I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 396 Chapter 397 Pingjiangmen (repair)

Kyoto, Hachiman City, Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

In the early Heian period, the shrine was moved from Usa Hachiman Shrine to Otokoyama Peak in Yawata City because Hachiman no Ogami appeared and told him that he hoped to protect Kyoto nearby. It has a history of 1,100 years.

Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine and Ise Jingu Shrine are the two major ancestral temples of the Japanese imperial family.

"Now, I would like to invite Master Saito 9th Dan to perform the shooting ceremony."

More than a dozen teams from the Tokyo Student Kyudo League who came here from the Tokyo expedition gathered together to compete for the sole right to compete in the team competition throne battle.

Uchiha Naru, who was wearing a white upper and black hakama suit, stayed in the queue at the University of Tokyo, looking ahead with interest.

In front of a huge target, there were sacrifices such as sea bream, melons, and fruits dedicated to Yawata Daimyojin, the god of bows and arrows. A middle-aged man dressed as a priest was holding a piece of prayer paper in his hand, as if chanting a sutra. Singing in a strange tone:

"Recalling the past, the so-called treasure bow blessed by the divine power of the Great God Hachiman, the virtue of determination and wisdom, the ability to eliminate thieves on the road, destroy the demons of life and death, and the power to exorcise all demons, must be this god. Now in this dojo, I respectfully invite Hachiman The Great Ming God bless you..."

After the priest finished reciting, he slowly stepped back and handed the stage to an old man wearing a pure black kimono, his temples stained with frost.

The trembling old man was sitting on the ground, putting his bow and arrow aside, taking off his half sleeve, exposing his left shoulder.

Then he straightened his back, and in an almost textbook standard shooting posture, he drew his bow and pointed the string at the target thirty meters away.

On the one-meter-diameter black-and-white target, there is a football-sized word "ghost" in red.

"call out."

The ninth-dan warrior shot out an arrow, piercing the ghost characters on the target beautifully.


Compared to the reserved teams below, the crowd watching in front of Hachimangu Shrine did not hesitate to applaud and cheer loudly.


Uchiha screamed.

It's not that I look down on the old man's shooting skills. After all, he can still maintain such accuracy at such an old age, which can be said to be getting stronger with age.

I just feel that this shooting ceremony is superfluous.

There are many kinds of bow and arrow rituals in Japan. For example, after a newborn is born, wealthy families will hold a string-singing ceremony and ask a bow master to sound the string to ward off evil spirits; there are also the shooting ceremony before the festival, the shooting ceremony of the first month, bow gambling, and the Dragon Boat Festival. The horse archery, a preliminary ceremony of bow and horse performed in October, is used to ward off evil spirits.

Although the meaning is excellent, the small regional selection competition and the special trip to Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine to hold a shooting ceremony are a bit overwhelming.

Uchiha Ming thought carelessly, without any awareness of the initiator.

Four years before Reiwa, even the most ceremonial sport of kyudo would not pray for the protection of gods with as much fanfare as it does today.

Under Uchiha Ming's pretentious deception, the whole of Japan reversed course in the direction of feudal superstition.

There is a god in the extraordinary age, it is no longer just an empty talk.

All walks of life will feel uneasy if they don't dance before a grand event.

Of course, Naruto Uchiha, who possesses extraordinary power, is the one who least believes in God.

The gods and Buddhas all over the sky were used as vests by Uchiha Ming unscrupulously, and no divine punishment was seen.

"But it's rare to see a ghost word on a target."

Uchiha Ming suddenly thought:

"Still in Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine, could this 'ghost' be an allusion to Heishōmon?"

Taira Shomon is one of the four most grudges in Japan. There are many generals who rebelled in Japan, but they all used the slogan of respecting the emperor and punishing traitors. If they fail, they will naturally die and the family will be destroyed. After the success, they will just ignore the emperor, or exile the emperor and establish a new emperor. , never dare to replace it.

Taira Shomon is the only one who really plans to kill Heian Kyo, seize the emperor's throne, and enjoy himself.

Although the Taira Shomon Rebellion was put down in less than a year, he was so arrogant during the period that he once defeated the officers and soldiers and directed his troops to Kyoto, which shocked the Yamato court.

The imperial court sent people to pay homage to Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine to pray for victory. Afterwards, the officers and soldiers defeated the rebels with divine help, and Taira Shomon himself was killed on the battlefield.

The incense of Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine also became very popular.

Hachiman Daimyojin is regarded as the incarnation of Emperor Ojin and the ancestral god of the Japanese royal family.

