I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 408 Chapter 409 Death of Jiraiya

"Will Japan usher in a peaceful era with the prosperity of the Gods?"

Many big guys in the war room were stunned.

Abe Seimei glanced at the group of drones hovering in the sky. With a flick of his sleeves, countless white paper butterflies flew. After a few booms, black screens and snowflakes appeared one after another on the split screens.

"Hey, can you see it? The nobles of this world."

Almost all the drones were blown up, except for one that was wrapped in a white paper butterfly and fell into the hands of Abe Seimei.

She adjusted the camera on the drone, pointed it at her face, and smiled.

Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color.

The ordinary people in the war room, even through the screen, were not immune to the charm of Abe Seimei, and they all showed their ugly appearance in the spirit-giving ceremony. Several elderly immortals were surprised to find that they were able to do it again.

Abe Seimei is indeed the son of the demon fox Kuzuha, no, she should be the daughter of the demon fox now, she is indeed stunningly beautiful.

Even the golden-haired and jade-faced Tamamozamae who confused the world was nothing more than this.

How could such a stunningly beautiful woman be mistaken for a man by the ancients of the Heian period?

But considering the legendary Onmyoji of Abe Seimei, it is just a piece of cake to disguise oneself as a daughter.

Some people started to have wild ideas.

Abe Seimei's husband (wife) is really blessed to be with such a stunning beauty Wushan Yunyu, if it were me...

But after a while, it was like a basin of ice water poured over them, completely extinguishing their restless evil fire.

"Next month's Obon Festival, I will launch the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts in Heian-kyo!"

Abe Seimei had a charming smile and a sweet tone, but the words he spoke dropped a bombshell.

"Please noble people, please clear the place in advance. If ordinary people are accidentally injured, I will feel sorry for myself."

Hundreds of Ghosts at Night! ?

Everyone looked at each other, and then stood up one by one in panic.

Breaking the ghost seal tonight is just a foreplay. Abe Seimei’s real purpose is to launch the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons!

"Lord Seimei, as the guardian of Heianjing, you have made countless great achievements in resisting demons and monsters. Why are you now launching the Hundred Demons Night Parade? Isn't this contrary to your principles from thousands of years ago?"

An anxious voice came from the drone speaker and said hesitantly:

"Could it be that you and the Akatsuki organization who are plotting to destroy the world are..."

"Xiao and I are not from the same group. Their black red cloud robes don't match the Onmyoji."

Abe Seimei waved his palms in a funny way, and then a gentle and melancholy look appeared on his pretty face, and he said with unspeakable sadness:

"Just like a thousand years ago, I still love the world and mankind."

"In that case, why would you do such a thing, Master Seimei? Please calm down..."

"The three-year period of Taishan Prefecture Lord Jedi Tiantong has ended. Humanity can no longer take shelter under the wings of Taishan Prefecture Lord. Even the Toad Immortal Jiraiya has died in the battle. Now only I can survive in the end of the tribulation." Save humanity.”

"What? Lord Jiraiya died in battle!?"

"Bang! Zhi——"

A series of noisy sounds of seats falling to the ground and electronic noises came from the drone speaker, and it was clear that the scene on the other side was extremely panicked.

"Lord Seimei, you said Mr. Jiraiya died in battle?"

Another magnetic male voice came from the speaker, anxious.

"Oh, I know you. 'Uchiha' Immortal Sect."

Abe Seimei had a look of interest on his face, and said meaningfully every word:

"Head of the Twelve Divine Generals. Ha, has your Supernatural Police Department considered paying Yu the royalties?"

"Seimei-sama, now is not the time to joke. What happened when you said Mr. Jiraiya died in battle? What happened in heaven again?"

It was difficult for the Uchiha Sect to keep calm, and they kept asking questions one after another.

"Now that we have started a war with the Akatsuki organization, sacrifices are inevitable."

Abe Seimei stretched his arms, and each paper butterfly held up the last drone and flew to a high place.

"Go ahead and remember what I said. Kyoto will become a magical city where hundreds of ghosts walk at night during the Bon Festival."

