I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 400 Chapter 401 Chidori Sharp Spear (Happy National Day)

"Oh hoo, so handsome!"

The girl in the purple bathrobe followed her companion's instructions and her breathing suddenly stopped, and she could no longer look away.

The beautiful young man with black hair and black eyes has a cold expression, but his clothes are open, exposing half of his chest, and he has an indescribable charm.

Sasuke in white at the beginning of Shippuden can be said to be the pinnacle of appearance in the ninja world.

After several seconds, the girl in the purple bathrobe came back to her senses.

She turned around and wanted to praise her companion for having eyes that were good at discovering beauty, but she was suddenly startled.

"Miwako, nose, your nose!"

Miwako touched the tip of her nose, and her fingers turned a little bright red. She quickly raised her head and covered her nose with one hand, but her eyes were still fixed on it, and she couldn't bear to miss such a beautiful scenery.

"This kind of clothes is too revealing. You can actually see your chest and collarbone. It's like a work of art. I really want to lick it."

Miwako covered her nose, but not her mouth, and her saliva was almost drooling.

Can she see such a good thing for free?

The free one is so awesome, is there a paid group? Another hundred thousand yen!

His picturesque appearance is no less impressive than the two handsome archery guys from before, or even better.

Within one day, I met three top beauties.

Simply blissful.

Miwako clasped her hands together and devoutly thanked King Minotaur for his blessing.

If there hadn't been the Gion Festival, how would she have had such an opportunity to feast her eyes on it?

"Miwako, what do you think of this guy in white?"

"This cold temperament is very similar to the iceberg handsome boy before. Although the combination of yin and yang, the iceberg abstinence style and the sunny warm man are king, the second power of cool seems to be good." Miwako's eyes lit up and she chattered on.

"I'm not asking you to form a CP."

The girl in the purple bathrobe felt that her companion was hopeless, so she hit her on the head angrily.

"it hurts!"

"Look at what he's wearing, it's not the yukata and casual clothes worn by tourists."

After getting used to Sasuke's beauty in white clothes, the girl in purple bathrobe curiously looked at his special attire.

"The purple twist rope around the waist is probably the shuriken rope often seen in shrines. A staff member of the shrine, or a performer of the Gion Festival?"

The sword stuck in the back, is it fake?

The Yamaboko chariots and Susano-o-mikoto shrines are as big as a pavilion and require dozens of strong men to work together to move them.

The main attraction of the Gion Festival is the moment when the giant Yamaboko wheel spins at the intersection. There is no rudder installed on the Yamaboko, so it relies on a row of bamboo pieces placed under the wheels to achieve 90-degree sliding turns. Amidst the cheers of the helmsman, the car turned as one united effort. The scene was so thrilling that the onlookers almost suffocated. This turning technique called "tsujigai" brings the Gion Festival to its climax.

In order to process the queue, the Gion Festival organizers cleared the venue early in front of Yasaka Shrine, and tourists could only enjoy the performance on both sides of the street.

Sasuke in white appeared in the middle of the road, dressed in strange Shinto-style clothes, which was very eye-catching.

The tourists couldn't help but be attracted by his appearance and mysterious temperament, whispering to each other, thinking it was a special program for the Gion Festival, and many people pointed their mobile phones at Sasuke in white.

Several Kyoto policemen looked at each other with suspicion on their faces and walked over.

"Which Yamaboko are you from? The mikoshi has already come out of the torii. Don't stand here. It will cause trouble to others."

Uchiha Sasuke turned a deaf ear to the advice of others and looked thoughtfully at the statue of the Bull-headed King sitting on the shrine.

Several police officers were a little helpless. The highly anticipated Gion Festival must not be delayed by such a trivial matter, so they had no choice but to force them to leave.

"Hey, come over here with us."

Someone was just about to reach out and pull, when Uchiha Sasuke turned his face, with three magatama appearing in his eyes.

Everyone was startled and immediately looked at each other.

"Your contact lenses are nice, very realistic."

A Kyoto policeman's mouth twitched and he forced a smile: "But this is illegal."

Another person played a bad role: "Leave now, I don't have to worry about you. Otherwise, you will be punished."

Uchiha Sasuke glanced over with a cold glance, and several people were distracted by the Sharingan and froze in place.

Uchiha Sasuke stepped forward and walked towards the Yamaboko fleet and the Kamikyu carriage.

"What are you guys doing? Why are you so dazed! Don't let other people get close to you. How can the Yamaboko parade start like this!"

