I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 397 Chapter 398 The Big Devil

"Meiji University is a famous Kyudo school. Last year, it won the right to compete in the Tokyo Metropolitan League and achieved third place in the throne battle."

"Those question writers at Dongda University are really unlucky."

Even so, there was a sense of schadenfreude in his words.

Kyudo is a more niche aristocratic sport than kendo and requires considerable financial support. Therefore, most of the kyudo players come from well-off families, and the best kyudo schools are often prestigious private schools.

The college students present can be said to be the pride of heaven, but facing the high mountain of Dongda, they can't help but feel ashamed, and then share the same hatred with the enemy.

Even if the deviation value is not comparable, you can still breathe a sigh of relief after beating Todai to a pulp on the archery.

"The University of Tokyo has settled in, first-year Uchiha Naruto."

When the announcement announcing the entrance announced Uchiha Naruto, whispers first came from the audience, and then there was a lot of discussion.

"What does the coach of Dongda think about letting the first-year chicks take the position?"

"No one from Dongda comes here."

The top, second, middle, bottom, and bottom are the order names of the five-person kyudo team battle system.

The most important ones are power forward and positioning.

The big shot is the first arrow. Whether it hits or not has an important impact on the morale of the team. It needs to be capable of making teammates feel at ease. When it comes to positioning, it must have the strength to withstand the increasing pressure from below and shoot the final blow that determines the victory.

These two positions are usually held by the chief general and deputy general who have the most superb shooting skills.

"Wait, Uchiha? It has the same surname as the director of the Supernatural Police Department. Did I hear it correctly? Or is it a homophone?"

"No, no, no, look at the name announced on the LED screen, it's Uchiha!"

"Young people are ignorant. Minister Uchiha's son is a kyudo player."

The audience was in an uproar, and one after another stood up.

Nowadays, no one cares about such a trivial matter as appointing a first grader. As the head of the Supernatural Police Department and the head of the Twelve Divine Generals, Uchiha Senmon is a big shot that everyone knows. His reputation is so great that he is a household name. Not enough to describe it.

Now that I heard that Minister Uchiha's son was in the arena, everyone swarmed to the railing with curiosity, stretched their necks and looked down.

The participating teams from the University of Tokyo and Meiji University are entering the venue in an orderly manner.

The first forward of both teams steps out with his left foot and enters the room facing the target. Then he retracts his right foot towards the upper seat, stands still, and salutes. After standing up, continue to step forward with your left foot first.

The shooter after the second one takes the first step into the field after the shooter in front has finished saluting.

I saw Dong Da sitting down, a young man wearing a white upper and black hakama suit, standing with a bow in one hand, with a slender figure and a cold temperament.

The facial features under the camera are clear-cut, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and they are extraordinary, but it is a pity that his expression is too cold.

"Huh, he's so handsome."

"Iceberg flower boy, I like this one."

Some female college students and female spectators already had little stars in their eyes.

"Damn it, I lost."

"He's just a pretty boy. The archery competition is not a beauty pageant. Prepare to be embarrassed." Someone said sourly.

"Oh, the noble master of archery is very powerful."

A middle-aged reporter with a camera hanging around his neck and a small notebook in his hand writing and drawing sneered:

"Uchiha is the champion of Reiwa's four-year high school national archery competition."

"Champion, why haven't I heard of it?"

When the middle-aged reporter heard this, a strange look flashed across his face.

Uchiha Naru's activity on the archery was like a shooting star, fleeting. Sports reporters back then were holding back their energy and just thinking about the big news, when they were interviewed by the Supernatural Police Department, and most of the traces were erased from the Internet.

As a result, Uchiha Naruto's reputation was not well known, and not many people knew about him even in the small circle of archery.

Uchiha Naru himself turned a deaf ear to the commotion he had caused.

The head of Todai's Kyudo Department had his right thumb injured in a previous accident, but he kept holding on and pretended that nothing happened until he was discovered by Takizawa Seventh Dan in the morning.

The substitute player was also unable to play because of stage fright and weak hands and feet.

Takizawa 7th Dan could only ask for Uchiha Naru's head.

Naruto Uchiha didn't care.

The Todai Kyudo Club ranks last in the Tokyo Metropolitan Alliance First Army.

In the format of the Throne Trials, even he couldn't drag the team out, unless Hachiman Daimyojin showed up and gave others the blessing of the God of Bows and Arrows.

