I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 393 Chapter 394 Meeting of the Twelve Divine Generals

Japan, Chiyoda Ward, Supernatural Police Department Headquarters Building.

As the seat of the world-famous Japanese extraordinary institution, it is naturally shrouded in a magical aura. So far, no media has been able to conduct in-depth interviews. It is even more mysterious than the Imperial Palace, and has spawned countless urban legends.

For example, countless monsters and evil spirits are imprisoned underground at the headquarters of the Supernatural Police Department and are conducting secret experiments;

The fifteen-story headquarters building, each floor belongs to one of the Twelve Divine Generals, and the twelfth floor upwards is the territory of the Uchiha Minister;

On every floor of the headquarters building are placed extraordinary items collected by the Police Department. As long as you defeat the twelve divine generals guarding them, you can obtain extraordinary inheritance;

And so on.

Sitting in the conference room of the headquarters building, Hero Tosu smiled slightly as he thought of those absurd urban rumors.

Chiyoda Ward is Japan's elite. The headquarters building of the Supernatural Police Department was established here in order to quickly support important places such as the Imperial Palace and the Senate in the event of an accident.

In this case, why would the captured monsters be imprisoned in the headquarters building? If something goes wrong and a "Hundred Demons Night Parade" occurs on the streets of Tokyo, it will not be a joke.

The headquarters building is the office of the Supernatural Police Department, not the dragon's pond and tiger's den imagined by the media. The extraordinary items they obtained from the secret realm are not placed here, and the extraordinary inheritance is even more unthinkable. If it really existed, it would have been used long ago.

It is even more impossible for the so-called Twelve Divine Generals to all be stationed in the headquarters building in Tokyo, with one person per floor, just like the floor masters of a training tower.

Don’t other parts of the country need extraordinary people to sit in command?

Tokyo is impregnable as long as Minister Uchiha is in charge.

From the information published on the Internet, it is easy to find the titles and positions of the extraordinary people under the Supernatural Police Department.

The hero of Tosu himself is the head of the Chubu region branch.

The other Twelve Divine Generals also serve as branch heads in Tohoku, Shikoku, Kyushu and other regions, and are scattered throughout the country on weekdays.

The Tosu hero looked around.

Mineko Yuki, Yuji Kanbara, Satomi, and other familiar faces.

In the Supernatural Police Department, Hero Tosu is naturally the oldest one in terms of seniority.

"This time, all the extraordinary people who were outside were summoned to the headquarters for a meeting. It must be because of the extraordinary incident that happened in Derna City last week."

The Tosu hero thought calmly.

The resurrection of the desert god Set and the battle between the angels of Jeanne in the city of Derna shocked the world, especially the Western world.

Although the intensity of the Angel War is not comparable to the Sapporo Supernatural Battle, the Mount Fuji Eruption and the Asakusa Incident, it is already a supernormal battle that is second to none after the Jedi Tentsu has been in peace for a long time.

After becoming an angel, Jeanne is already an S-class transcendent according to the evaluation of the Supernatural Police Department!

After the Uchiha Minister, he is the second S-class extraordinary.

And they are extraordinary creatures like angels!

Jeanne, who was born in the West, has a miraculous healing ability and good deeds that have lasted for many years, making her famous in the Western world. She even has the reputation of "Saint" and "Joan of Arc Incarnate".

Jeanna's angelic form in Derna City suddenly detonated global public opinion and caused an uproar overseas.

This is an angel!

More than half of the world's 8 billion people are followers of Abrahamic monotheism. After the advent of the Extraordinary Era, the faith that was impacted by pagan gods and demons and monsters became firm again after seeing the miracle of 'the arrival of angels'.

In the past few days, believers all over the world have held grand masses, and countless people have rushed to religious buildings such as Notre Dame de Paris and Sophia Cathedral to repent and atone for their sins.

There are also fanatics who have already boarded a plane and rushed to make a pilgrimage outside the city of Derna.

Unfortunately, the core area is still blocked by the five major countries, and we can only dig sand on the periphery with other small countries.

After all, this is the holy land where the Lord performed miracles to slay the ancient Egyptian evil gods who returned from the underworld. Maybe the sand is imbued with divine power.

Even as the villain Set, the desert god, inspired the hearts of the Western world.

Although Egypt is located in North Africa, it is also one of the Mediterranean countries. Ancient Egyptian civilization nurtured Greek civilization and is one of the sources of modern Western civilization.

