I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 411 Chapter 412 First hearing about Payne

Tenman Taizuishin, Sugawara Michizane? !

The Uchiha Immortal's expression changed, and he was secretly frightened.

Others were even more unbearable, as helpless as headless chickens. Some people took out their mobile phones and had to report to their superiors.

The hair and clothes of the young social beast have been reduced to ashes, the charred skin and flesh have faded away to gray and black, and the whole body emits astonishing electric silver threads, intertwined into a shining silver court dress worn by civil servants and ministers in the Heian period.

Wearing a cherry blossom crown on his head, a sewed armpit robe, and holding a wat board in his right hand.

His originally ordinary face was already full of divinity and majesty, and his blue eyes blinked.


The lightning was followed by thunder, and a flash of thunder shook the atmosphere.

As soon as the Kyoto Prefectural Police Chief took out his cell phone, he felt his palms went numb and electric arcs flashed on the phone. He was so frightened that he threw the phone away.

Not only that, the electronic equipment on everyone's body was making strange noises and all malfunctioned.

Moreover, his hair reaches the top of his fingers, and his hair is fluttering, like a Super Saiyan.

"This is God's descent!"

"The God of Heaven, the Great Isla, has revealed a miracle!"

Several priests at Tenman Palace were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. Their faces turned red and they knelt on the ground, kowtowing.

Others who are not strong-willed are like sheep that follow the herd, obediently prostrate themselves on the ground.

Only a few members of the Supernatural Police Department and the Kyoto Police Chief still stood behind the Uchiha Senmon tremblingly.

The reason why they still dare to stand is that they have experienced similar supernatural beings at work and are not completely discouraged. More importantly, Minister Uchiha is standing in front of them, which makes them emboldened.

"Sugawara Michizane..."

The Uchiha Senmen raised his head and chanted silently.

The moment the lightning flashed, he opened his Sharingan and closed it immediately.

The figure bathed in lightning is indeed divine and majestic, but the Sharingan can discern reality and reality.

This is just a phantom, a being that attaches part of its power to an ordinary citizen and manipulates him as a spokesperson.

"Is the god Tenma, the god of freedom, coming to Kyoto for Abe Seimei?"

The Uchiha sect asked in a neither humble nor arrogant tone.

Except for Lord Taishan, even gods are not qualified to make him bow down.

Moreover, the true strength of the Uchiha Sect is infinitely close to the Kage level, enough to be on an equal footing with the Immortals, and his pride does not allow him to kneel down to Sugawara Michizane.

"That's right. We already know Abe Seimei's ambitions."

Michizane Sugawara, floating in mid-air, said without sadness or joy.

"Sir Michizane Sugawara, are you going to personally take action to thwart Abe Seimei's conspiracy?"

The Kyoto Police Minister was so surprised that he almost jumped up.

In the past few days, the big figures in Kyoto's political and business circles were all in a state of distress. He, the police minister, was sitting on a hot bed, eager to resign immediately.

"Unfortunately, no."

Sugawara Michizane's words made the Kyoto Police Minister feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave and his whole body was cold.

"A war against the Akatsuki organization has broken out in the heavens, and the gods and Buddhas are temporarily distracted. Abe Seimei saw this opportunity and launched an attack in the human world."

Sugawara Michizane said calmly:

"Furthermore, Abe Seimei imitated Taishanfu Lord Jedi Tentou's barrier technique to isolate the two realms. It will be difficult for us to personally intervene in the lower realms in a short period of time."

Tianjie is in a decisive battle with the Akatsuki organization!

Several officers from the Supernatural Police Department looked at each other, their Adam's apples trembling, and they were frightened by this shocking news.

I didn’t expect Abe Seimei to be so insidious.

Since Abe Seimei was able to steal Taishan Fukun's power to control life and death and develop the Taishan Fukun Festival, it is reasonable to imitate Taishan Fukun's great magical power.

"Did Jiraiya-sama, the toad sage of Mount Myoboku, fall in this battle?"

Uchiha Xianmen frowned and asked.


After confirming that the bad news of Jiraiya's death in battle was true, the Uchiha Clan could not help but sigh with emotion and feel sad.

"Jiraiya was killed by the Akatsuki leader 'Penn'."

"Penn? The leader of the Akatsuki organization..."

The expression of the Uchiha Immortal Sect suddenly became extremely solemn, and he spoke word by word.

Lord Jiraiya is an old friend of the government. During several crises, he has been relied upon to turn the tide.

