flames and poisonous gas are emitted from the mouth, which can even melt the soil layer. If you touch it, you will die immediately.

Although it is said that these monsters who have been polluted by the king and have been affected by the ghost bud Luo technique have almost lost their minds, and their current thoughts are only to devour other monsters and finally fuse them into one, killing each other red-eyed, but it does not mean that they Will be lenient to weak humans.

The little aftermath of the monsters killing each other is enough to bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

What's more, some lonely monsters couldn't find other monsters for a while, so they simply followed the animal instinct and started killing humans.

In a short period of time, there were countless casualties who were devoured by monsters, involved in monster battles, or simply accidentally fell and died while fleeing.

The original beautiful and elegant tourist attraction, Mount Fuji, has been transformed into a bloody Colosseum and slaughterhouse.

"Puff puff puff—!"

Only ten minutes later, three armed helicopters from the Helicopter Air Riding Combat Group at the Yamanashi Self-Defense Force Base flew over the Great Barrier of Mount Fuji.

This is a ground support helicopter belonging to the Ground Self-Defense Force.

"No problem, if we bump into the barrier like this, we won't be destroyed, will we?"

"It has been tested, this enchantment can be entered from the outside, rush in! This is an order!"

"Yes! Commander."

I saw an armed helicopter tentatively moving forward, and there were ripples in the Great Barrier, passing through unimpeded.

Seeing this, the other armed helicopters flew in without hesitation.

"Hurry up!"

Three armed helicopters turned on their detection lights and quickly flew towards the mountainside of Mount Fuji.

Some tourists who hid on the way heard the roar of the helicopter, and they were surprised and happy. They quickly climbed out of their hiding places and shouted for help to the armed helicopter!

"Hey, I'm here!"

It is unexpected that the official rescue came so quickly and so efficiently. From now on, he will no longer be a tax thief and a bankrupt.

But the group of helicopters in mid-air turned a deaf ear and passed directly over their heads.

"I am your ancestor!"

The tourists who fell from heaven to hell were stunned, and they didn't care about attracting monsters, so they cursed immediately.

"Head, is it really okay for us to ignore these people?"

The observer on the first gunship hesitated and asked.

The head of the air cavalry regiment said coldly and ruthlessly:

"Our task now is to go to the Sixth Station Observation Deck and search for the whereabouts of His Royal Highness. We don't have time to care about these idlers."

The news of the birth of the monster after the seal of Mount Fuji was released by the Akatsuki organization shocked the Japanese high-level leaders who were holding a closed-door meeting.

After all, Mount Fuji is a symbol of Japan, and it is an active volcano. It is only 80 kilometers away from Tokyo. Japan, which is now precarious, cannot withstand the second disaster of the Sapporo city.

Blessings are unparalleled until misfortunes never come singly.

To make matters worse, Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito, the younger brother of the present emperor, the second son of the emperor, and the first heir to the throne, was also caught in the barrier of Mount Fuji.

Although there are thousands of other people trapped on Mount Fuji, it is a tragedy to die one person, and thousands of people are just numbers.

People are born unequal. If something happened to Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito on Mount Fuji, it would be a major event that would shake the country.

Ever since, the Lu Zikong cavalry regiment stationed near Mount Fuji rushed here in a hurry.

It takes a day and a night to climb from the first station of Mount Fuji to the sixth station on the mountainside on foot, but with the armed helicopter rushing at full speed, we quickly arrived at the sixth station.

The large barrier covering Mt. Fuji is translucent and does not obscure satellite detection.

It is precisely because of this that the route drawn up by the war room can be so smooth by avoiding all the monsters along the way.

"Is this where His Royal Highness lost contact?"

The head of the air cavalry regiment carefully inspected the mess on the viewing platform from the opened hatch, with a serious expression on his face.

After entering the scope of the Great Barrier, the signal is very poor, and the communication is intermittent.

I hope that His Royal Highness is also missing because of this.

Otherwise, if he took such a big risk for nothing, the reward promised by the above would be greatly reduced.

"Captain! A monster is flying towards us!"

At this moment, it was unknown whether it was attracted by the roar of the propellers of the armed helicopter or the beam of light from the detection lights, a six-winged flying centipede more than ten meters long flew towards them with a sharp hissing sound.

"Hmph! Let these monsters have a taste! Machine gunner, fire!"

With an order from the head of the air cavalry regiment, the hatches of the three helicopter gunships opened, and they spewed flames violently at the flying centipede.

"Da da da!"

Even though the flying centipede's skin was rough and fleshy, under the fire of the hatch machine gun, it still pierced its carapace, leaving it riddled with holes, and the disgusting mucus blood and centipede's feet splashed down.

But the flying centipede was still extremely tenacious and full of viciousness, and flew towards them in the air.

"go to hell!"

From under an armed helicopter, a missile shot out, directly blasting the flying centipede into two pieces.

With a shriek and strange cry, it fell from the sky into the woods of Mount Fuji.

"Phew—these monsters are nothing more than that. That's right, how can flesh and blood resist bombs?"

The head of the air cavalry group let out a sigh of relief, his face was excited, and his tense nerves relaxed a little bit.

The missiles carried by the armed helicopters can blow up even the armored vehicles, and the leather scales of these monsters will not be spared even if they are made of steel.

In this way, with the missiles and heavy weapons equipped on the three helicopters, even if they encounter monsters again, they can be easily cleaned up like melons and vegetables.

Not only do they have the power to protect themselves in Mount Fuji, they can even attack and wipe out other monsters with a heavy fist. In this way, they can complete the task of finding Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito.

Well, as long as His Royal Highness hasn't been swallowed by monsters and digested.