At the same time, as the god of samurai and bows and arrows, Hachimangu Shrine is like the Guandi Temple on the mainland, which has blossomed all over Japan. Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine is close to Kyoto and has been often visited by emperors and emperors in history, so it has been ranked second only to Ise Jingu Shrine. The status of the royal ancestral temple.

"The word ghost on the target may have another meaning. From the Feng Shui of Yin and Yang Dao, Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine is also the location of the ghost gate that guards Heian Kyoli..."

Uchiha Ming's mind wandered and he recalled the occult knowledge he knew.

"Okay, the shooting ceremony is officially over. The Tokyo Kyudo Federation men's team competition will be held next. All universities are requested to enter the venue in an orderly manner."

Oh, here we go.

Uchiha Naru casually carried the bow bag and followed the tail of the University of Tokyo team towards the competition venue.

"It's so easy. Is this the freedom of a king? Uchiha."

Just then, a handsome guy with glasses and a sunny temperament appeared.

He has bright eyebrows, extraordinary martial prowess, and his facial features are similar to those of Takuya Kimura in his youth. In terms of appearance alone, he is only half a point inferior to Naruto Uchiha.

"Even if Tokyo has six qualifying places in the East-West Tournament, even if you are the champion of the high school competition, things are different today. There are so many masters in the university, crouching tigers, hidden dragons. If you are so lax, be careful not to even finish sixth. Can’t get it!”

Uchiha Naru squinted at the handsome man with glasses, feeling baffled.

"I took revenge two years ago, and I will definitely repay you twice as much this time."

After saying this, the handsome guy with glasses turned around and left proudly.

No, who are you?

Don't act like you know me well.

Uchiha Ming was a little puzzled.

To people who don't care, Uchiha Naru is completely face-blind.

Until he arrived at the archery competition venue and thought about it for a while, Uchiha Naru still couldn't recall it.

After officially entering the competition venue, male and female college students wearing hakama suits and carrying bow bags can be seen everywhere.

It has to be said that hakama clothing has a great impact on the temperament of young men and women. They look energetic and heroic.

The first day was a team battle, and Uchiha Ming didn't have to compete. He walked into the audience and locked the target at a glance.

"A Ming, here, here!"

He saw a beautiful woman with long black hair, waving to him from a distance, and walked over with a lot of steps.

Matsudaira Chiyo has delicate light makeup on her face. She is wearing a burgundy mid-length skirt today. She has a beautiful figure. As she moves, her slender white calves are looming.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Some male viewers were attracted by Chiyo Matsudaira's appearance and glared at Uchiha Naruto.

The other women cast envious glances at Matsudaira Chiyo.

"Aming, you look so handsome in the kyudo hakama suit."

Chiyo Matsudaira held her pretty red face with her hands, but there was a hint of aggression in her eyes as she kept looking at Uchiha Naru.

"There's no need to fly all the way here."

Uchiha Ming tugged on his clothes indifferently, took a look, and said:

"If you want to see me wearing a hakama suit, I can change it for you at any time."

"I'm not like A Ming, who likes to play cosplay at home. It's more interesting to watch it live."

Matsudaira Chiyo said with a smile:

"And after the game, I also want to go to the Gion Festival in Kyoto with you."

"Chiyo, you are very lucky. This year's Gion Festival will probably be much more exciting than previous years."

A strange color flashed in Uchiha Ming's eyes, and he said meaningfully.

"Really? I'm looking forward to it very much."

Next, the two of them sat in the audience, ready to enjoy the next team battle.

"The first shooting range, Sakura Merrill Lynch University..."

The announcer's loud voice came from the radio:

"Sakura Meirin University Daimae, second-year student Takada Yu..."

Following the announcer's orderly voice, five team members from each university walked onto the playing field in an orderly manner, carrying bows and bows.

"A Ming, do you really don't need to play? Your strength is unmatched by anyone in the Dongda Archery Club."

"Although the archery team battle is not so focused on teamwork, it still requires a certain amount of tacit understanding."

Uchiha Naru looked calmly at Ohmae who was forming his body below, with a bit of pride:

"I'm not from the same dimension as them."

The level of the Tokyo University Kyudo Club is too low. Even if Uchiha Naru hits the target, it won't be able to lead them to the qualifying round, so why waste their efforts.

"A Ming, what does the 'ghost' affixed to the target during the shooting ceremony mean?"

Matsudaira Chiyo lightly asked a question.

In front of Matsudaira Chiyo, Uchiha Ming couldn't tell the rumors about Taira Shomon and Satoshimon that he speculated.

"It should be to use bows and arrows to drive away evil spirits and pray for good luck." Uchiha Ming said quietly.

