I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 292 Chapter 293 The Awakened Evil God

The mottled moonlight projected from the gap between the woods, pointing out the direction for the fleeing team. After finding Prince Wenren of Qiuxiao Palace in the cabin in the forest, everyone did not dare to slack off, and they did not know how far they had escaped.

"No, I, I must take a break now..."

Compared with other well-trained operators, the pampered and pampered Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito was exhausted. He supported a big tree with one hand, he was out of breath, and his whole body was soaked in sweat. It's like it was just fished out of the water.

"Your Excellency, we are not out of the tiger's mouth yet, we must go down the mountain."

Uchiha Senmen inspected the equipment in his hand while patrolling around vigilantly.

The great barrier covering Mount Fuji is a weapon for refining Gu. As the monsters kill each other and merge with each other, the number will become smaller and smaller, and the probability of encountering monsters will be lower.

But relatively speaking, the surviving monsters must be stronger. Once a conflict occurs, the probability of their team surviving is slim.

Uchiha Xianmen estimates that there may be only a dozen or less of the original 100 monsters left on Mount Fuji, and time is getting tighter. , Try to stay away from the top of Mount Fuji to ensure safety.

As for whether the 'Gu King' that was finally cultivated was a god that was released by the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Xianmen doesn't want to delve into it now.

This has already exceeded his ability. The sky is falling and there is a tall man standing on top of it. Since the witches of Penglai Island have entered the barrier, they will definitely not sit idly by.

Uchiha Senmen has only one goal now, and that is to protect Prince Akishinomiya Fuminin Zhouquan, and use this as a promotion step to grab a high position in the established supernatural countermeasure headquarters.

"But, I really... can't run anymore..."

"Mr. Tosu, you carry His Excellency on your back."

Uchiha Xianmen knows the physical measurements of Hero Tosu like the back of his hand.

Although Hero Tosu seems to be thin and thin, he is already extraordinary after being transformed by the technique of earth grievances. His physical fitness is even dwarfed by the triathlon world champion.


Hero Tosu put Prince Akishinomiya Fuminhito behind his back without saying a word.

Although there is a large living person on his body, it is as light as nothing to him, and it does not affect the flexibility of his movements.

Rescue Prince Wenren, this task is also very important for Tosu heroes.

Although the Metropolitan Police Department used the most cutting-edge medical equipment to hang Mamiya Moribe's life, but that's all, Mamiya Moribe is now in a vegetative coma.

But as long as this task can be completed, the Metropolitan Police Department will send that mysterious supernatural being of the healing department to heal Moribe Mamiya.

Absolutely nothing can be lost!

The rescue team continued to run down the mountain non-stop. When passing through a dark and deep forest, the eyes of Uchiha Xianmen standing in the front row of the team flashed with blood.


Amidst the strong hurricane, a black figure struck with its bloody mouth open.

Uchiha Xianmen yelled, his body moved like a rabbit and flashed to the left, as if he had predicted the danger hidden in the jungle in advance and escaped the attack.

"Hiss hiss!"

It turned out to be that lingering flying centipede again.

There was no need for Uchiha Xianmen to issue orders, and the people in the team picked up their guns and started shooting crazily at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Intensive gunshots came and went, and a shuttle of bullets continuously hit the flying centipede's body, smashing its horny shell to pieces, and blood and mucus splashed.

Although the flying centipede neighed in pain, the violence in the cry remained undiminished. These shots were far from being fatal to it.


Uchiha Xianmen shouted at Hero Tosu.

Hero Tosu understood immediately, and took off his anti-riot helmet. The back of his neck swelled up, and the slender and smooth black tentacles were constantly entangled, and finally condensed into a human form.

This is to repeat the old trick and use the avatar of Land Resentment and Yu to buy time.

Earth Resentment Yu's avatar waved its tentacled arms and jumped towards the flying centipede.


Suddenly, a bunch of small spider webs spewed out from the darkness, wrapping Earth Resentment Yu's avatar tightly in an instant, turning it into a white cocoon.


Is there a second monster? !

