I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 112 112 I give light, you give me magic

Chapter 112 112. I give light, you give me magic

The imprinting of the night-shining grass is the most daring attempt that Cloya has made so far.

Cloya wanted to use the magic of "broken limb splicing", which is unique to the light alchemy, to directly graft the night-shining grass onto the energy storage tree.

He thought so and did so.

Because he had been planning for many days, he had already studied this magic thoroughly.

So the process of imprinting this magic went smoothly——

[Imprinting successful, night-shining grass·roots (broken limb splicing)]

[When this magic plant is in an injured state, it can be spliced ​​with another life within a certain range. ]

[This effect can only be triggered once in a lifetime. ]

[The level of this magic plant and the spliced ​​magic plant cannot be greatly different. ]

There is an extremely weak small magic pattern composed of sacred power on the surface of the successfully imprinted night-shining grass roots, which is emitting brilliance.

"It succeeded in one go." Cloya exhaled softly.

"The next step is the actual test."

He took a knife and cut the root of the night-light grass, and then placed it directly on a branch of the energy storage tree.

Because the root was cut, its magic power quickly lost, so its roots instinctively wrapped around the branches of the energy storage tree, trying to take root deeply.

Soon, it succeeded.

The roots of the night-light grass quickly penetrated into the branches of the energy storage tree, and the halo emitted by the pale white leaves became soft and stable again.

And it was obvious: brighter than before.

Cloya looked at it and really didn't expect that this experiment would succeed so quickly in one go.

"It's not right, what about the rejection reaction?"

"It always feels wrong."

He shook his head strangely, and after starting the astral body imprinting technique to check, the roots of the night-light grass had indeed combined with the branch of the energy storage tree.

The two astral bodies with obviously different structures have a tendency to merge into one.

But this process is obviously very difficult - although the roots of the night-shining grass have gained the ability to splice with another kind of life, to truly complete the splicing...

It is very difficult, it can only be said to be very difficult.

Because only it has this intention, the other party has no idea of ​​merging with this "outsider".

Not to mention that for the energy storage tree, this weak guy who suddenly came has to absorb its magic power!

What is the energy storage tree? The magic power it stores is like entering a locked safe, it will not come out easily.

But what about the night-shining grass?

It will be very eager to absorb this huge amount of magic power to help itself evolve and release bright light.

It can be said that the two are born to be opposite.

It's just because the night-shining grass is very tenaciously inserting its roots into the branches of the energy storage tree, absorbing the latter's magic power.

To be honest, the current situation is more like the night-shining grass unilaterally parasitizing on the energy storage tree, not like grafting.

He can even feel the resistance, disgust, and irritability emitted by the energy storage tree.

It was so clear.

So much so that the whole tree was resisting the existence of the night-shining grass.


He hesitated for a moment and felt that he needed to think of other ways.

Now this situation is obviously not possible.

Although the magic of splicing broken limbs can allow two different magic plants to have the ability to combine, it is just an ability.

Compared with ordinary plants, magic plants have stronger self-awareness and spirituality. They can really control themselves and have the idea of ​​resistance.

If they resist each other, there is naturally no fusion.

In this regard, it is very different from ordinary plants.

"Then how did the knight connect the demon's arm at that time?" Kloya was very confused.

He waved his hand to take out "Miracle of Light" and planned to read the story again to see if there was anything missing.

It stands to reason that even if a demon has only one arm or leg left, it should have some self-awareness.

How did the knight make the demon's arms and legs not reject him?

Was it simply because the power of "God" erased the consciousness in these arms and legs?

Does he also need to use this method to erase the consciousness of the energy storage tree and leave only the consciousness of the night-shining grass?

He instinctively resisted doing this.

Because doing so may have some unknown effects, and there is a high probability that it will be a negative effect.

"But if there is no other way."

He sighed deeply and began to read the story titled "The Power of God: Demons and Knights" carefully.

After reading this time, he found that he did miss something. The arms and legs of the demon did have self-awareness all the time.

The knight can even use the demon consciousness inside to perform some special combat skills that humans cannot learn.

In the final analysis, the reason why the demon consciousness accepted the knight in this way is that it wants to get help from God and wants to avenge its "demon brothers".

In other words, it is not grafted.

"It is a mutually beneficial relationship."

He thought: "Grafting is the same. Combining the advantages of two plants can give birth to new branches or grass leaves and flowers."

Kloya felt that he should have found the direction.