“The Chinese character ghost can be broken down into ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘厶’ (无), which means there is no winner or loser in the archery competition.”

Yamato Nadeshiko, who had beautiful long hair like crow feathers, sat next to Matsudaira Chiyo and smiled slightly:

"You don't mind if I sit here. Minister Matsudaira, and Uchiha."

Naruto Uchiha and Chiyo Matsudaira looked at each other, both a little surprised.

He is the head of the Kyudo Club of Jinguji High School.

Call, call Ba...

Uchiha Ming racked his brains and thought hard.

"What a coincidence, Bashi-san."

Matsudaira Chiyo smiled and directly called her by her last name.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"I didn't expect that Minister Matsudaira would still remember me. I'm really flattered."

Bashi Saki smiled politely.

"Classmate Bashi is also a student of Jinguji Temple, so I will certainly remember it."

Although they reunited with the head of the archery club in high school after a long separation, Uchiha Naru and Yashiki Saki only met once. With Uchiha Naru's indifferent personality, there was naturally nothing to talk about.

On the other hand, Yashisaki and Matsudaira Chiyo, recalling their time at Jinguji High School, they immediately became very familiar with each other, chatting and laughing, and those who didn't know better thought they were good sisters.

"Matsudaira and Uchiha transferred from Jinguji High School one after another, causing a huge sensation and becoming the two major mysteries of Jinguji High School."

Uchiha Naruto glanced at Matsudaira Chiyo. There was no strange expression on her face, and she gave him a bright smile in return.

A beautiful weirdo like Matsudaira Chiyo must be very famous in Jinguji High School.

Naruto Uchiha is a low-key person, but his surname "Uchiha" will definitely become famous after he becomes the head of the Supernatural Police Department of the Uchiha Senmen.

The surname Uchiha is very rare in Japan, so students will definitely be able to relate to it.

Sure enough, Yashiki looked at Uchiha Naruto in an increasingly weird way, as if he was looking at some exotic animal.

"Uchiha-kun, may I ask, what is your relationship with Director Uchiha of the Supernatural Police Department?" Yashiki asked hesitantly, unable to restrain his curiosity.

"It's my father."

Bashi Saki covered her lips, and a look that was indeed the case flashed in her eyes.

Uchiha Ming had seen this kind of reaction many times and didn't take it seriously.

Bashi-senpai was the head of the Kyudo club in high school, and her skills were pretty good. She would definitely join the Kyudo club after going to college, so her appearance here should not be a coincidence, but she came to participate in the women's group trials.


Uchiha Naruto narrowed his eyes.

Although men's and women's hakama clothes are slightly different, it can be seen that the style of Bashi-senpai is from the same university as the inexplicable handsome guy with glasses before.

"Senior Baise..."

"Now that we are no longer in the same university, Uchiha-kun doesn't need to use his honorific title."

Uchiha Naru had always been dissatisfied with the Japanese system of honorific titles for seniority. Since Yashiki Saki didn't mind, he simply called him by his last name.

"Bashi, your Meiji University has a contestant in the men's category..."

Uchiha Ming briefly described the characteristics of the handsome guy with glasses and asked:

"Who is he? Why does he look like he has an unfinished grudge with me?"

"Fujiwara-senpai is the runner-up in the Kyudo High School National Competition in Reiwa five years ago."

A look of understanding appeared on Uchiha Ming's face.

Oh, it turns out he was defeated.

"Uchiha, do you really not remember him?"

A flash of narrow-mindedness flashed in Bashisaki's eyes, and he said:

"Fujiwara, the 'Prince of Kyudo', and you, 'The Prince of Kyudo', are collectively known as the East and West."

"Your Highness Kyudo...poof..."

Chiyo Matsudaira couldn't help but laugh. She buried her pretty face in her hands, turned her head and laughed secretly.


Uchiha Ming's face turned dark.

What kind of kyudo nobleman and kyudo prince are you, who also possess both the east and west swords? Can you Japanese stop being such a fool! ?

Which reporter earned such a nickname that is almost tantamount to black history?

Believe it or not, let me let you understand that the power of the head of the Supernatural Police Department is unlimited!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Takizawa has something urgent to do with me."

Uchiha took out his cell phone, took a look at it, apologized to Matsudaira Chiyo and Yashiki Saki, and stood up.

A few minutes later.

"The next match is the men's team battle between the University of Tokyo and Meiji University."

The voice of the radio was cadenced:

"Daimae, University of Tokyo, third-year student Takeuchi Ryunosuke."

"Graduate from the University of Tokyo,..."


"The University of Tokyo has settled in, first-year Uchiha Naruto."

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