I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 106 106 Magic Plant Created by the Red Dragon

Chapter 106 106. Magic Plants Created by Red Dragon

The following planting work was even busier.

He had to arrange all the remaining twelve kinds of magic plants one by one.

Flame cherry tree, thorny cactus, hot wind thorn, red lavender, red flame pine, dwarf flame pine, Torna blood pomegranate, burning pepper, dragon scale pattern grass, red agave, scarlet dragon fruit tree, dragon breath dark lotus.

He didn't pay much attention to it when he saw it at that time, and he just thought it was a magic plant with a dragon name.

This kind of magic beast and magic plant with the word "dragon" is very common.

As a result, after getting it in his hands, he found that the two second-level magic plants and two first-level magic plants behind were actually related to dragons, not just with a name.

Take the dragon scale pattern grass for example, it seems to be an ordinary green grass, but it has been stained with the breath of the dragon and has undergone a mutation, and dragon scale-like patterns have appeared on the leaves.

The red agave is really like a flower covered by the wings of a giant dragon.

This is even more true for the Scarlet Dragon Fruit Tree and the Dragon Breath Dark Lotus - although the former is a sapling, the dragon's breath can be vaguely felt on the branches and trunk.

The latter is a mature form, each flower is about one meter long, and the petals are like succulents, which are also filled with the burning breath from the dragon.

He observed the two magic plants and wondered: "This is really dragon energy. Is there a dragon in the Lord of Yanshan? These two things... I always feel that they have absorbed the dragon's breath to mutate."

Generally speaking, the magic power and breath released by legendary creatures such as dragons can cause the surrounding magic plants and monsters to mutate.

Even the juvenile dragons are the same.

"If there is really a dragon, it can be explained. Dragons need a huge amount of food."

"But he sells magic plants so carelessly, won't people find out?"

He became more and more curious and activated the Star Spirit Body Imprinting Technique, intending to observe the star spirit bodies of the two magic plants, but found something unexpected.

Their original astral bodies are being eroded by a red magic power, and the structure and construction of the astral bodies are undergoing tremendous changes under this magic power.

The form of this power is very special, and one can vaguely see a huge red dragon covered with scales like flames.

What's even more outrageous is that there is a hint -

[Engraving, Scarlet Fruit Tree (Red Dragon Breath Blessing)]

[The form of this magic plant will change slightly, and it will have a tiny red dragon breath. ]

This situation has happened once before, when the power of the sky and the power of the mother earth goddess transformed the thick earth potato together.

It seems that when the magic plant mutates, a hint will be given.

"It's really a dragon, and a red dragon."

Kloya opened his eyes wide after seeing the prompt, and immediately looked at the lotus beside him, "What about you?"

As expected, the prompt sounded again-

[Engraving, Flame Lotus (stained with red dragon saliva)]

[This magic plant will gradually undergo some changes in form when it is eroded by the saliva of the red dragon in its growth environment. The specific changes depend on the power of the red dragon. ]

"Wow, this is even more powerful, the saliva of the red dragon."

He was surprised and suddenly realized one thing: these should have been level one magic plants, but after being stained with the breath of the red dragon, they can become level two.

"It's amazing to have a red dragon. Just a little saliva and breath can make a level one magic plant mutate into a level two."

To be honest, for a legendary creature like a giant dragon, he still wanted to see it with his own eyes. He didn't expect that the Lord of Yanshan would raise a giant dragon without showing off.

I'm really a little envious.

But it's just a little bit of envy. If I grow up, I will definitely be able to raise a giant dragon for fun. Besides, judging from the other party's situation, he is obviously worried about the food for the dragon.

There are also descriptions of dragons in the books of the Mage Association. This huge monster needs a huge amount of food supply during its growth and development.

How many tons?

This amount is only enough for a young dragon to eat half full, and it can only last for ten days or half a month at most.

"It's not easy to raise a dragon."

"I guess he will come to me to buy fish again soon, but this time..." Kloya shook his head and took out the booklet given by the Lord of Yanshan.

If he buys fish again, it will be difficult to give.

The sea dolphins have caught most of the fish in the surrounding seas this time, and they won't be able to come again for a long time.

Fishing in a dry pond is the most stupid thing to do.

As for the deeper sea...

With the strength of the second-level sea dolphin, it's okay to be domineering in the surrounding seas, but it's really not good enough to go to the distant sea area where the third and fourth levels are everywhere.

He doesn't want his lovely sea dolphins to die.

Let's think about how to plant these two magic plants.

"I remember this." He reached into the shell magic tool and quickly took out a booklet.

This is a planting guide specially given by the Lord of Yanshan, most of which is about how to plant scarlet dragon fruit trees and dragon breath dark lotus.

They have special requirements for the surrounding environment, which is completely different from the ordinary magic plants before.

