I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 293 Chapter 294 The power of the kaleidoscope!

After absorbing a large amount of chakra, the spider web could no longer maintain its previous amazing toughness and stickiness, Uchiha Senmon, Prince Akishinomiya Fumihito and others all fell to the ground with a plop.

Uchiha Senmon, who was only short of the last seal to release the fireball technique, with a flash of his eyes, gave up the seal, took off all the high-explosive grenades from the back of his waist with his backhand, and threw them at the fusion demon worm lying limp on the ground. go out.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Amidst several deafening explosions, the fusion demon worm was blown to pieces.

The long pale tongue spit out from Hero Tosu's mouth was intact, and the upper mouths smacked, showing a bit of fullness, and then retracted.

The long pale tongue, which was seven or eight meters long and thicker than the thigh, was stuffed back into Tosu Hero's mouth abruptly.


Hero Tosu felt his belly turned upside down. In addition to the physical nausea, he also couldn't accept it psychologically. He lay on the ground and retched.

"My body! What will my body look like!?"

The weird tongue sticking out from the mouth of the Tosu hero is like the predatory tongue that the monsters in the movie "Alien" series can eject.

This time, the power given by the evil god is not inferior to the technique of earth resentment and fear in terms of evil and terror.

Originally, his limbs and bones were already filled with black tentacles of earth grievances, and he could no longer be called a human being. Now there is this evil force in his body, and he is gradually drifting away from the road of inhumanity.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Every gift of the evil god reveals the creepy evil, but the hero Tosu has to drink poison to quench his thirst, using the power of the evil god again and again, maybe one day, he will completely become a monster physically and mentally.

Raising his head, seeing the fear and wariness on the faces of other team members, Hero Tosu felt sour in his heart.

No, in the eyes of others, he is already a monster.

"Mr. Tosu, are you alright?"

Uchiha Xianmen came over, helped Tosu Hero up from the ground, and said with a concerned expression.

"Thank you, I've recovered."

Mr. Uchiha is indeed different from ordinary people, and he does not regard himself as a different kind. Both his courage and his mind are very admirable.

Hero Tosu looked at Uchiha Senmen with a complicated look in his eyes, and hesitated to speak.

After the evil god gave Hero Tosu new powers, he went offline again, no matter how Hero Tosu called, there was no response.

But the "princess of the night" mentioned by the evil god at the end made Tosu hero brood.

Does this mean the existence sealed in Mount Fuji?

Hero Tosu didn't know whether he should disclose this important information to Mr. Uchiha.

In this case, it will inevitably reveal that the evil god in his body has awakened.

Although the previous half of his life was an honest office worker, the Tosu hero who can do such an amazing act of dismantling a hidden corpse is not completely out of scheming.

After being incorporated by the Metropolitan Police Department, the information he spit out during the interrogation was also nine truths and one falsehood, concealing the existence of the evil spirit in his body.

Hero Tosu vaguely sensed that the Metropolitan Police Department seemed to regard him as a ticking time bomb because the technique of Earth Resentment and Concern was too weird and treacherous, and his attitude towards him was that he could be used but not trusted.

If you let the Metropolitan Police Department know that the evil god in your body has recovered, and you have gained control of your body through a contract, then you will have even more difficulty moving forward.

Although Mr. Uchiha is a good person, but...

Hero Tosu sighed, and finally swallowed the words back.

"It seems that I am not the only one who hides the hole cards. Mr. Tosu also has secrets."

Uchiha Senmen turned around, his face remained calm, but a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Tosu never revealed the trick just now. But it's good, otherwise, I would be the one who exposed my trump card in front of everyone."

Uchiha Xianmen thought to himself.

Like Tosu Hero, Uchiha Senmen also has something to hide from the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this moment, only a few urgent warnings from some team members were heard:

"Not good! That centipede is not dead yet!"

Uchiha Xianmen's complexion changed, and he quickly followed the prestige, only to see the body parts of the Fusion Demon Insect shattered by the high-explosive grenade, wriggling on the ground, and the flesh and blood fragments began to stick together with a larger body part as the core.

Are they all blown to pieces, or are they lingering and refusing to go to hell? !

"Quick, you all retreat with the prince!"

