I'm a mage, what's wrong with loving farming?

Chapter 123 123 Ice and Fire Pepper, Pocket Leaves

Chapter 123 123. Ice and Fire Pepper, Pocket Leaves

"Finally I've waited for you!"

Kloya rubbed his hands, eager to try to engrave a new magic.

He came to the front of the burning pepper, reached out and touched the fruit, and felt the raging fire element magic inside.

It seemed that this guy had swallowed too much magic just now, and now he was suddenly stimulated by the cold breath, causing him to urgently need to vent it.

This is really too simple.

Immediately, Kloya thought of a spell - magic shock explosion, which is a third-level magic with a very simple effect, which is to release one's own magic with explosive power.

It is a means of explosion when there is no way out in danger, or a desperate fight.

Because the explosion will consume all of one's own magic, a wizard without magic will really be at the mercy of others.

Generally speaking, no one would do this.

Life is so precious, unless it is desperate, who would make such a choice?

Of course, with such harsh conditions, the power will certainly be very exaggerated.

The magic power of a first-level wizard can be equal to that of a second-level wizard, and the stronger the magic power, the more terrifying it is.

If a legendary wizard casts this spell... it is estimated that the power it causes is much more exaggerated than a nuclear bomb.

"Although it is not a cherry bomb, it is also a hot pepper after all."

He directly began to communicate with this burning pepper and then engraved it.

After a while, the engraving was completed-

[Engraving successful, burning pepper·designated fruit (magic shock explosion)]

[After the current fruit absorbs enough magic energy, it will explode at certain times, and the explosion power is determined by the magic level. ]

[When exploding, the burning pepper will also infuse its pepper seeds into magic power for a second shock explosion. ]

"Oh." Cloya blinked, and suddenly had a bold idea, trying to add a third-level magic storage pocket to it.

This kind of magic allows magicians to store more magic power for a short time.

[Engraving completed, Burning Pepper (magic storage pocket)]

[The current magic plant has "magic shockwave" and "magic storage pocket", and the magic plant's form will change. ]

After the prompt appeared, the leaves and roots of Burning Pepper began to absorb the surrounding icy magic at a speed visible to the naked eye, and injected it into its own fruits.

Due to the crazy injection of magic, it almost became translucent.

It has red magic on the outside, and small light blue pouches can be vaguely seen inside.

The two different magic powers were actually separated by it without any teacher.



He didn't expect it to develop like this. His original intention was just to increase the power of this shockwave, but people directly mixed ice magic and fire magic!

[The current magic plant will have a small magic storage pocket in the fruit, and the fruit and pocket can hold two different magic powers. ]

[Depending on the different magic powers, the explosion power will also change. 】

Just as Cloya was paying attention to the introduction, it quietly gave another reminder - [It's about to explode].

"Wait, you can't explode!"

There are so many magic plants around, if it explodes, it will be a big problem!

Clo immediately picked the fruit in a hurry and threw it straight into the sky.

The magic power that lost the restraint of the mother plant exploded instantly when it just rose to about 200 meters in the air.


It was a huge sound, accompanied by red and blue lights, which was particularly harsh in the silent snowy day. The farmers who were working in the distance were frightened and collapsed to the ground one by one.

When have they seen such a situation?

They even thought that Cloya was angry because of something, and they knelt down on the spot.

But this is not the end. The fiery red magic power and the icy magic power exploded twice after contact, and then the pepper seeds inside exploded three times.

Two loud noises and short sounds like firecrackers resounded in the sky, as if a hole was blown in the surrounding snow and wind.

Kloya, who was silently watching its power, was silent for a while, muttering to himself:

"It's probably just a first-level magician self-destructing... But mages are hard to find, but this thing is inexhaustible!"

If this thing can be mass-produced, it will be an alchemical bomb, and it will have a huge effect no matter where it is used.

Not only in combat, such as opening up rocks and clearing away the threat of weeds and seaweed.

All of them are good application directions.

He stared at the burning pepper with magic engraved on it, and observed it carefully for a while, and found that the magic power in its body did not fluctuate too much.

These magic powers were originally discharged because it was uncomfortable.

In addition, it seemed to be consciously absorbing the cold magic power and gathering it in another fruit with a magic pocket.