"Puff puff!"

Just before everyone had time to react, a large spider web spread across the sky, sticking everyone into the air.

Spider Nest Opening Technique!

The bushes parted to the two sides, and a huge black eight-clawed spider crawled out, and the tail of the ten-meter-long flying centipede seemed to fit into the big spider's body like a scorpion's tail.

The two monsters have actually merged into one.

After the Flying Centipede was diverted away from the mountain by Earth Resentment Yu's avatar, it was unknown who devoured whom, and finally turned into this kind of alien fusion monster insect.

"Damn it!"

Uchiha Xianmen dodged at the first time, but even so, half of his body was stuck to the spider web. He pulled out a military dagger from behind with one hand and cut the spider silk, but the tenacity of the spider silk was beyond imagination.

He quickly looked at the others, all of them were like flying insects in a spider's web, trapped in it and unable to move.

Even Hero Tosu was no exception, his hands and feet were stuck to the spider web, and his face was full of panic.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The flying centipede, which was part of the fusion demon worm, rushed straight down, and a column of blood gushed out like a fountain, half of the unlucky team member was gnawed off.

"If this continues, the entire army will be wiped out!"

The blood splattered on Uchiha Xianmen's body, making him terrified, a trace of blood flashed in his eyes, and two black hook jades slowly formed, spinning around his pupils.

After opening the Shuanggouyu Sharingan, Uchiha Xianmen can see the chakra flowing inside the spider silk.

But just in this case, there is no way to change the current desperate situation.

"It's already in jeopardy, so I don't care about hiding this hole card anymore. If it's spider silk, it should be easily ignited by flames."

Uchiha Immortal's eyes flashed, and with the free hand, he held the hand that was absorbed by the spider web, and his palm flew.

"My revenge is not yet complete! You must not die here!"


The Uchiha Immortal Gate was formed with the seal of Hao Fireball!

At the same time, the hero Tosu, who was bound by the spider web, saw the team member whose upper body had been gnawed off, and suddenly struggled frantically. The black tentacles of Earth Resentment came out from the seams of his hands and feet, baring his teeth and claws.

But even so, it is impossible to break free from the resilient spider web.

The struggle of Hero Tosu attracts the attention of the flying centipede.

As the flying centipede approached, an extremely foul smell emanated from its mouthparts, and a severed finger was still clearly visible between the fangs.

Hero Tosu couldn't help showing a look of despair.

At this moment, a hoarse voice that seemed to be familiar, a man and a woman, emerged in Tosu Hero's ears.

[Mount Fuji? Boy, why are you back here again. 】


The hero of Tosu lifted his spirits. This voice was the evil god who saved himself in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara and bestowed him with the technique of earth resentment and the technique of erasing face!

After leaving Shizuoka City, the evil god has been disconnected all the time, until today, he heard the voice of the evil god again.

"Cthulhu, Lord Cthulhu! Quick, save me!"

Hero Tosu was overjoyed, and immediately roared in his heart.

[Boy, you have obtained my power, but you are so embarrassed by this bastard monster, you are simply a waste! 】

There was deep disdain in the voice of the evil god, and he said sarcastically.

But being called an evil god by Hero Tosu, he has no intention of objecting.

【Huh? This stink bug is not an ordinary mixed-breed monster, its breath is a bit like... Impossible, if this is the case, there is nothing more ridiculous than this! 】

There seemed to be some confusion in the voice of the evil god.

"Yes, yes, I am a waste, Mr. Cthulhu, please save my life again!"

Hero Tosu didn't care about being abused and insulted by the evil god, as long as he could be rescued, even if he was asked to lick the feet of the evil god, it was nothing if he was scolded a few times.

[Hehe, trash, what do you think of me? Amitabha? 】

Unexpectedly, the indifferent voice of the evil god echoed in Tosu Hero's mind, without the slightest emotion.

【How many times have I saved your life, I have not settled the previous accounts, and now I am shy and want me to save your life again. Waste is waste, you die here! 】

Tosu hero suddenly trembled.