After reading carefully, the corners of his mouth twitched twice:

"Fire element sand and pebbles."

This... Why is it so déjà vu, are you really not making up a story or something.

Fortunately, these two things are not difficult to find. There is not much on the beach, and the most are various stones and sand.

Immediately, he arranged people to find them, and then transferred them all through Mu Yao Qu Teng Wang.

About ten minutes later, there was a pile of flawless white sand and various beautifully shaped pebbles in front of him.

Obviously, these pebbles were carefully selected.

Some of them were even a little shiny.

In this world without decorations, they can probably be regarded as the best toys for children.


For some reason, he stared at the stones and vaguely felt the presence of music on them.

The cold stones were filled with pious dedication and cheerful laughter.

What Cloya didn't know was that after seeing this land covered by light golden light, those people had a worship similar to faith for him.

After hearing that he wanted pebbles, they spontaneously took out the pebbles that children liked from their homes and presented them to Cloya.

And those children were also willing to give their cherished "treasures" to the lord.

Although Croa didn't manage the territory much, he never treated it harshly, and always rewarded and punished.

In addition, after the mermaids allowed the people under Croa's rule to fish, the fishermen had a much better harvest when fishing.

For these low-level farmers and free people, this is already heaven - the lord will not squeeze them casually, and there is hope for life. As long as they can survive, as long as today is better than yesterday, many people will be satisfied.

Croa didn't know the above.

He was now in a dilemma. These emotions were obviously very pious and pure. For him, they were good nutrients for developing the second chapter of the Orange Song - it seemed so.

Croa felt uneasy instinctively.

After practicing "The Poem of Rainbow Light" for a long time, he could feel the essence of the sun: not asking for dedication, spreading light and heat fairly to all parts of the world.

Even if the second chapter of Orange Song is to collect people's emotions, it is also the joy and other emotions that people naturally produce after spreading the song.

This kind of emotion with obvious expectations and wishes is more inclined to the belief and desire for "God". I offer sacrifices, and you give me grace.

He felt something was wrong.

At least he didn't want to be affected by this emotion. Faith is actually a kind of bondage and restriction for him-how can a mage be bound by faith?

That's the business of God.

"Forget it." He shook his head decisively and refused to integrate these music.

The mage's hand gathered some of the Yangyan magic power of the surrounding sunflowers, and the other hand put pebbles and sand into the magic and "stirred" back and forth.

"Hua La La~ Hua La La~"

In this process, the pebbles and sand were gradually stained with Yangyan magic, and the weak water magic belonging to the sea was completely forced out.

In the end, they all became shining with golden light, and a faint burning breath was exuded.

Kloya checked it and nodded: "That's it."

He continued to use the earth and stone shaping technique and the magician's hand to make a deep pit on the ground, and laid a layer of pebbles, then fine sand, and finally another layer of pebbles.

After such operations, the scarlet dragon fruit tree was planted first, and the dragon breath dark lotus was planted under the fruit tree.

It should be noted here that although the dragon breath dark lotus looks like a lotus, it is not an aquatic plant. It needs to take root in the soil with fire magic.

After all the fruit trees and lotuses are planted, the more than 1,000 magic plants harvested this time will be planted.

Kloya clapped his hands and stood up, and flew directly into the sky with the wind spirit's feathers, looking down at the field he had worked hard for an afternoon in the sky-

This field is full of fire magic plants. There are fourteen kinds of magic plants that fill the entire land. Each one is holding its head high, which is a beautiful scenery that is completely different from the land next to it.

There is vitality in the irritable fire element.

"Ah, really good."

The mage felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Although it is only one acre of land now, it will definitely grow bigger in the future. Maybe his magic field vines will eventually include all elements?

By then, it will definitely be a wonderful view that will make every farming enthusiast feel excited.

After admiring it for a while, he landed on the ground and started picking.

As long as it was edible, he picked all of them. So many magic plant fruits that he had never seen before...

To be honest, he was already a little eager to try and taste them.

At least farming should allow you to eat well.

If it is all for selling in exchange for resources, wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

Thanks to the reward from Lazy Dragon.

Thanks to book friend 20220711005739202, Lazy Dragon, Yakumo Feng of Lost House, Joy_db, My King 2v, Saint of Heaven, book friend 20190810144001191, Little Taoist Priest Who Fears Darkness, Bookworm 20111111, Favorite Chocolate, book friend 20240508073809689, book friend 20200329185548424, Book friend 20220524090455953, book friend 20220723133305571, Litchi people, 56848, Shuiyuan, reader 1696055853906984960, Xianglian Xiaozhao, book friend 20220625172845377, high school student with eight years of reading experience, lazy Luming, Xingmenghao, and Benmingxingi big guys' monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

Thank you!!!

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