I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 108 108 Humanoid Magic Crystal

Chapter 108 108. Humanoid Magic Crystal

After careful observation, Cloya found that the man who was tied up with chains and forced into a sleeping state was estimated to be at most in his teens or twenties.

His body was covered with whip marks, but his face was intact, slightly heroic, and with his golden hair, to be honest, he could really attract the favor of many noble women.

"In a circus, there is no advantage in being good-looking. You will still be whipped."

Cloya shook his head, focused his eyes on the scars on the man's back, and used his mental power to observe.

Although he had seen it in the Mage Association before, it was a long time ago, and the original owner's magic power and mental power were completely incomparable to the current ones.

Perhaps with his current magic perception and magic control ability, he might be able to discover something.

Under the influence of the forbidden magic iron, although his power was weakened, he could still easily enter the crack on the man's back.

The magic flowing inside is liquid. From the quality point of view, it should barely have the fluctuation between the first and second magic crystals.

The amount is very exaggerated. Such a blue crack about 30 cm long and 5 cm wide lies across the man's back covered with whip marks.

The depth is deep enough to vaguely see the white spine. The affected range is obviously much more exaggerated than the traces of this crack.

The magic inside even makes him feel like he is facing the abyss. Obviously, the amount is not small. It is flowing at an extremely slow speed, and there is not much violent fluctuation.

"Well, this is not the same as before."

He thought: "The magic inside was quite violent at the beginning, why is there no violent situation now.

And why is there so much magic, what is the source?

Is it deeper?"

This gentle flow of magic is just like a gentle stream flowing out of a small spring, which will eventually converge into the abyss.

More and more curious, Kloya tried to go deeper into the mental power again.

But this time it failed.

As his mental power went deeper, the resistance from inside became stronger and stronger, as if something was resisting.

Even his strength could not go deeper. He was obviously a very thin man, but this crack was like a deep sea trench with no end.

The only thing that could be discovered was that before the mental power was forced to withdraw, a glimpse showed that the man's blood vessels and bones in contact with the crack were being stained with blue light.

These lights were obviously transforming his blood vessels and bones.


Kroya finally found out why he had been feeling weird during the examination.

Magic crystal!

The strange magic power was injecting endless magic power into the man's organs and blood vessels. If one day it could flow through the former's body, this would be a human-shaped magic crystal.

"So these magic powers are gifts for me?"

He understood why Master Olivier gave such a gift. Gentle magic power meant that it could be guided out and used in some way.

It seems that the man's magic power in this crack is close to the magic power stored in his previous magic pool.

Converted into magic crystals, it is estimated that there are two or three hundred pieces of magic power.

In this way, it is indeed a good gift.

Then... why?

Is it because of this magic-forbidden iron? It is unlikely.

At that time, the great wizard of the Mage Association and the bishop of the church had not figured out how to deal with it, but a young master of the Northern Territory Walker figured it out?

If he really has this ability, he will report it to the Mage Association or the Church and get a large reward immediately.

Kloya muttered to himself: "Is it because of the special person?"

He stared at the cage and began to release the person in the cage.

As the chains were untied one by one, the scars on the man's back did not change at all, and they still kept flowing gently.

Obviously, this situation has nothing to do with the magic-forbidden iron.


After the last chain was untied, the man opened his eyes almost immediately and shrank to the corner of the cage vigilantly.

A ray of magic light gathered in his palm, just like an instinctive spell.

Based on the composition of magic, Kloya deduced that it should be a first-level...fireball spell.

Well...using fireball spell in front of him.

"Don't struggle."

Kloya looked at him: "You have been given to me as a gift. You should work hard to prove your worth now.

Otherwise, you can only be regarded as a human-shaped magic crystal."

The mage in blue robes had a calm expression, and his words seemed to be objective facts. The man who had been a fire ring maker in the Stardust Circus for a long time immediately recognized the reality.

But he did not disperse the magic light in his hand.

"My brothers and sisters are all dead, mage... If I die too, the magic in my body will definitely riot.

You can't get it... um!"

Before the man finished speaking, two magic light contracts of different colors fell on his wrist.

The moment it fell, it unfolded into a tiny magic circle.

They pinned the man's magic power nodes accurately, easily cutting off his thoughts of casting magic.

This is the "magic locking array".

But after it was used on Anshen Suzuran, it underwent some minor changes, and after Croya learned it thoroughly, it became like this.

Now it can be said to be a kind of magic: through the use of magic, it becomes a special magic that temporarily cuts off the operation of magic nodes.