"Hey Hey hey……"

After throwing the drone away, Abe Seimei ignored it, put his palms together, and shouted:


Then he waved downwards.

The dust bodies of Set, the God of Storm, Hei Shomon and Hyuga Miko, disintegrated and turned into a pile of gravel on the ground.

Three white beams soared into the sky and flew into Abe Seimei's hands.

"Swiss, swiss, swish."

The head of the Tosu hero emerged from the sand, his eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. Thin black tentacles came out from his mouth, nose and ears, making sparse sounds.

Abe Seimei raised his eyebrows, with a look of interest on his face.

"As a living sacrifice for the Taishan Prefecture Lord Sacrifice, he still has breath left in him, and he has incredible power in his body."

She closed her eyes, kept counting with her right hand, and muttered words: "Sea...drift...abandoned..."

"Heh, I saw something interesting."

Abe Seimei opened his eyes, flicked his finger at Tosu Hero, and a little red light penetrated into Tosu Hero's body.

"Having a little bit of divinity is a very rare specimen. I'll give you a spot too."

After everything was taken care of, Abe Seimei, floating in the air, looked at Sasuke in white who was standing on the ground.

After he smashed the Hyuga Miko with his Raikiri, he had been watching calmly from the sidelines, indifferent to what Abe Seimei did.

"Ah, you just clearly had at least five chances to shoot me through with Susanoo's arrow."

Abe Seimei said with a smile:

"Why don't you do this? Is it because you care about the beauty?"

"Hmph, the cunning son of the fox."

Sasuke in white clothes snorted coldly, and the magatama in his eyes swung, emitting scarlet blood light, able to penetrate all illusions.

"This is just a shikigami of yours."

"Sure enough, I can't deceive the power of the Sharingan. This is the first time I've been seen through."

There was no trace of shame on Abe Seimei's face, and he admitted openly:

"Do you want to know the whereabouts of the nine-tailed demon fox? Yu's true form will be here during the Bon Festival in one month, waiting for your visit."

As soon as he finished speaking, Abe Seimei turned into a mahogany puppet and fell to the ground.

"It's exactly the same as the puppet that appeared in the Derna Desert."

The only remaining drone was hovering over the ruins of Hachimangu Shrine.

Abe Seimei's shikigami is as fake as real, just like the projection of shadow-level powerhouses. He appears and disappears without a trace, causing high-level government officials a headache.

"The extraordinary guy in white with the Sharingan is also leaving. Quick, quick, stop him!"

"No, let's negotiate with him. Let him see the sincerity of our Japanese government!"

The drone approached Sasuke in white, the speaker on it was turned on, and the negotiators racked their brains and guts, preparing to offer various conditions to bribe him.


A blue current surged on the screen, and then the screen went completely black.

Sasuke in white abandoned the sincerity of the Japanese government and shot down the drone with a single blow.


"The ceremony of Taishan Fujun Festival requires a living sacrifice, one life for another. Why didn't he die? Was Abe Seimei merciful?"

"No, Hero Tosu only has one heart left. He died again!"

"As long as all the hearts are exhausted, Tosu will remain immortal...what a...monster..."

"Mr. Tosu's physical indicators are all normal, why can't he wake up?"

"Also, what is the red mark on the back of his right hand? Go and inform Minister Uchiha."

The consciousness of the Tosu hero continued to sink and sink in the chaotic darkness.

Like several previous dying experiences, he felt as if he was sinking into the deep sea, but he could vaguely hear the sounds floating from the sea.

It was vague and inaudible at all, only the word "monster" came clearly into my ears.


Hero Tosu thought sadly that even if he no longer takes the hearts of living people to survive, but relies on the hearts of monsters to survive, there is essentially no difference.

He is a monster!

But even so, after three years, the Tosu hero has gradually become accustomed to the black tentacles in his body and no longer feels sad.

The Tosu hero still has unfulfilled responsibilities to his wife, daughter, and Mamiya Moribe. Before completing all of this, he must not give up on himself like this.

"here it is……"

The Tosu hero reluctantly turned over, and the deep fantasy he was in seemed as thick as amniotic fluid, with the saltiness of sea water.

"I'm back here again. This is the first time since the Mount Fuji eruption."

