I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 399 Chapter 400 Sasuke in White

Kyoto, Higashiyama District, Gion.

The setting sun disappears into Aihong Mountain, and the indigo night falls.

Men and women wearing brightly colored yukatas can be seen traveling in pairs everywhere. Everyone is talking and laughing loudly, with high spirits and shining eyes.


Uchiha Naru, who was wearing a black yukata, looked indifferent, and walked side by side with the archery prince Fujiwara Masaki, who was wearing a plain white yukata.

Fujiwara Masaki's eyes flickered and he looked embarrassed.

In front of the two of them, Matsudaira Chiyo and Yashiki Saki, who were also wearing beautiful bathrobes, were talking and laughing in front of them, like a pair of best friends.

After the Tokyo Federation Archery Competition, Uchiha Naru and Matsudaira Chiyo stayed in Kyoto to visit the Gion Festival.

It’s summer vacation for Japanese universities, so there’s plenty of time.

The Gion Festival celebration lasted for a week. After a few days of sightseeing in Kyoto, Matsudaira Chiyo actually called out Yashiki and Fujiwara Masaki.

Matsudaira Chiyo exchanged contact information with Basaki in the previous competition.

A double date for four people.

The four handsome men and beauties were very eye-catching, but because of the male-female combination, others did not dare to strike up a conversation.

Fujiwara Masaki looked unnatural, because he had just said that he was looking forward to seeing each other at Ise Shrine, which must have impressed Uchiha Naru. As a result, they met again within a few days, which was inevitably a bit embarrassing.

Uchiha Ming didn't take it seriously.

He looked up and his eyes fell on the rows of lanterns in front of the store.

There are lanterns one after another in the streets and alleys, row upon row, with great brilliance. There are dazzling stalls along the road, such as takoyaki, okonomiyaki, marshmallows... The lights are continuous all the way to the streets.

The patterns on most of the lanterns are divine patterns composed of three magatama, almost becoming a sea of ​​'Sharingan'.

It's like entering a world line where Uchiha has captured Kyoto.

At this moment, someone among the tourists said in surprise:

"Why are there Akatsuki Sharingan patterns everywhere in the Gion Festival? The Misdemeanor Crimes Act prohibits propaganda and imitation of the Akatsuki Organization. Is it really okay to do this?"

Immediately, some Kyoto locals glared at the rude tourists.

"What do you know, country bumpkin? This is the sacred emblem of the Yasaka Shrine dedicated to Susano'o. The Gion Festival has been like this for thousands of years and has nothing to do with the Akatsuki organization."

During the reign of Emperor Seiwa of the Heian Period, Mount Fuji eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis occurred one after another, which was known as the "Shōkan Sanriku Earthquake" in history. Summer was a time of frequent epidemics. Because of the concentrated population and poor public facilities, epidemics were also rampant in the Heian capital at that time. People are panicked.

At this time of turmoil, the Yamato court hired an onmyoji to perform divination and believed that evil spirits were causing trouble. Therefore, they decided to plan a spiritual comfort meeting to pray for disaster relief and eliminate the plague.

This is the origin of the Gion Festival.

Because of the tradition of the harmony between gods and Buddhas in Japan, Susanoo and the Buddhist protector of Gion, Yakushi Tathagata, are one in the outside and inside. They are responsible for the power of curing diseases and eliminating disasters. The temple dedicated to Susano'o was called "Gionsha" at that time.

It was not until after the Meiji Restoration that the order to separate shrines from Buddhism was issued, and the name was changed to Yasaka Shrine.

"But, this is too similar, almost exactly the same."

"It's really ignorant. Not only Yasaka Shrine, but even the sacred patterns of Hachiman Shrine look like this. How can the Supernatural Police Department ban them all?"

The questioning tourists asked for trouble, slipped into the crowd and disappeared.


Naruto Uchiha was secretly amused.

"This kind of misunderstanding doesn't happen once or twice."

Seeing this little farce, Fujiwara Masaki shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"The Gion Festival of the Supernatural First Year was almost cancelled. Fortunately, the Supernatural Police Department was accommodating."

"Indeed, no coincidence can make a book."

Naruto Uchiha smiled slightly.

The samba pattern of the Sharingan was very popular during the Heian and Kamakura periods and was widely used in weapons, clothing, daily necessities, and tiles in buildings.

In addition to the Yasaka Shrine, Hachimangu Shrine, and Kengo Raijin, which use it as a divine crest, it is even used as a family crest by some nobles.

It is indeed difficult for the Japanese government to find clues about Uchiha from the Sanba pattern.

The Yasaka Shrine where Susano'o is enshrined, the Sanba Divine Mark is similar to the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan awakened 'Susanohu' after opening the Mangekyo Sharingan. In this case, there is something to write about. .