Uchiha Xianmen shouted angrily, and the muzzle of the automatic rifle in his hand spewed flames towards the fusion monster.

"Tosu! Quickly use your move and control it!"


Hero Tosu hurriedly responded, his mouth puffed out, and at this moment, the ground shook violently, as if some huge monster was walking beneath the ground.

Everyone felt that the ground under their feet turned into a raging sea in an instant, causing them to almost fall to the ground.


A black dragon-like monster poked out its body from the ground, a steel body like a train rose from the ground, and the one exposed above the ground was more than ten meters long.


The black dragon opened its mouth, and the terrifying suction force caused a sudden gust of wind to blow up the flat ground, flying sand and rocks, and everything rolled and blown to the sky, where it was swallowed by the huge mouth like a bottomless black hole.

The first thing to bear the brunt was the body fragments of the fusion demon insect, but other people present were not spared either.

"Help, save, save!"

Prince Akishino Miya Fumihito screamed, his body soared into the air, and he was about to be sucked into the sky. Uchiha Xianmen quickly grabbed his arm and pressed him to the ground.

But the suction in the black dragon's mouth became more and more terrifying, and the weight of the two people added together could not support it.

At this moment, several black tentacles ejected and wrapped around Uchiha Senmen's waist.

"hold onto!"

It turned out that Hero Tosu used the black tentacles of the land resentment technique, which was firmly tied to the body of an old tree, fixed the body, and still had the strength to support Uchiha Senmen.

But the other team members were not so lucky, they screamed and were sucked into the sky.

The black dragon closed its mouth only after the last fragment of the fusion monster was swallowed. At this time, the ground was already in a mess, and the trees fell down. It was a tragic scene after the typhoon ravaged.

Under the horrified gazes of the three surviving people, the surface of the black dragon that had devoured the fused monster insect began to emerge a horny shell similar to an insect exoskeleton, and its aura became more and more ferocious.

"How many monsters has this monster dragon swallowed? It's incredible!"

The Shuanggouyu Sharingan in the eyes of Uchiha Xianmen turned, and he could clearly see the dark demon energy emanating from the black dragon, which had almost condensed into substance, exuding an incomparably terrifying aura.

Just staying nearby is like standing in a crater that is about to erupt, making people almost breathless. Compared with the fusion demon insects that attacked them before, it is a world of difference!

This is probably the most powerful monster inside Mount Fuji!

The black dragon lowered its head slightly. At this time, Uchiha Xianmen could see that there was a face that looked like a baboon or a human face on the forehead of the dragon's head, full of evil spirits.

"Hoo hoo!"

The black dragon parted its upper and lower jaws, a dazzling blue light burst out from its mouth, and an extremely terrifying and destructive airflow condensed in its mouth, circulating continuously.

In an instant, it turned into a huge ball of blue light that rotated non-stop.

The blue ball of light carried a destructive aura and spewed down towards several people.

With a sound of swiping, a black shadow flashed towards it waving its black tentacles all over its body, and the rabbit rose and fell, leaping up to a height of more than ten meters, blocking in front of the blue light bullet.


The atmosphere in midair suddenly distorted, the blue cyclone exploded suddenly, and unimaginably terrifying storms and shock waves swept and spread in all directions, and the intense wind pressure uprooted trees one by one.

"Cough cough cough!"

Uchiha Xianmen, who was almost blown away, spilled a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth. He and Tosu Hero, who was also extremely pale, looked at each other, showing a bit of despair.

The blue light bullet spewed out of the monster dragon's mouth is simply a compressed small hurricane, and the aftermath of the explosion in mid-air has such terrifying power.

If it was hit directly, the body would be torn into pieces like Ling Chi in an instant.


The black dragon opened its mouth again, and the blue cyclone kept compressing the air in its mouth, and it was about to launch the second bomb.

Uchiha Xianmen quickly looked at Hero Tosu, Hero Tosu smiled and shook his head.

Now there is no second Earth Yuanyu avatar to take the place of the dead ghost, as long as this blue light bombards, the three of them will be smashed to pieces and die.

A brilliant stream of light flashed like a white rainbow, and directly hit the black dragon's body!

Compared with the black dragon, the disproportionately small arrow pushed its huge body backwards, and finally nailed the black dragon to a raised cliff.


