I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 290 Chapter 291 The Demon-Breaking Arrow that Sweeps Out the Evils!

The heavy news about the suspected eruption of Mount Fuji spread all over the world like wildfire.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this era of the global village, even if the leaders of other countries accidentally pull their stomachs down their pants, they will be known to the world in less than an hour.

What's more, the blood-red barrier covering Mount Fuji is directly exposed to the eyes of tens of millions of people.

Immediately, it rushed to the hot search and spread to the whole world.

Of course, ordinary people who eat melons don't know the inside story of the monsters who escaped from the trap and wreaked havoc on Mount Fuji.

After last week's Sapporo Ascension, the eyes of the world are once again on Japan, although Japan certainly doesn't want the traffic.

The last time it was so lively was the day when Prime Minister Abe was taken by a single rider, and the whole world was like a festival.

It’s just that compared to the previous gloating, watching the excitement is not too big a deal. Netizens from all over the world are a little worried. After all, this is the world-famous Mount Fuji, a world cultural heritage.

If it erupts, the volcanic ash will not float across the ocean, aggravate the smog, and pollute the atmosphere, right?

What's worse is that if the eruption of Mount Fuji triggers natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis, the sinking of the Japanese archipelago is a small matter, but it will be a big deal if it affects our own country!

At the foot of Mount Fuji, all main roads in and out have been blocked and traffic control has been carried out. Residents and tourists in Kawaguchiko Town have also been evacuated to other places.

The self-defense personnel stationed nearby are already facing the enemy, all kinds of tanks and armored vehicles are ready to go, armed helicopters are hovering in the sky, and American soldiers are often seen in the meantime.

With regard to the catastrophe of the demons dancing wildly and the ghosts walking in the night after the seal of Mt. It's just spreading rumors to whitewash peace.

But after the mysterious side was revealed to the public during the Extraordinary War in Sapporo, they simply smashed the pot and didn't bother to explain anything.

In the combat room set up in Kawaguchiko Town, Uchiha Senmen frowned, and confirmed to Grace, the investigator of the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau:

"Hyuga Miko of Penglai Island has already entered the barrier, right?"

"Well, after A Fei and Pharmacist collected all five treasures to open the seal of Mount Fuji and set up the barrier, she went straight across the barrier and entered the mountain." Grace looked at the Uchiha Senmen, and a flash of light flashed in her blue eyes. Different color.

The situation is serious, and the fifth class can't take care of its self-preservation, and discloses more confidential information on Penglai Island to the fourth class.

Uchiha Xianmen took a helicopter and rushed from Tokyo to Mount Fuji in a hurry, and had already seen it several times.

"The clues have been connected in series. The Xiao organization collected five treasures including the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the jade branch of Penglai, and the jade of the dragon's head to break the seal of Mount Fuji and release an unknown god. The pharmacist's pocket is for the The medicine of immortality."

Uchiha Xianmen thought for a moment, frowned and said:

"But, since it's about breaking the seal of the gods, why are there hundreds of monsters, and they are still killing each other and devouring each other?"

During the more than an hour that the great enchantment shrouded, the temporary war room was not empty.

For example, they discovered this energy barrier, which may be the legendary enchantment, allowing entry and no exit, restricting those monsters from going out, forcing them to kill each other in it.

There is also the mobilization of satellite detection and helicopter observation outside the barrier, counting the number of monsters that appeared on Mount Fuji at around 100.

As these monsters killed each other, the number continued to decrease, and now it is less than half of the original.

But this is by no means good news, because the killed monster will be swallowed by the victorious monster, more precisely, the flesh and blood will be fused to the latter, changing its shape.

Let the monster, which is already huge, ugly and hideous, become even bigger and more terrifying!

The satellite images even captured and discovered a monster that had evolved three times, and the ground trembled with every gesture, which is a world of difference compared to before.

"This is not like a blood sacrifice, but closer to refining Gu!"

The Japanese are no strangers to witchcraft.

Put poisonous insects, poisonous snakes, lizards and other poisonous things in a closed container and let them kill each other and devour each other. The last one that has gathered all the poisonous essence is the 'Gu'.