Moreover, the Uchiha Sect also learned how to become a sage from Jiraiya-sama, so they had a half-teacher relationship.

Publicly and privately, the Uchiha sect all had reasons to avenge Jiraiya.

"The war with Akatsuki is not something that your human world can interfere with."

Sugawara Michizane's eyes seemed to be filled with electricity, and he said:

"Although I still don't understand Abe Seimei's purpose, Hyakki Yakou one month later will definitely not allow her to succeed."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but follow Sugawara Michizane's gaze and fell on the two demon swords stuck on the ground.

"This pair of demonic swords, 'Thunder Saber Fangs', can restrain her Taishan Prefecture Junji just right."

The priests and policemen at the scene couldn't help but feel excited and eager to try.

The gods give artifacts to defeat those who rebel against the gods and monsters. This is simply a royal plot.

In this case, do they also have a chance?

"Since it is a divine weapon given by you, Lord Sugawara Michizane, how can it be called a demon sword? It should be called a divine sword."

The Kyoto Prefectural Police Chief quickly flattered.

It is a rare experience to flatter the gods.

"The demon sword hinders the master. This pair of thunder sword teeth will choose the master and serve him. If they are not satisfied, they will be burned to ashes by lightning."

Michizane Sugawara didn't appreciate it at all. The so-called police minister was just like an ant in his eyes.


As if cooperating, the Lei Dao Ya blade trembled, arcs of electricity shot out, and holes appeared on the ground.

The others were immediately frightened and backed away.

"Can you control these pair of demon swords?"

Sugawara Michizane's electric blue eyes looked at the Uchiha Sect who had been silent.

Sure enough, this pair of demon swords was not prepared for ordinary people.

Everyone suddenly realized.

Only extraordinary beings such as the Twelve Divine Generals are qualified to accept the trial of the demon sword.

As for Minister Uchiha, as the most extraordinary person in the world, if he could not control these demonic swords, the other twelve generals would have no hope.

Uchiha Xianmen's expression changed.

"Minister, please think twice before you act."

"It's better to take a long-term view and discuss it with the cabinet before making a decision."

Upon seeing this, several members of the Supernatural Police Department immediately spoke to dissuade him.

The demon sword certified by Sugawara Michizane himself is so ferocious that if anything happens to Minister Uchiha, they will die without mercy.

"Stop talking, I've made up my mind."

The Uchiha Sect's tone was calm, but his determination weighed more than a thousand pounds.

If you can't even control a pair of demonic swords and thunder sword fangs, how can you conquer the immortal dead and seize the art of the Taizan Prefecture Lord's Festival from Abe Seimei's hands to realize your tragic wish.

"Everyone obeys my order and exits Tenmangu Shrine. Check again to see if residents in nearby neighborhoods have been evacuated."

Uchiha Senmon has served as the head of the Supernatural Police Department for three years and has accumulated so much authority that even ordinary cabinet ministers are intimidated by his power and authority. Naturally, the officers and police present did not dare to say anything.

Five minutes later, everything was ready, and Uchiha Senmon stood alone in Tenmangu.

He stepped forward and approached the two Thunder Fangs inserted crosswise on the ground.


As if to intimidate the Uchiha sect, a blue arc as thick as a thumb directly exploded the stone lantern beside the shrine into pieces.

However, the Uchiha Immortal Sect was like a spring breeze, their expressions did not change, and they stopped in front of Lei Daoya.

Let me see how much the so-called demon sword weighs.

"Lei Daoyang, please give me some advice."

The chakra that changed the nature of the wood escape in the body surged, and the Uchiha Senmon reached out his right hand and held the first Thunder Tooth Fang.


Countless blue and white electric snakes shot out in an instant, swallowing up the Uchiha Immortal Sect, and bathing their whole bodies in a thunderous light.

"Mr. Uchiha!"

The operators who were hiding in the houses in the nearby streets and observing were all frightened when they saw it, and their hearts suddenly reached their throats.

The Uchiha Sect endured the violent thunder, but only frowned slightly, without much pain, and pulled out the first Thunder Fang from the ground with his backhand.

"As expected of Minister Uchiha."

Everyone felt a little at ease.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Senmon held the sword in his right hand and the second Thunder Fang in his left hand, and pulled it out in one go.


More violent thunderbolts were fired, and blue arcs visible to the naked eye lingered on the body of the Uchiha Senmon, sputtering on the ground from time to time, and making bumps on the shrine.

But the Uchiha Sect was safe and sound, and even their clothes were not burned.

