I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 392 Chapter 393 The Tribulation of the End of Dharma

Taishan Prefecture Jun Sacrifice.

Miss Saint's brows were furrowed, and her heart was surging.

In today's extraordinary era, Taishan Fujun is a mountain that cannot be climbed. As Taishan Fujun becomes famous, everything about him has been dug out from the old papers in great detail, translated into many languages, and widely known. spread.

Naturally, everyone knows about Taizan Fukun Matsuri, the supreme secret technique of Onmyodo that can resurrect the dead, developed by Abe Seimei. I don’t know how many forces are searching secretly.

Who is the Onmyoji named Shion?

"Why, is the saint also interested in the Taishan Mansion Jun Festival?"

That's natural.

Although the outside world praised Jeanne's healing skills for resurrecting human flesh and bones, there was nothing she could do about the real dead.

No matter how powerful the healing technique is, it cannot compare to bringing the dead back to life.

Jeanne glanced at the pile of sand that Seth had turned into, her eyes twinkling.

However, the Taishanfu Lord Festival used by Ziyuan seems to be different from the rumors.

"If you are willing to follow Yu, it is not impossible for Yu to share the secret of Taishan Mansion's Junji Festival with you, Saint."

Ziyuan covered her mouth with her sleeves and chuckled, her eyes curved like crescent moons, revealing a fox-like cunning and wisdom.

Jeanna's serious expression changed subtly, but there was not much emotion.

She didn't believe in such a good thing as pie in the sky.

Ask yourself if there is anything in yourself that makes the other person admire you. The only thing you can do is healing.

"Thank you Miss Shion for your kindness."

Miss Jeanne clenched her hands into fists and declared piously:

"But I have decided to dedicate this body to the 'Lord'."

She rejected the invitation from the beautiful Onmyoji.

"Holy girl, how many people have you saved in the past few years? One hundred thousand? One million?"

Ziyuan was not annoyed, but spoke meaningfully:

"But compared to the current population of the human world, it is just a drop in the ocean. Can you save everyone in the coming apocalypse?"

What, the end?

Jeanna's expression changed and she was about to ask.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, the sound of helicopter propellers was heard in the sky.

A fleet of Black Hawk helicopters flew at lightning speed, hovering above everyone's heads.

"Report to base, have arrived at the scene."

"In addition to the target 'Girl of Orleans' and several civilians, there is also a woman wearing Japanese clothing, who is suspected of being a supernatural being."

"What to do next, please give instructions."

The armed helicopter formation sent by the United States had already arrived early, but it was unable to get close because of the raging sandstorm.

After the storm cleared, they rushed to the scene as soon as possible.

Mi Fang was very anxious now, and he felt like he was riding a tiger.

Originally, they were planning to kidnap Jeanna quietly, but they were caught in a sandstorm created by Seth. The special forces and four artificial supernatural beings were completely wiped out.

Not only that, the battle between Jeanne and Seth was broadcast live, and there are now countless countries' satellites in the Derna region's space orbit watching.

Completely exposed to the world.

The Maid of Orleans battle plan was declared bankrupt.

If it were just that, the red-eye command center would dare to force Jeana onto the helicopter in the name of 'protection'.

However, an unknown and supernatural person appeared on the scene that was difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, which gave them a headache and tied them up.

It is clear that Jeanne and Seth are both injured and weak. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Fuck! Why are you Japanese again!"

"You've never seen a face before. How many extraordinary people are there in Japan?"

Through the footage sent by the helicopter observer at the scene, although the beauty with white hair and purple eyes had never been seen before, Kari, who was full of Japanese style, was quickly identified by intelligence personnel.

In the Extraordinary Era, more than 90% of extraordinary events occurred in Japan.

Even the extraordinary events that happened as far away as Africa were haunted by people from small lives.

Some officers in the base were incompetent and furious, and turned their evil anger on Japan.

"First make contact with the Maid of Orleans and Onmyoji Chaofan. On behalf of the United States, don't disgrace the world's most powerful country."

The command center remained rational and did not get carried away and ordered the armed helicopter formation to launch a direct attack.

Contact and negotiate first.

It's hard to say what would happen if the Onmyoji was super strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

The Black Hawk helicopter formation is full of American soldiers. This military force can even carry out military coups to overthrow one or two small countries in Africa.