"What are you talking about?"

Matsudaira Chiyo and Basaki Saki stepped on wooden clogs and walked gracefully.

"I heard something about something supernatural."

"Boys are like this. Especially boys like them who practice kendo, archery and other martial arts. Who doesn't dream of becoming extraordinary."

After the arrival of the extraordinary era, the Japanese government vigorously promoted traditional martial arts such as judo, karate, sumo, kendo, and kyudo, seemingly to cultivate a reserve army of extraordinary people.

After all, there are extraordinary beings like the Horai Miko who use tradition and bows.

In today's high schools and universities, practicing a martial art is a very popular trend.


Matsudaira Chiyo and Yashiki Saki were playing target shooting in front of a stall.

"You hit the mark, little girl. This is the prize."

The stall owner handed the prize to Bashi Saki with a smile.

Although Matsudaira Chiyo was very serious, he still missed the shot.

"A Ming, I want that."

Matsudaira Chiyo tugged on Uchiha Naru's sleeves, pointed at the stuffed dog in the back, and said coquettishly.

Her bright red bathrobe was dotted with butterflies and auspicious clouds, and her long black hair was tied up with a peony hairpin, revealing the white back of her neck.

Uchiha Naru glanced at it, and saw that the ragdoll dog looked a bit like his family's ninja dog Tsunayoshi, and he couldn't help but feel interested.


Uchiha Ming took the toy gun and fired a rubber bullet at random, making the toy dog ​​stagger.

"It has to be beaten down."

The stall owner said without blinking an eyelid and expressionlessly.

Uchiha Naruto looked at Yashiki Saki: "Isn't it okay if my friend wins the prize?"

"Can a boy's strength compare with a girl's?" the stall owner rolled his eyes and said confidently.

Haha, you pretty boy, you still want to show off in front of such a beautiful girlfriend, do you really think I am an NPC that helps you gain favorability?

The stall owner, who has been single for forty years, sneered in his heart.

Is this a toy gun that can only fire soft rubber bullets, or a high-tech weapon loaded with a male and female identification system?

The stall owner made such strong words and treated men and women differently, which made Uchiha Ming very angry.

"Boss, one hundred yen for each bullet, right? Load it up for me."

Uchiha Naru slapped a picture of Fukuzawa Yukichi on the table.

You don’t want to do this business today.

"Uchiha, do you want to compete?"

Fujiwara Masaki's eyes lit up, fighting spirit rose in his body, and he took out his wallet.

"If you're interested."

Naruto Uchiha was noncommittal.

These hateful pretty boys are actually so rich, but the money belongs to me immediately.

Earning their money is doing justice to God!

The stall owner sneered, accepted the money, and pushed a box of rubber bullets in front of the two of them:

"Humph, come directly."

Ten minutes later, the stall owner was so regretful that his intestines were blue, and he had to kneel down and cry, "Show me your hand!"

The strength of the Tokyo Kyudo League's first and second place is not in vain. Before the bullets were used up, Uchiha Naru and Fujiwara Masaki swept away the prizes.

"I love you, A Ming."

Randomly distributing other prizes to the passing children, Matsudaira Chiyo held the doll dog in her arms, stood on tiptoes and rubbed Uchiha Naruto's cheek.

His bold and unrestrained style made both Fujiwara Masaki and Bashiki blush a little.

"Where should we go next?"

Matsudaira Chiyo asked with a smile.

"It's almost time to start. The Yamaboko parade is the most exciting part of the Gion Festival." Fujiwara Masaki, a native of Kyoto, said with renewed energy.

Yamaboko is a super large float of the Gion Festival, divided into two types: "yama" and "hobo".

The mountain cart has no roof, and the body of the cart is decorated with elaborate dolls; the top of the cart has a spear-like spear inserted into it, which is a weapon that can repel evil spirits and absorb plagues and disasters.

First there is the procession of a roller coaster, which represents the appearance of evil spirits and the spread of disease.

Then the statue of Susanoo set out from Yasaka Shrine sitting on a shrine, indicating that the god came to the world. Together with the carriage, he began to patrol to get rid of evil spirits and suppress evil spirits.

Humans and gods become one, and a grand celebration begins until it is finally confirmed that the evil spirits have dispersed, and the gods are sent home to Yasaka Shrine.

A few people were getting ready to set off. Matsudaira Chiyo and Yasaki whispered and went to the toilet together.

Naruto Uchiha and Masaki Fujiwara stayed where they were.

He looked around and saw that the crowd was chattering, laughing and playing, and what he heard was full of noisy noises.

It's too lax.

Uchiha Ming's eyes flashed.

