I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 402 Chapter 403 Ping An Jing Feng Shui Formation

"The divine arrow that destroyed Taira Shomon was shot by Hachiman Daimyojin! We all saw it!"

"No, it's Susanoo no Mikoto!"

"Fart! You Yasaka Shrine is so greedy and shameless!"

The next morning, outside Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

Seeing a pair of old priests with white beards and hair blowing their beards and staring at each other, almost rolling up their sleeves and performing a full martial arts show, Yuki Mineko looked a little helpless.

The tips of Yuuki Mineko's hair were dyed bright red, and the black uniform of the Supernatural Police Department could not hide her hot figure. Compared with three years ago, she looked more feminine.

"Minister Yuuki, based on various data from eyewitnesses and surveillance records, it can be determined that the purple light arrow was shot from the sky above Yasaka Shrine to Hachimangu Shrine."

Yuki Mineko was originally the head of the branch of the Kyoto Prefectural Supernatural Police Department. She was summoned to Tokyo to receive special training from the minister under the order of the cabinet. Such a change happened at the Gion Festival last night. She was as anxious as a spark and returned to Kyoto overnight to take charge of the overall situation.

Yuki Mineko took the document handed over by her subordinate, glanced at it for a few times, turned the page, and her eyes stayed on the photo of Sasuke in white for a long time.

A pair of scarlet Sharingan eyes, extremely cold and full of domineering power.

"Is this guy in white the survivor of the Sharingan clan that Mr. Jiraiya said? Tsk, he's really handsome. He's just a little bit worse than Uchiha-senpai."

Suddenly an operator came and whispered a few words in Yuuchi Mineko's ear. She nodded, left the two old priests who were noisy and blushing, and walked towards a large tent outside the open space.

Self-defense team members with guns and ammunition could be seen everywhere. When they saw Mineko Yuki approaching, they raised their guns and saluted. She waved her hand, opened the tent curtain and walked in.

"Minister Yuki! You are here, you are the only one left in this meeting."

On one side of the tent sat the governor of Kyoto Prefecture, Uji of the Kyoto Ground Self-Defense Force, and the Admiral of Okubo Station, all of whom were princes of Kyoto Prefecture.

On the other side, there are notebooks, and the faces on the screens are even more impressive.

Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Special Envoys of the Imperial Household Agency, U.S. Ambassador to Japan...

And the head of the Supernatural Police Department, Uchiha Senmon!

"Last night's attack by the Nogun peace shogunate at the Gion Festival caused the four shrines of Enryaku-ji Temple, Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Kojin Shrine and Kyoto Imperial Palace to be razed to the ground. Hachimangu Shrine lost a side hall, but the main building was not significantly damaged. ..." A bureaucrat stood up and reported.

The big bosses in Kyoto Prefecture all looked like they were mourning for their heirs, with frowning expressions on their faces.

These shrines with thousands of years of history are all national cultural heritages. It is really heartbreaking to be burned to the ground.

At the much-anticipated Gion Festival, such a large-scale extraordinary attack occurred. Naturally, the tourists dispersed in droves. Even the natives of Kyoto were panic-stricken and rushed to flee the city.

"According to the eyewitness testimony of the priests at Yasaka Shrine, the third extraordinary person with the Sharingan disappeared in the lightning after killing Nue."

The official who reported the report read the manuscript in a clear and logical manner:

"Although the priests were stunned by the lightning and did not see who shot the purple light arrow, but judging from the location and the timing of its appearance, it is most likely the extraordinary handiwork of Bai Yi."

The big shots, both on the scene and as far away as Tokyo, couldn't help but make a commotion.

"The straight-line distance from Yasaka Shrine to Hachimangu Shrine is 10.5 kilometers. Is he another Kage-level powerhouse..."

"He has the same Sharingan as Itachi and Fei, and is he also a member of the Akatsuki organization?"

"But the boy in white must have been helping humanity when he killed Nue Heping, and he didn't wear the Akatsuki organization's iconic black-and-red cloud robe. He may not be from Akatsuki."

Everyone was whispering and discussing.


The Uchiha Senmon on the screen coughed lightly, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the discussion immediately calmed down.

"Although the boy in white also possesses the Sharingan, it would be a bit arbitrary to identify him as a member of the Akatsuki organization."

An unknown complex color appeared in the depths of Uchiha Sect's eyes, and he said calmly:

"The Onmyoji who led the resurrection of God Seth in Derna City last month, as well as the white-clothed Chaoren who appeared in Kyoto, most likely came down from heaven."

As the most extraordinary Uchiha sect, what he said was extremely weighty, and others felt heavy in their hearts when they heard it.

"At this sensitive time again, the Jedi Heavenly Power deployed by Mr. Taishan is gradually ineffective and has even ended. Japan must make plans in advance."

