I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 412 Chapter 413 When encountering the devil

Kyoto Prefecture, August 15th, late afternoon.

"Whoop whoosh!"

Helicopter formations loaded with artillery shells passed between the buildings, and wheeled armored vehicles majestically passed through barricades one after another, filling a solemn atmosphere with solemnity.

The storm is about to come and the wind is filling the building.

In Sanskrit, "Obon" means hanging upside down, and "basin" means a bowl for holding food. Bon Festival is a day for giving food to hungry ghosts to relieve the hunger of hanging upside down.

Obon Festival is as important a legal holiday in Japan as New Year's Day.

Especially after the sanctification of Taishanfu Lord three years ago, the Japanese government will hold the Taishanfu Lord Festival around Obon Festival, which is an unprecedented event.

The Bon Festival in Kyoto should have been as noisy and lively as the Gion Festival, but now the streets are empty, the lights in residential buildings have been turned off, and this big city with a population of one million is like a ghost town.

Except for the self-defense forces soldiers with live ammunition, there was no living person at all.

"Check again to see if there are any problems with the layout of the defense line and firepower points."

At the headquarters outside Kyoto, the commander-in-chief of this battle, Goukisuke General of the Supernatural Special Brigade, said to his subordinates with a straight face.

After the Asakusa Incident, the powerful Taishan Lord lowered the curtain on the Jedi Heavenly Power. Although major extraordinary events like the Kage-level powerhouse's lower realm did not occur, the Japanese government mobilized elites from all over the country and spared no expense to create a team of capable warriors. Quickly deliver, targeted elite troops.

Soldiers are more expensive than more. The special brigade has less than 5,000 men. There are ten regiments in total, each with 300 to 500 men.

All are well-equipped, well-trained, and have high morale.

The special brigade has trained and cooperated with the Supernatural Police Department many times to jointly eliminate Type A monsters.

According to actual combat exercises and digital war simulations with the Supernatural Police Department, on a frontal battlefield, a unit can easily defeat the twelve god generals below A level. If they fight head-on, they can even kill Uchiha, who is known as the most extraordinary person on earth. minister.

Although this is based on the favorable circumstances of the Twelve God Generals revealing their extraordinary abilities, not avoiding battles, and the terrain being open and uncomplicated, it also proves that the combat power of the special brigade cannot be underestimated.

Today, in order to respond to the Hyakki Night March initiated by Abe Seimei, the Ministry of Defense mobilized six regiments of the special brigade, with 3,000 people, and ten times this number of ordinary Ground Self-Defense Forces around Kyoto City.

More than one-fifth of Japan's ground armed forces are concentrated here.

After receiving a detailed reply from his subordinates, Goukisuke confirmed again and again with uneasiness:

"How many of the Twelve Gods are there? Has Minister Uchiha arrived?"

"Nine of the Twelve Gods will come."

How many times do I have to ask?

The subordinate complained in his heart, but replied hurriedly:

"Minister Uchiha has been sitting at the Yasaka Shrine in the center of the Demon Line since seven o'clock in the morning."


The Five Ghosts Assistant General Bu made a blatant smack of his lips, obviously resenting the fact that the Twelve Divine Generals did not attack with their entire army.

After all, outside of Kyoto, especially Tokyo, at this sensitive time, they also need the protection of the twelve generals, so of course they cannot go out in full force.

"Isn't Kanbaru, the abbot of Sensoji Temple who is the second in command of the Twelve Divine Generals and third on the list of people, here?"

The five ghost assistant generals frowned as they looked at the list of the twelve divine generals who had arrived.

Chief Kanbara is the most mysterious one among the Twelve Divine Generals, and he is also the head of Shin-Sensoji Temple who worships Taizanfu Lord. Abe Seimei also believes in Taishanfu Lord. It will definitely be of great use in key occasions like the Hyakuki Night Parade.

Unexpectedly, Tokyo was still hiding it and refused to let Kanbaru take charge.

What are you thinking above?

Don’t you know that the safety of Kyoto today determines the future destiny of Japan?

However, when Goukisuke Shobu heard the news about the Uchiha Sect, his expression brightened slightly.

As the leader of the special brigade, he is also an old friend with Director Uchiha of the Supernatural Police Department.

Goukisuke Shogun is well aware that the strength of Uchiha Senmen is unfathomable. His strength alone is comparable to ten divine generals and is better than thousands of armies.

"Report! The camp where ordinary Kyoto citizens and illegal intruders are detained can no longer be accommodated. What should we do?"

"Damn, they're a bunch of idiots."