"Yes, understand."

A helicopter was preparing to land. Suddenly, all the crew members opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen something incredible.

I saw the Onmyoji below waving his sleeves, and the overwhelming white torrent flew towards the sky in a turbulent manner.

"Shit! Why are there so many bugs!"

"Butterfly, it's a white butterfly!"

Countless white butterflies danced gracefully. Their movements seemed graceful, but in fact they swooped towards the helicopter at extremely fast speeds. There were so many that they covered the sky and the sun.

"Quick, quick, quick! Get out of the way!"

The pilot tried his best to control the helicopter to dodge to the right.

But it was too late, the butterfly swarm was flying too fast!

In just a blink of an eye, he rushed over.


White butterflies half as big as a palm were densely covered with the helicopter's glass canopy.

"No, this is not a real butterfly! It is white paper, a butterfly folded on white paper!"

The captain's face turned pale, he looked at the paper butterfly outside the glass cover, his mouth was uncontrollable, and he screamed heartbreakingly.

Other crew members were also so frightened that their hands and feet were cold and their whole bodies were weak.

There are so many paper butterflies stuck on the glass cover of the helicopter, and the view is blocked. The helicopter will definitely crash!

But the crash they imagined didn't happen.

The paper butterflies on the glass cover flashed a flash of red light and exploded one after another.

"OMG! Help!"


A huge fireball burst out in mid-air, with charred parts, fragments and fine debris flying down.

After extinguishing the first helicopter, the torrent of paper butterflies continued to surge forward.

Seeing that the situation was not good, some of the other Black Hawk helicopters immediately prepared to turn around and run away, while others opened their cabin cannons and opened fire in a desperate struggle.



One after another, huge explosions resounded over the desert, and the hot fireballs were like grand fireworks.

It's just that there will never be such a noble fireworks in the world, and one of them costs up to 17 million US dollars.


Looking at the white paper butterfly flying gracefully next to the beautiful girl Onmyoji, Jeanne narrowed her eyes and a drop of cold sweat slipped down her cheek.

The white paper butterfly, which seemed harmless to humans and animals, destroyed the US army's helicopter formation in an instant, making her dare not underestimate it.

Suddenly, Jeanna felt a slight pain on the back of her right hand. She looked down instinctively, and her pupils suddenly shrank to the limit.

A white paper butterfly had landed on the back of her hand at some point, gently vibrating its paper wings.

The white paper butterfly will explode!

Jeanne looked shocked and subconsciously wanted to crush the magatama in her other hand.

But it came up empty!

"Are you looking for this magatama?"

The beautiful girl Onmyoji smiled like a little fox who had stolen a hen, and tossed a black magatama back and forth in her hand.

When was it stolen?

He didn't even notice her strength...

Jeanne's face darkened.

"You don't have to be so nervous. I don't mean any harm."

Unexpectedly, Ziyuan threw the black magatama over with her backhand.

Jeanne caught it, but she felt like it was falling into the clouds, not knowing why.

"By the way, there are also those bone girls. You want to save them, right?"

Ziyuan flicked her sleeves, and white talisman papers flew out. When they landed on the sand, they folded up automatically and turned into vivid white paper mice that dived into the sand.

In less than a minute, a group of paper mice emerged from the ground, gathered into a blanket and moved Angelica and others over.

Is this Onmyoji?

It's really amazing.

Miss Jeanne looked at the people on the ground, then looked up at Ziyuan, becoming more and more surprised and confused.

What is the purpose of this mysterious Onmyoji?

A sudden burning pain came from the back of Jeanna's right hand.


Is that white paper butterfly poisonous?

She took a closer look and saw that bright red lines gradually appeared on the back of her hand, forming a faint hourglass-like shape.

"Don't show such a scary expression. I just want to invite you to participate in another experiment. Your abilities will definitely shine."

Shion responded to Jeanne's glare with ease.

"Another one? What is your purpose?" Jeanne asked coldly.

"Go to Japan."

The beautiful girl Onmyoji blinked her purple eyes, rippling, and her tone was full of intriguing mystery.

"You will definitely come to Yu's side, you will."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ziyuan turned into a puppet about the size of a mineral water bottle, carved out of peach wood and inserted diagonally on the sand.