The Great Barrier of Mt. Fuji was used as a container, and hundreds of monsters were put into it. This is really a great deal.

I don't know what kind of big monster will be involved.


Uchiha Xianmen had a flash of inspiration.

After these hundreds of monsters finally merged into one body, could it be possible that the 'Gu' that was born was the existence that was sealed in Mount Fuji? !

"Uchiha Police Watch, the Imperial Household Agency called again to urge."

Uchiha Xianmen's face changed slightly, and he nodded immediately: "Understood, I will lead the team to rescue His Excellency the Prince immediately."

Grace immediately became anxious when she heard it, and quickly dissuaded her:

"Uchiha-kun, the current situation of Mt. Fuji is unknown, and it is very dangerous inside. The cavalry regiment sent to rescue before has been wiped out!"

"Thank you Grace for your reminder, I understand the importance."

Uchiha Xianmen then looked at Hero Tosu who stood aside and remained silent:

"Mr. Tosu, are you ready?"

"I, Police Officer Uchiha, I'm fine." Hero Tosu murmured his lips a few times before finally making up his mind.


"Thank you for your concern, Grace. But there is no need to persuade me anymore, I have reasons to complete this task."

Uchiha Xianmen's eyes were awe-inspiring, and then he pretended to be relaxed and smiled:

"The situation in Mount Fuji is not as dangerous as everyone imagined, and the number of monsters has dropped by half, right?"

For the huge Mount Fuji, even if there are hundreds of monsters, it is impossible to turn over every inch of the land and drive everyone to death. Among the thousands of tourists, only a part of them were killed.

There are many guards around Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito to protect him. As long as luck is not too bad, the possibility of surviving is not low.

After the first rescue operation failed, the anxious Imperial Household Agency approached the Chief of Police and asked him to send people to rescue Prince Akishino Palace Fumihito.

After all, the current supernatural countermeasure headquarters is only an organization on paper.

In the end, this dangerous task fell on Uchiha Xianmen, who was being suspended for review.

Although Section Chief Akagi's criminal evidence is convincing, the timing of Uchiha Xianmen's scandal was too bad. It was simply a backstab, which made the local faction lose in the political battle.

Some people took their anger out on Uchiha Xianmen and ordered him to be suspended for review.

Of course, on the surface, the reputation is for the mental health of Uchiha Senmen. After all, he shot and killed the senior and boss Section Chief Akagi.

Just like the police in the United States will be put on a long vacation after emptying their magazines, the Metropolitan Police Department is also knowledgeable and humanitarian.

But how long the suspension review will last, so far there is no approval letter.

After learning the information that the double-faced demon was lurking in the cabinet, Uchiha Xianmen, who was burned inside, really couldn't bear this kind of isolation inspection that was far away and looked like house arrest.

This task was assigned to Uchiha Senmen, for some people in the Metropolitan Police Department, it was to let him make up for his mistakes, even if they failed, they could still cope with the pressure from the Imperial Household Agency.

But for Uchiha Xianmen, why not an excellent opportunity?

Rescuing Prince Akishino Miya Fuminhito must be a great achievement, as long as he climbs higher and holds more power, the Uchiha Senmen will be more likely to find out the murderer who killed Mikoto.

"Since Uchiha-kun has made such a decision, I can only wish you prosperity in martial arts!"

Grace pursed her lips, her eyes showed an extremely complicated expression.

"Well, thank you."

Uchiha Xianmen led Tosu Hero out of the war room, facing Mount Fuji.

A full moon over Mt. Fuji was bright and holy, and the super moon was so low that it seemed to be pressing on the top of Mt. Fuji.

"Is it because I haven't watched the moon for too long? Tonight's full moon, although beautiful, is so beautiful that it has a strange feeling..."

Uchiha Xianmen, who had a strange heart, withdrew his gaze.

According to Uchiha Itachi, the Nanga Shrine buried on Mount Fuji contains the secrets of the Uchiha clan.

Opening the secret of Sharingan by himself, Uchiha Xianmen naturally did not disclose it to the second person.

In addition to power, Uchiha Xianmen must also get enough power for revenge.


