Chapter 107 107. “Gift” and Forbidden Iron

Brand-new ingredients bring an unforgettable novel experience to Croya.

Although the only ones that are ripe and edible now are the pine nuts of the red flame pine, the Torna blood pomegranate, the burning peppers and the flame cherries.

There isn’t even a serious staple food in it, it’s all fruits, nuts and condiments.

But Croya, who had long been tortured by all kinds of fish soup, bread and crude food, really needed these things to recuperate.

Especially the roasted peppers.

This deep red chili pepper, which looks like a palm-sized dumpling, exudes its own unique presence all the time.

chili! Eat spicy food!

He used to be happy with anything spicy, but after eating it, he would get angry and feel upset in his stomach.

But for Croya today, his strength has already ensured that he will not suffer from embarrassing stomach pains or toothaches even if he eats any spicy food.

The magic strengthened his body, allowing him to eat ingredients that would be considered poison to ordinary people more freely.

When he saw the chili pepper, he almost immediately thought of several dishes that needed to be fried with chili peppers - although there are chili peppers on the island, how can ordinary plants be compared with magic plants?

It’s all about excitement!

"I don't know how it tastes."

He waved his hand impatiently, and the mage's hand immediately flew out and began the process of making food.

The aroma of cooking soon came from the castle terrace.

The main food today is various dishes made with roasted peppers, fried pine nuts, pomegranates and flame cherries.

The pine nuts have already gone through a series of treatments and only need to be fried before they are ready to eat.

This is not difficult for Croya, who has become more and more skilled in using the magic hand. Even if he is frying pine nuts and peeling pomegranates while cooking, there is no problem at all.

While he was distracted, he looked down at the football-sized pomegranate in his hand.

"This is really big. I wonder how it tastes."

He licked his lips and began peeling it off in earnest.

As soon as it was opened, the pomegranate seeds inside couldn't wait to fall out. Each one was like a ruby, crystal clear and as beautiful as a work of art.

"Blood pomegranate, it should refer to this color." Croya reached out and picked up a handful, threw it all into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

It feels really good to eat pomegranate seeds.

As soon as it enters the mouth and is chewed lightly, the sweet and sour juice that is unique to the pomegranate bursts out. But when the pomegranate seeds are chewed, an extremely faint, rusty taste appears.

The taste is not unpleasant, but it has a wonderful feeling that the more you eat it, the more you become addicted. The seeds are also soft and can be broken into pieces with a little chewing.

His entire mouth was filled with blood-like juice, and coupled with the rusty smell, it was no wonder it was called a blood pomegranate.

"Is the iron content excessive? Is there iron ore under the tree?"

"Then I have to get some iron ore."

While thinking, he picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and continued to peel the pomegranate with interest.

He didn't know what was going on, but the sunflower elf who had been staring at him suddenly screamed "beep babbling".

Originally burning with red and orange light, it looked more like it was on fire.

It glared at the pomegranate, flew back and reached out to pluck the sunflower seeds from its flower plate, and presented them to Croya like a treasure—both red and orange sunflower seeds.

There are dozens of each type.

The sunflower seeds produced by this elemental magic plant are entirely composed of magic power. You don't even need to crack them open, you can just eat them directly.


Looking at its expression, Croya immediately knew what was going on. It must have felt that it was eating other things instead of its sunflower seeds.

"You can be jealous too."

Croya could only take it helplessly, and ate all the sunflower seeds under its gaze, and put the pomegranate away at the same time.

Then he praised: "As expected, your sunflowers are still delicious!"

"Hey!" The sunflower elf was satisfied and floated onto Croya's shoulder, just like that.

It itself is a special form composed of elemental magic, so it is naturally soft and soft like slime, and really turns into a pool of "sunflowers".

Croya glanced at it and thought that he should put away the pine nuts for a while.

He used his mage's hands to bring boiled fish, spicy fish, spicy fried clams and other freshly cooked dishes in front of him.

Then they began to feast.

Needless to say, these ingredients are all the freshest and top quality, and only some simple but effective seasonings are added.

The roasted pepper and other spices did not cover up the original flavor of the fish at all. On the contrary, it was completely stimulated by the magic power of fire.

The umami and spicy taste seemed to be exploding in Croya's mouth, so delicious that he could swallow his own tongue.


He couldn't help but gasp.

The so-called spicy food means that it should be spicy and should be eaten continuously. The more you eat, the better you will feel.

Croya was happily enjoying her dinner here.


After a while, King Mu Yaoqu Teng suddenly asked him for instructions: "Master, at the dock of Hanjiao Island, Baron Kemoye and the Seliu merchant met.

"Do you want them to take the teleportation array to enter the island?"

Its vines have not yet expanded to that position, but the teleportation array has a dedicated person to guard it, and if there is any important situation, it will be transmitted back through the array.

