I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 294 Chapter 295

Outside the Kusushi Shrine at the tenth station of Mt. Fuji, the gigantic monster that was as big as a mountain fell to the ground like a broken mountain.

An unremarkable arrow pierced his forehead.

Although it was insignificant compared to the size of the giant monster, the feathers at the end of the arrow trembled slightly, exuding an incomparably pure aura.

The survivors who gathered behind Miko Hyuga all looked in awe and admiration, as if they were gods.

"Master Miko, does this seal the monster?"

Among them, the female high school student with a high ponytail said with stars in her eyes.

Buckle one, Miko-sama is really handsome!

After the huge monster was shot to pieces by the first arrow of the witch, the centipede was dead but not stiff, and the flesh and blood fragments gathered together, trying to revive and make waves again.

But Miko immediately hit the head of the giant monster with an arrow, sealed it, and fell into a death-like sleep.

Wearing white clothes and scarlet hakama, Hinata Miko lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes flickered, and the demeanor she showed when she was shooting arrows made even a girl's heart flutter.

Miko Hinata shook her head at the female high school student, raised her eyebrows, and looked down Mount Fuji as if feeling something.

The female high school student also curiously looked in the direction of Hinata Miko's head, but looking down from the top of Mount Fuji, it was covered by clouds and fog, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Hinata Priestess, who had kept her eyes closed from the beginning to the end, seemed unaffected, pursed her lips, drew the arrow from the quiver again, and drew the bow.

A white rainbow was thrown from Hinata Miko's hand, and a long stream of light pierced the sky towards the mountainside.

After shooting the sealing arrow, Miko Hinata immediately turned around, as if she didn't care about the result of the arrow at all, or had foreseen the result.

"Master Miko, what happened to Mount Fuji? What is your relationship with Asama Shrine?"

Every wrinkle on the face of the old priest of Asama Taisha was full of envy and longing, his body was trembling because of being too excited, and he asked unwillingly.

Even Hinata Miko's aloof aura, but the old priest is still shy and wants to build a relationship. It would be great if he can hug his thigh.

"I have no connection with Konohana Sakiyahime, but the one sealed on Mount Fuji is the ancestor of my clan, known as the Princess of the Night, the Goddess of Uo..."

Hinata Priestess hadn't finished her words, she frowned, and raised her head like a prophet to look at the full moon hanging high on Mount Fuji.

The super moon begins to ooze blood and gradually turns into a crimson moon!

The minds of the dozens of survivors near the Jiuxuzhi Shrine went blank, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Hinata Miko opened her eyes facing the moon, and purple brilliance flowed between her pupils.

The crimson moon didn't last long, it came and went quickly, but it took only a minute for the moon to regain its previous brightness.

"The spectacle of the blood moon has appeared again!"

"If the color of the moon changes, there will be a catastrophe. Redness means war and warfare. This is a very ominous omen!"

"The last time there was a blood moon, the super disaster broke out in Sapporo. Does this time indicate such a big change in Mount Fuji?"

Outside the Jiuxuzhi Shrine, people were panicked.

The Crimson Moon that appeared last time, if it hadn't erupted immediately for the Sapporo Superman War that shocked the whole country, I am afraid that it will be on the hot search until now.

Although the Tokyo Metropolitan Government immediately gave a scientific and reasonable explanation, what happened to the atmosphere abnormally absorbed purple, blue, green, yellow and other light, leaving only red light projected on the moon and the like.

But after the Extraordinary War in Sapporo, not many people in the whole country believed this set of rhetoric anymore.

What's more, the survivors have just witnessed the monsters of Mount Fuji escaped from the trap, which shattered their three views. The appearance of the crimson moon naturally exacerbated their inner panic.

"Master Miko, please save us, I still have a wife and children at home!"

"Woooooo, I'm only twenty years old, I don't want to die yet!"

Immediately, someone knelt down on their knees, bowed to the priestess Hinata, and begged and prayed bitterly.

Everyone has a herd mentality, especially after experiencing such a thrilling night, many people gave up thinking and took Hyuga Miko, who showed incredible magical powers when she rescued her, as their backbone and spiritual support.

All of a sudden, a group of people knelt down at the feet of Miko Hinata.

On Hinata Miko's usually cool and pretty face, there was also a slight look of distress.

