I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 113 113 Beware of the Snowstorm

Chapter 113 113. Beware of wind and snow

What came out of the portal filled with light was, as expected, the angel resting on the mushroom.

His wings did not flap, as if they were moving in front of the luminous grass that was growing on the energy storage tree and quietly releasing its brilliance.

"The miracle of life, the splicing of severed limbs, ah! The power inherited from Tidnovos is amazing!"

The voice of the angel is still a neutral voice that cannot be distinguished between male and female.

He stretched out his fingers and lightly touched the night-blooming grass, as if stroking it, and immediately golden light flowed on the latter's leaves.

Then, He said in a tone of praise: “You walk alone on the path of light, and the path is narrow.

You must lead your people.

Let them walk on this road with you. "

Croya blinked. This angel seemed to be performing a very subtle spirit-talking technique.

It's just that this kind of power is still too reluctant for him now. He can only vaguely notice it, and he will get a headache if he thinks about it.

He was very jealous.

This kind of magic is too special, and he really wants to learn it.

With the help of the spirit-telling technique, a consciousness seems to be emerging in Luminous Grass's body - different from the consciousness that was vaguely felt before, it is really about to give birth to a consciousness similar to the spirit of the elves.

At the same time, the connection between Luminous Grass and the energy storage tree became closer, and even the energy storage tree seemed to be infected by this power, supplying more magic power.

After the angel blessed the night-blooming grass like this, he looked at Croya and walked towards him.

This time it was still a gentle kiss on Croya's forehead.

"Friend, be careful of the wind and snow, I wish you peace."

Along with this sound, more sacred power poured into Croya's body, almost equivalent to the magic power in a second-level mage's cyclone.

After giving the magic power and this warning, He disappeared.

Not a single word more was said.

Only Croya's expression gradually became serious.

Beware of wind and snow.

What does this mean?

He looked up at the sky. The sky was still clear and bright, and the stars were clearly visible.

Calculating the time, it is already September in autumn. However, Hanhai County is close to the sea and the four seasons are not very distinct. The temperature during the day can still soar to 30 or 40 degrees.

If you say be careful of wind and snow in this kind of weather...

"Is there a change in the weather?"

Croya sighed deeply. If this was the case, he would need to consider the construction of the island.

There seems to have been no particularly cold winter in the past.

If extreme weather like the previous storm really comes, it will be really troublesome.

And he didn't know why, but when facing this angel, he couldn't feel even the slightest breath of life.

The other party is like a programmed golem or robot - when it senses something, it comes and gives some rewards, that's all.

The reminder just now is a bit like a weather forecast...

Another thing that may be somewhat important is the name He just mentioned.


Croya thought about the name mentioned by the angel just now and decided to pay a little more attention and ask the baron tomorrow morning.

Now it's time to rest.

Early next morning.

After solving the problem of night-blooming grass and having a peaceful sleep, Croya was awakened by the Obsidian Curved Vine King.

Before falling asleep, Croya told him: If the Baron and Sesu planned to leave, they would inform him directly.

As expected, the two of them were eager to leave early in the morning - Hanjiao Island was very nice, but they always felt that their stay was not very peaceful.

So I came to say goodbye to Croya early in the morning.

Croya also received them and arranged a sumptuous breakfast - Poseidon barley bread and coconut soup.

The Baron and Sesu were of course flattered.

They didn't expect to be entertained by Cloya - of course there were only Cloya and the Baron at the main table, and Sesu ate in another place.

During the meal, Cloya and the Baron chatted about some things casually, but there was no rule about not talking during the meal.

Mainly Croya was asking about the ruins he was about to go to and provided him with some advice from a magician's perspective.

After all, Croya was really looking forward to getting the Gopher Wood.

Although the Baron has investigated some things, some things are really only spread among magicians. It is difficult for people outside of magicians to know the knowledge recorded in these gossips and books.

"Thank you very much." The Baron expressed his gratitude to Croya: "I have benefited a lot from your knowledge."

"You're welcome, we are a cooperative relationship after all." Croya waved his hand.

She picked up the light gray rock goat milk and took a sip, then asked as if it was accidental: "Tidnovos, Mr. Baron, have you ever heard of this name."

The baron thought for a moment and said in surprise: "This seems to be a goddess that our ancestors once mentioned."

After answering, he lowered his voice and warned: "The current Holy See does not allow the names of these old gods to appear. Master Mage, please be careful!"

"Yes." Croya nodded calmly: "I saw this name in your book."


The baron fell silent.