Although the angel battle between Seth and Jeanne happened only last month, to the Japanese people who have been in peace for a long time, it is just a topic far away in Africa and has nothing to do with them.

After the Asakusa Incident, the extraordinary events that occurred on Japan's mainland were nothing more than minor incidents.

The confrontation between the Eagle Organization and the Twelve Divine Generals was not very intense under the conscious control of both parties.

"Even if I try my best to control the power of my body, no matter how much I delay, the crimson moon will definitely come, and most likely it won't be delayed until next year."

Uchiha Ming's eyes were deep and he thought calmly.

Although a pastime like today is quite enjoyable, there is still business to be done.

Before the next crimson moon comes, some things need to be sorted out.

The Yasaka Shrine enshrining Susanoo, the Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine guarding the Utomon Gate, and the sacred pattern of Sanba, the stage of the Gion Festival was prepared so well by accident, and the atmosphere was so intense that Uchiha Ming couldn't help but feel itchy.

"I am causing trouble this time to blow the whistle in advance, to prepare for the coming of the crimson moon in the future, and to awaken the paralyzed society."

Uchiha Ming thought carelessly.

"It's almost time to act."

"Ah! They are the two big brothers from the previous archery competition."

At this moment, two young and lovely girls, wearing exquisite bathrobes of one yellow and one purple, ran over with water balloons hanging from their hands and wooden clogs on their feet.

The two girls raised their faces, with surprise and admiration in their eyes. Judging from their age, they should be high school students.

"We were at the competition a few days ago. The kyudo uniforms are really cool. Of course, the yukata is also great."

"I, I am a fan of both of you! Your skills are so touching to me!"

Uchiha Naruto frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable.

For a little girl of this age, who cares about archery, she must be pretty.

"Thank you both for your support."

Prince Kendou has quite a lot of experience in receiving fans and showed a warm and sunny smile.

"Did the two big brothers come to visit the Gion Festival together? Is it possible...hehe..."

A short-haired girl wearing rimless glasses looked at Uchiha Naruto and then at Fujiwara Masaki. She suddenly became excited, pushed up her glasses, and started to laugh a little.

Naruto Uchiha and Masaki Fujiwara looked at each other, somewhat confused.

It's just a conversation.

"No, I came here with my senior. Uchiha-kun also has a girlfriend, they will be here soon."

The girl with glasses was disappointed for some reason, and her face was full of loneliness.

Another girl took a step forward and said boldly:

"Can I take a picture with you?"

"I have no problem, of course." Fujiwara Masaki agreed very thoughtfully.

Uchiha Naruto waved his hand and said without even thinking about rejecting:

"Sorry, my girlfriend is very jealous."

This is how shields are used.

The two female high school students gestured with scissor hands and asked Uchiha Ming to take some photos of them and Fujiwara Masaki. Matsudaira Chiyo and Yashisaki returned in time.

"Goodbye, two big brothers."

The girls waved energetically and left quickly.

"Miwako, you said we can respect each other, is that what you meant?"

Among the girl duo, the girl wearing a purple bathrobe poked Miwako's forehead with her finger and said scolding.

"I can respect both the handsome iceberg man and the handsome sunshine man, but I can respect them all together!"

Miwako held her face in her hands and said enthusiastically.

"The rotten smell on your body has reached me."

The girl in the purple bathrobe slapped her hands under her nose and curled her lips:

"And both of them have beautiful girlfriends, so don't be wishful thinking."

Miwako suddenly felt like a beaten eggplant, unhappy.

"Don't think about those things that are not available. The Gion Festival only happens once a year. Let's go to Yasaka Shrine. Don't miss the time when the shrine of the God of the Gods departs from Yasaka Shrine."

The two finally arrived at the entrance of Yasaka Shrine.

There are already huge crowds of people on both sides of the street. Tourists from home and abroad are rubbing shoulders, waiting for the mikoshi to make its rounds.

Traffic control has been implemented on Zhengma Road and a cordon has been drawn up. Volunteers and police are struggling to maintain order.


Miwako, who had been dazed just now, suddenly became excited and stretched out her hand to point forward.

On the empty road, I saw a black-haired young man with handsome and delicate features, standing proudly with an indifferent expression.

The young man's upper body was dressed in white as snow, and he was wearing a gray apron. A long sheathed sword was inserted into the purple rope tied around his waist.

Looking at the shrine of Suzhan Mingzun moving outward from under the torii, the black-haired boy raised a faint smile on his lips.

"The Gion Festival and Yamaboko Parade, do they symbolize the ritual of suppressing evil spirits..."

What's so interesting about the illusory evil spirit that doesn't exist, the clay puppet of Susanoo no Mikoto?

The real Susanoo is here!

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