He looked down and saw that from the dark and bottomless abyss, black tentacles were swinging upward like seaweed, which was shocking.

Suddenly, dozens of black tentacles suddenly extended in front of the Tosu hero, and then continued to twine into a human shape.

[Tosu, you are such a waste! 】

The human figure was wrapped with layers of black tentacles, and its head and face were completely invisible.

[How many times have you died? 】

"Lord Evil God, I made you laugh."

The Tosu hero lowered his head guiltily.

So far, he doesn't know what kind of existence is attached to his body, whether it is a god, a Buddha, or a demon.

The only thing that is known is that His five elements belong to water, and he seems to be an ancient existence related to the ocean.

However, the evil spirit given to him by the evil god, the art of earthly resentment and Yu, the art of erasing faces, and the chaos of the demonic realm, all reveal a deep evil aura.

The name of the evil god is well deserved.

Deep down in his heart, Hero Tosu is deeply wary of the evil god, but at the same time he also has some sincere gratitude. Without the power He gave him, Hero Tosu would have been a handful of bones in the sea of ​​trees in Aokigahara.

Not to mention that he saved his life several times afterwards.

Tosu Hero had mixed emotions, and felt like he was a bit Stockholm.

[Tosu, you are such a waste! No, even a waste can do better than you. 】

"Yes, yes, you said so."

The hero of Tosu immediately showed his shamelessness and flattered him.

[Twice by Jukai Aokigahara, once in your own home, once by Kaguya-sama, and this time, three lives. Count them yourself. How many lives do you already owe me? 】

At this point, the evil god's favor has been forgotten, and the Tosu hero is just obedient.

"Master Evil God, for your great kindness, I will repay you even if I am a cow or a horse."

[I've had enough of you being such a wimp! Even though I have given you so much power, you still get beaten to pieces all day long. You are really rubbish. 】

The Tosu hero lowered his eyebrows and allowed the evil god to curse and scold him.

Although he has enjoyed great success as the Twelve God Generals in recent years, the Tosu Hero was originally born as a social beast. This level of censure is nothing more than facing the spring breeze.

[Don’t those playing house companions around you have pretty good abilities? Wood escape, melt escape, Ming escape... go dig out their hearts! In this case, you can become a real strong person! 】

The evil god maliciously instigated the Tosu heroes to attack the other twelve generals and seize their extraordinary abilities and hearts.

Hero Tosu's expression changed drastically.

Although he himself had secretly communicated with the Eagle Organization and was preparing to betray the Twelve Divine Generals, he never intended to stab the Twelve Divine Generals in the back.

Especially Minister Uchiha, who saved him from darkness. How could the Tosu hero do such a thing of repaying kindness with hatred?

"Let's talk about it later when we have a chance."

However, it was obviously unwise to contradict the evil god at this time. Hero Tosu resigned himself to it, laughed, and changed the subject:

"Lord Evil God, when will I wake up? There should be people waiting outside."

【wake? Hahahaha, you no longer have this chance! 】

The evil god's ferocious laughter was full of malice and teasing.

Hero Tosu's heart suddenly trembled, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his hands and feet were cold, and he said with a forced smile:

"Lord Evil God, please stop joking. I should still have a heart, so I can still be saved."

Suddenly, a black tentacle suddenly appeared from under his feet and wrapped around his ankle from the bottomless abyss. Then more black tentacles climbed up, and then pulled him to sink into the bottomless abyss!

"Lord Evil God, what are you going to do?"

The Tosu hero struggled hard and roared in vain.

[Tosu, you are so useless. It is really a waste for you to use this body, why not leave it to me. Hahahaha! 】

"This is different from the contract we made before!"

The Tosu hero was frightened and angry, but more and more black tentacles wrapped the Tosu hero until only his head was left, making him unable to move and could only roar.

"I clearly said before that I would give you my body to use for half an hour..."

[Hahaha, my power is not so easy to use. This is with interest! 】

Just when the hero of Tosu could only close his eyes and wait for death, two scarlet full moons suddenly rose in the abyss, and three black magatama slowly rotated in the red moon.

"It turns out that this is the monster inside you."

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