I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 391 Chapter 392 The beautiful girl Onmyoji and the Taishan Prefecture Lord Festival

"Bah, bah, bah, bah!"

Suddenly a black man with a bald head emerged from the sea of ​​​​sand, and then the reporter guy also ran out of the sand, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of sand.

"The sandstorm created by Seth has dispersed! This means that Lord Angel has won! Long live!"

The reporter was overjoyed and shook his companion's shoulders crazily, venting his ecstasy.

"My camera!"

But he was pushed away by the black photographer, who dug his hands in the sand.

One after another, people climbed up from the yellow sand. They were all on the periphery and were not greatly affected.

The people who survived the disaster could not help crying with joy as they looked at the sky that was gradually regaining its clarity, and knelt down to thank the Lord for his salvation.

Although the terrifying sandstorm had dissipated, the Le Monde reporter team and Colonel Bastian and several foreign soldiers did not leave immediately, but boldly approached inside.

Several people have different thoughts.

Colonel Bastian was ordered by his superiors to clarify the situation on the scene.

The reporter wanted to confirm Jeanne's safety out of his admiration for Jeanne and his fanatical belief in the Lord.

The black photographer wanted to make big news.

However, the black photographer’s camera was buried somewhere in the sand, and it would be impossible to find it for a while.

Helpless, the black photographer could only take out his mobile phone from his pants as a substitute.

The professionalism is truly commendable.

They saw a sand pit that seemed to have been struck by a meteorite, with a diameter of more than fifty meters. Although it was on softer sand, the power still made them stare.

The bone forest originally created by the Dance of Early Fern has been completely flattened, and white bone fragments can be seen in the sand.

A figure stood stubbornly and proudly in the center of the sand pit, its tall and straight figure like a willow in the desert.

"Lord Angel!"

The young reporter was overjoyed, and his anxious heart could not help but beat even more intensely.

Jeanne has returned to her original form from the Curse Seal 2 state, and her wings have been retracted into the Curse Seal of the Sky.

Now she was exhausted, her eyelids were too heavy to open, and the wounds on her body did not heal automatically like before. She had obviously reached her limit.

"This time, it's finally over..."

"Aw, what's the end?"

Jeanna's expression changed drastically, she turned her head and opened her eyes, full of disbelief.

Half of the ugly dog's head was floating in the air, its mouth was open and it was grinding its teeth, making a weird laugh.

"What, this is impossible!"

The reporter was stunned, and then exclaimed:

"Obviously his entire body was blown apart and even the life charm Anka was destroyed. Why can Seth still be revived?!"

Countless debris and gravel gathered from all directions, and the clouds and fog gathered, first filling up half of Seth's dog face.

As the dog's head shook left and right, the parts below the neck were repaired by the fragments at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long after, the burly and powerful jackal-headed god appeared in front of everyone.

"True immortality."

Jeanna's pupils shrank suddenly and her heart was shaken.

She was very sure that not only Ankh but also Seth's body was completely shattered by the previous blow. How could he be resurrected?

"Mortals always like to be smart. Do they think that by destroying Anka, they can send me back to the underworld?"

Seth stepped on the sand, opened his bloody mouth, and said with a ferocious smile:

"But it was not the Egyptian magic that brought me back to life, but the strange magic of that foreign woman. The Ankh was just a trap I deliberately left behind. It was really a waste of time."

Seth stretched out his dog's paw, pulled off his own dog's head, and held it in his hand.

"It's amazing!"

The separation of body and head does not affect Seth's chattering:

"This body of dust can be resurrected no matter how serious the injury is, and its divine power can be squandered as much as it wants, but it is just too fragile and cannot carry much power."

Seth lifted his head, inserted it into his neck, and adjusted the direction little by little.

"What should I do with you next? Well, there are a few little flies."

The people at the edge of the sand pit saw that the situation was not good and were already preparing to grease their feet.

But Seth hooked his fingers, the air flow surged, and the storm carried several people and dragged them into the bottom of the pit.

"Lord Angel, think of a solution quickly!"

"Wow, I don't want to die!"

Everyone turned pale looking at each other, their legs trembled, and they almost collapsed to the ground.

Sorry, I can't save you.

Jeanne sighed quietly, with an apology in her eyes.

