I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 401 Chapter 402 Killing the God

The setting sun disappears and the sky gradually turns into night, Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

"Here, have some tea, please, Saito-san."

In the quaintly decorated reception room, the priest of Hachimangu Shrine used a simple yet valuable tea set by a famous designer to brew tea carefully. After a while, he pushed a cup of misty hot tea in front of Saito Kudan.

"You're welcome, please go first."


Saito Kudan, who had previously performed the Nasho ceremony at Hachimangu Shrine, was wearing a black Wufu. After some humility, he took the teacup, took a sip and praised.

"Thank you very much, it's really good tea."

Saito 9th Dan is an elegant archery practitioner with a reputation as a celebrity, while the other is also a pampered old priest. Their combined age is 150 years old. This set of red tape has been deeply imprinted on their bodies.

"Brother Saito, I heard something recently."

The old priest put down his tea cup and asked curiously:

"You wanted to accept a college student as your student, but you were declined?"

"It's true." Saito 9th Dan nodded.

"How is this possible? You are a master of archery." The old priest said with surprise on his face.

Japan's Kyudo masters can be counted with one slap, and they are all national treasures.

Becoming a disciple of one's old friend not only allows him to learn the kyudo and archery skills he has honed for decades, but can also open up a path to the upper class society through Saito's connections, which has endless benefits.

It's unbelievable that someone would say no.

"Oh, what a pity."

When thinking of this incident, Saito Kudan sighed sadly.

Uchiha Naru, who came first in the Tokyo Kyudo League trials, is the most talented prodigy he has ever seen in most of his life. No, not only his talent but even his level of archery is so high that he is already better than any other contemporary archery master.

If a young man devotes himself to archery, he will definitely become a legend and leave his name in history.

Although Saito 9th Dan has nothing to teach Uchiha Naruto in the art of archery, if Uchiha Naruto becomes his student, Saito 9th Dan may be able to follow him and become famous throughout the ages.

More importantly, that Uchiha Naruto was the son of the head of the Supernatural Police Department.

Compared with the now popular Minister Uchiha, the reputation and status he has accumulated as a Kyudo scholar cannot be compared at all.

"Today's young people are so ignorant that they rely on their talents to do whatever they want. But to transform talents into strength, it takes years to accumulate, and it does not happen overnight."

The old priest was aggrieved by Saito's ninth degree and comforted him by relying on his old age.

Saito Jiudaan's face turned red, and a hint of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

The title of Kyudo Master is based on seniority. The old and frail Saito 9th Dan is far less powerful than he used to be.

Saito 9th Dan asked himself, even in his prime, he had no chance of defeating Naruto Uchiha.

This matter was that Saito 9th Dan wanted to take advantage of Uchiha Naru, but failed.

"By the way, how did you know about this?"

Saito Kudan opened his mouth and changed the subject.

"I saw it from the newspaper. By the way, why didn't that kid's name appear in the newspaper? Instead, they called him 'Son of God'? I'm not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing."

As a clergyman, the old priest naturally sneered at such a nickname.

"Son of God? Maybe it really is..."

Thinking of Uchiha Naru's stunning first shot as if he had been favored by the god of bows and arrows, Saito's ninth-dan eyes couldn't help but be filled with surprise and exclamation.

What a terrible future!

"If he had been born in ancient times, he would have been a proud man chosen by Hachiman Daimyojin like Fujiwara Hidego and Minamoto Yorimasa."

"No way, you, a master of archery, think so highly of him?" The old priest clicked his tongue, his tone full of doubt.

Fujiwara Hidego and Minamoto Yorimasa were both unparalleled military commanders who dominated an era. Both were devout believers of Hachiman Daimyojin, and in legends and anecdotes, they were the favored ones of Hachiman Daimyojin.

Fujiwara Hidego was a military commander in the middle of the Heian period. Legend has it that under the protection of Hachiman Daimyojin, he used his bow and arrow to repel a giant centipede that was long enough to circle the mountain seven times.

Later, he defeated the rebellious Ping Jiangmen, shocking the world, and was praised as the ancestor of martial arts by later generations.

"The Tale of the Heike" records that at the end of the Heian period, Nue often appeared at night in the Seiryoden Palace where Emperor Konoe lived, making strange noises and causing nuisance. The Emperor ordered Yorimasa Minamoto to act as an exorcist. Yorimasa Minamoto made a sharp arrow from the tail of a mountain bird, chanted "Namo Hachiman Bodhisattva", and successfully shot Nue.