That's right, whether it's the art of earth grievances, which steals other people's hearts to renew one's life, or the art of erasing face, which deprives others of their faces and transforms them into shapes, they all reveal an extremely evil taste. How can such an existence be responsive? What about the good god?

But no matter what, this last straw must be grasped by oneself.

Tosu, mother and daughter, and Moribe Mamiya are all waiting for him. He absolutely cannot just be swallowed by monsters and die here.

"No, Lord Cthulhu! Please save me one more time, I will agree to whatever you ask for!" Hero Tosu roared eagerly in his heart.

[Hahahahaha——! Hero Tosu, you are a top-notch clown! 】

The voice of the evil god laughed wildly.

[Such a cheap life refuses to give up, it's ridiculous and sad, but for me, it's also a lot of fun to enjoy the clown's farce. 】


【Boy, I can save you again. 】

"Thank you so much for your great kindness!" Hero Tosu said ecstatically.

[Don't get too excited, my favor is not so easy to get. I have one condition. 】

Hero Tosu hesitated for a moment before tentatively saying:

"Please just say it straight, as long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

[It's very simple, after I pronounce the word 'Qi Kuo', you have to completely open your body and mind to me, and let me use your body for half an hour. 】

Hero Tosu was startled.

This unknown evil god actually wants to seize control of his own body!

In the myths and legends of various countries, there are many demons and evil gods who nibble away the soul or body of human beings step by step through contracts, and finally fall into the abyss beyond redemption.

Could it be that this unknown evil god also wanted to use his corpse to revive his soul?

Although my own life is not worth mentioning, if the evil god takes the opportunity to kill innocent people indiscriminately, I will die too.


Hero Tosu couldn't help hesitating.

[Hehe, trash! Do you think you have room to bargain? 】

The evil god sneered as if he was a prophet.

Hero Tosu couldn't help being startled. The conversation between him and the evil god was very long, but during the conversation, the time outside seemed to have stopped.

The bloody mouth of the flying centipede swooped down like a slow motion, slowed down countless times.

But even so, the mouthparts of the flying centipede were like a guillotine on the execution platform, and it was placed on his neck. As long as it fell, he would be separated from his body and die.

That's right, there is no time for hesitation at all.

"I understand, Lord Cthulhu. I promise you." Hero Tosu said bitterly.

[Those who know current affairs are Junjie. You will not regret your choice, I will give you new powers! 】

There seemed to be approval in the voice of Lord Cthulhu.

In the next second, time seemed to flow again, and the giant mouth of the flying centipede, which had not rushed to bite, swung its long fangs, and bit towards the neck of Hero Tosu with one bite!

Hero Tosu, whose hands and feet were bound by spider webs and could not move, suddenly showed pain on his face, with blue veins on his forehead, and a strange bulge in his throat.

His jaw was stretched open to the point where it was nearly dislocated, and a mass of pale flesh protruding from it with a mouth.

Like a preying chameleon, a thick and long white tongue spewed out from Hero Tosu's mouth!

There are mouths with sharp fangs all over the tongue, which are constantly opening and closing, full of bottomless appetite.

This terrifying tongue, like a transparent and illusory ghostly hand, directly penetrated and penetrated the body of the flying centipede until it submerged into the main body of the fused monster insect, biting unscrupulously to absorb its chakra.

[Magic Chaos LV1]

This is the materialization spirit technique used by Tayuya, one of the four Otonin, to summon the three angry ghosts through spiritism.

This mouthful tongue, like Shikamaru's shadow binding technique, is composed of Yin escape chakra, and it will continue to absorb chakra after biting the target.

"Hiss hiss!"

The fusion demon worm hissed in pain, and its body was constantly shaking and twitching.

But as Chakra was forcibly taken away by the Chaos of Demon Realm, the big spider web flowing with Chakra also collapsed.

After losing the blessing of Chakra, the big spider web is just ordinary sticky spider silk, and the hero Tosu escaped easily.

【Hee hee hee! Such power, such flavor! It turned out to be Him, the Princess of the Night! 】

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