Wugui Zhujiangbu couldn't help but snorted coldly.

After all, no paper can stop the fire. The cabinet officially disclosed the news that the Hundred Ghost Night Parade in Kyoto is very likely to occur during the Bon Festival. Half a month has passed. As expected, it has caused an uproar throughout Japan and even the world.

People in Kyoto, who were already panic-stricken, suddenly started a frenzy to flee Kyoto, taking refuge in the countryside or seeking refuge with relatives and friends outside Kyoto Prefecture.

For the remaining Kyoto citizens who have no money or ability, the Japanese government has also formulated a temporary evacuation plan.

Hotels, campsites and even deserted villages that have been abandoned for many years in cities around Kyoto Prefecture, as long as they have minimal public infrastructure, will be requisitioned to resettle Kyoto residents.

After all the efforts, more than two million residents of Kyoto were evacuated before the Bon Festival.

But among the more than two million residents, it is inevitable that there are some who refuse to go, or simply do not believe the Japanese government's lies. They hide in their homes and turn off the lights to play hide-and-seek with them. There is nothing the officials can do.

There are also those who do not know how to live or die, such as reporters who want to make big news, live broadcast hosts who seek wealth and wealth in danger, or those who feel that they are the children of destiny and have the chance to become extraordinary in Kyoto, so they swim against the current and sneak into Kyoto.

Idiots like this, the SDF are arresting hundreds of them these days.

Even so, there are still many people with full stealth skills who have broken through the defense line and are hiding somewhere.

"You will not be able to live for your own misfortune. Don't worry about them. If they want to die, just let them die."

Wuguisuke Shobu snorted coldly and said expressionlessly.

Kyoto is extremely dangerous tonight, with the terror of a hundred ghosts walking at night, and in the worst case, the Self-Defense Forces will even clear the ground with artillery shells. If anyone dares to stay, they will have to bear the consequences.

"If there are foreigners among the detained people, they will be released first. The remaining Japanese will be locked up for a few days to remember."

Wuguishujiangbu seemed to remember something and warned his subordinates.

The eyes of the world are now focused on Kyoto.

The number of military observation groups from the five major countries and dozens of countries gathered outside Kyoto Prefecture now exceeds 300.

The Hyundai Demon Night Parade that is about to appear in Kyoto is an unheard of event in the past three years of Jedi Tentong. The seriousness of the situation is very likely to rise to the level of a supernatural war in Sapporo City.

Naturally, various countries immediately expressed their close concern and sent notes through diplomatic channels, hoping to send observation missions.

Naturally, Japan cannot withstand the joint pressure of so many countries, so it can only hold its nose and admit it.

Since so many foreign military observation groups have been allowed to settle in, it would be a bit ugly if any diplomatic disputes arise due to the detention of foreign citizens.

After handling some trivial matters, Goukisuke returned to the command room and studied the urban planning map of Kyoto Prefecture with a group of staff.

On the table are not only modern Kyoto maps, but also old Heian Kyoto maps from the Heian period, Kamakura and Tokugawa shogunate periods.

"Sure enough. According to Professor Nagayama's inference, the starting point of the Hyakuki Night Walk is most likely Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei, Demon Gate."

Goukisuke Shobu's expression condensed and he drew a circle on Mount Hiei in the northeast of the Heian Kyogu map.

The other staff officers also looked deeply convinced.

According to the Feng Shui theory of Onmyodo, the Ghost Gate is the entrance for demons and monsters to enter Kyoto, and the Ghost Gate Line is the only way for them to pass through. Abe Seimei deliberately destroyed six famous temples on the Ghost Gate Line, which also confirms this statement from the side.

Experts from the Supernatural Police Department unanimously believe that the starting point of the Hyakuki Night Parade is either Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei or Onigamon Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine.

The Supernatural Police Department and the Self-Defense Forces have deployed layers of defense along the ghost gate line.

In particular, Hieizan, the Demon Gate, was closely guarded.

Not only were artillery positions deployed around the area, but more than a dozen large bombers supported by the United States were on standby at a nearby military base.

As long as there is a hint of a ghost in Mount Hiei, and with a command, artillery fire can be fired, the scene of Oda Nobunaga burning Mount Hiei can be recreated.

The prepared artillery shells were powerful enough to flatten the top of Mount Hiei.

Anyway, Mount Hiei is on the outskirts of Kyoto, so it doesn't matter even if it's going to cause an uproar, but if it's in the city, it will be constrained.

"Pre-emptive strike! Let those monsters taste the iron fist of modern military technology!"