"Haha, I mean maybe."

Saito Kudan raised his teacup and laughed.

After all, he was in the Hachiman Palace or in front of the God Lord. As a archery practitioner, he naturally believed in Hachiman Daimyojin. It would be a bit inappropriate to say this.

After all, although it is not the Warring States Period, it is already an extraordinary era.

The old priest didn't think it was offensive.

The property of Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine was passed down from his ancestors. The old priest has been running it as his ancestral property for most of his life. His faith is not pious. Even though gods and Buddhas have appeared before, the old priest still has doubts in his heart.

The two continued to talk insignificant words, and at this moment, a burst of noise suddenly broke out outside.

"Today's Gion Festival is really lively."

The old priest smiled slightly.

Saito also nodded.

As elegant people in the upper class, they must have the self-cultivation to remain calm even if the mountain collapses in front of them.

But the noise outside did not subside, but became louder and louder.

"Still, let's go take a look?"

The two looked at each other, and finally the old priest couldn't sit still and forced a smile.


Saito Kudan and the old priest walked out of the living room together, and saw several low-level priests of the shrine on the mountain, running around calling, and some looking towards Kyoto below.

"Is it on fire? Oops."

"The fire doesn't look very big. We should call the police."

From a high position, they could see the flames rising from two or three places in Kyoto from a distance.

Saito 9th Dan and the old priest looked at each other with a bit of worry on their faces.

"Bing Pong Pong!"

At this moment, the main hall of Hachimangu suddenly heard the sound of boxes being rummaged through, and even heavy objects being thrown to the ground.

Could it be that someone was taking advantage of the situation?

But it is absolutely impossible for this fire to reach Nanshan Mountain, and it would be too early to take advantage of it.

Was it a thief or some wild animal that broke in?

"You guys, come with me to check."

The old priest called several low-level priests who were watching the fun, and Saito 9th Dan also followed him curiously.

When the main shrine door was opened, everyone was stunned.

I saw a round thing rolling over at the entrance of the shrine.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the head of Emperor Yingshen.

Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine is the main enshrinement of Hachiman Daimyojin, and it also accompanies the enshrinement of deputy gods such as Emperor Ongami and Empress Jinko.

The head of the statue of Emperor Yingshen was actually chopped off.

Saito Kudan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, his teeth were sore.

In today's extraordinary age, with gods at the top of their heads, how can anyone dare to be so disrespectful to the gods? Are you really not afraid of divine punishment?

This is Hachimangu Shrine. Hachiman Daimyojin is not one of those eight million gods, but one of the most worshiped gods in Japan!

During the shogunate era when the samurai were in power, Hachiman Bodhisattva was widely respected. Countless Japanese military generals were his followers. His status in Japan was as high as that of Guandiye on the mainland.

"Bastard! Who is he? I must peel off his skin!"

The old priest was furious and his whole body was trembling with distress.

He angrily led people towards the main hall.

The more they looked at it, the more frightened they became. The original majestic Hachimangu Shrine had been smashed to pieces. The floor, walls, and wooden pillars were all crisscrossed with wounds from sharp weapons.

In front of the throne of Hachiman Daimyojin, a tall and burly black figure stood, holding his head with both hands.

"who is it……"

The old priest was about to open his mouth to reprimand, but in the next second, his eyes almost popped out.

I saw the black figure pulling out the 'head', throwing it around and roaring:

"This is not my head either!"

At its feet, there are several clay puppet heads.

In Hachiman Palace, except for the great Bodhisattva Hachiman, the heads of all the other worshiped gods were chopped off.

"My head?!"

The violent roars echoed in the main hall, making the old priest, Saito 9th Dan and others feel numb.

The burly figure wore pure black Heian period armor. The armor was covered with cuts and half-arrows. The whole body was covered with black energy, but there was nothing above its neck.

It turned out to be the headless military commander’s resentful spirit, causing trouble in Hachiman Palace!

"Hachiman Daimyojin, you clearly promised me that you would make me the master of the world? Why did you break your promise and instead caused my body and head to be separated and my death to be miserable?"

The headless general held a huge three-meter-long naginata in his hand and pointed it directly at the statue of Hachiman Daimyojin. A squeaking sound came from its abdominal cavity.

"This, this is Pingjangmen!"

