I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 115 115 The traces of crows

Chapter 115 115. The trace of the crow

Kloya fell with the help of the feather of the wind spirit.

He took a look at the pile of sea stone flowers next to him and waved his hand. Immediately, three pairs of wizard hands began to move them and put them into the reservoir for planting.

Regarding the construction of the freshwater filtration reservoir, Kloya had already had a perfect idea, and now it was just a matter of practice.

While controlling the wizard's hand, Kloya added magic to his voice and said loudly: "I am very satisfied with your results, just like I promised you.

I will build a freshwater reservoir.

You can use the fresh water in it at will."

As he said, he glanced at Robert.

The latter immediately understood.

Respectfully said: "Master Mage, Semir has collected 700 kilograms of sea stone flowers this time, and he deserves the first place!"

As he said, he gently pushed Semir.

Semir staggered a little, mustered up his courage, looked at Cloya, and knelt down: "My Lord!"

"Don't be nervous." Cloya smiled slightly: "You have perfectly completed the task I issued.

You dived into the seabed for several dark nights, regardless of the hard work. The sea and the fish recorded your efforts and told me."

"You deserve a reward."

"Tell me, any wish, this is your reward."

The words of the wizard immediately caused everyone's amazement and disbelief-a wish?

A wish promised by an extremely powerful wizard!

Their emotions were immediately mobilized-expectation, desire, surprise, joy, jealousy...

Various emotional sounds emerged one after another.

Although the music was different, they resonated with each other and could play a piece of music together, a piece of music called...human emotions.

Cloya, who listened quietly and felt the music, seemed to have realized something, and the fog covering the second chapter was removed a little bit.

You can barely see its name: Symphony.

‘Symphony? Just a symphony?’ Kloya was a little confused.

It stands to reason that the previous ones, whether it is Red Duplication, Serenade of Tranquility, or Orange Anthem, all have prefixes in front.

Only this one is directly called Symphony.

Is it true that the simpler the name, the more special it is?

Kloya instinctively felt that this thing might not be as simple as imagined, but he really couldn’t read and learn it now, so he had to give up.

However, it also proved that it is indeed useful.

He had not thought about how to develop the territory, but he suddenly had an idea-does he need to recruit more people?

To be honest, this idea is actually a bit difficult.

Any lord with a brain must know the importance of population, unless he buys slaves in large quantities from merchants who specialize in selling slaves.

It is really difficult to start with these lords around him.

‘Then let’s find slave traders. ’

As the territory gradually develops, there must be things that need people to do, and there is no harm in having a large population.

After he made this decision, he looked at Semir in front of him.

Only a short minute had passed.

The latter seemed to have thought carefully before praying: "Master Mage, can you teach us to build a house?

It can shelter us from the wind and rain, and we don't have to endure the heat of summer and the cold of winter."

When he made this wish, the emotions of the people present were almost uniformly shocked-Semiel didn't make a wish for himself?

Is Semiel praying for knowledge and gifts from the lord for us?

They were immediately very moved.

After sensing these emotions, Kroya nodded gently: "Yes."

"If this is your wish."

He gathered his magic power and stepped lightly on the ground.

The white sand on the surrounding beaches gathered together, as if invisible hands were holding building blocks, and soon formed a house, which was a very ordinary bungalow.

A very typical European-style cottage, two stories high, surrounded by a fence.

If it were placed in some simulation business games, it would probably be a basic building that can be unlocked without spending money, and it would be very ordinary.

But for these people who built houses with stones and thatch, when have they ever seen such a neat house?

Especially the white sand wall makes the house look very clean.

Just a simple color can make the house look particularly fresh and refined, making people unable to take their eyes away.

They fell in love with this house almost immediately.

Kloya pointed to the house: "I promise you that when it is built, as long as you work hard, you will not feel hot in summer and cold in winter.

You can get drinkable water anytime and anywhere, and you can also wash away the fatigue of the day when you return home at night and fall asleep in an absolutely safe and comfortable environment."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's emotions immediately became agitated and fanatical-it sounds very simple, but... Isn't such a simple and happy day what everyone of them expects?

"Thank you, Lord!"

As Semir knelt again, the people followed suit.

