I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 409 Chapter 410 Thunder God Sugawara Michizane

【These eyes! You are a member of the Uchiha clan. I never thought you could grow to this point...]

The evil god's murmurs were filled with shock and hatred.

"I can see it now, Tosu, is this the origin of your extraordinary power?"

The handle of the Uchiha Immortal Gate was pressed on the Tosu hero's body, and the wriggling black tentacles immediately wrapped around his palm. His Sharingan followed the black tentacles all the way down to the bottomless abyss, incomparably cold.

"I never thought you could have such evil things in your body."

"Mr. Uchiha, your eyes..."

The Tosu hero, who was wrapped in black tentacles and eaten away with only his eyes exposed, was overjoyed when he heard the familiar voice. He turned his head to look, and was suddenly shocked and inexplicable.

There were three magatama spinning in the eyes of the Uchiha Sect.


[You can actually see me lurking in Tosu's body. Is it because of the terrifying Sharingan and the cursed bloodline power that has awakened in your body? 】

The evil god's black tentacles were tightly entangled in Uchiha Senmon's arms as if conditioned to reflex.

[These eyes are exactly the same as Uchiha Madara, no, they are exactly the same as Izanagi! 】

"You actually know about the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Izanagi?"

Uchiha Xianmen frowned and said slowly.

The real name of Uchiha Madara, the founder of the Uchiha clan, is Izanagi-kun. He only learned this secret from the stone tablet at Nanga Shrine.

But judging from the past reactions of the powerful gods and demons in the heaven to the Sharingan, there are many people who know it.

【I will never forgive Izanagi for abandoning me! Never! 】

However, the evil god seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and he roared hysterically, and black tentacles shot out one after another, trying to drag the Uchiha Sect into the bottomless abyss.

It seems that I can't ask anything.

The Uchiha Immortal had a cold face, and with a shake of his arm, all the black tentacles clinging to him broke off, and dispersed into the chaotic darkness like bubbles.

"Mr. Uchiha..."

The Tosu hero also regained freedom from the shackles of the black tentacles. His eyes flickered and he opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped.

He also couldn't figure out why Minister Uchiha had such a pair of eyes.

Could it be that there is some ulterior relationship between Minister Uchiha and the Akatsuki Organization?

"Tosu, this guard mission is really hard on you."

A strange and dazzling blood light bloomed in the eyes of the Uchiha Immortal Sect, and he said calmly:

"In the next while, you should have a good sleep."

Tokyo Special Care Ward.

Under the curious and fiery gazes of several experts and professors in white coats, Uchiha Senmon slowly opened his eyes and withdrew his right hand that was placed on the forehead of the Tosu hero.

"Mr. Uchiha, how is Mr. Tosu's condition?"

The wood escape power of the Uchiha Sect can also heal the injuries of others to a certain extent, so he came here to be a guest doctor.

"There is no damage to Tosu's whole body. It's just that his strength has been exhausted to the limit. He should be able to rest for a while."

The Sharingan illusion applied by Uchiha Sect at the end is another layer of insurance added to the hints that have been planted.

To avoid accidentally exposing the secrets of the Uchiha Sect.

The Uchiha Senmon carefully looked at the bright red lines that appeared on the back of the Tosu hero's right hand, like two overlapping rocks. This was a gift left by Abe Seimei before he left.

It's really puzzling.

After walking out of the special ward, Uchiha Senmon got into the luxury car of the Supernatural Police Department, leaned on the cushion, closed his eyes and rested.

The black luxury car set off in the envious eyes of passers-by.

"Kyouka Suigetsu's plan has been put on hold for the time being. The focus now is to obtain the Taishanfu Lord Festival spell from Abe Seimei."

The Uchiha Immortal's eyelids opened and closed, and light flickered.

Kyoka Suigetsu is to overturn the table in the most extreme situation and complete the revenge. For this reason, the Uchiha Sect will do whatever it takes.

But resurrecting Mikoto is definitely more important than revenge for Mikoto.

For this reason, the Uchiha Sect can also temporarily make concessions.

"In addition to exchanging one life for another, there should be prerequisites for the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice."

The Uchiha Senmon murmured to himself with a thoughtful look on his face.

If you only need a living sacrifice to summon a shadow-level warrior with an immortal body, the Taishan Palace Monarch Sacrifice is too cheating, and it is simply destroying the balance between the human world and the underworld.

It can be logically inferred that the Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice should have very strict restrictions and prices.