Unwillingly, the black dragon roared and bared its teeth and claws, but the feathered arrows shot at its heart continued to shine with holy brilliance.

In the end, the black dragon lowered its head and closed its eyes, which were full of hostility, as if it had fallen into an eternal sleep.

"It's the guardian priestess of Penglai Island!"

Uchiha Senmon, who escaped from death, couldn't help but look up at the top of Mount Fuji.

This arrow, which arrived at a critical moment, was shot from the direction of the top of Mt. Fuji, and the one who could shoot this arrow had no choice but Miko Hinata.

"Is this the sealed arrow?"

Uchiha Xianmen looked at the black dragon who was nailed to the cliff and fell into a deep sleep, with a thoughtful look on his face.

According to the information about Horai Island shared in Lesson 5, Hinata Priestess can shoot the arrow of sealing in addition to the extremely powerful Arrow of Destroying Demons, which is like divine punishment.

Uchiha Xianmen couldn't help thinking of the fusion demon insect that was blown to pieces just now, and climbed up again as if he was immortal.

He faintly felt that he had grasped some truth.

"Is it because these monsters have the characteristic of immortality? It is difficult to kill them with ordinary attacks, and it is more effective to seal them."

"Mr. Uchiha, what was that arrow just now..."

"There is no time to talk so much now, just know that she is our friend rather than our enemy."

Uchiha Xianmen frowned, looked around, and said eagerly:

"Where is Your Excellency the Prince? Are you safe and sound?"

"His Royal Highness passed out in the shock wave of the cyclone explosion just now, and he should be fine."

Uchiha Xianmen hurriedly lowered his body to test, but fortunately, Prince Akishinomiya Wenren really just passed out, and there was nothing serious.

If Prince Qiu Xiaogong Wenren fell here, then all their previous sacrifices and efforts would be in vain.

"Okay! Let's go down the mountain immediately!"

After the Uchiha Xianmen inspection was completed, he raised his head and said to Hero Tosu.

But Hero Tosu stared blankly, looked behind Uchiha Senmen in a daze, and murmured:

"The moon... the moon turned red!"

Uchiha Xianmen's expression changed drastically, and he immediately turned his head and looked at the sky.

The moon phase is full and round, just like the super moon hanging on Mount Fuji, it is dripping a bewitching blood red bit by bit.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the jade plate was dyed into a crimson moon!

The face of Uchiha Xianmen is serious but tense. This is the second crimson moon. The second day after the last crimson moon appeared, the extraordinary war in Sapporo broke out that shocked the world.

Although I still don't understand the mechanism and symbol of Scarlet Moon's appearance, it is undoubtedly an ominous sign.

"Don't look, Tosu! Put your Excellency on your back, and we'll set off right away!"

Uchiha Senmen slapped Hero Tosu on the shoulder.

Only then did Hero Tosu come back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, and he was about to carry Prince Akishinomiya Fuminhito on his back.

""Bamboo Tori Monogatari" is about to enter the most exciting place, wouldn't it be a pity to leave at this time?"

A voice with a smile floated down from the sky, reaching the ears of Uchiha Xianmen and Tosu Hero.

I saw a man wearing a red cloud robe with a black background and a whirlpool mask standing on top of the sealed black dragon head nailed to the cliff, looking down at the two of them.

It's Ah Fei from the Akatsuki organization!

Uchiha Xianmen's eyelids twitched.

It's really a long night and a lot of dreams.

"Although it is still interesting, the prelude is a bit procrastinated. I will add fuel to the flames and speed up the plot. After all, if this thing is banned, the protagonist will not be able to appear."

Ah Fei chuckled, and the black three-curved jade in his eyes turned, twisting and deforming into a pattern that Uchiha Senmen had never seen before.

A vortex appeared in the void, and the next moment, the black dragon, which was as huge as a steel train, disappeared together with Ah Fei.

"This is!?"

Uchiha Xianmen looked around in amazement.

Suddenly, A Fei appeared between Uchiha Senmen and Tosu Hero like a ghost, and sucked the two into the whirlpool eyes of the whirlpool mask.

"You two, I have also prepared special seats for you, as well as one-way tickets."

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