What we need to do now is not the unilateral "parasitism" of a certain magic plant, but "symbiosis" and "evolution".

For the energy storage tree, the night-light grass is of no benefit to it, so it will certainly resist.

Then let it feel the benefits that the night-light grass can give.

Thinking of this, Cloya began to think about what kind of magic to engrave on the night-light grass, and this magic needs to be beneficial to the energy storage tree.

What does the energy storage tree need most?

Magic power, pure magic power.

The purer the magic power, the better for the energy storage tree.

"Then if you have the function of purifying and cleansing magic power, it will be fine."

Cloya stared at the night-light grass and began to transfer his consciousness into it through the music of magic power.

He was instilling a concept of mutual benefit and symbiosis in the two magic plants-the night-light grass needs to have its own abilities, and the energy storage tree can provide the magic power needed for the night-light grass.

Since he had used this method before, he was very familiar with it this time, and it took effect quickly.

Both the night-shining grass and the energy storage tree quickly came to their senses——


"Magic power..."

Their voices came almost at the same time, but the latter's voice was obviously helpless.

Obviously, it was helpless against this little grass that could not be killed or driven away.

"That's good."

Kloya narrowed his eyes and looked at the night-shining grass.

After thinking for a moment, he chose to engrave a special "magic purification" from the elf magic on its body.

This kind of magic is actually very useless.

Because it is very difficult to purify magic power itself, otherwise the price of magic crystals would not be so different.

In addition, during this period, this magic needs to be running all the time, which requires extremely long and hard work, not to mention the loss of magic power.

Purifying a magic crystal requires the magic power of three to four magic crystals.

When the benefits are not proportional to the efforts, even the magic that looks good and can purify magic power will become embarrassing.

But if it is used on the night-shining grass, it may be okay.

This guy's will is really strong, and he can definitely maintain the state of casting this kind of magic.

The most important thing is that it itself has no desire for magic, or its only purpose of desire for magic is to shine.

The night-shining grass itself is not so thirsty for magic.

The energy storage tree is just the opposite.

The two complement each other, maybe it's really possible.

"The roots have been engraved, so let's change to leaves this time."

Kloya immediately began to engrave the night-shining grass. This time it was not as smooth as splicing the broken limbs, but it was not slow.

Five or six minutes later, a small magic pattern mark appeared on its leaves, flowing continuously.

Like an eye and a vortex.

[Engraving successful, night-shining grass·leaf (magic purification)]

[This magic plant will continue to purify the magic it absorbs, and then spread it out continuously. ]

[The current purification limit and magic purification speed are: Level 1 magic crystal/week. ]

[This magic plant is extremely eager to emit magic light. As the magic plant grows, it will continue to improve this spell model. 】

"Oh? Another one that can complete the spell model has appeared." Kloya nodded.

After imprinting the night-light grass, he imprinted a [Broken Limb Splicing] on the energy storage tree, so that it can ensure that it can accept the night-light grass.

After such a busy time, the night-light grass can now purify the magic power while absorbing it.

Although the amount is negligible, the energy storage tree really feels this situation, so it is not so resistant, but actively transmits magic power to the night-light grass.

The latter's light is getting brighter and brighter.

At this time, the prompt came again--

[Under the effects of "Broken Limb Splicing" and "Magic Purification", the shapes of the night-light grass and the energy storage tree have changed a little, and the imprinted spell will also change. 】

[The current spell imprinted by the night-light grass and the energy storage tree has changed to: I give light, you give me magic]

[The night-light grass can return the magic power to the energy storage tree after purification, and the energy storage tree will use its own magic power to continuously supply energy to the night-light grass. 】

【This magic imprint is an exclusive effect. 】

Kloya was amazed: "This seems to be the second exclusive effect, why is it exclusive?

And this name always feels... a bit religious.

Is it because of the magic of light?"

He was curious and a little worried at the same time. If it is an exclusive imprint, it will be very difficult to reproduce it.

A single plant still feels a little insufficient.

Just when he felt worried, the four-leaf clover placed on the windowsill next to him, quietly staying there, suddenly emitted a glow.

A portal was formed in the glow.


The portal slowly opened.

Thanks to Qing|Xiu, Cave 2020011818, Xuanyuanliu, Huanmeng_eC, Taishangtong, Dream Crystal Palace, Momeng, gge1, Konggu Youhuan, Fangwaizhiren007, Jiawukong, Shuyou 20230212160850800 for their monthly tickets and your recommendation votes.

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