The old priest was so frightened that his whole body trembled. An idea flashed in his head and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

In the history of Japan, as many generals were forced to commit seppuku and had their heads hanged after death in battle as crucian carp crossing the river, but this headless resentful spirit kept saying that if Hachiman Daimyojin wanted to make him the master of the world, he could only stand on his own. The new emperor's general.

Legend has it that when Taira Shomon was raising an army, a mysterious shrine maiden suddenly appeared in front of Taira Shomon and told Taira Shomon that Hachiman Daimyojin had issued an oracle and selected Taira Shomon to inherit the throne, but she disappeared immediately.

General Ping was overjoyed and determined to raise troops to attack the imperial court.

But after that, Taira Shomon obviously did not receive the protection of Hachiman Daimyojin. Instead, he was attacked by Fujiwara Hidego and took it with one arrow.

Hachiman Daimyojin did this really unkindly. He placed bets on both sides to see who would win and who he would help.

No wonder Taira Shomon was so resentful that he even went to Hachiman Palace to cause trouble.

"What do you owe me here, how can I pay it back?"

Ping reached for the door and grabbed his head, but found nothing, and became even more furious.

It picked up the naginata and pulled the statue of Hachiman Daimyojin from its throne to the ground with a stab, and then chopped off the head of Hachiman Daimyojin with a backhand slash!

"In this way, you will be like me! Hahahaha!"

The terrifying laughter woke up everyone who was stunned. The old priest was the first to react and fled out the door.

Tairashoumon is one of the four most evil spirits in Japan. Although he is the priest of Hachiman Daimyojin, he has no magic power at all. How can he exorcise such a monster?

Seeing the old priest taking the lead, the others scrambled and rushed out of the main hall gate.


Only a weird and unpleasant neighing sound was heard, and a monster with an ape head, a raccoon body, tiger claws and a snake tail landed in front of everyone, blocking the way with eager eyes.


The old priest's expression changed drastically.


Ping knocked the main door of the main hall away, causing dust and gravel to fly.

The headless general stood at the door like a city wall, exuding a suffocating murderous aura.

There is Nue in front and Heishōmon behind. The monsters and evil spirits who have a grudge against Hachiman Daimyojin actually join forces to attack Hachiman Palace. This time, there is no escape.

Just when the old priest and Saito 9th Dan thought they were certain to die, they heard a low cry:

"come over!"

Nue jumped up in front of everyone and landed next to Ping Jiangmen. Ping Jiangmen rode on Nue's back and flew into the air.

"Is Pingjiangmon leaving?"

The old priest was overjoyed.

Regardless of whether he is sensible, knows that wrongdoers have their own faults, debts have their own owners, is arrogant and lets him go, or treats mortals as ants and dismisses them, as long as he can save his old life, he will be satisfied.

A huge black sword energy flew through the air, splitting a worship hall in half, and also opened a huge ravine more than ten meters long on the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Taira Shomon, who was riding on Nue, waved his naginata and laughed arrogantly:

"The first thing I did after being awakened by that woman was to destroy the Hachiman Palace. It's in my heart, so happy, so happy!"

Taira Shomon held the big naginata high, and the ominous and strange black energy accumulated in the sky, forming a black cloud. He erupted with such powerful aura that even the gods on the ground were oppressed and unable to breathe.

The next blow is bound to be earth-shattering. While Hachimangu Shrine is razed to the ground, the mortals below cannot even hope to stay even with their bones and scum!

"Help, Hachiman Daimyojin!"

"Hey, no!"

Just when Ping Jiangmen's momentum reached its peak, a purple stream of light flashed fleetingly from the northeastern sky.

A huge purple arrow dragged a long stream of light through the night, chasing the stars and the moon.


Bright and bright purple light, like a punishment from heaven, swept and spread over the Hachiman Palace, like a small purple sun rising.

"Hachiman Daimyojin has appeared! This is the divine arrow shot by Hachiman Daimyojin!"

The old priest cried, laughed, and yelled, and then he was the first to kneel on the ground, kowtowing to the northeast.

He had never been so sincere as at this moment.

The other priests were also so excited that they prostrated themselves.

Hachiman Daimyojin sent a miracle to save his servant.

Their beliefs are indeed correct!

"God's shot, God's arrow, ah ah ah..."

Kneeling on the ground, Saito 9th Dan burst into tears.

I have practiced the mortal arrows for a long time, and today I am finally lucky enough to see the divine arrows. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!

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