I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 114 114 Flower Trees Under the Sea

Chapter 114 114. Flower trees on the seabed


Air coral base.

At this time, the scope of the air coral base was expanding at an exaggerated speed. Almost every minute and every second, bubbles could be seen expanding into the sea water.

Even Kroya couldn't help but sigh when he saw it.

"It's like a brand new map every time I come here."

"But such a fast speed... is the magic advanced?"

He was a little curious, so he carefully checked all the air corals again.

But unfortunately, he didn't see any evolution or change in the spell engraving. It was still the bubble spell engraved at the beginning.

This made him feel a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

Perhaps it hasn't achieved a qualitative change yet.

He walked straight to the north of the air coral base-the further you go down here, the steeper it will be, and it is a slope that is almost curved at 90 degrees.

Finally, you will come to a deep trench, and the bubbles formed by the air coral will stop here and no longer move forward.

Because further ahead is the trench and the crimson lava that can be vaguely seen erupting continuously, occasionally flashing in the dark trench, like a demon's eye that suddenly lights up.

The magic of the ocean seems extremely violent here.

The water magic and the fire magic collide with each other, eventually forming a violent turbulence.

Not many fish come here, only some fish that like fire magic very much, such as the radix fish, will swim here.

Whether it is a magic plant or a magic beast that can live in such an environment, it must be very extraordinary.

"Is this the power of heaven and earth?" Kroya stood quietly in the air coral bubble, looking at the occasional red light in the distance.

To be honest, it's really a bit scary.

"But is the bubble of this air coral so stable in the face of such an environment?"

He touched the bubble with his finger in confusion, and felt that it was quite tough. Even in the face of the violent magic in the distance, it still stayed here quietly and motionless.

Inside, there is a clear flow of fire attribute magic.


"Perhaps, you are the greatest masterpiece I have created."

Kloya had to admit that the air corals were beyond his imagination.

They seemed like sophisticated instruments that analyzed magic, constantly adapting to the surrounding environment and changing according to the different magic in the environment.

Always keeping the bubbles in the most perfect state.

It was like a part of the natural changes on the seabed, not an outsider on the seabed.

"If you continue to develop, you may really bring me a surprise."

After observing for a while, Kloya left the bubble and swam directly towards the distant submarine volcano with the shield on his head.

As the distance got closer, the surrounding fire magic became more and more violent, and even began to impact his magic shield.

But Kloya remained calm, mobilized all his magic, and used the mermaid song to let the ocean help him.

If it were other mages, it would never be as easy as him.

In this way, he gradually approached the magma flowing on the seabed and the edge of the deep seabed fissure.

When he reached this position, the surrounding fire magic was already extremely violent.

Bright magma was bubbling not far away.

Each bubble was filled with destructive fire magic.

In such violent magic, the magic shield surrounding Cloya was like a ball, as if it would be hit and blown away in the next second.

"Can't hold on for too long, we must fight quickly."

He took a deep breath and took out the crystal bottle containing the ether moss from the shell magic weapon.

"Pah~" The cork was pulled out by him.

The ether moss immersed in the bottom of the crystal bottle felt the magic around it, and it was already extremely hungry and suddenly became energetic.

An invisible wave spread out with it as the center.

However, due to the existence of the Star Crystal Bottle, it can only transmit power through the narrow bottle mouth, which is at most one centimeter.

The power transmission is extremely difficult.

But even so, the effect is still outstanding:

The surrounding fire magic is like being attracted by something, gathering here at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a tentacle growing out of the magma.

Cloya kept staring at it.

After seeing this situation, he decisively threw out six magic crystals and carved a hexagonal magic array pattern on the flat rock on the seabed.

This magic array is actually a very simple magic array that allows the same magic to communicate with each other, but it can only be used for magic with almost the same magic structure.

Then he placed the Star Crystal Bottle in the center of the magic array, letting the rock sink and just catch it.

"Let's get started."

He immediately activated the magic field method, and six intertwined crystal branches grew out of the magic array with six magic crystals as the base.

It began to grow at a very fast speed, following Kroya's consciousness, extending towards the air coral base above.

If it were only six first-level magic crystals, the roots of the magic field would definitely not be able to extend too long, but now it is different.