The gods of ancient Egypt are rightly regarded as the extraordinary heritage of the Western world.

Even though there are endless immortals and Buddhas in East Asia, we in the West also have powerful supernatural beings and even angels. This wave can be said to be very exciting.

From now on, people in the Western world will be able to straighten their backs when confronting netizens from other countries.


The Tosu hero lowered his eyes, not wanting anyone to see the strange color in his eyes.

"If it is really an angel, it must be able to cure Zhen Gong."

Although he became a supernatural being and became the branch chief of the Supernatural Police Department, with a high position and seemingly unlimited glory, the Tosu hero was actually not happy in the past few years.

Perhaps it was because he had obtained the weird and terrifying supernatural power from the evil god and captured the hearts of others for his own use. Tosu Hero could feel that the Japanese high-level officials did not trust him. In addition, the Japanese government failed to fulfill its promise to cure Moribu Manomiya, which disappointed the Tosu hero.

After seeing the dark side of the Japanese government several times, Hero Tosu made up his mind to secretly communicate with the Eagle Organization.

"It's just like this. I feel sorry for Minister Uchiha."

The Tosu hero sighed silently.

To this day, Hero Tosu does not regret his decision, but he still feels guilty towards the Uchiha Sect.


The door to the conference room was pushed open, and Uchiha Senmon, who was wearing a crisp black suit, walked in slowly, followed by a secretary with squinting eyes and Kaname Higashiyama, a tall and thin black man wearing sunglasses.

"Mr. Uchiha!"


Everyone stood up and said hello to the Uchiha Sect.

The gentle-looking Uchiha Senmon stood on the stage and glanced downwards indifferently.

The black eyes seemed to possess the soul-stirring magic power, making Hero Tosu feel that the tentacles in his body were squirming uncontrollably.

Is it fear?

The Tosu hero was secretly frightened. After not seeing each other for half a year, the Uchiha minister became even more unfathomable.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

The Uchiha Sect looked back and nodded with satisfaction:

"This is the first time this year that the twelve gods will gather together."

Although the Twelve Divine Generals are a title given by the good media, they are very popular in Japan, where the concentration of chuuniu is so high. It has now become a semi-official collective name for the dozen extraordinary beings under the Supernatural Police Department.

"Mr. Uchiha, is there something important that requires us to come to Tokyo in person? Can't we have a video conference?"

A new transcendent couldn't help but ask.

"Because the matter is so important, there is a risk of leaks in the video conference. And it is the cabinet's order to summon you to Tokyo this time."

The Uchiha Senmon waved to Assistant Ichimaru.

"Anyway, let's sit down first."

Now that Minister Uchiha has spoken, no one dares to question it and they all sit down.

Assistant Ichimaru held a stack of documents in his arms and distributed them one by one to each of the Twelve Divine Generals.

"This is? Taishan Mansion Jun Festival!"

Hero Tosu opened the file at random, and his expression suddenly changed.


"Is this what happened next..."

The twelve generals couldn't help but whisper to each other.

"Have everyone got it? Let's take a brief look at it first and then listen to me."

Uchiha Senmon put his chin on the back of his hand, closed his eyes for a few minutes, then opened his eyes and said lazily:

"Ichimaru, play the video."


Assistant Ichimaru took out a USB flash drive, plugged it into the computer, and then operated it to project the screen to the big screen.

The video played was recorded by a black photographer on his cell phone.

The black photographer's live broadcast ended abruptly when the camera was sunk into the sea of ​​sand. Ordinary people watching the live broadcast would only think that the battle between angels ended after Jeanne defeated Seth.

Nothing is known about the Onmyoji Shion who appears later.

After friendly consultations with the United States, the Frankish government finally generously released the second half of the video and shared it with the allies.

After the video passed through Mi Fang's hands, it fell into the hands of the Japanese government. Sensing the urgency of the situation, this collective meeting of the Twelve Divine Generals was facilitated.

After watching the video played, everyone could not help but be stunned.

"Who is this woman named Ziyuan?"

Not only can he use yin and yang techniques such as transforming talismans into animals and using peach wood puppets to make avatars, he is even the mastermind behind the resurrection of Set, the god of storms.

Judging from her tone, she was still using the legendary Taishan Mansion Junji? !

Everyone was in disbelief.

"What is certain now is that Shion is not a modern transcendent."