She is now at the end of her strength, the curse seal has squeezed all the power out of her body, and now it is very difficult just to stand here.

Moreover, Jeanne had already exhausted all her strength. Even in her prime state, she had nothing to do with this kind of zombie that no matter how hard she beat her with her fists, it would be useless.

Unlimited resurrection is simply cheating, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

However, if you want to retreat, there is still a chance.

Jeanne put her hands on her chest, bit her lips, and blinked her eyes.

It's a pity that she can't save everyone...

"What's wrong? Are you speechless with fear?"

Seth bared his teeth, his eyes were filled with a ferocious light that wanted to devour others, and he howled:

"How dare you mock me about Horus? Don't expect to die so easily!"


At this moment, the clear and melodious sound of bells came from the sky, and everyone including Seth couldn't help but raise their heads and look up.

Ding ding ding——

A stunning beauty with a black crown and long sleeves came riding on the wind and arrived gracefully.

"Miss Ziyuan, why are you here?"

The reporter boy and the black photographer looked at each other with disbelief on their faces.

Although he has never seen Ms. Ziyuan's real face, the reporter still recognized those bright beautiful eyes at first sight.

After the sandstorm blew up before, Ziyuan disappeared, but now she appears here...

And judging from the way Miss Shion dresses and the way she appears, she is actually extraordinary? !

"Miko? No, it's Onmyoji."

Jeanne looked at the uninvited guest and her eyes narrowed.

Although the visitor is a woman, she has white hair like a waterfall and purple eyes. She is wearing a snow-white hunting coat and a black hat on her head. She is dressed in a typical Japanese onmyoji style.

A small and exquisite purple bell hung from her skirt.


Could it be that the other foreign woman Seth mentioned was her?

As expected, when Seth saw Ziyuan, his expression immediately changed and he roared:

"Outlander woman, this is completely different from what was promised!"

"What's different? Haven't you already returned from the underworld to the human world?"

Shion raised an eyebrow and chuckled softly.

"But you didn't say that with such a body of dust, not only can the thirsty throat and hungry belly be unsatisfied, but even the power can only be exerted so much!" Seth said angrily.

"It is also the first time that Yu has used this onmyoji technique outside of Japan. There is still a little difference between the foreign underworld and the Japanese underworld."

Miss Onmyoji disagreed, glanced at Jeanne again, and then said as if nothing was different:

"Even if it's just a trial work, according to Yu's calculations, it should be able to exert 10% of your strength during your lifetime. How could you not even be able to defeat a Chaorhan who relied on secret techniques to advance to the Quasi-Shadow?"

"Quasi shadow? What quasi shadow?"

Seth was stunned.

"Tsk, it's really difficult to communicate with an ancient god who fell before the end of the Age of Gods. He doesn't even know his shadow level."

Ziyuan smacked her lips, her beautiful eyes full of disgust.

Jeanna pursed her lips and looked at the mysterious onmyoji named Ziyuan and Seth, her eyes flickering.

Shadow-level strongman is the honorific title given to powerful extraordinary beings who can project the lower world after the end of the Gods Age. Their strength is enough to rival the gods.

Seth had already fallen during the golden age of the Gods, and it was reasonable to know nothing about the situation in later generations.

Jeanna was secretly alarmed that judging from their conversation, this delicate and powerless beautiful girl Onmyoji was vaguely in a dominant position and was the mastermind behind Seth's resurrection.

What is her purpose?

"If the dust body you made wasn't too weak, that outlander woman would have been torn into pieces by me!"

Seth looked extremely embarrassed, and the air flow from his mouth turned into a violent storm, blowing everyone around.

"I'm going to rip her head off right now!"

Jeanne managed to stand still, holding a black magatama in her hand, ready to be crushed at any time.

"Wait, Seth. You can't kill Miss Saint, I'm interested in her."

Just when the situation was extremely urgent, Ziyuan said something shocking.

Not only the furious Seth was stunned, but also Jeanne frowned.

"What are you talking about?! How dare you say that I was treated as a woman by Horus, I must kill her!"

Seth was still resentful of Jeanne's previous provocation, and even now he was full of murderous intent, shouting wildly.

"Don't think that you can boss me around just because you resurrected me. If you dare to stop me, I will kill you too!"