But watching Abe Seimei perform the Taishanfu King Festival with such ease and ease that he was astonished and relaxed, it was nothing more than a piece of cake for her.

"Only Abe Seimei knows the secret of the Taishan Prefecture Lord's Festival." The eyes of the Uchiha Sect were full of determination.

Although it seems that Taishanfu Junji's resurrection is not about letting the dead take flesh and live another life in the body of a living person, but as long as we can see each other again, even if it means killing a god, the Uchiha Sect can do it!

After driving for ten minutes, the black luxury car stopped at the entrance of the Prime Minister's official residence in Nagata Town.

As soon as Uchiha Senmon got out of the car, several officials greeted him eagerly, nodding and bowing:

"Minister Uchiha, the Prime Minister has already ordered us to take you to the conference room when you arrive."


Uchiha Senmon glanced at the security force outside the Prime Minister's residence, which was several times tighter than usual, and he understood.

In the conference room, there were twenty or thirty people who were obviously very powerful people at first glance, waiting for the arrival of the Uchiha Sect.

At a glance, Uchiha Senmen saw that most of the cabinet team, including the Prime Minister, had gathered, as well as representatives of other forces.

After the Asakusa Incident, such a high-level closed-door meeting has not been held for a long time.

In the third year of Taipei, Abe Seimei launched an uprising in Kyoto, which suddenly frightened Japan's top officials into panic.

A strange color flashed through the eyes of the Uchiha Immortal, but he sat down calmly.

After that, several dignitaries arrived one after another. After everyone arrived, an assistant distributed the documents to everyone's desk one by one.

Uchiha Senmen opened it and browsed it briefly. It was the details and analysis of the extraordinary attack launched by Abe Seimei two nights ago.

"I didn't expect Lord Jiraiya to have died..."

"Really or not? Don't do this kind of thing!"

"The purpose of destroying the ghost gate seal is to launch the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in Kyoto!? This is simply crazy!"

Even though the big shots in the conference room had heard the news a long time ago, after reading the report, they realized that the problem was more serious than they thought, and they couldn't help but feel anxious.

"The Nikkei Index has been falling since the opening. If there is news about the Hyakki Night Parade in Kyoto a month later, it may happen again like the Sapporo City War and the Mount Fuji eruption." Finance Minister His eyes were bitter and he was worried.

During the three years of Jedi Tiantong, life in Japan was pretty good.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made great efforts to promote Japan as a safe haven in the extraordinary era. Relying on the Twelve God Generals headed by Uchiha Senmon as economic ballast, it attracted a lot of overseas investment through deception and tasted a lot of sweetness. There is quite a bit of momentum to break through the 30-year economic downturn.

Now, Japan was hit with a heavy blow, catching Japan a little off guard.

If a wave of demons really breaks out in Kyoto Prefecture, the false prosperity of Japan's economy may return to its original shape overnight.

"How can this be? Can't your Ministry of Foreign Affairs cover it up and try to reduce the impact as much as possible?"

Suddenly someone became anxious.

Although the big shots here are all citizens of the world and have large assets overseas, most of their wealth is in Japan. If the big tree in Japan falls, the borers like them will have nothing to chew on.

"Tens of thousands of tourists from home and abroad witnessed the presence of monsters during the Gion Festival."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs smiled wryly and waved his hand:

"From Mount Hiei's Enryaku-ji Temple to Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine, in a straight line, at least millions of Kyoto citizens have seen the strange sign that the gate of hell has been opened. Even if we have suppressed domestic reports, overseas reports The big newspapers and media outlets are all making headlines, so they can’t hide it for long.”

Everyone's faces were very ugly.

"The only good news is that Abe Seimei's announcement of launching the Hundred Demon Night Parade during Obon is still under lockdown."

Many dignitaries looked at each other, their expressions slightly improved, and there was at least a month's buffer left.

Some big shots are already planning to sell off their properties in Kyoto Prefecture as soon as the meeting is over.

"You are all the pillars of the country. Let's discuss what should be done next."

The prime minister sitting on top coughed slightly, temporarily suppressing the discussion below.

"Should the 2.6 million residents of Kyoto be evacuated before Obon?"

Many big shots looked embarrassed when they heard this.

The temporary relocation of more than two million people is a huge project when you think about it.

With the organizational power of the Japanese government, it is not impossible, but the price paid is too high.

As soon as the news comes out, the Japanese stock market will be in mourning.