Those magic storage pockets can be controlled by it, and the icy magic inside naturally penetrates into its fruit at an extremely slow speed.

Through its astral consciousness, it can be found that it seems to enjoy this process, which allows the icy magic to flow in its body without affecting itself.

As for the fruit? It doesn't seem to care about the fruit.

Kloya asked curiously: "Are you planning to turn yourself into an ice attribute?"

Or, the two properties of ice and fire coexist.

This discovery made him realize that the magic of the magic pocket storage may be more useful than he thought.

He thought about it, first cast a quiet serenade on the people who were kneeling over there to calm them down, and then put his fingers on the burning pepper.

His magic power formed a beautiful movement.

These music wrapped the consciousness and music of the burning pepper enjoying the coexistence of ice magic and fire magic, and then spread to the surroundings.

Cloya did this to see if he could influence the other magic plants through this method, so that they would have this idea. As long as they had the idea, it was time to engrave it.


The music echoed around.

The first one to respond was not the fire magic plants, but... the magic field vines!

Its consciousness came very clearly-

"Please give it to me."

"Magic, two kinds of magic."


This was the first time that Cloya felt the consciousness of the magic field vines so clearly.

He activated the Astral Body Imprinting Technique and looked up at the vines of the Magic Field Grapevine. In his sight, these vines were lush like a net.

They were densely packed, and together with the roots growing under his feet, they formed a huge astral body that was like a net.

This huge and complex astral body was not the first time he had seen it. During the long time it had been here, Kloya wanted to study it thoroughly.

He observed it many times.

"Where should I imprint it?"

This was where he hesitated.

If it was just to simply imprint on the vine leaves... Hmm.

The vines could not be imprinted casually, as they were the channel for it to transmit magic power. The fruit should be possible, but Kloya wanted the fruit to keep pure magic power.

Then the leaves were the only option left.

The problem was, with so many leaves, did he have to imprint them one by one? Could there be a simpler way?

He gathered all his mental power into the astral body imprinting spell and recited it in his heart.


"Just leaves..."

"All leaves!"

Magic usually changes subtly according to the consciousness of the caster.

Kloya doesn't believe that such a strange magic would be rigid and can only be engraved on a single leaf.

Why can't all leaves be engraved at once?

The answer is yes.

[It is detected that you are about to engrave all leaves. ]

[The current Magic Field Grapevine Magic Plant has a total of 1,200 leaves. ]

[Please start engraving. ]

The long-lost magic-like reminder appeared. In Kloya's eyes, the originally complex Magic Field Grapevine Star Spirit Body was left with only leaves and a complete consciousness.

That consciousness should be the consciousness of the Magic Field Grapevine, and it was conveying a message to Kloya: "Through me."

"Cast magic."

Kloya cast a magic storage bag without saying a word. The spell engraving did not fall on the leaves, but gently fell on the consciousness of the Magic Field Grapevine.

Then, the light of the spell engraving composed of his two-color mental power spread.

Through the consciousness of the magic field vines, it was transmitted to all the surrounding leaves, and the leaves were completely engraved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Engraving successful, magic field vines·consciousness·leaves (magic storage pocket)]

[The current magic plant wants to store different magic powers to adapt to and deal with various environments, so it will gradually improve this magic. ]

[The leaves of the current magic plant will be able to accommodate different magic powers and mobilize them when it needs them. ]

[The magic plant's form will change. ]

As the engraving was completed, the magic field vines, which had been resisting the erosion of icy magic in the wind and snow, began to undergo visible changes.

At first, it resisted these icy magic powers in order to protect the magic plants below.

But now it has taken the initiative to absorb these icy magic powers and store them in its own leaves.

Among the leaves that were originally light blue and light gold, some crystal clear blue leaves appeared. They were mixed in the original leaves that exuded magic power, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

Because... their shape became the shape of a pocket.

The shape of the magic storage pocket is similar to a small purse for storing sundries. So, it looks like some purse-shaped fruits appear among the leaves.

Small and exquisite, don't say. Strange, but quite harmonious.

As it took shape, I don't know if it played a leading role, but suddenly four consciousnesses were transmitted at the same time.

And the content is exactly the same-

"We want it too!"

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