I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 413 Chapter 414 The Weakest Hyakuki Yakou in History

When encountering a demon, the stars and the moon begin to disappear.

Clusters of blue will-o'-the-wisps floated in the deep night sky, among which could be vaguely seen whining and resentful human faces.


"Hee, hahaha!"

Half-human, half-animal spirits such as a half-bald kappa with a green body, a black iron rat as big as a pig or a sheep, stood upright, and swaggered through the city with strange sounds that seemed both human and inhuman.

There are old screens with eyes or hands and feet, oil-paper umbrellas, shamisen, etc. Fusangshin transformed from the objects jumped and followed them.

There were more bones and skeletons and unknown strange monsters mixed in among the teams.

This is a celebration unique to inhuman things, the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts!

"Amitabha, Lord Taishan, Master Guanshiyin..."

Seeing the parade of monsters getting closer and closer, the soldiers of the two special brigades suddenly woke up and were in a panic.

The young man's lips had turned pale with fright, and now Xitie's face was livid, tightly hugging the assault rifle in his arms.

"Damn it, why are you here?!"

The small outpost where they were located was on the only way for the Hundred Ghosts to travel through the night. It was too late to ask for help. Now they had no choice but to fight their way out with their own guns.

"Monsters, let me give you a taste of my power!"

With a click, the furious Imanishi pulled the safety button and pointed the black gun at Hyakuki Yakou's team.

"Da da da!!!"

The young man couldn't help but widen his eyes at the violent sound of gunfire.

Imanishi actually dared to shoot!

Isn't this asking for death?

Unexpectedly, the noisy monsters were directly stunned by the bullets, and a few in the front row were shot directly and fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha! That's it, all of them die!"

Imanishi laughed like crazy, took off a high-explosive grenade from his body, flicked his arm, and smashed the gold watch together.


The huge explosion shattered the glass of the street windows.

The rhythm of the Night Parade of Hundred Demons was directly interrupted, and several monsters were blown to pieces by grenades, with their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

The remaining little monsters immediately screamed and ran away with their heads in their hands when they saw that the situation was not good.

"Quick! Report to the superiors!"

The secretion of adrenaline hormones stimulated Imanishi's face to turn red and his blood to surge:

"I, Imamishi, with one man, one gun, and one man in charge, suppressed the Hyakki Yakou in Kyoto!"

Another young Self-Defense Forces soldier looked in disbelief. His eyes almost fell down when he saw the mess all over the street.

Imanishi, a lousy gambling dog and thief, just went up and actually killed everyone? !

Is he the hidden twelve divine generals? Or a gunsmith who can enchant bullets?

Suddenly, the young man's eyes narrowed, and the broken arms and limbs of the monster that had been killed suddenly dissolved into a black liquid like sludge, and immediately disappeared on the ground.

At the same time, in a high-rise apartment in Kyoto's Nakagyo District, the hanging curtains vaguely revealed a glimmer of light.

"I seem to have heard gunshots and explosions. Is it an illusion?"

Amami Katori was stunned for a moment, then smiled at the live broadcast camera and said sweetly:

"Hello everyone, my name is Katori-chan, and I'm in Kyoto right before Hyakki Night Parade."

There is only one reason why Tian Haixiang is here.

Money, money, money, want money, want bad money!

During the Asakusa Incident, Katori Amami broadcast a close-up live broadcast of the battle between Akatsuki and Jiraiya, and became famous in one fell swoop, becoming the first person to broadcast supernatural live broadcasts.

The number of followers on Twitter and TIKTOR easily exceeded the one million mark. After that, I made a lot of money by accepting advertisements and selling goods.

But the good times did not last long. After Amami Kaatori, the content was cliched, and the money was too much and the operation was improper. After three years, its popularity plummeted.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

In the past, I was lavish and squandered money like water, and squandered all the money I had cashed out. In the future, the hard life will be difficult to endure.

Before being lost to many supernatural content uploaders and disappearing, Amami Katori decided to fight to the death.

The Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts is an officially confirmed large-scale extraordinary event, with both opportunities and risks.

Now the whole world's attention is focused on Kyoto. If she can capture the spectacular scene of the Hundred Demons Night Parade, she will definitely be able to make a comeback.

Relying on this wave of popularity and traffic, even if you can't make a comeback, you can still make bad money for another year and a half. By then, you can retreat from the rapids and return to your hometown in the countryside, and your life will be considered complete.

"Everyone, look outside with me. It's time to encounter demons. Hundreds of ghosts may appear at any time."

Amami Katori pulled back the curtains, poked her head around, and said mysteriously.