Even now, some people still have a sense of luck.

If Abe Seimei was just joking and did not launch the Hyakuki Night Parade when the time came, the Japanese government, which had paid such a heavy price, would have become the laughing stock of the world.

But most people know in their hearts that judging from Abe Seimei's arrangement, it is very likely that he is trying to be real.

Although the top political leaders in Japan are very good at pretending to be deaf and whitewashing the peace, no one dares to use Kyoto Prefecture's population of 2.6 million as a bargaining chip to bet on whether Abe Seimei will launch the Night of Hyakki.

Once there are larger casualties, it is the end of political life.

Those present were all old foxes, so of course no one would say such a thing.

Everyone stared and closed their mouths in unison.

"A bunch of bugs! They want me to take the blame again."

Seeing that the people below were silent, the Prime Minister cursed secretly with his teeth sore.

The evacuation and resettlement of Kyoto's 2.6 million residents is no small matter. Even he can't make a decision at the moment, so he makes a joint decision and shares the responsibility when problems arise.

"Minister Uchiha, can your Supernatural Police Department fight against Abe Seimei's Hyakuki Night Parade? If you can eliminate Abe Seimei when she launches the Hyakuki Night Parade, you can minimize the losses."

Since it was the Prime Minister who spoke, Uchiha Senmen could only stand up. He pondered for a moment and said:

"I'm afraid not."

It would be extremely difficult for the Twelve God Generals to deal with a shadow-level powerhouse without exposing their own strength to the Uchiha Celestial Sect.

Although Abe Seimei has not shown any powerful magic skills outside of the Taishan Fukun Festival so far, with her huge reputation as the best onmyoji in history, she is obviously not comparable to ordinary shadow-level powerhouses.

If Abe Seimei summons a few shadow-level powerhouses like he did before summoning the Hyuga Miko, the twelve generals will be defeated like melons and vegetables.

The Uchiha Sect analyzed the pros and cons and compared the strengths of the enemy and ourselves, which immediately left people speechless.

"Damn it! Can't we use the cannons of the Self-Defense Forces and the American Army to blow Abe Seimei into the sky?"

"You are really stupid! The dead who were resurrected during the Taishan Mansion Junji Festival are all immortal. Even if they are blown to pieces with bombs, they will still come back."

"Damn it, is there really no way to restrain immortality?"

"Only thunder and lightning can restrain the undead summoned by the Taishan Mansion Lord Festival!"

The hole deliberately dug for the art of reincarnation from dirty soil, with a little guidance, researchers and experts can step into it without any accident.

Judging from the battle at Hachimangu Shrine the night before, lightning was a natural killer against the undead with bodies of dust. In addition, even the fire of Amaterasu, which is known as the strongest physical attack, was unable to defeat the undead summoned by Taizan Fukunji. .

"Among the twelve divine generals, are there no extraordinary ones who can use thunder and lightning?"

"There is only Tosu Hero, but his bird clone that can use Thunder Release has been consumed in last night's battle. The Supernatural Police Department does not have any extra reserves, and it will be nowhere to be found for a while." The Uchiha Sect is watertight. replied.

"By the way, Che Yamashita of the Eagle Organization can also control thunder and lightning."

Yamashita Che's Magnetic Escape can rub against iron sand and launch an electrically charged attack.

"It's ridiculous! Are we going to recruit a murderer who killed the former head of state?"

"Now that the matter has come to this, what else is there to say? Do we have to watch the Hundred Demons Night Parade in Kyoto!"

Many big figures in the conference room were suddenly divided into two groups, and they were so noisy that they couldn't get along.

The undead spirit summoned by Taishan Mansion Junji is really an insurmountable wall. If you can't overcome this problem, you won't even have the slightest chance of winning.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, an assistant suddenly opened the door in a hurry.

"Kyoto Tenmangu Palace, Sugawara Michizane...thunder..."

The assistant said incoherently.

Many big shots didn't have time to hold the assistant accountable for his rash actions, as if they were electrocuted, they all jumped up in fright at the news he revealed.

After Taira Shomon caused trouble, was it the turn of Michizane Sugawara, the leader of the four evil spirits, to appear?

This was a ruthless man who almost killed Emperor Daigo with a thunderbolt!

House seemingly endless rain.

Isn’t it a real pill in Japan?

"The miracle is Sugawara Michizane's miracle! The demon sword, the demon sword has come to the world!" (End of this chapter)

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