Everyone had complicated expressions, and the atmosphere suddenly became so solemn that even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

The brutal battle between shadow-level warriors was still fresh in the memory. After three years of stable and peaceful life, none of these people wanted to go back to the old days when demons danced wildly.

In the past three years, Japan has held many grand Taishanfu Lord Festivals, praying that Taishanfu Lord can protect Japan and maintain the Jedi Heavenly Power forever.

But the extraordinary events that have happened one after another in Derna City and Kyoto are, as said, most likely a sign of the end of Jedi Tentong.

No matter how much the top leaders of the Japanese government want to bury their heads in the sand, they have to face reality.

"Also, this extraordinary terrorist attack absolutely cannot happen naturally. There must be an ulterior conspiracy behind it."

Nue, and Pingshangmon, these are not type A and type B that appeared after the mysterious resurrection, but ancient evil spirits and monsters recorded in books.

The four destroyed shrines and temples, as well as the Yasaka Shrine and Hachimangu Shrine that survived, are all ancient temples with thousands of years of history, and the smell of conspiracy is almost obvious.

"Professor Changshan, what do you think?"

"Please look at the map. From the Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei in the northeast to the Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine in the southwest, they form a straight line. The other four shrines are all on the line. This is what Emperor Kanmu arranged at the beginning of the construction of Heian-kyo. The 'Ghost Gate' that came down."

During the Heian period and the long period before that, what the Yamato court feared most was not civil strife, rebellion, and natural disasters, but the troubles caused by evil spirits.

The capital before Heian-kyo was Nagaoka-kyo. Because of the power struggle, Prince Zaara, the younger brother of Emperor Kanmu, was exiled to Awaji Island and died of anger on the way.

In the following years, members of the royal family continued to die unexpectedly, floods and plagues broke out in Nagaokakyo, and natural and man-made disasters continued. The Yamato court believed after an onmyoji's divination that the evil spirit of Prince Hayara was at work.

Prince Hayara is also one of the four evil spirits in Japan, along with the Peace Shogun.

The Yamato court decided to move the capital for refuge, and was afraid that the evil spirit of Prince Hayara was still lingering. Therefore, it attached great importance to the new capital's ability to protect the evil spirits. Onmyodo absorbed the Tang Dynasty's theory of yin and yang and the five elements, and carefully selected a geomantic treasure as the capital.

The North Xuanwu guards the hills, the South Suzaku oversees the depressions, the West White Tiger oversees the avenues, and the East Qinglong assists with the rivers. If the four gods correspond to each other, they will always be safe and peaceful.

Ping'an Jing has Funangang Mountain to the north, Giant Star Pond to the south, Sanyang Road to the south, and the Kamo River flowing eastwards. The site selection has excellent Feng Shui and is unparalleled.

Even with such feng shui, Emperor Kanmu found it insufficient and established many shrines and temples to strengthen the feng shui of Heian Kyo.

The most important of them are Hieizan Enryakuji Temple and Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine, which guard the two ghost gates.

Yin and Yang Dao believes that the northeast is the ghost gate, and the southwest opposite the ghost gate is the ghost gate, which is the entrance and exit of ghosts and monsters. Two points and one line are the only way to pass.

"The purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is very clear, which is to destroy the Feng Shui formation in Kyoto!" Professor Changshan said confidently.

The big bosses in Kyoto Prefecture looked at each other, and the next moment they broke out in cold sweat.

They have also heard about the Feng Shui formation and ghost gate sealing in Ping An Jing.

"It's really sinister to destroy the ghost gate seal!"

"Fortunately, there was Chaoren in white who shot down Ping Jiangmen and Nue, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Kyoto is a thousand-year-old capital, and ghost stories about cows, demons, and snake gods have never stopped since ancient times. There may be many monsters and monsters hidden underground in Kyoto.

Most of their assets and power are in Kyoto. If there really is a Hundred Demons on the Night, who can withstand it?

The big bureaucrats in Kyoto Prefecture were still frightened, and their favorability towards Sasuke in white skyrocketed.

"Although last night's attack was unsuccessful, will the mastermind behind it come back?" someone suddenly asked.

"Well, most likely."

Professor Changshan nodded cautiously and said:

"There were so many Nues that attacked together yesterday. Except for the two that were shot and killed, all the others fled. The mastermind behind the scenes will definitely not give up."

The situation in Kyoto Prefecture suddenly exploded, and people were anxious like ants on a hot pot.

"What should I do?"

"Your Supernatural Police Department must come up with a solution!"

"Please rest assured, since I am the branch chief of the Kyoto Prefectural Supernatural Police Department, I will do my best to protect the safety of Kyoto."

Although Yuki Mineko is a girl, her heroic demeanor makes people look at her.

Everyone in Kyoto Prefecture felt a little at ease, but they were not completely relieved.