In order to absorb magic power, the ether magic moss surrounded by the magic field roots is constantly attracting the surrounding fire magic power.

However, because it is locked in the Star Crystal Bottle, the magic power it can absorb can be said to be negligible. All the excess magic power was absorbed by the magic crystal of the Magic Field Method, helping the branches to extend.

It just so happens that the etheric magic moss can capture a little bit of magic power to maintain its activities, so it is more eager to absorb more magic power.

In this way, the magic power will eventually flow along the branches created by the magic field method towards the air coral base.

"I am indeed a genius. This semi-natural formation is much more effective than any magic gathering formation."

"It should be done like this."

Kloya nodded with satisfaction.

Just in case, he carefully observed here for a while.

Finally, after confirming that it was running according to his own ideas, he continued to arrange more magic formations around to prevent fish from crashing in.

About ten minutes later, he got up and left.

He swam back to the air coral base and began to wrap the branches created by the magic field method that extended over with his own magic power, and successfully led them into the bubble.

The air corals seemed very dissatisfied with having such foreign objects stuck in their precious bubbles. It was only after Kloya comforted them that they calmed down.

At this moment, Kloya's plan has been completed by more than half.

The only thing left is how to take the magic power out of the branches of the Magic Field Method.

To be honest, there is a very simple way.

However, in order to make it a little difficult for people who come to the bottom of the sea to "mine" magic power, he decided to use a troublesome method.

Magic Field Moss.

It is the elemental magic plant found on the magic tree underground at that time.

According to Cloya's experiment, these mosses also have the ability to absorb magic power. After absorbing magic power, they will grow small flowers in the shape of hexagrams.

The petals of the small flowers are pure magic power.

Perhaps the great wizard Eurydice on this island at that time also used this method, but he didn't know what he did with this magic flower.

Because these magic field mosses... can only absorb the magic power inside the branches created by the Magic Field Method. In other cases, even if they are placed directly on the magic crystal, they will not eat or drink.

It's like a derivative creation unique to the Magic Field Method.

"Well, it's really pretty."

He watched the moss he sprinkled immediately cling to the branches, and then almost immediately grew small dark red hexagram-shaped flowers.

Such small flowers bloomed in all places where the moss was sprinkled.

It was just like a blooming flower tree, blooming alone in the deep sea.

The reason they bloomed so quickly was that the magic power in the branches was extremely abundant.

For elemental magic plants, as long as there is enough magic power, they can grow quite quickly.

After they grew small flowers, Cloya tried to pick them-picking them needs to be very careful, and the roots between the branches and moss cannot be damaged.

Because this kind of magic plant has a certain characteristic that is a bit like leeks, it cannot be uprooted and can be cut again and again.

This characteristic is the test that Cloya arranged for flower pickers-how good the appearance is, it means whether you pick it carefully.

Of course, the rewards you get will be different.

So far, his plan has been completed.

Leaving here with satisfaction.


When Cloya left the seabed.

At the seaside of Hanjiao Island, next to the reservoir.

People have gathered here. Unlike when they were first assigned to the mission, they all have some joy and expectation on their faces.

Because...they have completed the mission!

The next step is to get the reward from the Lord of Hanjiao Island, the great wizard!

The happiest person among them is undoubtedly Elena's brother - he was working hard to find sea stone flowers at that time. In addition to training and duty, he would go to the sea to find them.

So when Cloya signaled Robert to find someone to make a wish, he was of course directly selected and stood at the front of the crowd, behind Robert.

Other people looked at him expectantly.

Some people couldn't help but shout, "You are so lucky!"

"Your father will be so happy to go to the tavern a few more times if he can get the reward from the master wizard himself?"

"Hahaha, I never thought we could see the lord give out rewards!"

Rob and the knights nearby had no intention of letting them calm down, or they were just being so indulgent.

Let Cloya be happy!

Semier, who was teased by everyone, was not so happy, or he was actually quite uneasy.

Because Rob had hinted to him before that he should make a wish.

He was smart and realized what might happen in the future almost immediately.

The burden and responsibility of making a wish to Cloya fell on him, and he was really worried whether he could do it well.

He clenched his fists and became more and more uneasy.

This uneasiness lasted until a figure flew in the sky and landed lightly on the ground.

There was no room for retreat.


Cloya is here.

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