It's just a tour.

It doesn't take much time.

Suddenly, Uchiha Ming felt a burning gaze staring at him from within the Meiji University team.

"It's yesterday's glasses."

Naruto Uchiha disagreed.

Although Prince Kyudo regarded himself as a powerful enemy, to him, he was just a pebble on the roadside.

If the energy is brought to ordinary people, even the shadow clone technique will not be able to do it.

From the beginning to the end, Uchiha Naru's kyudo was never based on other people.

If there is any target, it is only the arrow of Indra.

"Starting now, the first round of competition between the University of Tokyo and Meiji University, please prepare for the players from both sides."

The two teams, with a total of ten people, lined up in a line and faced the ten targets in front of them.

The first shooter will get up first. After fixing the position and shooting posture, the second shooter will stand up. The shooters after him will stand up after the previous shooter completes his stance. Strictly observe the order and wait until he hears the sound of the previous shooter's string. After that, the bow can be raised and the bow ready state can be entered.

Being on the same shooting range, the morale, performance and momentum of one team will also suppress the other team.

If the ability to withstand pressure is too poor, you will not be able to exert even 20% to 30% of your strength.


Following the referee's order, the front players of Dongda University and Mingda University began to step on their feet, form their bodies, and raise their bows.



The two arrows shot through the air and hit their respective targets.



There are many rules in kyudo, not only for the shooter, but also for the audience. When responding, you can only give "good" cheers and applause.

And applause is only allowed if the target hits the target.

Although both teams' first arrows hit the target, Todai missed the target one after another, and Meiji University hit all the shots from second to third.

The strength of the powerful Kyudo school is gradually revealed.

"Hiss, four shots in four directions, is this the strength of the Tokyo Kyudo League king?" A college student marveled.

The team battle uses a long-range target with a range of 60 meters and a diameter of 1 meter. It is not easy for even a veteran who has been involved in archery for several years to hit the target.

"Meiji University is in great shape! With this momentum, it can break the Tokyo Metropolitan League selection record."

"It's time to get admitted to Meiji University. Hey, the admission to Meiji University is also a first year?"

"He is still a famous person, Prince of Kyudo Fujiwara Masaki."

The bespectacled man Fujiwara Masaki has a determined gaze and skillfully and elegantly raises his long bow. The eight shooting techniques performed in one go are flawless no matter from any angle, and are a pleasure to watch.


The whistling arrow came out of his hand and hit the bullseye beautifully.


"Bah bang bang!"

Loud cheers and fierce applause immediately echoed in the audience.

Fujiwara Masaki calmly put away his heart and glanced in the direction of the Dongda team, without concealing the burning fighting spirit in his eyes.

How about it, Uchiha.

This is my strength!

"How handsome! I can do this little brother too."

Fujiwara Masaki's handsome appearance, with the addition of this arrow, exuded amazing charm, which made the girls in the stands shine, and they were ready to change their husbands or hug each other.

"It's Todai's Uchiha's turn. Meiji University made five out of five shots, and Todai made four out of four. It's a lot of pressure."

"The son of the famous first extraordinary Uchiha minister, doesn't he only have this little ability?"

Contestants and staff from other universities, friends and relatives, and the Kyoto audience were all talking to each other, all focusing their attention on Uchiha Naru.

"Junior Fujiwara's strength has improved again."

Bashiki nodded and smiled, listened to the noisy discussions around him, and then asked Chiyo Matsudaira, who was sitting firmly on Mount Taishan:

"Matsuhira, aren't you worried that Uchiha-kun will lose?"

"A Ming will never lose."

Matsudaira Chiyo smiled lightly, leaned forward slightly, his eyes showed anticipation, and said:

"He's the most itchy when he's holding the bow. Don't be as fascinated as me."

No matter how noisy and noisy the stage was, Naruto Uchiha's temperament was still extremely cold, and he completed the shooting ceremony smoothly.

Uchiha Ming held a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand. His eyes were cold and sharp, looking straight at the target in the distance, as if he could penetrate everything.

The shooting posture is very beautiful.

The sports reporters on the stage nodded repeatedly and circled dots in their notebooks.

Just with this shooting posture, it is impossible for the arrow to miss.

Also, this indifferent temperament that does not change even when the mountain collapses before it coincides with the essence of archery.