"Isn't that all..."

The Uchiha Sect held two restless demon swords, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

There is a world of difference from the Thunder Release used by the extraordinary white-robed warrior who possesses the Sharingan. If it is only to this extent, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg against a strong Kage level warrior who wants to fight against it.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred in the sky.

Suddenly the clouds gathered, and with the roaring wind and the rumbling thunder, the thunder snakes shuttled between the clouds, appearing and disappearing.



The anger of the gods only brewed in the clouds for a few seconds, and lightnings as thick as arms fell from the sky one after another, covering the Uchiha Immortal Gate and smashing wildly.

After the lightning exploded, dazzling electric sparks erupted, sweeping across the ground in all directions.

Wherever it passes, gravel breaks and trees break.

Even the figure of Minister Uchiha was annihilated in the flash of swift wind and thunder.

The lightning storm, like a thunderstorm, stunned all the officials who were paying attention to the situation at the scene, and their bodies trembled instinctively due to fear.

The power of heaven and earth is so terrifying!

After this wave of lightning strikes, except for the miraculously intact Tenmangu Shrine, the surrounding area had been reduced to ruins.

"How's the situation, Mr. Uchiha?"

"Such a terrifying thunder and lightning, Mr. Uchiha would not..."

Everyone looked pale and almost didn't dare to look any further.

But all this is not over yet. The dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered and rotated, forming a large black whirlpool in an instant, and then exploded grandly.

An extremely thick thunder and lightning, carrying an aura of terror and destruction, tore through the atmosphere and fell downwards.

Such a terrifying lightning made even the officials hiding hundreds of meters despair. They almost suspected that they would also be blown to ashes.


At this moment, a figure rose into the sky and slashed towards the sky.

Actually, it cut down the lightning!

Everyone felt dizzy, as if they were witnessing the birth of a myth.

"This, how is this possible!?"

"Mr. Uchiha, he actually split the lightning!"

"Raikiri! This is Raiikiri!"

Tachibana Michyuki, a famous general in the Warring States Period of Japan, wore a famous sword called Chidori, and used it to cut lightning, so it was nicknamed Raikiri.

Tachibana Michyuki himself survived the catastrophe and was praised by later generations as the incarnation of the God of Thunder.

"Unexpectedly, in just a few years, such a strong person would be born in the human world."

There was a rare hint of surprise in Sugawara Michizane's calm blue eyes.

"You're overly flattering."

The clothes on the Uchiha Sect's body have almost turned into ashes, and the clothes are not covering the body, but the breath has not weakened much. The pair of demon swords that used to be extremely violent and constantly emitting electric current are now extremely docile.

"In this case, it should be considered as taming Thunder Saber Fang."

Uchiha Senmen breathed a sigh of relief.

Michizane Sugawara nodded.

"The great and free God of Heaven..."

Uchiha Senmen raised his head. He still had some questions to ask Sugawara Michizane.

"Zizzi... You are not... Zizzi, fighting alone."

At this moment, Sugawara Michizane's thunder robe began to flicker, and at the same time, his voice seemed to have a bad signal, bringing with it noise.

"Sharingan... zz... Sasuke, sizz... he will help you."

With a flash of silver light, the body Sugawara Michizane was attached to fell from mid-air.

The Uchiha Senmon's right hand holding the Thunder Tooth Fang stretched out his index finger, and a branch rose up from the ground to catch the falling body.

The ordinary citizens who had been turned into charcoal and were considered dead had lingering breaths.

"As expected, he is a righteous god and will not hurt innocent people easily."

The Uchiha sect has a better impression of Sugawara Michizane, who has always been serious about his words.

"Mr. Uchiha, it's great that you are safe and sound."

The members who were guarding outside Tenman Palace gathered around him with expressions of fanatical admiration, as if they were meeting a god, and were filled with admiration.

In ancient times, there was Tachibana Michyuki, and now there is Minister Uchiha!

"Send him to the hospital."

Putting on a black coat handed over by his subordinates, Uchiha Senmen manipulated the branches to hand them over to ordinary citizens and stared at them.

"The third person with the Mangekyou Sharingan, the younger brother of Uchiha Itachi..."

Uchiha Senmen stroked the Thunder Fang, thoughtfully, and murmured:

"Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke."

The demon sword Thunder Blade that changes the sky and chops down lightning storms; and Uchiha Sasuke who is good at the lightning escape technique. In this way, all the elements for conquering the Taishanfu King Festival are ready. (End of chapter)

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