"Hahaha, is this some kind of fanatical missionary activity? Or is it the little witch of the Hinata family, are you going to debut as a love show?"

A mocking laugh came, and A Fei, who was wearing a black-bottomed red cloud robe and a whirlpool mask, appeared on a rock at some point.

Ah Fei raised his head, looked at the arrow nailed on the forehead of the huge monster, and said with great interest:

"It's the sealed arrow again."

The Sangouyu Sharingan in the vortex eyes was shining with the same blood light as the crimson moon.

"Can you please release the sealed arrow? Little witch, you are just a supporting role, you can't steal the show. No matter how much you want to perform, you can't prevent the real protagonist from appearing!"

Hinata Miko didn't say a word, she picked up the bow and pointed it at A Fei from afar again, pulling it into a full moon, and the brilliance wrapped around the arrow became more and more intense.

Her Tenseiyan has also been opened, and it seems that there are purple stars in the eyes that are disillusioned, and a holy and indescribably divine aura emanates from her body, making people unable to help but fall to the ground and worship.

"Negotiation failure? Oh, I've always been bad at preaching. It's a headache to say."

Ah Fei scratched his hair and said pretending to be distressed, but the indifference and disapproval in his tone could be heard even by ordinary people.

Hinata Priestess was not moved at all, the purple color in her purple eyes was flowing, and the finger that drew the bowstring loosened.

Accompanied by a terrifying aura that destroyed the world, in the strong wind that suddenly rose from the flat ground, Hinata Miko's long hair fluttered like a waterfall.

Demon-breaking Arrow!

The destructive torrent of white light rushed towards Ah Fei, evaporating everything along the way, whether it was snow, volcanic lava or gravel rocks, until it completely submerged Ah Fei.


Mount Fuji groaned in pain, this is completely a landslide!

From the mountainside to the foot of the mountain at an altitude of 2,000 meters, there are forests all over the mountain, with beautiful scenery, but on it, especially on the top of the mountain near the crater, there are only volcanic lava sandstones left, which looks barren.

But at this moment, more devastation was added to the summit of Mount Fuji.

Hinata Priestess kept her posture before shooting the arrow, and a huge gully hundreds of meters long was plowed out in front of her by the demon-breaking arrow. Tens of thousands of square meters of land were forcibly gouged out, leaving a like Shocking wound like a tiankeng.

Under this powerful attack that changes the terrain, as long as it is flesh and blood, there is absolutely no escape.

"A very powerful attack, comparable to the power of God Susanoo, but if it can't hit, it's meaningless."

Hinata Miko's face was startled, and she fled backwards like a rabbit.

But it was too late, beside Hinata Priestess, a vortex appeared in the void, spinning extremely fast, twisting the bow and arrow she held in her right hand into it.

The bow was broken abruptly!

Hinata Miko let go in time, but her clothes were still torn off and twisted into pieces.

"The little witch from the Hinata family has a quick reaction. I was going to twist your whole body into a twist, and I would break one of your hands. I didn't expect to let you get away so easily."

A Fei's figure appeared on the head of the huge monster hit by the sealed arrow. Unlike before, his cold tone carried cold murderous intent and malice.

And the three black hook jades in his vortex eyes have also transformed into a pattern similar to a black windmill, constantly rotating.

"However, even if you are lucky enough to escape and lose your bow and arrow, you won't be able to shoot the Devil-Breaking Arrow and Sealing Arrow anymore, right?"

"Kaleidoscopic Sharingan."

Hinata Miko raised her head, looked at A Fei and muttered.

"Hehehe, after so long a delay, it's finally the protagonist's turn to play. I'm already getting impatient."

Ah Fei stretched out his hand and pulled out the sealed arrow from the giant monster's head.


The two rounds of red eyes were like torches rising on the mountain, and the revived gigantic demon immediately let out a deafening roar, and a foul-smelling wind swept out in all directions.

Afterwards, Ah Fei's vortex eyes drove the surrounding space to twist and rotate, and a black dragon like a steel train shook its head and stuck out its head.



The black dragon and the huge monster seemed to have some kind of blood feud with each other, their eyes turned red immediately, and they began to fight each other.

