I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 295 Chapter 296

A huge emerald bamboo quickly jumped into the sky from the crater, and it was still growing crazily upwards.

The dark red barrier covering Mount Fuji was pierced directly, and the ice and snow melted.

The group of fighter jets and near-Earth satellites circling over Mount Fuji immediately discovered the bamboo towering into the sky like a pillar of Optimus.

A section of the bamboo tube at the top of the giant bamboo is as golden as casting, exuding dazzling brilliance.

As the bamboo tube shattered, a celestial girl who was beautiful enough to light up the night sky was born under the bright moon.

After the barrier disappeared, a fighter plane received an order from the war room to lower its altitude, roared over, and prepared to observe the situation of Mount Fuji at close range.

"That woman is!"

The pilot just glanced down, and his mind was immediately taken away.

In the next second, the out-of-control fighter flew directly over the top of Mount Fuji, and fell obliquely towards the mountain.

"Beautiful...so beautiful..."

"Hello, please answer! What happened?"

In the war room set up in Kawaguchiko Town at the foot of Mount Fuji, there was a sudden panic.



Not only the pilot, but the dozens of survivors outside the Jiuxuzhi Shrine, everyone was stunned, staring straight at the goddess under the moon, as if they had been enchanted by a group sex spell.

"Kaguya Princess!"

In the eyes of Uchiha Xianmen, two black jade jades appeared respectively, and then he broke free from the breathtaking beauty of the moon girl.

Although there is no direct evidence yet, Uchiha Xianmen has confirmed the existence of the sealed Mount Fuji, which is the famous Kaguya Hime.

The five treasures collected by the Akatsuki organization to break the seal, the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, the fur of the fire rat, the swallow Amber, the jade of the dragon head and the jade branch of Penglai, were originally requested by Kaguya Hime in "The Tale of the Bamboo Claw" to make things difficult for the suitor rare treasures.

Kaguya Hime was naturally the first to bear the brunt and was listed as the number one suspect.

But this is only circumstantial evidence.

After the hundreds of monsters that broke out from Mt. Fuji merged into one, they turned into a seed, from which green bamboo grew, and the sealed existence finally appeared from the bamboo tube.

This corresponds to the legend in "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter", where the old man who weaves bamboo for a living, Zaomaro, found Kaguya Hime from a glowing bamboo tube while cutting bamboo in the bamboo forest.

more importantly……

The double gouyu in Uchiha Xianmen's eyes turned, raised his head for a look, then turned his head away, even if he had such eyes, he didn't dare to look again.

The peerless face under the moonlight is really too divorced from reality.

This kind of beauty that charms all living beings is almost like a curse or a spell. The name is just like her, a peerless beauty whose beauty is enough to light up the night.

It is really unimaginable that after hundreds of ugly monsters merged into one, such a beautiful existence was born.

It is simply a white lotus blooming above the most filthy mire without being stained by mud.

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of Uchiha Xianmen, because Kaguya Hime is not a classical Japanese beauty with black hair and black eyes in a gorgeous twelve-single outfit.

The fair to slightly pale skin reflected the shimmer, and two horns protruded from the long silver hair of Kaguya Hime hanging over the soles of the feet. Above the white eyes were Maro, who was trimmed by the nobles in the Heian period under the influence of Tang Feng. eyebrow.

Kaguya Hime, who was suspended in the air, ignored all the Japanese including Uchiha Senmon and Tosu Hero, swept his eyes from the medicine bag and the masked man wearing a black background and red cloud robe, and finally fell on Hinata Priestess.

"You are a compatriot of the Hyuga clan. Are you the one who released the concubine from the seal?"

Uchiha Xianmen's complexion changed, and he couldn't help staring at Miko Hinata.

Are the two relatives?

Indeed, Miko Hinata's features are vaguely similar to that of Kaguya Hime.

Moreover, according to the information obtained from the fifth section of the Public Security Bureau on Penglai Island, the Hyuga clan is a group that guards the elixir of immortality on the island, and the Hyuga priestess may already be the last descendant of the clan.

Did Hyuga Miko come to Mount Fuji to rescue the sealed ancestor Kaguya Hime?

No, from the time Hinata Miko appeared on Mount Fuji, and the hostility she showed against the Akatsuki organization, as well as the sealed arrows shot at the monsters, she came to prevent Kaguya Hime from getting out of the seal.

But why did Miko Hinata block the recovery of the ancestors?

What exactly is the motivation?