Uchiha, the noble son of Kyudo, is at least a master on the same level as the Kyudo prince.

"This is?"

At this moment, the middle-aged reporter's pupils shrank.

When Naruto Uchiha's momentum reached its peak, the overwhelming courage swept out like an overwhelming force, making him hold his breath and unable to move his eyes away.


Before everyone had time to appreciate the light and sweet sound of the strings, like the sound of the wind, the next moment, an explosion shook the eardrums.


A thunderous arrow ripped through the air and penetrated the bullseye.

The arrow shaft was completely submerged, leaving only a section of black arrow feathers exposed.

What a power this is!

Although the audience may not be good at archery, after watching many games today, no one has ever been able to shoot such a sharp and decisive arrow.

In addition, the perfect shooting posture exudes a breathtaking sense of pressure, which is even more intoxicating.

The audience was silent for a moment, and their hearts were filled with shock. Some even held their breath.

Uchiha Ming finished his zanshin and slowly drew back his bow, his gaze so sharp that no one dared to look directly at it.

"Okay, okay!"

"Bah bang bang."

There was a roar of people and thunderous applause. The audience finally came to their senses and did not hesitate to cheer and applaud.

Overwhelming the whole audience, shocking everyone with his skills.

"I almost blew up the target. Fortunately I stopped in the end."

Uchiha Ming breathed out lightly. It was still a little difficult to suppress his power to such a low level.

"Competition... the game continues!"

Time seemed to freeze on the shooting range. After a while, the referee spoke to urge him.

To an expert, this arrow is incredibly overbearing.

In an instant, there was an indescribable numbness that surged from the depths of the body, all the way up the spine, and finally exploded on the top of the head, making the scalp numb.

Although the other contestants of the two shooting teams did not see Uchiha Naru's shooting style with their own eyes, the cheers and cheers from the audience that almost lifted the roof, and the arrows that penetrated deeply into the target, were still huge. Shocked them.

Under repeated urging from the referee, Meiji University's Ohmae finally regained his composure and took a shot.

Because of his mental disorder, the arrow failed unexpectedly.

Whenever it was Uchiha's turn to draw his bow and shoot an arrow, a landslide and tsunami would erupt on the scene. An almost substantial sense of oppression would weigh heavily on all the players, including Todai, and the atmosphere would be even more depressing to the extreme.


"Why is it so strong?"

Meiji University, a powerful and prestigious school that originally showed superb skills, frequently made low-level mistakes and almost missed every round.

However, Uchiha Naru, who had no sense of teamwork at all, crushed his teammates mercilessly with his terrifying momentum, causing the shooting competition on the field to develop in the direction of novices pecking each other.

"This kind of dominance on the field is simply like a devil."

The sports reporter was excitedly writing back and forth in his small notebook, and now his inspiration exploded.

Each of Uchiha Mingcai's stunning arrows made him so excited that goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Coupled with his status as the son of the Uchiha Director of the Supernatural Police Department, he is sure to write a breaking story!

"Now let's announce the results of the competition. In the first round of the University of Tokyo, two, one, zero, zero, five, eight out of twenty."

The voice on the radio sounded slightly hoarse.

"Meiji University's first round, one, one, one, two, four, nine out of twenty shots."

"Meiji University wins and goes to the second round."

Tokyo University was defeated by Meiji University by just one shot.

After all, team battles require teamwork. Even if Ming Uchiha hits five out of five shots, he cannot take off with the entire team.

This suited Uchiha Ming's wishes. He had no intention of continuing to participate in group battles.

As the winner, the Meiji University Kyudo Club was not happy, but disgraced and in despair.

"This kind of monster..."

This result was too bad for them to accept, and they were mentally tortured. Under the persecution of the Great Demon King Uchiha, they almost lost their confidence.

This is just a team battle. It is impossible to imagine how terrifying it would be in a direct confrontation in the individual competition.

By then, you might not even have the courage to hold a bow anymore.

But there are still people who have crossed this high wall.

"Uchiha, I will definitely not lose in tomorrow's individual competition."

Fujiwara Masaki's eyes under his glasses were burning with fighting spirit as he spoke word by word.

"Oh, let's do our best together."

Uchiha Ming looked calm and waved his hand.

"Yes, Kudo-kun." (End of chapter)

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