"How about it, can I contact the headquarters?"

"Not very good. After entering the enchantment, the signal is poor, and the noise interference is very serious."

The head of the air cavalry regiment frowned, waking up from the triumph of blowing up the flying centipede. It is not easy to find a living person in the huge Mount Fuji.

But in order to go one step further and ascend to the throne of first-class Lu Zuo, he could only bite the bullet and look for it.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed on the foothills in the distance.

A blue ball of light the size of a millstone whizzed towards it and flew into the two armed helicopters.

Immediately, it exploded like a typhoon, and the atmosphere was also driven. The high-speed rotating airflow formed a vortex, and the two armed helicopters were involved in it.

"No no no no--!!"

Under the pull of the gust of wind, the wailing voices of the self-defense members on the crew began to go out of tune and deformed.

The high-speed rotating propellers directly snapped several pieces, and they flew down to flatten the canopy of the tree. The two unbalanced armed helicopters collided directly, and a huge fireball bloomed in midair amidst the explosion.

"Quick, make an emergency landing!"

A little farther away, on the armed helicopter that was lucky not to be involved, the head of the air cavalry regiment suddenly felt his scalp tingle, and his soul almost went out of his body with fright, and he cried out in shock.

The driver tried his best to control the grip, and made an emergency landing of the helicopter with some damaged and deformed fuselages to the viewing platform at the sixth station.

Before the helicopter stopped, the head of the air cavalry regiment couldn't wait to jump down.

Subsequently, other crew members and members of the Self-Defense Forces also descended from the armed helicopter.

"What the hell is that blue ball of light? It's like a small typhoon. If it continues to stay in the air, it will be a living target."

The head of the air cavalry regiment looked at the direction of the blue light ball with lingering fear, and his head was dripping with cold sweat.

"Head, what should we do now? Continue to complete the task?"

The head of the air cavalry regiment, whose face was sinking like water and whose face was extremely ugly, looked at the less than ten self-defense members gathered around him, he pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"We went to the rescue station on the Yoshida route, relying on the construction work, and stood by for help."

"But, the task..."

The head of the air cavalry regiment couldn't help but glared at the stunned head.

At this time and at that time, the head of the air cavalry regiment, who is unable to get off the tiger, is already regretting in his heart. If he had known that Mount Fuji was so dangerous, he should not have made a fool of himself and broke into the magical land of Mount Fuji.

"His Royal Highness, it is also possible to hide in the ambulance, isn't it? We just went there to look for it first."

That's what he said, but as soon as he got to the ambulance, the head of the air cavalry regiment made up his mind to hide there until the danger passed.

"Check your equipment! Ready to go!"

Suddenly, a bad wind with a fishy smell hit violently, and a long and narrow black shadow flashed past. The next moment, the pilot standing beside the head of the air cavalry regiment disappeared in place!

"Ka Ka Chi Chi."

The flying centipede that was blown off by the missile before appeared in front of everyone with a lingering ghost, and its two legs were moving unconsciously outside its mouthparts.

"How is this possible?! Wasn't this centipede killed by us? Is it a monster of the same family?"

The head of the air cavalry regiment turned pale with fright, his face was filled with unbelievable shock and anger.


"Damn monster, go to hell!"

The Army Self-Defense Forces present were all elite armed to the teeth. Seeing their companions being killed by the monster, they picked up heavy weapons without saying a word, and shot fiercely at the flying centipede.

"Bang bang bang!"

The intense gunshots like a violent storm continued to resound all around, and countless bullets hit the flying centipede, bringing out a large amount of blood and slurry.

The flying centipede, which was in pain, let out a sharp and ear-piercing hiss.

But under the hail of bullets, for a while, the flying centipede couldn't get close.

"Captain! I'm out of bullets! Damn it!"

However, the bullets in the magazines of the Army Self-Defense Forces are not endless. When someone changes the magazine and the barrage slows down, the fangs and tentacles in the flying centipede's mouth tremble, and they are about to bite down with their bloody mouth open. .

"Bugs, if you want to eat, try this!"

The head of the air cavalry regiment threw a high-explosive grenade into the mouth of the flying centipede with precision.


The flying centipede's head was directly blasted, flesh and blood fragments flew all over the sky, and the headless body hit the ground heavily.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

The head of the air cavalry regiment panted heavily, but before he could take a breather, the shattered flesh and carapace fragments squirmed and bounced to the fractured part of the flying centipede, sticking together.

"Hiss hiss!"

The flying centipede got up again, baring its teeth and claws at them.

"It turns out, it turns out to be immortal!"

The head of the air cavalry regiment couldn't believe his eyes, and murmured with a pale face, his hands holding the rifle trembled.

He finally understood why the flying centipede, which was blown into two pieces before, could reappear in front of their eyes.

The flying centipede was revived under everyone's noses, and immediately wiped out what little morale they had left, and someone dropped their guns and turned around and fled.

"Come back, come back!"

No matter how heart-piercingly the head of the air cavalry group shouted, it couldn't stop the other mermaids from breaking up and fleeing for their lives.

After firing a bunch of bullets in vain, the flying centipede bit it down and devoured the entire life of the head of the air cavalry regiment.

After the flying centipede disappeared into the jungle, a blue face of a wooden clone emerged from the trunk of a big tree.

"That blue chakra ball, no matter how you look at it, looks like a spiral pill. It's interesting, go and have a look."

After murmuring, it disappeared immediately.

The first rescue operation of Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito failed.

An hour later, in the temporary war room in Kawaguchiko Town at the foot of Mt.

"Hero Tosu? And Uchiha Police, aren't you being suspended?"

Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month!

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