For the mage, this is simply a means of urging someone to die - if you think about it, you will know what will happen if the magic power is suddenly cut off while casting a spell.

The man felt the changes in his body, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The magic power that he could mobilize at will seemed to be blocked by a dam and was completely unable to be mobilized.

This... what level is this mage at?

Could it be that he is a magician of level 4 or above?

Croya slowly closed his fingers and said with a smile: "Friend, don't try to do some irrational behavior."

"Since you are already like this, why not tell me the details in order to satisfy my curiosity.

That young master Olivier promised to give me more people like you. Don’t you want to meet your friends?

Oh, by the way, look who this is? "

The mage said, pointing in the direction of the door. The man looked along his finger, and an expression of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

"Little snake!"

He exclaimed: "Are you still alive?"

What emerged from the crack in the door was a white feathered snake that was shrouded in clouds and mist and seemed a little sleepy.

"Don't scream so loud!"

It pretended to glare at the man with dissatisfaction, but in fact its pupils were overflowing with joy.

When one person and one snake meet, they are both filled with joy.

To put it bluntly, their relationship is actually very good - one person is making the fire ring, and the other is responsible for drilling the fire ring.

The man couldn't help but wipe his eyes.

"Aren't I glad, my friend, that you are still alive! I thought I would never see you again!"

"You don't even know what I went through there... They used my body for research, drew blood, inserted various tubes, and even used monsters to eat my flesh and blood."

Now he doesn't look as cold and hard as before, ready to blow himself up if he doesn't agree with him. He talks like a chatterbox.

Although Huan Ling Yun Snake looked impatient, he was actually listening attentively and nodding from time to time to express concern.

Croya, who was watching all this, narrowed his eyes and actually felt the joy and gratitude from the man.

He did not accept these voices for the time being, but gave Huan Ling Yun Snake a look, sat down quietly, picked up the coconut water sent by Mu Yaoqu Vine King and took a sip.

The expression is pleasant and indifferent.

Huan Ling Yun Snake, who received his eyes, understood immediately.

It flew directly to the table in front of Croya and said to the man: "Mir, this is my current master, he is a generous and kind mage.

If you have anything, tell him everything.

He is the only one willing to help you now! "

The man called "Mir" looked at Croya, sighed slightly and chose to believe his old friend.

“This is still because of Brother Nora.”

"Nora?" The Phantom Feathered Serpent seemed to realize something.

"Yes." Mir recalled and said: "Didn't Brother Nora use his magic power to perform a large-scale spirit walking for us?"

“I had already escaped, but I was still captured by the men of the young master of the Duke of Tevey.

Instead of sending me back to the circus, he sent several mages to study the magic cracks in my body that had stabilized inexplicably.

But ultimately nothing came of it, he lost interest in me, and I was given as a gift.

Before I left, I vaguely heard the young master sigh and say that unless I had extremely stable magic control ability and special separation methods, it would be impossible to extract the magic power from my body. "

At this point, he paused, scratched his hair and said, "I suspect that the changes in my body may be related to walking in the spiritual realm.

It was after I escaped from that state that the magic power in my body stabilized, but it was also eroding my body at a deeper level. "

It seemed that he really trusted his feathered snake friend and told everything, even his guesses.

You know, this guess may be the truth - Croya thought thoughtfully.

It seems that it was his sunflower seeds that made the young master think that he should have special means of cultivating magic power, so he sent them over.

As for this "spirit walking".

To put it bluntly, it means entering the so-called "spiritual realm" within a sustained period, and its physical form will undergo some changes.

Under such changes, it would make sense for the magic rift to produce unknown changes.

"After I learn it, I can try it on him." Croya thought.

That kind of magic is a third-level magic, and it is a third-level magic that is close to the fourth level. He doesn't even have spells or spell models now.

This matter can be put aside for now.

What he wants to try now is...


Croya looked at him and said directly: "Are you willing to accept an experiment from me? I will plant a magic plant into your cleft.

Maybe, you can see something. "

Since mental power cannot invade, and he does not plan to use dissection, he will consider letting the magic plant in, and then he will check the condition of the magic plant through the astral body.

Maybe you'll find something.

It's better than just using him as a magic crystal now.

Thanks to Forgotten Clove, Tongtian Ant, Juechen Wangying, Buyu Zhengfeng, Passerby, Xing, Zhuojiuzuiwuming, awdsxqe, Wailing and Humanity, Fuhei Shengji, asrsdfa1, Book Friend 20170927233505379, Book Friend 20190806154832626, Time and Space Workers for their monthly tickets and the recommendation tickets from all the big guys.

Thank you!

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