Uchiha Xianmen pondered.

"Master Kaguya Hime, it was Akatsuki and I who collected five treasures to wake you up from the seal."

Pharmacist supported his glasses with one hand, and said with a light smile.

"Master Kaguya Hime, as the guardian priestess of Horai Island thousands of years ago, you guarded yourself and stole... Oh, you took the medicine of immortality without warning. You are a traitor and a great sinner of the Hyuga clan, how could the priestess treat you If you extend a helping hand, I am afraid that you will be sealed forever."

Hinata Miko frowned slightly, tilted her head and looked sideways at the pharmacist's pocket, as if wondering how he would know such a secret.

"Master Miko, I'm not trying to sow discord, I'm just telling the truth."

The pharmacist shrugged, spread his hands and said.


Kaguya Hime, exuding a mysterious and glamorous aura, chewed the word in her mouth, and murmured:

"Have I been sealed for a thousand years?"

"That's right, to be more specific, it was sealed during a period of time between 1,100 and 1,050 years ago." Yao Shidou was like an archaeologist who knew the past and the present, very confident Said.

From 1,050 to 1,100 years ago, this was the middle of the Heian period.

Uchiha Xianmen frowned, and cleverly revealed the corresponding historical period.

Moreover, during this time period, Abe Seimei, a well-known great onmyoji, is active.

"One thousand years! I was sealed for a thousand years, and I was sealed in such an unsightly and odious appearance!"

Kaguya Hime's expression changed suddenly, she stretched out her hands with long nails, and was about to grab her face.

But at the moment when her nails were about to touch her cheeks, her hands suddenly stopped, and she held her face like a treasure, but her eyes showed unforgettable hatred:


The malicious roar, like Ye Xiao crying blood, directly awakened those ordinary people who were intoxicated by Kaguya Ji's peerless appearance, and then felt cold and trembling all over their bodies.

The forehead of Kaguya Hime, who was full of hatred, shone slightly, and the pattern of the pentagram that appeared before emerged.

"It's Abe Seimei's Kikyo seal!"

For this pentagram pattern that has appeared before, as a veteran who deals with extraordinary events, Uchiha Xianmen is no stranger.

This is the 'Jijing Yin' which has a crucial position in the Yin-Yang Dao, also known as the 'Qingming Seal'.

According to legend, it was created by Abe Seimei, Japan's largest onmyoji. The pentagram symbolizes the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and has incredible magical powers such as subduing demons, exorcising evil spirits and avoiding disasters.

The five-pointed star is also the symbol of Seimei Shrine.

"Even though Lord Seimei is the strongest onmyoji, he's too incomprehensible. Using the seal of 'Witch Gu's Curse' on Kaguya Hime-sama, who prides herself on her beauty, is simply more uncomfortable than killing her." "The pharmacist said in a low voice.

"Compared to being sealed for a thousand years, I am afraid that she will still be turned into a monster, which makes Kaguya Ji hate Abe Seimei more. Women are creatures like this throughout the ages. Whether it is a mortal village girl or an immortal goddess, put beauty Seeing is more important than life."

Uchiha Xianmen's ears moved.

So, is Abe Seimei the one who sealed Kaguya Hime?

Uchiha Xianmen has read a lot of books and knows all kinds of myths and legends in Japan like the palm of his hand. Needless to say, "The Tale of Bamboo Climb" is no stranger to Abe Seimei, who has left a strong mark on the mysterious side of Japan.

The author and date of creation of "The Tale of Bamboo Cutter" are unknown, but academic circles believe that it is a literary work created in the tenth century AD.

According to historical research, Abe Seimei was born in 921 AD, which means that the time of the two overlaps.

When Abe Seimei was alive, the story of "Bamboo Tori Monogatari" may have been circulated in Heian-kyo.

Now the opinion of the expert group of the Metropolitan Police Department on "Bamboo Tori Monogatari" is that it is not groundless, it may be a story created by ancient extraordinary people. Although it is not 100% true, it also implies that a large number of clues about the mysterious side are hidden.

Now according to Uchiha Xianmen, this is indeed the case, whether it is the five treasures or the legendary elixir, they have all been born.

Even so, this is too unbelievable.

Why did Abe Seimei seal Kaguya Hime? Among the various anecdotes and legends handed down in Japan, the two did not overlap.

Is it because the water inside is too deep and buried in the dust of history, or is it because I am ignorant and ignorant that I don't know the inside story?

Uchiha Xianmen turned his head and analyzed calmly.