But this time Kloya felt a little uncomfortable, and it was that familiar feeling again, similar to the feeling of faith and prayer.

This music would disrupt his magic and even put him in chains, forcing him to respond just for the sake of responding.

"This is the wish he made to me."

Kloya glanced at the crowd and said in a serious tone: "I am not a god, and I will not give grace and miracles at will.

He was able to make a wish to me because of his own efforts.

You are the same.

No matter who it is, as long as they can complete my task and make a satisfactory result for me, I will give them a reward."

This time he even used magic power, and his voice echoed in everyone's ears, as if it was engraved into their minds.

He didn't want the people in the territory to worship him as a god. Relying on higher-level miracles will only make them more and more lazy and unenterprising, just like the story of the Sky Ark they had seen before.

What Kloya wants to get from it now is only knowledge.

Knowledge that can be applied at will and magic plants that can be combined.


When Kloya said this.

The bottom of the lake.

The mushroom in the center, surrounded by the praying fireflies, trembled slightly.

A platinum-colored circular shadow appeared on the mushroom.

The halo circulated above it, and those radiances were particles of circles and squares, interweaving and converging.

In the end, it vaguely formed an extremely dazzling floating city, with various high-rise buildings, gardens, oceans and grasslands...

Almost all landforms were in it.

Although it was just a very vague shadow, it was possible to see the beauty and artistry of those buildings, which were so beautiful that it didn't seem like a miracle city that should appear in the mortal world.

It was supported by the radiance emitted by the platinum ring, which was more dazzling than the kingdom of God.

The angel was awakened by the movement of the platinum ring.

He danced around the city in confusion, just like the fireflies dancing around the ring.

This situation lasted for about ten minutes.

Strangely, neither Kabamon nor the Wood Yao Qu Teng King who stayed here to guard this place found anything unusual.

As time passed, the ring gradually dimmed.

It was like a giant who was trying his best to drag the city but gradually aged, because of its dimness, the city also dimmed.

A silver veil as hazy as the moonlight seemed to appear on the surface of the city, gently covering this miraculous city.

Only one garden was left, and the various magical plants and flowers in it seemed to be resisting the moonlight, but they were unable to resist it for too long.

Finally, the garden disappeared.

The angel returned to the mushroom, but did not fall asleep immediately. Instead, he stared at the sky as if mumbling:


"A miracle tied to one person."

After saying these two sentences, He fell asleep directly.

All the scenery disappeared, and the bottom of the lake returned to calm again.


On the other side.

Kroya had finished the work on the sea and was taking the lucky few people to the underwater ranch.

He taught them how to pick the magic crystal flower, and told them to take good care of the sheep, chickens, ducks, etc. on the bottom of the sea.

The lucky few naturally nodded like pounding garlic.

This is a great honor!

Although they vaguely heard that the lord had built a ranch on the bottom of the sea, they never thought it would be such a ranch.

Now the total area of ​​the Air Coral Base has reached ten acres. It may not be a particularly large pasture on land, but what about on the seabed?

Rock sheep, black-feathered chickens, and fish-tailed sea ducks strolled comfortably in the green grass, occasionally lowering their heads to nibble on the grass.

In the distance, bright sunlight shone down at intervals, quiet and beautiful.

God knows how shocked they were when they saw this scene, and they even wished they could turn into these sheep, chickens and ducks.

Being a human is not as good as sheep, chickens and ducks!

One of the short middle-aged men who used to be a mercenary looked at this scene and suddenly remembered something.

He walked behind Kloya without hesitation and said respectfully: "Lord, I have something to report to you!"

"Well." Kloya nodded: "Go ahead."

He was in a really good mood today, so he wanted to hear if there was any unexpected surprise.

As a result, this unprepossessing middle-aged man really gave him a surprise!

"Sir, when I went out to sea yesterday, I found a moving island about ten miles north.

It seems that there is the green grass you have here, and there are also crows that you asked me to find!"

Hearing what he said, Kloya suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he had not found the origin of those crows.

It turned out to be on a moving island.

The moving island, the crows, and the possible existence of the pseudo-magic tree and the ancient grass fungus...

These things add up, it seems that I have to go and see them in person.

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