A big businessman who arranged Yamaboko shouted dissatisfied when he found that the Kyoto police were so useless.

Suddenly he stared so hard that his eyes almost popped out.

I saw a figure leaping up from the ground and flying towards the first Yamaboko car ten meters high.

"Bang bang bang."

Then, Uchiha Sasuke flew up and down the walls, flying around on the roofs of the magnificently decorated Yamaboko carriages, heading straight for the shrine.


The foreigners danced excitedly.

"What's jumping around?"

"The velvet rug I purchased from Persia for a large sum of money was trampled into a mess. Who did this? Do you know how much it costs?"

The Gion Festival is an opportunity for Kyoto's capitalists to show off their financial resources. Many big businessmen will spend a lot of money, like a competition for financial resources, purchasing expensive textiles and gold and silver treasures, and decorating the Yamaboko carriages with extreme luxury. This is why the Yamaboko carriages are called "mobile" Museum's reasons.

There were also some tourists who did not know the truth and applauded, thinking that this was a special program prepared by the organizer.

Suddenly a group of people jumped on their backs, and the chickens and dogs jumped.

Uchiha Sasuke immediately came to the shrine. As the core of the Yamaboko parade, the shrine is naturally as tall as a mountain and the most conspicuous. The statue of Susano no Mikoto is placed in it.

"What does he want to do?"

After Sasuke in white clothes examined the statue for a while, he took a few steps closer and turned around to stand side by side with the statue of Susanoo no Mikoto. His scarlet eyes looked down at everyone.

The staff of the Gion Festival, the priests of Yasaka Shrine, and countless tourists from all over the country who attended the Gion Festival all opened their mouths in surprise.

Uchiha Sasuke's breathtaking blood-red eyes and black striations in the night made everyone who saw them tremble with fear.

"No way……"

"Those eyes, the Sharingan of the Akatsuki organization?!"

"It's really similar to the divine pattern of Yasaka Shrine."

The Japanese government's demonizing propaganda against the Akatsuki organization has become deeply rooted in people's hearts to this day.

Those who were smarter already felt something was wrong and began to retreat quietly among the crowd.

From beginning to end, Uchiha Sasuke paid no attention to the comments made by the pebbles below. He raised his eyebrows, looked towards the sky, and sneered:

"Humph, it's finally here."

Immediately there were sharp-eyed people among the tourists. They followed Uchiha Sasuke's line of sight and saw a black shadow galloping in the sky, getting bigger and bigger.

In an instant he was on top of everyone's heads.

The huge black shadow soared into the clouds and mist, hovering over the Yasaka Shrine, flying sand and rocks, and the strong wind made everyone stagger around.

"Get down."

The Sharingan in white-clothed Sasuke's eyes rotated, and he immediately locked onto the target. He raised his left hand, the electric light flashed in his palm, and swung it to the sky, and countless sharp Chidori Senbon shot out.


A strange roar that sounded like a tiger but not a tiger, or an eagle but not an eagle suddenly came from the dark clouds.

The roar was so terrifying that many tourists immediately had their ears buzzing and their brains went blank.

A monster as big as a giant elephant landed on all fours on the ground.

The tourists who were happily preparing to visit the Gion Festival were suddenly shocked.

This is a monster with the head of an ape, the body of a raccoon dog, and the limbs of a tiger. At the end of the monster is a python that opens its mouth and spits out the letter and hisses.


When someone saw the strange appearance of the monster, their eyes immediately widened and they were shocked.

Nue is a big monster that can make an unknown sound and can fly in the air even without wings.

With the advent of the extraordinary age, mysterious knowledge about monsters and gods has spread widely. Nue's appearance is very recognizable, and he is also a well-known monster in Japan.

The vast majority of tourists don't care about this at all. After the giant Nue appears, they immediately cry for their parents and run away with their heads in their hands.

"Monster, monster!"

"Call the police station and the Supernatural Police Department!"

"Don't panic, don't panic! Don't forget the previous supernatural disaster preparedness drill!"

Several tourists panicked and fled in the direction of Yasaka Shrine.

At this moment, several Chidori Senbon stuck in front of them, startling a few people.

"They are coming for the shrines and temples in Kyoto. If you want to survive, stay away."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The stunned tourists completely lost their ability to think for themselves and ran away without saying a word.

Nue was completely uninterested in the little meatloaf that was running around. Instead, he growled vigilantly at Sasuke in white and bared his teeth.


