I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 395 Chapter 396 Last on the heavenly list, second on the human list

University of Tokyo.

As school was about to end, Naruto Uchiha was spinning his pen with his right hand in boredom. He accidentally saw his deskmate, Jumonji Hayato, with a gnashing face, eyes spitting fire, and his fingers flying up and down on his iPhone, almost causing sparks.

"You said that Jeanne is stronger than the Uchiha Minister because she can fly? What's so great about flying! Can't the Black Angel Yamashita Che also fly? He should stay away from the sharp edge in front of the Uchiha Minister."

Uchiha Naruto glanced over, saw the familiar simple page, and suddenly realized.

"It's July, and the MU forum's extraordinary combat power rankings have been updated again."

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Naru also took out his mobile phone and logged into a supernatural forum with ease.

After the advent of the extraordinary era, although Japan opened official forums to popularize mysteries, common sense and extraordinary figures, due to distrust of the Japanese government, various folk supernatural forums still popped up like mushrooms after the rain.

After several years of competition, the famous Japanese occult magazine "MU" relied on the reader base accumulated from its previous deep involvement in the supernatural field, and invited people who have experienced extraordinary events such as Katori Amami and Tulio Hirota to register on the forum, and it became the world's leading occult magazine. Japan's largest traffic and most 'authoritative' paranormal forum.

According to the self-proclaimed caliber of MU Forum, there are no less than 10 million daily active users at home and abroad.

However, the actual amount of water is unknown. I am afraid that there will only be so much traffic when extraordinary events occur and the extraordinary combat power rankings are rearranged at the beginning of each month.

Guan Gong's battle with Qin Qiong, King Arthur's battle with Sasaki Kojiro, has always been something that people all over the world love to see.

People from all over the world who are full of energy and have a fondness for dragons have already ranked the combat power rankings for the extraordinary beings and gods as early as the first year of the extraordinary.

"Tsk, no matter how many times I read this page, it still hurts my eyes."

The speed of Japan's network upgrading is not even comparable to reality. The MU forum seems to be a product of more than ten years ago, extremely crude and crude.

Uchiha Ming shook his head, and then jumped to the main page of the forum.

The most conspicuous places on the main page are [Heaven List] and [People List] at the top.

"Has the Heaven List changed?"

As the name suggests, the Heavenly Ranking is a ranking list for the extraordinary in the heaven, also known as the Godly Ranking. It is a ranking for the powerful gods and demons who are beyond the extraordinary of humans on earth.

The Human Ranking, whose full name is the Earth Human Ranking, is an extraordinary ranking for the new generation of humans from the Supernatural Police Department and the Eagle Organization.

After the Jedi Tentong, Uchiha Naru did not pick up the vest of a new shadow-level powerhouse, so the top ranking was fixed in the first year.

Now there is a red mark, indicating a change, which makes Uchiha Ming feel a little fresh.

Under the Top 0 Lord Taishan, the number one on the list is the masked man A Fei.

1. Ah Fei (Akatsuki Organization).

2. Princess Kaguya.

3. Jiraiya the Toad Sage (Mt. Miaomu).

4. Itachi (Akatsuki Organization).

5. Horai Miko.

6. Yamata no Orochi (seven songs).

You can see a lot of interesting things from this list.

The Japanese government keeps saying that all the truth will be disclosed to the people, but the vests such as Konohana Kaiyahime and Orochimaru, which have been disclosed to the Japanese government but not exposed to the public, are hidden on the sky list.

The world doesn't even know these people exist.

The Japanese government talks better than it sings, and has been deliberately concealing part of the truth.

Uchiha groaned and slid down the screen indifferently.

The ranking on the Tianbang has not changed, but a new one has been added at the end.

Set, the god of deserts and storms.

Uchiha Naru's expression was subtle. When he turned to the comment section, it turned out that they were really quarreling.

"Set is one of the Nine Pillars of Ancient Egypt and a powerful enemy of Horus. How could he be the last one on the heavenly list?"

"Who told him that his record was so impressive that he was beaten to pieces by a Frankish woman?"

The second half of the video shot by a black photographer is currently only circulated in a small circle. For ordinary people who have only watched the live broadcast, Seth's end was that he was beaten to pieces by Jeanne.

"Set's power must not be so weak. It must be because he has just been resurrected and his divine power has not yet been restored, so Jeanne took advantage of it!"

"I also think so. Seth's true strength is at least ranked among the top three on the Heavenly Ranking."

[The strongest name of Uchiha is truth]: "Hmph, the gravel in the Seth area is not even close to the Uchiha."