"Minister Uchiha, could you please move to Kyoto and take charge personally for a while? With you here, Kyoto will be as stable as Mount Tai." The governor of Kyoto Prefecture looked at the screen and begged in a low voice.

"Yes! Yes!"

The other Kyoto bosses immediately brightened up and echoed.

Although Suzaku Princess is ranked among the top three among the twelve divine generals, how can she compare to the most extraordinary Uchiha Minister?

"We must not do it! Minister Uchiha must stay in Chiyoda to protect the safety of the Imperial Palace."

Before the Uchiha Sect could speak, the representative of the Imperial Household Agency immediately jumped out to object fiercely.

The one who caused trouble in Hachimangu Shrine last night was the Taira Shomon, and his head was buried in the Tokyo Capital Tomb.

It's only a few steps away from the Imperial Palace.

Legend has it that after Taira Shomon was defeated, his head was sent to Heian-kyo to hang in public. In order to find his missing body, the head flew to Kanto and landed in Musashi Province, which is now Tokyo's first tomb.

Tokugawa Ieyasu of the Tokugawa Shogunate highly respected Taira Shomon.

Not only did he build the Edo Castle where he lived near the Shouzuka, he also built seven shrines including Shomon Mound, Kai Shrine, and Kabuto Shrine with the Shouzuka as the core, enshrining the head, armor, and helmet of Taira Shomon, and arranging the Big Dipper array to guard it. Edo.

After the Meiji Restoration, the emperor moved to Edo Castle and became a neighbor of Shotsuka.

Last night I heard that Taira Shomon's headless body was causing trouble in Hachiman Palace, and I almost scared the shit out of the Imperial Household Agency and the Imperial Family.

The life and death enemy of Taira Shomon must be the Imperial family.

Even if the headless body is exorcised, who can guarantee that Hei Shomon's head will not attack?

If Taira attacks the Imperial Palace, the consequences will be disastrous!

The frightened senior Japanese officials summoned the elite of the Supernatural Police Department to defend the Imperial Palace overnight.

Not only that, the royal family left the Imperial Palace early the next morning on the pretext of a visit.

"Maybe this is a plan by the mastermind behind the scenes to lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

"You, Kyoto Prefecture, must take the overall situation into consideration. For the safety of the Imperial Palace and the long-term stability of Japan, Minister Uchiha must not leave Tokyo."

"Besides, it's just maybe not? Maybe it's just unfounded worries."

The big shots in Tokyo sang in harmony with each other.

After the Angel War in Derna City, Japan's top brass sensed the uneasiness of an approaching storm, so they summoned the Twelve Gods from all over the country to protect Tokyo's security.

During the riots at the Gion Festival, it was obvious that someone was plotting something evil secretly. At this time, Minister Uchiha's trump card was thrown away. If something happened in Tokyo and they lost sight of one thing, the lives of these big shots would not be guaranteed.

Shouzuka, where Taira Shomon is located, is the core of Chiyoda District, the core essence of Japan.

Kyoto Prefecture must put the overall situation first.

"You Guandong people are so shameless!"

"If you hadn't transferred the head of the Yuki branch, we in Kyoto wouldn't have been at a loss yesterday."

The big shots in the Kyoto Prefecture suddenly became furious and shouted angrily, almost breaking up with the Tokyo Prefecture.

After a heated argument, both parties finally took a step back.

"Although it's a pity that I can't come, I will send other twelve generals to Kyoto Prefecture to take charge."

Although the Kyoto Prefecture was not very satisfied, after all, the arms could not twist the thighs, so they could only hold their noses and admit it.

"Professor Nagayama, now four of the nodes that have been sealed by the ghost gate have been removed, leaving Yasaka Shrine and Hachimangu Shrine. If the mastermind wants to launch another attack, where will they start?"

"It must be Urinagamon, Hachimangu Shrine!"

Professor Changshan pondered for a long time and said loudly:

"Hachimangu Shrine is the exit. As long as it is erased, from the perspective of Feng Shui, the gate of ghosts will be wide open. Once the two ends of the gate line are opened, ghosts and ghosts can come in without any obstruction, and Yasaka Shrine will be unable to support itself."

"I see."

"Professor Changshan is so knowledgeable!"

The big shots in Kyoto Prefecture looked solemn and nodded frequently.

"The other four temples and shrines must be rebuilt immediately and the gates of hell must be sealed!"

"At the same time, implement a curfew and mobilize the Self-Defense Forces into the city to protect Hachimangu Shrine and Yasaka Shrine!"

There are a total of 9 Self-Defense Force garrison points in Kyoto Prefecture. Although Minister Uchiha cannot visit in person, there are as many ordinary Self-Defense Forces as there are.

The state machinery immediately started operating, and Kyoto Prefecture entered a state of war readiness. (End of chapter)

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