A baron's visit is of course an important event for the people guarding there.

"Hmm?" Kloya slowed down the action of picking up the meat a little and glanced at the half-dark sky.

"He's still alive."

"That's quite a coincidence, these two people actually met each other... But the teleportation array can't let anyone know."

Since they are coming, let them come by boat. "

After saying that, he continued to enjoy his food. Now nothing can stop him from enjoying life. As for the baron and the businessman, let's wait until they come.

"Okay. "

King Mu Yao Qu Teng also fell silent.


About half an hour later.

Baron Kemoye, with a confused look on his face, took Selyu to the land of Hanjiao Island.

He couldn't help but look back for the third time at the person who was tightly bound by iron chains in the cage.

The baron never thought that a businessman he supported in his spare time could actually convey the will of the young master of the Northern Territory Traveler.

He also wanted to give Master Cloya a "gift".

Although he doubted whether this "person" could really be used as a gift?

He didn't dare to ask more questions at all, for fear that it involved something he couldn't understand. Secrets, he was quite cautious about this.

He was curious, but he would not ask questions.

He knew that it was safer to not know some things.

With such doubts, he temporarily entered the renovated Lotus Guest House under the leadership of Robert to wait.

At this time, the guest house had been connected to magic as energy, the lights were bright, and a total of 20 different rooms were separated as temporary lounges.

After entering the bright room from the dark sea, the baron felt a lot more at ease.

"As expected of Master Cloya, this is a magic lamp. "

He looked up at the lamp on the ceiling and marveled.

Then, he looked around the room. To be honest, it was not as luxurious as his.

But both the bed and the table and chairs were very clean and tidy, covered with white tablecloths and sheets, simple but comfortable to look at.

Of course, it can be used as a lounge for the time being.

He sat here patiently waiting.

On the other side.

Kroya was actually meeting the merchant Seryu, because he was very interested in the gift from the so-called young master of the Northern Territory Traveler.

So he met the merchant first.

As a result, when he saw the cage being carried in, he was stunned for two seconds.

Then, he pointed at the person in the cage and said in a calm tone: "Is this the gift that the young master asked you to give me? "

A person! A naked person!

He had just heard about the prisoners from the Phantom Wing Cloud Snake a few days ago, and there was actually a living one delivered to his eyes.

The problem is, what use does he have for this person? The least valuable thing in this world is human life, not to mention this kind of "prisoner".

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone unconsciously.

"Yes." Seleu was a little uneasy, and his fat face was full of sweat: "Lord Olivier asked me to tell you that he is a very special existence among the prisoners, and you will definitely be interested."

Cloya: "..."

So I really hate the Riddler.

Just give a gift, and you have to say half and keep the other half. Why am I interested in this guy?

Then what is the reason?

After thinking about it, Cloya asked: "Does he know my identity?"

Seleu shook his head: "No, I didn't tell him, and Master Olivier didn't continue to ask, but just said that he would give this gift to you. "

"Besides, he also said that he will be leaving soon, and he hopes you can give him more of those sunflower seeds."

"Then what did he say as a price?" If you are willing to give some good things, then Croa is of course willing to continue to supply.

"..."Seleu was silent for a moment, and then he said carefully: "He said he can give you more of these prisoners."


This is the second time Croa was silent today.

Why are you so confident that I will definitely want these prisoners?

He simply waved his hand: "You stay here now and leave tomorrow. "

He wanted to study carefully what was so different about the prisoner that made him so confident in exchanging for his sunflower seeds.

The merchant was relieved and left after a quick salute.

After he left, Cloya stood up and walked to the side of the cage, stretched out his hand and touched the cage.

The fingertips immediately felt a little numb, as if the flow of magic power was forced to slow down for a moment by some force.

Cloya frowned and said, "Well, this is forbidden magic iron."

The so-called forbidden magic iron is a special metal that can block the flow of magic power. It is said that it is only found in a very small number of rich magic crystal mines.

They also have different levels. The one in front of Cloya is obviously the lowest level, and other metals are added. At most, it can only delay the flow of magic power for a moment.

If it is the highest level forbidden magic iron in the legend, it can even form a natural field array, and the magicians within the range cannot cast spells at all.

It is worth mentioning that the Mage Association hates the Forbidden Magic Iron.

If Cloa reports this news, there will definitely be bigwigs in the association protesting to the Royal Capital Palace Office.

Even the young master of the Northern Territory Walker will be held accountable.

If you have it in private, no one can stop you, but if you take it out openly, the Mage Association will definitely explode.


"Showing the Forbidden Magic Iron to a mage... is that handing the handle to me? Are you so sure that this person can satisfy me?"

His interest and curiosity were indeed aroused, and he planned to take a closer look to see what magical things there were.

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