Facing the subordinates, Wuguisuke waved his arms and said fiercely:

"You must be mentally prepared to fight the Hundred Ghost Night Parade as a war!"


South of Kyoto City, an outpost in Shimokyo Ward.

"Imanishi, have you changed your watch again?"

A young member of the Special Brigade Ground Self-Defense Force looked at the two brand new gold watches on his left hand with envy on the left hand of his companion who had returned from patrol.

"I picked it up."

The companion said with a smile.

There was something strange in the young soldier's eyes.

How can I have such good luck when I go out to pick up a gold watch?

"Everyone who sees it has a share."

The companion rolled his eyes, took off a watch from his hand, and put it into the young man's hand.

He weighed it, and a tacit smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"How about it? If you have a chance, would you like to pick something up with me?"

The companion patted his bulging trouser pocket and said.

The two million residents of Kyoto Prefecture were evacuated in a hurry, and the buildings were empty. However, there were many good things left. Anyone who dared to search for them could make a fortune.

"forget it."

The young self-defense team member stared at it eagerly for a while, and finally shook his head.

It wasn't because he felt sorry, but simply because he was afraid of something going wrong.

When he first heard that he would be mobilized to Kyoto where the Hundred Demons Night Parade was about to take place, the young man refused, but the bonus offered by his superiors was too hard to resist, so he finally took the risk to participate in this special mission.

However, as soon as he was stationed in Kyoto, he immediately regretted it and did not dare to take advantage of the patrol opportunity to search for property like his companions in front of him.

"Imanishi, are you really not afraid? Those monsters and monsters..."

The young self-defense team member looked left and right before speaking in a low voice.

"Oh, no matter what era it is, poor ghosts are more terrifying than evil ghosts."

The companion took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and said with a playful smile:

"Besides, it's not like we haven't seen monsters before on missions. If a bullet is dropped, they can be beaten to pieces."

"But, but this time I heard that it is the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts." The young man still said uneasily.

The cigarette in his companion's mouth flickered on and off, and he quickly smoked most of it. He blew out a smoke ring with satisfaction, patted the young soldier on the shoulder and said:

"Before the battle, didn't the captain say that the starting point of the Hyakuki Night Walk is Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei. Our place is far away from the Demon Gate Line and is very safe."

"But, but..."

The young self-defense team members began to chant the names of gods such as Amitabha and Taishan Fujun in a low voice.


The self-defense team member named Imanishi no longer cared about the coward. He finished the cigarette in his mouth with his last breath, spit out the cigarette butt on the ground, and casually crushed it with the soles of his feet.

"Praying to God and worshiping Buddha is not as useful as bullets."

He squeezed the cold assault rifle in his hand, and his heart suddenly felt full of security.

If he hadn't owed a lot of loan sharks, how could he have joined the special brigade of the Self-Defense Forces.

Fortunately, the salary of the special brigade is extremely generous.

Not only has Imanishi participated in the elimination of monsters many times, he has even met the so-called Twelve Divine Generals.

In his opinion, even extraordinary beings are just mortal bodies and can be killed with one bullet.

Instead of thinking about the rise and fall of countries and extraordinary times, it is better to enjoy yourself in the moment and make a fortune if you can.

A horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall.

From the first day he was stationed in Kyoto, Imanishi has been thinking about how to make money.

"It's six o'clock sharp. It's obviously summer, but why does the sky get dark so fast?"

Just as he was thinking about the unexpected gains from this trip to Kyoto, he suddenly frowned, glanced at the gold watch he had stolen by picking the lock, and then raised his head and looked around.

"Could it be that it's time to meet the devil?"

The young man said tremblingly and looking a little pale.

According to Japanese legend, the twilight hour before night is the dividing line between the human world and the underworld, and is also the time when monsters, monsters, and monsters are most likely to appear.

In the special place of Heian Kyo, the thousand-year-old magic city, and in the special festival of Obon Festival, as well as the rumors they heard, the terrifying atmosphere has been completely created. As long as they have a little imagination and make a few connections, they will Chilling.

"Even if there are some monsters, I won't reward them with a bullet." Imani continued to blow nonchalantly.

Suddenly, at the end of the street in front of the outpost, thick smoke rose.

All kinds of strange sounds that sounded like humans but not humans, like wild beasts or birds, kept coming and going.

"Hee hee hee."

"Gu, Gu Gu——"


There are ghosts and shadows among them, as if countless demons and ghosts are laughing and playing in groups.

The two people were stunned for a moment. (End of chapter)

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