Under the comments of this ID, there are a series of follow-up comments.

"Worship the Great God! The Great God is right!"

"Unfortunately, you are another fan of the Uchiha Celestial Sect. Can you please get out of the MU forum?"

"Excuse me, sir, is your Uchiha Minister's signature genuine? How much would it cost to sell it?"

Well, Uchiha Naru's face looked a little strange, and he couldn't help but glance at Jumonji Hayato, who was busy writing and typing on the keyboard.

This user named "The Strongest Uchiha is Real" is considered a god-level figure in the MU forum and has posted the autograph of the Uchiha Minister.

After verification by other big shots, it was found to be an authentic work, which caused a sensation.

After all, the Uchiha sect rarely signs autographs for other people.

Uchiha Naruto was naturally familiar with that 'autograph', it was a fake that he copied to Jumonji using his Sharingan.

"How can Jeanne be stronger than Minister Uchiha? You must be a Chichichitan, a charming girl, and a foreign slave!"

Jumonji Hayato didn't realize it, and he was red-faced arguing with people on the Internet.

Uchiha Naruto raised his eyebrows and clicked on the website of the list of people.

The Human Ranking is not like the Heavenly Ranking. It remains unchanged for several years. The forum will re-draw the ranking based on the extraordinary person's activity, performance in the secret realm and forum voting.

The recent Angel War in Derna City is naturally the most popular topic on the forum.

The top of the list is still the 'Blue Dragon' Uchiha Sect.

The second one suddenly transformed into the 'Angel' Jeanne.

You must know that although Jeanne was very popular before, she was only known around the world for her healing skills. She was not impressive, and her combat power was not favored. She has always been ranked outside the top ten of the list.

Then the following rankings are:

3. ‘Asakusa Host’ Kambara Yuji (Twelve Divine Generals)

4. ‘Black Angel’ Che Yamashita (Eagle Organization).

5. ‘Kazekage’ Tsukimi Riinaba (Eagle Organization).

6. ‘Suzaku’ Yuki Mineko (Twelve Divine Generals).

7. ‘Monster’ Tosu Hero (Twelve Divine Generals).

Uchiha Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This is not so much a ranking of combat power as it is a ranking of popularity.

Tianbang is a little more objective.

However, this is also inevitable caused by the information gap.

Even though imaginative forum users discuss the combat power of extraordinary beings, making long arguments, quoting scriptures, and theories, there will inevitably be great deviations.

Naruto Uchiha is a diver who has been a member of the divers for thousands of years. When he was in the water forum, he basically said nothing.

Having said that, some netizens on the forum made empty remarks and made up the facts, which actually gave Uchiha Ming a lot of inspiration.

This is one of the reasons why he sticks to the water forum.

"Phew, I finally saved the honor of Minister Uchiha. I see how those bastards still boasted after being banned." Jumonji Hayato wiped the sweat off his head, feeling proud.

Uchiha Ming couldn't help but twitch his lips when he saw this.

[Uchiha's strongest name is truth] The debate with other forum users was pushed to the home page.

Because of Jeana's combat performance after becoming an angel, her ranking on the Heavenly Ranking suddenly rose to the top, and even shook her position as the number one in the Uchiha Sect Ranking.

Some people even suspect that Jeanna's strength has surpassed that of the Uchiha Sect.

Jeanne is the most extraordinary person on earth!

Jumonji Hayato, who was a big fan of the Uchiha Sect, of course refused to agree. The boys with the support group started yelling at Jeana's fans, causing a huge quarrel.

In the end, the administrator was forced to come forward and ban them all.

"Jumonji, your account has also been blocked. This is not about hurting the enemy a thousand, but hurting yourself eight hundred."

"Oh, don't be afraid. The MU Forum has investment from my family. As long as I make a call, it will be unblocked immediately."

Naruto Uchiha shrugged.

Well, being rich and powerful means being willful.

"By the way, the first semester is coming to an end soon. Uchiha, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?" Jumonji Hayato suddenly asked.

Japanese universities usually start school in early April and have holidays in early July, giving them about two months of summer vacation.

It's already early July, and the first semester will be over in just another week or so.

"I should be fine. Why are you asking?"

Uchiha Ming pondered for a moment and asked casually.

Uchiha Naru naturally had something to do during the summer vacation.

For example, supervising the repair and construction work of Uchiha ruins, and the four corpse vein experimental subjects that Jeanna rescued are also very interesting...

The most important thing is to promote the layout of the big barrier.

The large barrier laid in Kobe has been completed, so you can choose the next city with ley lines.

For example, Kyoto is a thousand-year-old city not far from Kobe.