"Ahhhhhh! Abe Seimei! Abe Seimei! Ahhh!"

After wantonly venting the anger in her heart, Kaguya Ji regained her previous aura that was as cold as ice and noble as heaven.

"Since you have released your concubine from the thousand-year-old seal, you must have something to ask for. Tell me, what do you want?"

"Master Kaguya, I want the medicine of immortality!"

After hearing the words, the pharmacist immediately said with bright eyes.

This guy really sticks to his original intention, Uchiha Xianmen thought to himself.

Every time Yaoshidou appeared, he was persevering in his pursuit of the medicine of immortality, and even cooperated with the Xiao organization to be blacklisted by the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Are you also here for the medicine of immortality?"

Kaguya Ji turned her head to look at the silent man in a red cloud robe with a black background, and asked.

Naruto Uchiha stretched out his hand and pressed the Uzumaki mask on his face, and the eyes in Uchiha's eyes showed great interest.

And the other eye hidden under the mask has opened his unique kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Tianyu was betrayed!

The Kaguya Hime in front of him was of course Uchiha Naruto's kaleidoscope pupil technique, which used the Onimara technique to combine hundreds of monsters into one, and forcibly shaped it.

The Kaleidoscope Sharingan can control even shadow-level powerhouses. Of course, it is easy to catch monsters of this level.

When the big monster was controlled by Naruto Uchiha with the kaleidoscope Sharingan, it has become a fish on his chopping board, allowing him to slaughter.

It's just that Naruto Uchiha is not in a hurry to harvest ninjutsu and points, but wants to drain all its value to cooperate with this drama directed by Naruto Uchiha.

This is another usage of Tianyu's life, which Uchiha Naruto calls "armored sanctification".

Tianyu's life is to use illusion to weave servants who are indistinguishable from real people, and even the servants don't know that they are created.

Wearing armor to become a saint is to pinch out a "container" through Tianyu's life, and then stuff humans or monsters into it. Of course, their memories have also been tampered with, and they will naturally act according to the personality and emotions written by Naruto Uchiha.

Compared with the servants summoned from the void, armored sanctification has a host, which can save his chakra more and exert stronger power.

The container of Kaguya Hime was improved on the basis of Otsutsuki Kaguya's appearance, and Naruto Uchiha added the seduction technique to make her appearance so glamorous, beautiful and shockingly beautiful.

After all, the sky does not produce a bright night, and eternity is like a long night!

This is Kaguya Hime who can light up the night with her beauty and fascinate countless men.

"In addition to wearing armor to become holy, I have another technique that I want to try, which is the kaleidoscope pupil technique that I got from the third crimson moon, divine power!"

In the first crimson moon, Naruto Uchiha opened the Kagudo life that can control the fire escape; the second time is the black calamity fire that will never go out, Amaterasu.

And when the super moon of Mount Fuji was in the sky, the sudden third crimson moon, Naruto Uchiha opened a new kaleidoscope pupil technique.

This time it can be regarded as winning the first prize, it is the Kamui Uchiha Obito!

Known as beyond cause and effect and the horizon, the eye in the realm of the gods, Kamui is an extremely high-level space-time ninjutsu, and its ability is essentially to transfer any object back and forth between the real space and the other space.

For Uchiha Naruto, who has not mastered time and space ninjutsu in addition to spiritism, it is like a tiger with wings!

Naruto Uchiha used it several times before in full view, and the teleportation that was feared by the Metropolitan Police Department was actually just a magic trick.

Either the shadow avatar or the follower is disarmed and then disappears, or the body is gradually transparentized to disguise it as a teleportation with the use of penetration.

After getting Kamui, Naruto Uchiha was finally able to teleport truly.

"Then it's time to test your acting skills!"

Although it is said that there were twists and turns on Mount Fuji and accidents such as Scarlet Moon happened, the general plot still follows Naruto Uchiha's script.

Almost, it's time to finish.

"The elixir of life, I didn't come here for such a boring thing."

Naruto Uchiha, wearing a Uzumaki mask, scratched his hair and said in a frivolous tone.

"I found the seal of Mt. Fuji based on some clues. Although I didn't get a leopard this time, luck is not too bad, at least it's not like I lost everything."

In the vortex eyes under the mask, three black hook jades rotated, shining with scarlet blood.

"Kaguya Hime, since it's you, you should know the whereabouts of the white-faced, golden-haired Tamamo-mae."

"Are you also coveting the power of Nine Tails?"

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