Onmyoji's pretty face turned cold and said:

"Stupid dog, who do you think you are barking at?"


Seth's eyes were red and he couldn't listen at all.

He suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth to spit out at Ziyuan. The terrifying divine power stirred up huge airflow, and the crisscrossing wind blades cut violently.

Storms are set off in the sand that can be seen on satellite images, and even the terrain is changed.

Even Jeanne and others in the other direction could feel the amazing wind pressure, which was almost blowing people into the sky.

"You're an immature wolf cub. I know you will definitely break the contract after you are resurrected."

The beautiful girl Onmyoji didn't know when she appeared directly above everyone, looking down at Seth, her clothes fluttering and spotless.

"Yu just needs a guard dog. Seth, as one of the nine pillar gods, you are qualified to become Yu's shikigami."

Ziyuan formed a seal with one hand, muttered something in her mouth, and then shouted:

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Hurry is like a law."

Seth's body was shattered in response to the sound, billowing gravel flew down, and white light appeared repeatedly from the dog's head.

"It's... evil! Kill..."

Seth stretched out his arm toward the asters in the sky, and then began to fall apart from his fingertips. The entire arm fell off and fell to the ground, turning into powder.

In a flash of lightning, the collapse spread throughout his body, and Seth turned into a pile of sand.

A white light shot into the sky from it.

At this moment, the beautiful girl Onmyoji suddenly waved her hand, and the white light was absorbed into her palm.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a white light ball spinning in Ziyuan's hand, but they could not break free from her five-finger mountain.

And from the light ball, there were constant howling sounds and wind sounds similar to those made by Seth before.

"Is this Seth's soul?"

Everyone had the same idea at the same time.

The next moment, everyone was stunned, as if they had seen something very terrible.

Ziyuan picked up the white ball of light with her slender index finger and thumb and put it into Cherry's little mouth. She raised her face and moved her throat, and Seth's soul was swallowed.

"The taste is pretty good, but it has a bit of a beastly smell."

Ziyuan raised the corner of her mouth with her little finger, and a passable smile appeared on her face.

"Next, it's time for dessert."

The beautiful Onmyoji girl's eyes fell on Miss Saint.

The beautiful figure in the sky danced without the wind, slowly landed in front of Jeanne, and moved forward slowly.

Jeanne looked solemn as she clasped the magatama tightly in her palm, and she could crush it with just a little more force.

"Miss Ziyuan, your beauty is as exciting as ever."

Unexpectedly, the reporter guy straightened his hair that was messed up by the strong wind, showed a sunny and charming smile, and actually took the initiative to greet him.

All the Franks looked strange and had twitching mouth corners.

Although we Franks are famous for being romantic and passionate, and the foreign extraordinary named Ziyuan is a rare and lovely person, but she just swallowed the soul of the vicious Storm God alive, and now someone actually dares to come up and talk to her.

Colonel Bastian was greatly impressed.

As expected, he is a man of the old Parisian tricolor. This kind of demeanor is hard to match for a beggar originally from Africa.


Ziyuan glanced over with an expressionless look, and the reporter rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"What did you do to him?"

Jeanne looked at the reporter who was lying on the ground, and faced Ziyuan who walked up to her, and said calmly.

"I have no interest in monkeys in heat at all."

Ziyuan looked at Miss Saint and said with a smile:

"Holy girl, I am actually a fan of yours. I have heard about your activities around the world in the past few years. Your ideals are really amazing. Among the modern extraordinary beings, you and the minister of the Supernatural Department are the only ones. What interests me the most.”

"It's really flattering."

Jeanne replied in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, her mind turning over and over again.

Although this onmyoji named Shion looks like a beautiful girl, judging from her old-fashioned tone, she might be an old monster of how old she is.

Moreover, the aura on his body was bottomless, as if he was in front of the ‘Lord’.

Even if she crushes Magatama, she is still not sure of escaping. Before she reveals her malice, she can only wait and see and try to get more information.

"Miss Shion, you are an Onmyoji, right?"

Jeanna couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked tentatively:

"Your technique of resurrecting Seth..."

"You ask this, later generations seem to call this technique, Taishan Prefecture King Sacrifice." (End of Chapter)

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