"Uchiha, can you let me visit your home when Minister Uchiha is at home?"

Jumonji Hayato rubbed his hands, licked his face and said with a flattering look:

"I really want to see Minister Uchiha in person. If he could talk to me, how happy it would be..."

Uchiha Ming showed his disgust without any concealment.

There is no cure for brain-dead powder.

"Don't think about it. Xianmen and I have only met two or three times this year. He will definitely not go home during the summer vacation."

There was something vaguely strange in Uchiha Ming's eyes.

The Uchiha sect pursuing the Taishan Prefecture Lord Festival does not have this time.

"Mr. Uchiha is working so hard and is so great!"

Jumonji Hayato was disappointed at first, and then moved with a face filled with emotion. He choked with sobs in a tone similar to an aria:

"He has so many things to do, he can't even take care of his family! It's because of Minister Uchiha's sacrifice that Japan can live a peaceful and peaceful life, but those red deer on the forum dare to slander and belittle him! Can he still be considered a Japanese?"

Uchiha Ming twitched the corner of his mouth and was speechless.

After school, Uchiha Ming went to the Kyudo Club's dojo step by step.



After calming down his mind through archery as usual, Uchiha Ming retracted his body and lowered his bow.


"Uchiha, seeing that you are in such good condition makes me relieved."

Takigawa 7th Dan came over with a smile and said.

"Takikawa-sensei came here because of the Tokyo Student Kyudo League?"

Naruto Uchiha asked calmly.

Of course he remembered that he promised Takigawa 7th Dan to participate in the East-West Individual Competition of the National College Student Archery Competition.

Calculating the time, it's almost time to arrive.

"Yes, the date for the selection competition has been set, it's July 14th."

Takigawa 7th Dan nodded and said:

"The location is the same as last year, in Yawata City, Kyoto."

"Teacher, do you mean Kyoto?"

When Uchiha Ming heard this, he blinked his eyes and couldn't help but reveal some confusion.

"Why is the Tokyo Student Kyudo Federation selection held in Kyoto?"

"It is indeed strange, but it is a new rule that has only appeared in the past three years. Now all regional trials must be held at Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine in Hachiman City, Kyoto."

Takigawa seventh-dan grabbed his fluffy curly hair and said helplessly:

"Uchiha, you see, after all, this is an extraordinary era, and we must pray for the blessings of gods and Buddhas for everything. Maybe the old men above think so. After all, Hachiman Daimyojin is the god of bows and arrows, and he is said to be the protector of our kyudo movement. God is not to blame either."

Hachiman Daimyojin has been widely worshiped by samurai as the god of bows and arrows since ancient times.

Starting from the time of Emperor Kinmei, Hachimankami was regarded as the incarnation of Emperor Ogami. Since the Heian period, Hachiman God has been influenced by the idea of ​​combining gods and Buddhas, and has become the protector of Buddhism, earning the title of Hachiman Bodhisattva.

Hachiman God is the ancestral god of the Japanese emperor, so the Genji samurai who originated from the royal family also regard Hachiman God as their clan god. In the Kamakura period, due to Minamoto Yoritomo's appointment as shogun and the establishment of the Kamakura shogunate, Hachiman God also evolved into a god of martial arts and the patron saint of the samurai family.

Preliminary rounds are held at Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

The finals will be held at Ise Jingu Shrine.

This National College Kyudo Conference will really keep pace with the times, pray for the blessings of gods and Buddhas, and create a sense of ceremony.

Uchiha Naru had a look of interest on her face.

"And the sacred pattern of Hachiman Daibosatsu Shrine is a black samba pattern similar to the Sharingan. It's really a coincidence."

"Of course, the school will cover all the accommodation, food and transportation to Kyoto. Although it's just a small amount of money for young masters like you."

Takikawa 7th Dan was afraid that Uchiha Ming would back off when he heard that he was going to Kyoto, so he quickly said:

"Our Tokyo Student Kyudo Federation has a good schedule. After the competition is over, there will still be enough time to participate in the Gion Festival, one of Japan's three major festivals."

"Is it the Gion Festival hosted by Yasaka Shrine?"

Naruto Uchiha suddenly asked.

"Well, what's wrong?"

The other name of the bull-headed king enshrined in Yasaka Shrine is Susanoo.

And if Uchiha Naru remembers correctly, one of the sacred patterns of Yasaka Shrine is also the same black Sanba pattern as that of Hachiman Shrine.

"It's really interesting."

Uchiha Ming's face showed an eagerness to try, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

"There is a lot to do in this trip to Kyoto."

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