The high-end apartment she was in was in an excellent location. Looking down from this angle, she had an unobstructed view of the quaint and historic Japanese-style streets.

"Really or not? Really Kyoto? That's not how you want to die, right?"

"I am a native of Kyoto, and this is Kawaramachi-dori Ancient Street in Nakagyo-ku."

"Although Katori-chan loves money, she is really courageous!"

The barrages in the live broadcast room passed by one after another.

Amami Katori dismissed the little Kurokos and pretended not to notice. When a golden ID of "Uchiha's Strongest Name is Real" logged into the live broadcast room, he suddenly became energetic.

"Welcome 'Uchiha's strongest name is truth' to the live broadcast room!"

This boss is a big celebrity in the supernatural Internet forum circle. He is an ardent fan of Minister Uchiha, and his combat power and financial resources are extremely amazing.

Not only did he attack netizens who dared to slander Minister Uchiha on the Internet, he even went to offline PK several times, and even escaped unscathed afterwards.

Previously, Amami Katori expressed his intention to go to Kyoto to live broadcast the Night Parade of Hundred Demons, and the boss directly rewarded him with several hundred thousand yen as encouragement.

He even offered this valuable property in the heart of Kyoto to Amami Katori as a place to live.

"Bah, bad luck! It's this stupid Uchiha fan again!"

"Hey, the eldest young master is also watching the Night Parade of Hundreds of Ghosts in the live broadcast room with us common people? Why don't you go and sit on the VIP throne?"

"The boss is here, I'll give you 1,000 yen to see how strong I am."

[Uchiha's strongest name is truth] As soon as he entered the live broadcast room, the barrage immediately became active. There were some people who said sarcastic words in a weird way, and there were also people who kneeled down and licked him.

"Katori-chan, do your best. As long as you take a picture of Minister Uchiha taking action, you will be rewarded."

[Uchiha's strongest name is truth] didn't bother to argue with the poor people in the live broadcast room, and issued a series of 10,000 yen rewards backhand.

Amami Katori hurriedly expressed her gratitude, and when she lowered her head, she saw another shining ID logged into the live broadcast room.

[Uzumaki Naruto].

Amami Katori was dumbfounded at first, and then showed a look of surprise.

"It's really been a long time, Uzumaki Naruto-kun."

Although this ID disappeared for three years, the memory of Uzumaki Naruto's heroic spending of money on the night of the Asakusa Incident is still fresh in Katori Amami's mind.

[Uchiha's strongest name is truth], [Uzumaki Naruto].

These are two big tycoons, no, they are tycoons!

If the two of them can be served well and a little bit exposed from between the fingers, it will be enough for Tianhai Xiangtong to spend for a year.

As soon as he thought of this, the smile on Tianhai Xiangtori's lips became sweeter and more intoxicating.

At this moment, the full-screen barrage in the live broadcast room fell silent for an instant and remained blank for a full second. After that, the barrage and comment area were refreshed overwhelmingly.

“High energy ahead!!!”

"Hundred Demons Night Parade!!!"

"Mr. Taishan Mansion bless you!!!"

Amami Kaatori's pretty face changed, and she understood immediately. She turned off the light, curled up her neck and peeked out.

I saw that the originally empty ancient street was filled with phosphorus ghost fires that flickered on and off. I don't know when strange ghosts appeared, appearing and swaggering through the streets.

When encountering demons, hundreds of ghosts walk at night!

"Hey, it's really a hundred ghosts walking on the night!"

The popularity of the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Although the Japanese government disclosed the news about the possible occurrence of the Night Parade in Kyoto, it did not arrange for a live broadcast on the TV station. Unsatisfied Japanese viewers flocked to the rooms of several up owners who were bold enough to lurk to Kyoto for live broadcasts. .

Amami Katori's live broadcast room is the most popular one.

Amami Katori glanced at it and was immediately elated.

It's no secret that she risked her life to come to Kyoto to live broadcast, and her popularity now is even more popular than in her heyday!

If you accept the advertisement afterwards, you will definitely receive a soft hand.

Good times are coming back.

"Kuchang, the demon lantern... and that devilish head that keeps spinning like a wheel are the wheels of the path!"

"Why are they all ugly monsters with crooked melons and cracked dates? I want to see the Snow Girl, the Bird Girl, and the Fox Girl!"

"Your surname is Cao Nuo...it's normal now."

In the extraordinary era, the interest in monsters is no longer just curiosity, but serious knowledge. The audience in the barrage area knows all about it and names the monsters parading below.

Suddenly, a gorgeous woman's face appeared directly in front of the camera, scaring the crap out of countless judging viewers.