"Good boy, that's it! Hurry up and decide the winner. I can't wait to open the dice cup and see if I win or lose."

These are the two that stand out from the hundreds of monsters on Mount Fuji who devour each other, mutate and evolve, and are completely different from other monsters.

The two behemoths were fighting on the top of the mountain, and the demonic aura billowed straight into the sky. It is no exaggeration to say that the earth shook and the mountains were shaken, and the torn pieces of flesh and blood rolled down like a violent storm. A terrible nightmare.

The two demons kept biting and devouring each other, just like ouroboros.

In the process of killing each other, their bodies are constantly dissolving and collapsing, and they are constantly merging and mixing.

In the end, the two behemoths merged into one, continuously compressed, and turned into a dark black sphere floating above the crater.

There are peristaltic blood vessels and meridians growing on the sphere, and there are bursts of heart-pulsating sounds emanating from it, which makes people feel chills all over the body just looking at it.

"It's finally finished, all the monsters have merged into one!"

Ah Fei looked at the dark black meat ball floating in the sky, and said in a complex and inexplicable tone, revealing a hint of excitement in his tone.

Then another vortex appeared in his vortex eyes, and three figures were spit out.

It's Yakushidou, as well as Uchiha Xianmen and Tosu Heroes who were taken away before.

"Pharmacist Dou, break the last seal. The elixir of immortality you've been thinking about is right in front of you."

"Yes, Master Tobi!"

The pharmacist pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, glanced at Uchiha Senmen and Tosu Hero, and said doubtfully:

"Who are these two?"

"The two interesting guys I met on the way up the mountain, let them take a look. After all, the more audiences, the better, right?"

Uchiha Xianmen, who was still in shock, looked at A Fei in amazement, more precisely, it was the kaleidoscope Sharingan under A Fei's mask.

Is it one of the three pairs of kaleidoscope sharing eyes mentioned by Uchiha Itachi?

To have such a terrifying ability.

And here is... Kusushi Shrine!

What is that dark black sphere floating in the sky exuding a terrifying aura that makes one's scalp tingle at the sight of it? !

"The last seal is a kind of five-element seal, and it needs to be unraveled in reverse."

At this moment, Pharmacist Dou also closed his eyes, his palms fluttered and formed seals continuously, and he was chanting words.

"Silk-colored crows hold their nests, jewels lose their light—"

Medicine Master stretched out his right hand, and then a emerald green orb the size of a fist emerged in his palm.

It is the jade of the dragon head that has sunk into the Fuji Five Lakes before.

The pharmacist clasped his five fingers together, and the Dragon Head Jade was directly crushed, and immediately turned into a green ball of light and flew to the periphery of the dark black sphere.

"Fake fur is burned by fire, and immediately turns to dust—"

Yao Shidou tossed the Fire Rat Fur that appeared in his hand, the Fire Rat Fur that extinguished the fire spontaneously ignited, and a red ball of light flew into the sky.

"There must be no trace of Amber after years of silence—"

It is Amber, the swallow that sank into the West Lake.

"Crossing the sea and Chaoshan's painstaking effort, I can't let the tears flow forever—"

Medicine Master looked at the Penglai Jade Branch in his hand, a look of reluctance flashed in his eyes, and then he closed his eyes.

With the incantation of Pharmacist Dou, the crystal brilliance on the Penglai jade branch was stripped off little by little, and then turned into dead wood like dead branches and leaves, and a golden ball of light jumped into the sky.

"The bowl is self-defeating to the beauty. I will throw the bowl today, not the king."

The stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the last treasure of "Bamboo Cutter Story", turned into fly ash.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, the five elements unlock the seal!"

The five light spheres of red, cyan, blue, gold, and purple rotate alternately around the dark black sphere, and finally form a pentagram pattern.

"This pentagram is the Kikyo seal of the Great Onmyoji Abe Seimei?!"

Uchiha Xianmen's eyes flashed, but before he could think about it, the pentagram sank into the dark black sphere.

The dark black sphere sank immediately, and at the next moment, a green bamboo with a thickness of two people and a height of hundreds of meters grew out of the crater.

In the bamboo tube at the top of the bamboo pole, there is a golden and dazzling light, and the graceful figure in it can be seen faintly.

Damn, I didn't get out before midnight.

Think about the plot.

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