From Nue's throat, a shrill and weird roar came out. It kicked off its four legs, and its huge body rose directly into the air, flying towards the direction of Yasaka Shrine.

Jumping up from the shrine and landing on the torii gate of Yasaka Shrine, Sasuke in white looked at Nue flying away and opened his eyes.

"Hoo ho ho!!!"

Fierce storms and weird roars exploded over Yasaka Shrine, as well as noises coming from the streets. Some of the priests on duty inside Yasaka Shrine couldn't help but come out and watch.

"What's going on? With such a strong wind, has the weather changed?"

In addition to the strong wind, the sky above Yasaka Shrine was covered with thick black clouds, full of the oppressive feeling of impending mountain rain.

At this moment, a huge and ferocious head emerged from the clouds, staring covetously at the Yasaka Shrine below.


There is a five-pointed star pattern between the eyebrows of Nue's monkey head, which tortures it to the point of madness. Its eyes are full of violence, and it glances downwards with the desire to devour people.

The priests of Yasaka Shrine who were caught by the gaze were all sweating profusely and almost collapsed to the ground, without even the strength to escape.

"Bless the Bull-Headed King!"

"Help, Su Zhanming respects your life!"

In addition to praying for Susano'o to appear, the priests of Yasaka Shrine have no other choice.

Nue opened his mouth wide, and the violent air flow visible to the naked eye circulated and concentrated in the atmosphere, and a huge wind bomb gradually formed in Nue's mouth.

This terrifying momentum was like a blow that would level the Yasaka Shrine to the ground.

Just when the priests could only close their eyes and wait for death, a bright figure in white clothes stood on the roof of the main hall of Yasaka Shrine.

"Huh, what a small skill."

Sasuke in white took out the Kusanagi sword from his waist and pointed it at Nue who was hiding in the clouds.


Amidst the sound like the chirping of birds, Sasuke in white clothes descended like a god of thunder, his whole body bathed in electric light, and blue-white electric arcs wrapped around the Kusanagi sword.


Nue suddenly opened his mouth, and a huge wind bomb spit out.

"Chidori, sharp spear!"

A stream of thunder and lightning shot out from the tip of the Grass Pheasant Sword, shattering the wind bullets and cutting through the clouds.


The desperate roar of a dying struggle came from the clouds, as if rising from the abyss of hell.

The Chidori Sharp Spear can transform the Chidori into a long spear and carry out medium and long-distance attacks. Although it is not as powerful as Raikiri, it can be used for surprise attacks and captures because of its long range.

Sasuke in white had cold eyes, holding the hilt of the sword, and suddenly swung the Chidori Spear down.


After being pierced by the Chidori Spear, Nue was forcefully dragged from the sky to the ground, smashing a side hall into pieces.


Nue weakly raised her head and let out one last low groan, then turned into smoke and disappeared into ashes.

"Long live! Long live the Bull-Headed King!"

"It must be the divine messenger of Susanoo's destiny, coming to save his devout believers!"

The ecstasy of escaping from death and the excitement of surviving the disaster filled the faces of every priest present.

Although they serve the gods, without exception, this is the first time they have witnessed the battle between monsters and supernatural beings.

Four years before Reiwa, it is difficult to say how much faith the clergy had in worshiping gods and Buddhas. Those who are most disrespectful to God and do whatever they want in the name of God are often those who are closest to God.

After the advent of the extraordinary age, there are gods everywhere, especially Japanese Buddhism and Shintoism, where gods frequently appear. The level of belief has been greatly refined.

Glancing at the priests who were cheering and jumping below, Uchiha calmly averted his gaze.

In the ninja world, there are also psychic beasts similar to the Japanese monster Nue, which also have ape heads, raccoon bodies, tiger claws and snake tails.

During his lifetime, Danzo planned a project code-named "Oxhead King", using Hashirama cells to create a psychic beast, Nue, that can absorb chakra and explode after reaching a certain level.

What a coincidence.

It was also Naru Uchiha's bad taste to let Nue attack the Yasaka Shrine, which enshrines the God of Minotaur.

The capital city of Heian Kyo was built from the beginning to seal away evil spirits and demons.

If you want to show off your magic, the thousand-year-old city of Kyoto is an incomparable stage.

“However, it’s not time yet for the Hundred Demons to walk into the night.”

Uchiha stepped on the tiles and faced the southeast of Kyoto, where was Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

"Besides here, there is also the Urine Gate. Please ask Hachiman Daimyojin for a debt owed to you, Taira Shomon." (End of this chapter)

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