At an altitude of more than 3,500 meters, the air is thin and the climate is cold at the tenth station of Mount Fuji, Kusushi Shrine.

There were dozens of trembling climbers huddled together inside, and the fierce monsters collided a hundred meters outside the Jiuxuzhi Shrine, and the two behemoths were fighting fiercely.


Amidst the terrifying roar, the flying sand and rocks that were raised fell on the roof of Jiuxuzhi Shrine from time to time, crackling like a violent storm.

The survivors were all silent, not even daring to breathe, for fear that their breathing would attract the attention of the two monsters.

But their eyes stared at the monsters who were fighting bloody outside the window from time to time, and the next second they were full of hope, looking at the old priest who was praying in the shrine.

This person is the head priest of Asama Taisha, the old priest of Kubota, who had a relationship with Uchiha Xianmen.

After inadvertently learning the truth of the world and the existence of gods and Buddhas, the old priest of a certain age gave up his foundation that he had worked hard for all his life at Asama Shrine, and went to Kusushi Shrine on the top of Mount Fuji to practice hard day and night. .

But I never expected that a large number of monsters escaped from the crater!

The climbers who were going to spend the night at the tenth station of Mount Fuji and enjoy the view of the super moon and the sunrise over the sea of ​​clouds, saw the overwhelming monsters rushing out with a roiling wind, and immediately ran away crying, many people Subconsciously hid in Jiuxuzhi Shrine.

When I met the old priest who was practicing penance and praying inside, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, and he refused to let go of it.

I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs running. The red mask covering Mount Fuji must be the legendary enchantment, right? !

Are those monsters that fly out from the clouds and fog sealed monsters?

Now that barriers and monsters have appeared, there must also be mages, priests, and witches.

For example, the old priest with white beard and hair, who looks like a master outside the world, must be a priest with great magic power!

Everyone firmly believes that in Mount Fuji, where demons dance wildly, only the old priest is the safest place.

Although the old priest made a few excuses, no one believed him at all, thinking that he was just self-effacing, and none of them refused to leave. More and more people fled into Jiuxuzhi Shrine.

The first few hours were relatively stable, but Jiuxuzhi Shrine was not a quiet place after all, and now there were two terrifying monsters fighting, setting off a bloodbath.

The two monsters are existences that have devoured and evolved two or three times.

In the end, a monster like a giant wrenched the opponent's neck, opened its mouth to bite the abdomen, and tore the intestines to pieces.


The flesh and blood of the loser melted into its body, and the head of another monster grew out of its belly, deformed and disgusting like a suture monster.

The victorious monster didn't just leave. Its head and nose protruding from its belly twitched, and it screamed at the Jiuxuzhi Shrine, and then the monster stepped heavily on the ground, shaking the ground!

"Wooooow, look outside! The monster is coming towards us!"

"Help! My lord priest, use your invincible mana to find a way!"

"Hey, master, isn't your spell ready yet?! No time!"

The survivors in the Jiuxuzhi Shrine suddenly turned upside down, crying in despair, roaring in collapse, and crying for help, showing similar reactions before the crisis of life and death.

The old priest fell to his knees tremblingly, murmured words, and prayed devoutly to the guardian deity of Mt.

"Wooden flowers bloom, Ye Ji bless you!"

But Muhuakai Yeji did not perform miracles.

The fourth evolutionary monster is almost as big as a moving hill.

It just stretched out its hand and grabbed it lightly, just like opening a food packaging bag, and toppled the roof of Kusushi Shrine without any effort.


A foul-smelling gust of wind came out from the huge mouth of the ferocious and terrifying monster.

The old priest's feet went limp, and he collapsed on the ground. He opened his mouth wide like an old man with dementia, and uttered a hoot, but he couldn't utter a word.

Seeing the ugly appearance of the old priest, those who hoped that the old priest would show his might and subdue the demon, the last trace of luck was ruthlessly extinguished.

Just when they could only wait to die, a brilliant and bright light pierced through the huge monster like a galloping silver dragon, and the whole body was torn apart and scattered all over the place.

In the astonishing sight of everyone, a magnificent black-haired witch lowered her bow and arrows and walked slowly towards them.

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