He sighed and said helplessly: "That is a book from the past after all. I heard from my ancestors that this book of Miracles of Light was actually compiled by the former goddess of life.

A long time ago, the goddess would come to the world and help the Holy See do many, many things. "

"Oh? Is there anything else?" Croya asked tentatively: "For example, are there any special mythical creatures?"

"..." The Baron shook his head in distress: "It's been too long ago, and I only remember a story told by my ancestors.

It seems that in order to punish sinners, the goddess of life created an artifact called the Salt Pile. Anyone hit by it will turn into a block of salt. "

Haven't you ever mentioned the Kong Yao Ark?

Croya was slightly disappointed, but he didn't ask again.

After talking for a while, the baron stood up to say goodbye and left Hanjiao Island.

After seeing him off, Croya said a few more words to Sesu and told him to take the sunflower seeds in exchange for some victims.

Of course Sesu agreed with tears of gratitude.

This is an excellent opportunity for him to get involved with the young master of the Northern Territory Walker family and Croya.

Businessmen need a variety of relationships.

With this relationship, he will definitely have more say in the Chamber of Commerce.

He immediately promised: "Don't worry, I will bring you back as soon as possible!"

Croya nodded to this and praised him: "Go ahead, I'm waiting for good news."

The praise from the mage made Sesu even more confident, and he left with the hundred sunflower seeds given by Croya.

After seeing off the outsiders, Croya finished his meal slowly and called Rob over.

"Sir, what are your orders?" Rob asked after saluting.

Croya spoke slowly: "Send someone to count the people on the island and arrange them all in one place. There may be wind and snow in the near future."


Rob's face changed visibly.

Naturally, he would not doubt the accuracy of Croya's news, but was just calculating how to let the residents in these territories survive the snow and cold winter.

There has never been such weather on the island.

Those residents don't even have thick fur clothes. Facing this kind of weather... I'm afraid there will be many casualties.

After a brief calculation, he plucked up the courage to ask: "Sir, do you have any plans?"

"Of course." Croya picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth: "Have they found the sea stone flower?"

"We've found it. According to statistics, it should be about two thousand kilograms."

Croya made it clear: "I will go see it in ten minutes. By the way, I will allow the person who finds the most sea stone flowers to make a wish to me."

At this point, Rob already understood what Croya meant, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Master Croya is actually quite kind."

If it were other nobles, they would definitely not use this roundabout method to provide shelter for the peasant servants and free people below.

"I'll go!"

He nodded immediately and went to prepare.

Croya was left sitting in the restaurant, thinking carefully about how to prepare.

In a world with magic, there are actually too many ways to deal with wind and snow. Any magic circle can ensure that the environment within a certain range is as warm as spring.

Even if you don't rely on magic, you can deal with the cold caused by wind and snow by using methods such as floor heating or a Kang bed.

He prefers a combination of the latter and the former.

Floor heating is a very simple method. The only problem is energy. It would be too exaggerated to use magic power to supply it.

Now he is not at the point where he can squander his magic power casually.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something.


"Hmm...it doesn't seem impossible."

"So, can we use this method?"

Croya thought and waved, and immediately a piece of soil twisted and deformed in front of him, and it was quickly built like building blocks.

This is a model of a house, but inside the house there are many protrusions extending out in the shape of branches.

Those are the magic patterns that convert fire magic into heat. It only takes a little magic to convert a lot of heat.

Definitely enough for everyday use.

"It seems feasible."

I stared at the house for a while, imagining and perfecting it in my mind.

Finally, he nodded and decided: "Let's do this, and try my latest magic field method."

"Let's draw energy from underwater volcanoes."

"Ether moss is the best battery. They can absorb magic power. Even the magic power from the seabed is completely feasible."

He stood up and walked around. The more he thought about it, the more he thought this method was good.

Today's air coral base is large enough, and it also touches the volcanic area on the seabed, which contains sufficient fire magic power.

Moreover, the blue sheep and black-feathered chickens in the air coral base need people to milk and collect eggs for processing.

It's indeed time to send someone in.

Let them take care of the underwater pasture and act as magic transporters.

In this way, let them obtain the magic power of fire themselves, and then supply heat to the house through their own labor.

He only needs to establish a prototype and establish a merit system with more rewards for more work to maximize their enthusiasm.

It not only gave them a broad road, but also provided magic power for themselves.

"Kill two birds with one stone!"

But before that,

he still needs to go there in person to minimize the danger - the newly improved magic field method should be used in such an environment.

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