Uchiha Xianmen said word by word:

"She may be a supernatural being from the other world, or an ancient supernatural being left over from the Heian era."

"Since Shion is an Onmyoji and knows the legendary Taishanfu Lord Festival, could it be that she is a descendant of Abe Seimei?" Someone suddenly had an idea and said.

Others also showed expressions of deep understanding.

"That's unknown."

Uchiha Xianmen shook his head and chuckled:

"But judging from the records of the Heian period, Abe Seimei did not have a daughter. The name Shion has no trace in history. There is reason to suspect that it is just a pseudonym."

The twelve gods were whispering to each other.

Shion's ability to easily annihilate an entire formation of armed helicopters is no less extraordinary than that of an S-class, and judging from her ease of doing so, I'm afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg.

And even the Taishan Fujun Festival, which is said to be able to bring the dead back to life, was born.

No wonder the superiors were so anxious that they summoned everyone to Tokyo.

"Quiet, quiet."

Uchiha Senmon knocked on the table with his index finger. Although the sound was not loud, it calmed down the discussion in the conference room in a moment.

"Everyone, the three-year period mentioned by Toad Sage Jiraiya-sama has arrived."

The Uchiha Sect looked calm, but the words he spoke were like thunder, exploding in everyone's ears:

"Although Onmyoji Shion's intentions are unclear and it is difficult to distinguish between friend and foe, we cannot rule out that she is as malicious to humans as the Akatsuki organization."

Shion wiped out a helicopter formation of the American army without blinking an eyelid, and resurrected a vicious god like Seth. It was hard to say that he had good intentions towards human beings.

"Everyone should have noticed what Shion said to Jeanne before leaving."

The Uchiha Immortal's eyes were deep and his voice was steady.

"She invited Jeana to come to Japan?"

Yuuki Mineko said tentatively.

The Uchiha Senmon nodded.

"Although I don't know what Ziyuan wants to do, there is no doubt that her next target is Japan. And it also involves the legendary Taishan Prefecture Jun Festival..."

The eyes of the Uchiha Sect were directed at the other twelve generals, one by one, with unimaginable majesty deep in their eyes.

"Japan will undoubtedly be the center of the storm, which is why the above has summoned you from all over the country."

Suddenly, the twelve god generals had different expressions.

"The mission assigned to the Supernatural Police Department by the Prime Minister's Office is to strictly guard against this onmyoji of unknown origin causing trouble in Japan. Dig out the whereabouts of Shion from Japan as soon as possible."

There was also the second half of the sentence that Uchiha Senmen did not say.

The cabinet also requested that every effort should be made to wrest the onmyoji of Taishan Fujunji from Ziyuan as soon as possible, whether by robbing or negotiating.

There is great terror between life and death. Even if there is even a slight possibility, some people will fight for the hope of resurrection from the dead and immortality at all costs, let alone the Taishan Fujun Festival that has been proven to exist.

"Please note that we are not directly confronting Shion."

Uchiha Immortal Sect said:

"But in order to prevent the worst case scenario, we still need to prepare early. In addition to strengthening the team combat capabilities among the twelve generals, I will conduct special training for everyone."

The cabinet estimates that only by clenching the twelve gods into fists and attacking together can they have a greater chance of winning against a shadow-level powerhouse.

So gather the twelve generals and use good steel on the blade. The Supernatural Police Department will use it at this time.

This coincides with the plan of the Uchiha Sect.

Whether it is to seize the secret of Taishan Fujunji, or to use the Sharingan to hypnotize the other twelve generals into their own string puppets, it can all be achieved together.

Therefore, he himself used his power as a minister to try his best to promote this matter.

"But, can we really compete with her?" Someone said unconfidently.

After all, Ziyuan is suspected to be a shadow-level expert.

Although he has not directly fought against a shadow-level powerhouse, the recorded power of a shadow-level powerhouse turning his hands into clouds and rain still makes everyone feel guilty.

Even the Uchiha minister, who is known as the most extraordinary person on earth, is far from a Kage-level powerhouse.

At this moment, an overwhelmingly powerful aura swept out of the Uchiha Immortal Sect, making the twelve generals tremble with fear and almost crawling to the ground.

this! ?

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"do not be afraid."

Uchiha Xianmen stretched out a hand and spoke with strong confidence:

"No matter what happens, as long as you are with me, we will have no rivals." (End of Chapter)

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