I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 407 Chapter 408 Rachel

"This is...Hyuuga Miko from Horrai Island!"

"She died after being swallowed by Princess Kaguya during the Mount Fuji incident, but she actually came back to life."

"As expected, it's Taishan Mansion Lord Festival! However, the eyes of the Hyuga Miko are not living people, and there is something strange about them."

When the black-haired miko stepped out of the coffin, all the big shots in the war room were so nervous that they could hardly breathe, were shocked and lost their composure to the extreme.

Shock, fear, anxiety, greed... all kinds of sights were fixed on the screen, and no one noticed the flash of red light in Uchiha Senmen's eyes.

The Uchiha Senmon rested his hands on the armrests of his seat. Veins sprouted on the backs of his hands. He immediately squeezed the steel armrests and just barely opened his Sharingan in front of the public.

Taishan Mansion Jun Festival!

The art of resurrecting the dead does indeed exist!

Uchiha Senmon Jun's face turned red, his eyes were burning, and he stared at the curtain intently.

The shrine maiden uniform on the Hyuga miko's body was dusty, and the dust fell. Her exposed skin was as if it were made of clay. Not only was it so pale, but it was also full of cracks and cracks.

But the most evil thing is the pair of white eyes of Hinata Miko, which have almost turned completely black.

"In the legend, the Taishan Prefecture King Sacrifice requires one life for another life, so that's what it means. This technique requires a living sacrifice!"

The Uchiha Sect's eyes swept over the lifeless dust body of the Hyuga Miko inch by inch, and his brows were furrowed.

If he guessed correctly, the Taishan Mansion King Sacrifice is to summon the soul of the deceased from the underworld to the earth, then attach the soul of the deceased to the living sacrifice, and cover the body of the container with dust, thereby transforming into the deceased The appearance in life.


A trace of unbearability flashed in the eyes of the Uchiha Immortal.

Mr. Tosu was really unlucky to be the first of the Twelve Divine Generals to die in the line of duty, but his sacrifice would never be in vain. Mr. Tosu did a great job in revealing some of the secrets of the Taishan Prefecture Lord's Festival.

Tosu, go all the way, your wife and daughter's supernatural police department will definitely make good arrangements and won't let you end with resentment.

After briefly praying for the blessings of the Tosu hero, the Uchiha sect focused all its attention on the curtain.

"Taishan Prefecture King Sacrifice...Who called me back to the world from the Pure Land..."

After Hinata Miko came out of the coffin, she glanced at Abe Seimei sideways with a somewhat stiff movement, and her tone was quite obscure:

"It turns out... Master Qingming, I haven't seen you for a long time... You are still the same as before..."

"I'm sorry, little miko of the Hinata family, I didn't summon you here just to reminisce about the past."

Abe Seimei held a talisman filled with mantras between the two fingers of his right hand and said slowly:

"Let me lend you some of your strength."

The Hyuga Miko raised her face, looked in the direction of Uchiha Sasuke with her black eyes, and continued to maintain her dead-like tone without any ups and downs of emotion:

"Even the Sharingan... In this case, I have to... take action..."

"That's the end of the pleasantries. Before taking action, she must be restored to her previous appearance."

Abe Seimei buried the talisman into the back of Hyuga Miko's head with his backhand, then formed a seal with his hands and shouted:

"Hurry as a rule."

"Chi chi chi——"

White gas like steam surged all over the Hyuga Miko's body, and most of the cracks on her skin were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems like it's become clean?"

"No, it's becoming more and more like a living person!"

Everyone in the war room couldn't help but marvel.

"And the look in Hinata Miko's eyes is even scarier than before. I'm afraid it's because Abe Seimei buried a spell in her mind to obliterate her personality and turn her into a pure murder doll." Professor Nagayama's serious analysis road.

After just a few breaths, the white light overflowing from Hinata Miko's body dissipated, and a pair of eyes that were cold to the core and filled with murderous intent appeared on the screen.

"Come on, under the witness of Hachiman Daimyojin, let's have a showdown with the Byakugan's demon-breaking arrow and the Sharingan's Susanoo's arrow." Abe Seimei waved his hand with interest. .

The Hyuga Miko drew an arrow from the quiver on her back, placed it on the bow, and then pulled it.

A beam of sacred white light cut through the darkness and shot toward Sasuke in white.

Demon-breaking arrow!

The three magatama in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes suddenly transformed into the pattern of a six-pointed star.