"Is this also onmyoji?"

Jeanna looked at the mahogany puppet on the ground, with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

At this moment, the sound of a car engine was faintly heard in the distance.

Colonel Bastian quickly climbed up to the edge of the sandpit, looked outside for a few times, and then waved his arms excitedly.

"Here! Here!"

Then he turned around and said respectfully to Jeanne:

"Jean... Saint, no, Lord Angel! It's our peacekeeping force stationed in Derna City. Don't worry now."

Jeanne was not as happy as Colonel Bastien.

Although Frank has always been respectful to her, he may not be able to withstand the pressure from the United States.

Now that she was so weak and had several bottles of oil with Angelica, it was best to avoid direct contact.

The doomsday mentioned by Ziyuan must be reported to the ‘Lord’ as soon as possible.

"The king who does not belong to this world, you are the master of Crimson and the Eye of Reincarnation..."

Jeanne crushed the black magatama in her hand and chanted devoutly.

The sky shattered into pieces, and a beam of light was cast down, covering Miss Jeanne, Angelica and others, and then they were sucked into it and disappeared.

"The Lord Angel has ascended to heaven!"

The black photographer was moved to tears and captured this precious scene with his mobile phone.

He repeatedly watched several videos on his phone, trembling with excitement.

The god of the desert who was resurrected from the dead, the glorious and holy angel, and the mysterious Onmyoji of Japan. What great achievements he has created this time will definitely leave a mark in the history of world photography.

"Sir, please hand over your phone."

At this moment, a dark and rough face stood in front of the black photographer, giving him the illusion that he was looking in the mirror.

"This is my private property, and I have freedom of the press!" the black photographer immediately protested.


Colonel Bastian naturally would not spoil a nigger, so he pulled out his pistol and loaded it without saying a word.

"Je suis Franccedil! (We are all French)"

The black photographer could only raise his hands, with a shy face, showing his big white teeth, and said to Colonel Bastian, who was also black.

After confiscating the mobile phone, the resolute Colonel Bastian immediately detained the black photographer and the unconscious reporter boy into the car. He also did not let go of the indigenous villagers who had been swept in by the sandstorm and sent people to arrest them one by one. Arrested and detained.

Gently picking up the onmyoji's faded peach wood puppet, Colonel Bastian's heart felt hot.

This is an extraordinary item.

You must know that Frank does not have a single extraordinary item in his hands.

This is definitely a great achievement!

Colonel Bastian didn't even miss the pile of sand made by Seth. He wanted to dig three feet into the ground, shovel it all and load it into the car.

Before other countries arrived, Colonel Bastian had already plundered the most valuable items, leaving half of the peacekeeping force to continue searching in the desert. He personally escorted them to the nearest military base and flew back to the Frankish mainland.

One after another, major powers entered the scene.

Anyway, the nearby city of Derna has experienced a Mediterranean hurricane, and troops can be dispatched just for disaster relief.

This is an opportunity for many countries. After all, extraordinary events often occur in Japan, an island country surrounded by seas. In addition, the powerful United States wants to eat alone, and other countries are unable to get involved.

And this extraordinary incident happened in Africa, and the United States did not have the ability to prevent other countries from ending up.

In less than half a day, the five major players of Earth OL had all gathered together and sealed off the core area of ​​the desert in the name of the United Nations.

However, the major powers maintained restraint and did not go into conflict with each other. Instead, they each divided up a piece of territory and sent out scientific investigation teams and relevant departments to conduct searches.

Except for the United States.

They had lost both their wives and their troops in this battle, but both Onmyoji and Jeanne "ran away", so they could only be helpless and furious. Mi Fang really couldn't swallow this breath, so he took the lead in putting pressure on Frank, asking him to spit out the benefits he had swallowed before, saying it was for the whole world.

Other big countries are naturally happy to see this happen.

Although the major powers are fighting openly and secretly, they have a tacit understanding to exclude other countries.

The small countries felt extremely aggrieved, but there was nothing they could do.

The desert is so big. No matter how overbearing you five rogue countries are, you can't even deny us a handful of sand.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

If we can’t dig in the core of the desert, shouldn’t we also be able to dig sand in the periphery?

No, you have to dig more.

Dig, dig, dig a sack, dig a whole cart! (End of chapter)

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