A ghostly woman's head appeared on the balcony at some point, looking at each other from the window with Amami Kaatori.

Amami Katori was so frightened that her legs went weak.

"Human head balloon?"

"It's Feitouman!"

"Katori-chan, be careful!"

The terrifying and eerie woman's head circled half a circle and pounced straight towards the window.


Amami Katori was so frightened that she screamed instinctively.

Fortunately, the construction quality of the high-end apartments was guaranteed and they were not knocked apart by a single blow, but they were still shaky.

The woman's head flew back, pulling away from her, as if she was trying to accumulate strength, and was about to hit her head upwards.

"Da da da!"

At the critical moment, more than a dozen bullets blasted the woman's head.

Dingqing took a look and saw dozens of drones loaded with weapons and ammunition flying past the live broadcast room. They were arranged in several rows horizontally. A storm of steel bullets fell on the team of hundreds of ghosts walking at night, causing a bloody storm.

"Da da da!!!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Monsters were shot into a hornet's nest one by one and blown to pieces by cannonballs dropped by drones.

After the drone swarm completed its first harvest, members of the Self-Defense Forces armed with heavy weapons immediately came out and opened fire.

The corpses of the monsters walking at night were immediately strewn across the land, and it was too horrible to see.

It was simply a one-sided massacre!

The millions of viewers in the Amami Katori live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, and then the public opinion exploded like a boiling oil cauldron.

“I didn’t expect the Self-Defense Forces to be so fierce!”

"I thought they were all a group of scum who couldn't survive in society, a group of tax robbers. From now on, we need to change our perspective."

"I want to watch the Twelve Divine Generals fight against Hyakki Yakou. What's so interesting about this kind of torture game!"

Among the countless barrages, one barrage flashed by without attracting the attention of others.

"Don't you think these Baigui Yexing are too weak? They are just some miscellaneous fish monsters..."

The floor of the ancient street was already covered with a thick layer of monster flesh and blood, which soon turned into an unknown black liquid that was dirty and filthy, and was seeping into the ground at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"This is a great victory, a glorious victory, an unprecedented victory!"

At the headquarters on the outskirts of Kyoto, the red-faced Goukisuke Shobu and a group of staff officers and officers were celebrating.

When he received the first report, a member of the Self-Defense Forces claimed to have single-handedly quelled Baigui Yakou, and Wugui Zhujiangbu thought he was high on drugs and had not yet woken up.

Before he could angrily rebuke the fool who lied about military information, he received urgent calls from all directions.

Although it is different from the predictions of experts, the Night Parade of Hyakki does not start from Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei, but blooms all over Kyoto!

The number of demons and ghosts participating in the Night Parade of One Hundred Ghosts exceeds hundreds, maybe thousands!

After receiving the news, Wuguisuke's eyes flashed with stars, and he was very brave not to fall into coma on the spot.

Obviously, I had searched the mountains and seas in Kyoto and dug deep into the ground, but I couldn't find any trace of the monster.

As a result, when O Bon came, they were everywhere like cockroaches.

He dispatched six regiments and 3,000 people stationed in various places in Kyoto, and I was afraid that they would be eaten without even leaving their bones.

I didn't expect that those monsters and monsters were all fake and would collapse at the first touch.

The special brigade only suffered minor casualties and annihilated several teams of Hundred Ghost Night Parade.

Win, win big, win big!

"It seems that we, the Self-Defense Forces, can clear Kyoto of the Night Parade without the Twelve Divine Generals."

Wuguishujiang Bu Zhi stroked his beard proudly and said with a smile:

"Reply to Minister Uchiha. The Supernatural Police Department and the Twelve God Generals only need to recharge their batteries and deal with Abe Seimei. The other monsters will be left to us to deal with."

If it was just a normal Hundred Ghost Night Parade, it would be a good idea to let these monsters make noise all night and then disperse automatically at dawn.

But Abe Seimei is the mastermind behind the Hyakki Night Parade, and there must be an ulterior secret behind it. It is imperative to take the lead in cutting off her wings and weakening her power.

But there are also noises in the good news that keeps coming.

"At Lake Biwa east of Kyoto, a giant white whale with a length of fifty meters landed."

"The legendary big monster Earth Spider has appeared in Sakyo District!"

It seems that there is also a strong backbone.

General Wuguisuke frowned and said solemnly: "Cannon attack is allowed."

Anyway, Kyoto is just a ghost town now.

Then feel free to use heavy weapons boldly.

"Also... at Honnōji Temple in Nakakyo District, there was a march of the dead suspected to be the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga."

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