As soon as the Mangekyou Sharingan opened, the purple Susanoo holding a bow and arrow stood in front of Hachiman Shrine again amid the lightning and flint. Such a majestic figure made people suddenly see the incarnation of the god of bows and arrows.

Susanoo drew the bowstring, and a huge purple light arrow was shot out with the force of wind and thunder.


The Demon-Destroying Arrow and Susanoo's Arrow were pointed at each other, and they collided violently, bursting out with sparkling light.

Even the earth was trembling, the ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the violent gust of wind swept down the drones in the sky in pieces.

There is no winner or loser!

The Hyuga Miko drew out another arrow and shot it out. The white stream of light was like a silver dragon or a meteor. Each arrow carried a terrifying power.

But Sasuke's Susanoo in white clothes is not inferior at all.

The two of them continued to exchange fire, their arrows touching each other, and after falling to the ground, shocking large craters were exploded in the mountain.



The peak of Otokoyama, where Hachimangu Shrine is located, collapsed and the mountains were destroyed, and the loud rumbling sound shook dozens of miles away.

Countless citizens of Kyoto had spent a sleepless night before, and now they walked out of their homes and stared at the crumbling peak of Otoko Mountain, dumbfounded.

This is simply a divine punishment sent down by the gods in their wrath!

"Damn it! The drones that were approaching were blown away by the explosion! I can't see the situation clearly!"

"Wait a minute, look at the satellite image! Black flames appear!"

"This is the black flame that burned Yamata no Orochi to death in Sapporo City."

There was an uproar in the war room, and many people couldn't help but stand up and stare at the black flames that suddenly rose on the screen.

Everyone was deeply impressed by this black flame that burned everything and was extremely domineering.

If Toad Sage Jiraiya hadn't taken away the black flames, Sapporo City wouldn't even know how to deal with the mess.

"It's Amaterasu!"

The Uchiha Immortal's pupils shrank and he bit his lip.

"Are they really brothers? He has awakened the same kaleidoscope eye technique as Uchiha Itachi."

The mural records of Nanga Shrine have a very high evaluation of Amaterasu's pupil technique. The black calamity fire that will never be extinguished until it turns everything that enters the eyes into ashes can be called the strongest physical attack.

"But the dead resurrected in the Taishan Fujun Festival are already dust and ashes. Even Amaterasu may not be able to send them back to the underworld."

The Amaterasu Fire, as black as ink, was still extremely conspicuous in the night, and even the rocks and the broken walls of the fortress buildings on the riddled surface were burned.

But on the opposite side, two torches burning with black flames rose up.

It's the Hyuuga Miko, and Hei Shomon with his arms outstretched.

The dusty bodies of both are covered with blazing Amaterasu fire, but every time a part of it is corroded and melted away, the ash fragments are reassembled and pieced together, and so on, forming a strange balance.

The Uchiha Immortal Sect was secretly frightened:

"Even Amaterasu can't burn these dead people. Is it true that only Thunder Release can restrain them?"

The faces of the big guys in the war room didn't look very good, but they also felt a little lucky.

The art of Taishan Mansion Lord Sacrifice is really terrible, almost like cheating.

Fortunately, today we discovered the flaw in the Taishan Mansion Monarch Festival in advance, and learned the precious information that electricity can counteract each other in advance. In this way, humans can counterattack and will not sit still and wait for death.

In the future, we must not skimp on financial allocations, and we must develop more powerful and efficient electromagnetic weapons, otherwise big shots like them will not feel safe even if they stay with Minister Uchiha.

Behind Taira Shomon's tall and burly body, Abe Seimei's teasing laughter came:

"Even the fire of Amaterasu, which burns everything in sight, is not very effective against the undead with bodies of dust."

Abe Seimei used Taira Shomon as a shield and escaped Amaterasu's attack.


Uchiha Sasuke snorted, and a trace of blood dripped from his bloodshot left eye.

Then he closed his eyes, and the purple Susanoo began to melt.

"What's wrong? No second round?"

Abe Seimei asked curiously, and his tone was full of ill intentions.

"Or, your eyes can't hold it anymore."

Uchiha Sasuke was indifferent to Abe Seimei's provocation. He raised his hands, palms flew, and completed the seal in an instant.

The whole body immediately burst out with dazzling electric light, completely engulfing Uchiha Sasuke's figure.

"Ah, my eyes!"

"It's so bright, it's almost blinding!"

The people who had been watching the drone broadcast were caught off guard and blinded by the bright light. One after another they howled and fell in large pieces, and there was a sudden burst of chickens and dogs.

Thunder Escape·Thunder Phantom Lightning Pillar!

Uchiha Sasuke used the flash of lightning that blocked his sight, and his figure disappeared on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, almost as if he was moving instantly, he jumped hundreds of meters away and circled behind Abe Seimei.

"Choo Choo Choo!!"

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were just three Magatama Sharingan eyes, and his left hand was wrapped with blue lightning. The current rubbed and collided with the air, making a crisp sound like the singing of countless birds.


This is a thunderbolt ninjutsu developed by Kakashi. The high-intensity electric current formed by thunderbolt chakra is concentrated on the hand and moved at high speed to thrust, turning the palm into a sharp blade that cuts iron like mud. The penetrating power is extremely amazing. Even if Even rocks can be easily shattered.

Because Chidori once cut down lightning from the sky, it was also called Raikiri!

Uchiha Sasuke raised his sword and was about to pierce Abe Seimei with Raikiri.


At the critical moment, Hyuga Miko seemed to have been prepared and rushed behind Abe Seimei, sacrificing her life as a shield.

Uchiha Sasuke's left hand mercilessly pierced Hinata Miko's chest from the front!

The fingertips stopped three inches from the tip of Abe Seimei's nose.

The Chidori style on Uchiha Sasuke's hand flashed, and the dust body of Hyuga Miko exploded and turned into a pile of ashes and sand on the ground.

But Abe Seimei had already taken advantage of this gap to rise gracefully into the air.

"It's a pity, just a little bit close."

Abe Seimei touched his chest pretending to be afraid, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"In this case, can you still spare your hand to protect Hachiman Palace?"

Uchiha Sasuke's expression changed.

At the same time, the wind was blowing loudly in the sky, and the wind was swirling around the clouds. Set, the god of storms, had appeared in the sky above Hachiman Palace at some unknown time.

The hideous and ugly jackal head puffed up its cheeks and blew downward suddenly. Countless powerful storm air currents visible to the naked eye razed the Hachiman Palace to the ground in an instant.

"Boys are really easy to get excited about."

Abe Seimei covered his mouth and chuckled. His two beautiful eyes were as crooked as the moon, as if he was a little fox who had stolen a hen.

"I'm not here to play with you tonight. As long as I destroy Hachiman Palace, it will be my victory!"

The moment Hachimangu Shrine was destroyed, the entire Otoko Mountain peak shook violently, and the Earth Dragon turned over, shaking the sky and the earth.

From the ruins of Hachiman Palace, a huge beam of light as red as blood rose into the sky.

It was as if the mountain had been cut open for blood vessels, and a torrent of water spurted out.

Such an ominous and strange scene gave everyone who watched it directly or indirectly, whether they were civilians in Kyoto City or Yunshang people far away in Tokyo, no matter how high or low they were, they all had a premonition of impending disaster.

"Damn it, you were so careless! You actually let Abe Seimei destroy the Urine Demon Gate! You failed just a little bit!"

"What does Abe Seimei want to do by destroying the ghost gate seal?"

The big shots were gnashing their teeth and their eyes were about to burst.

In order to ensure the long-term peace and stability of Heian Kyo, Emperor Kanmu built many temples and shrines to guard the path that monsters and demons must pass through. But now they have all been wiped out, and the consequences are really unimaginable.

"No, our manpower deployed at other nodes of the Ghost Gate Line also sent an alarm! The same thing happened to those temple ruins."

"What, hurry up! Where are the satellite images? Send us the situation in Kyoto Prefecture."

I saw a total of six flashing red dots on the satellite image of Kyoto Prefecture.

From Hieizan Enryakuji Temple, the starting point of Onimon Seal, to Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine, Kojin Shrine, Kyoto Imperial Palace, and even the intact Yasaka Shrine, to Utokimon Stone Kiyomizu Hachimangu Shrine, red light rises into the sky.

The six nodes located on the ghost gate seal were actually connected, forming a straight line from northeast to southwest.

The scarlet ghost road opens up, a smooth road that is unique to the inhumane.

"The ghost gate of Heianjing has been completely opened, and no one can stop Yu from launching the Hundred Ghost Night Walk."

The wind blew in the hunting night, and Abe Seimei's white hunting clothes fluttered, almost blowing away with the wind. His coquettish and mysterious purple eyes reflected the moonlight, and his red lips opened slightly:

"Japan will once again usher in a peaceful era when the age of gods flourishes." (End of this chapter)

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